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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Be aware that with Targeting Drone you have a "hidden" buildup. If you are out of combat for a few seconds an orange ring appears around the power and you have a damage boost on your first attack. Great time to hit Blizzard.
  2. Old wound. But they nerfed Fury to effectively 85% because edge case Brutes were outdamaging sub par Scrappers. Now they have buffed Tanks and Scrappers have one of the best ATO in the game. I think letting Fury bar go back to 100 is not unreasonable. Also, the +fury on the Brute ATO is easily the worst ATO in the game. Somehow has to be worst, but geez. there should be a floor no one can go below. Most people are on a 1st floor, Scrappers are in Penthouse. Brute ATO is sub basement. Except for the set bonus the thing is a waasted slot
  3. Not just RPers. My MMORPG online persona has morphed drastically from its early CoV days, but I try to be "in character" while I game. I started on Liberty as a redsider. Over 6 months I grew a huge SG/Base. I now realize that most of the "SG members" were really just the crew of redside alts for people on Liberty. I kicked non active and everyone had a TP base. I moved to Freedumb, but after a year+ there I found a crew on Virtue. Brickhouse. It was mostly a hotly active chat channel. Was a great crew. On Homecoming I fell into Cosmic Council during its last hyperactive year (pretty quiet now, except for some stuff Ukase runs and swears he is not leadership/organizing). I recently found Justice Superteamers. They have scheduled activities twice a week, with discord and lots of fun. I keep a lazy eye on Task Force junkies and a couple other channels. It is through these big active groups that I have the most fun (and get the hardest badges!) I have come to like discord. So much faster to learn things. So many puns. I have a great hope that the best days of Supergroups are ahead of them. This will require some type of tuning them to what they actually are in game, and not a shrug and "that is the way the OG Devs made them" attitude however.
  4. My Corr is frankenslotted to +45% range through set bonuses, and another +20% through Intuition Radial Alpha. +65% !!! This is a serious attack chain that is easy to lean into. My AR Blaster rocks +35% range, +55% with alpha.
  5. In Torrent I 2 slot bombardment (acc/dam/rech, acc/dam/end/rech) and 4 slot Overwhelming force including the dam/kb->kd. The build is heavily frankenslotted for +range. Range bonus is +45% pre alpha, +65% with alpha.
  6. My Dark Dark Brute has almost no traditional defense. Of any type. It really depends on on powersets, playstyle, and build philosophy
  7. So…. I am looking at the math on procs. Decent formulas there. If i was not so rusty on calculus i made do some messing with them to find sweet spots. But there are questions, always questions. I tend to go plus range. In the power if possible. Although that is more common on ST that ranged AoE. Then there is +range from set bonuses. I also use Alpha Intuition for +20% range. This adds up. My snipe is a vicious thing and my cones tend to be effective. But…questions. The HC wiki gives the formula for calculating proc chances for cones. The radius is just the standard length of the cone. But it makes no mention of the effect of 1) +range enhancers 2) set bonus +range 3) incarnate alpha +range on the formula. So…. At least one question is answered. The damn formula for cones is useless.
  8. MMs are quite powerful. Two things keep me off them. I am not a fan of pets in general and really not a fan of MM pets. Any customization of pets would work. Dark is my go to. I just do not get necromancy. Where did the two grave knights and a lich cone from? Are we in D&D? A Lich? Do you know about those things? Give me zombies more zombies and a big zombie. Give me zombies, black shadow dogs and the strange spook from Dark Corr. But…. I have to make a backstory for a super. I cant work with that. But anyways MM are very powerful. As I understand it this performance hit the toilet at about TinPex onwards. But the journey through 50 they are quite good.
  9. i might, might, get back on my dark/dark brute if they unscrewed the AT. this would probably involve 1) a slight adjustment in Fury cap. AND changing the Brute ATO+Fury to anything not laughably stupid. This will never happen. Brute is parked.
  10. there is a wiki page that explains this it is not explained how increasing a cones radius +range through enhancers, set bonuses or alphas affects the proc. i use a lot of cones Procs Per Minute - Unofficial Homecoming Wiki
  11. On the bright side you can use what is in the public domain. Its not original, but no problemo. I use Nosferatu. And hey, steamboat willy is now available!
  12. I been driving on the wrong side of the road all week. NOW a cop wants to give me a ticket. Get a load of this guy?
  13. the ability to sort telepoters zone list order, or possibly default to alphabetical order,
  14. This is true and I have slightly adapted my strategy. Not much you can change when the nuke is still PBAoE, but sometimes I can alter things.
  15. This is not a suggestion. It is a discussion. Can i offer you a refreshment?
  16. It should b right at top: ALL Inspiration drops Prestige enhancements etc click in inspiration drops will see disable enable
  17. You are all way too familiar. I will skim a few major things about SGs. These were set up to encourage long term MMORPG relationships. Lets be generous and call it a mixed success. The first issue is alting. The only thing I see to solve this is global channels. The second issue (on "main" or often run/much loved toons) is ONE SG per toon. A) a lot of people want a personal storage base B) Even on characters with no interest in a personal base you are locked into ONE SG C) Grouping on CoH MMORPG is way more organic and fluid than a rigid one SG per toon system wants to enforce Lets discuss possible solutions 1) More than one SG per toon. This is the "gold standard" in my opinion. It addresses 90%+ of all issues identified. What drives me mad about this is that it is literally in so many comic books. a LOT of supers are involved in more than one super team. I mean a LOT. 2) Somehow expanding coalition functionality with more ability to see who/what is going on in coaltion SGs. Downside, locked into only Coalition SG network so still limited. 3) Hybrid SG/Coalition model. Set up and tailored by each character you are involved in "SG chat" for each SG you are interested in, and (preferably) can see if anyone is on in the SG (that is all you need, not details, just on) This would be an invite from an SG member with permissions.
  18. Noooooo it works for ranged cones because the AoE of the cone (which is a degree cone with a “set” footprint) that takes basic +range enhancers and can therefore be increased. It is “enhanceable”. a melee aoe cone does not take +range enhacers and is therefore unenhanceable. a ball (fireball etc) is a specific area aoe that takes +range enhancer but that just enhances how far you can toss your balls. But you cannot makes your balls bigger than what the devs stuck you with.
  19. Whatever you are asking ( sounds like can radius increase?) nooooo the only AoE size that can be increased is cones. By increasing the range, through enhancer +range, set bunuses +range (ex bombardment ) and/or Aloha incarnate abilities +range (ex intuition). This will not increase the target cap, but will give a longer cone. See my AR Blaster and Dark Corruptor builds where I hit some serious +numbers that change the way you run the things. But the builds are very aggressive and if you rely on capped defenses you are going to be in for a rude awakening. These are hit and run builds.
  20. If you eat a lot then you will be much larger., and have a much bigger bu…. oh, nvm. Yeah, buffs? Cannot increase those
  21. i use the 1/4 alignment scale for the small lettering
  22. signage in base entry is easy. but i have deleted huge things in the big room trying to get one little letter placed correctly. aaaaaaarrrrggghhhhh
  23. is this a npc from the base builder i can do this with?
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