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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Something like that. Here is Bill Paxton in hillbilly vamp mode
  2. What “mob” is dead except for a few stragglers? When you are soloing at *1/x1” or when you are running a Team Ms Liberty Master badge run? Because with the limited target dps of a Sentinel I honestly do not see how you keep making this “Sentinels our DPS Blasters” reference Also, the way i run Trapdoor it is pretty much a ST fight. Why is it an AoE burst fight for you???
  3. Enhancements in CoH can be very simple. Or incredibly complex. Your pick. I am currently leveling an AR/Dev. This weekend I finished 15-19 content red, and leveled him to 24. Now I made it very complex. Because his DFB buffs ended at 22. So starting level 20 I did 4 DiB to renew the buffs to 30. Now that trial tops at 20. So as I gained levels (i hit 24 in the last) i tuned my enhancement layout so when i exemplared to 20 my damage was not nerfed below 90% enhancement on any attack. Then i ran a Synapse and a Tarikoss (both top at 20). THEN I rebuilt the toon for level 24 content. I have stopped experience and will do all Red 20-24 content now. But I would not lose a terrible lot if I ignored all that, including getting the DiB buffs. And just slotted SO stuff from the vendors. Because over tuning is just that. Over what is needed
  4. A Blaster without Aim/BU going out damages a Sentinel. What uptime problem do you think Blasters are encountering exactly? I have a few, built for various tasks. A Sentinel might be “safer” depending on player playstyle (mine rarely die) but I seriously cannot understand making damage comparisons between the two. Like playing darts versus a blind opponent and insisting it be judged?
  5. I been wearing the same socks for the last 117 years.
  6. I have wanted the name Badger for years. Of course I was the first to want it…. Yeah/No. So I started studying German about 10 months ago for various reasons. Made a new merc AR toon to solo Redside and named him Badger. Dachs is German for Badger. Walk a small step in the direction of theme and a whole new world opens up…. Tschuss!!!
  7. Too true. Help poor Snarky!!! Send what you can to @Snarky Give until you weep. Then give just a little more.
  8. you still doing your "thing" or should i stop referring people?
  9. I take issue with this. Capt Fab is shallow end of the pool unstable. Dive deep into the world of my opinions and theories. you will be aMazEd at the torturous lengths I go to just to make a point I have forgotten by the end of the paragraph while blithely ignoring previous posts, facts, decorum, grammar, or whether anyone wants me to continue. I GOT IT ALL BABY!!!
  10. the vahzilok pay decent money for pancreas and kidneys, as long as they are somewhat fresh
  11. A place where I can exercise my OCD without getting physically exhausted or mentally drained. Just chill and play cartoons
  12. I tend to do the same things. But usually pretty big “loops”. My short loop is leveling a fast 50. For it to be fun for me I do not self farm. That is very grindy. Instead I take a toon through every TF/SF/Trial in the game. In level order. Takes a few days even if not doing anything else. My current project is taking an AR/Dev Blaster through every contact redside. Every arc and every side mission. Running Rogue so I can badge Blue/Gold as I roll. I am working 50+ hours a week and just started this two weeks ago. Long time to go. I have done this type of thing about once a year. Usually on a Brute.
  13. My SG is just me. Back when Cosmic Council was smoking hot 5/7 nights a week it was different. Ghost town there now.
  14. here is one of mine softcapped to range Blaster - Assault Rifle - Devices v1.01.mxd
  15. is this character in public domain? i have "retrieved" some cloning equipment while doing business in Sharkhead. I can help you be everywhere at once.
  16. In Warburg there is a complicated open map game whereby you get a Warburg Nuke. This is VERY nice in high end content and hoarded by players as a special temp in hard challenges.
  17. name changes are infinite. just edit it on character load screen. if you like the name make a bank of level 1s and let them hold favorites for later
  18. Yeah, they are almost as bad as those comic book writers churning out monthly rehash of....hmmmm....wait. Errr, I had a point here.
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