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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Yeah, do NOT chase defense. You have no Def Debuff Resistance. Dam Res is its own Dam Res debuff Resistance. Chase that. Get your Energy Resist up. My Dark Armor Brute tanks Rom on Ms Lib master runs. He has a giant energy attack. Darn Tank is very strong, if you build it for what it is, not try to make it Invulnerability
  2. Dark Armor’s toggles are the heart of a Defense using no Defense strategy of dealing with volume attacks. Then resists and heals for big bads
  3. The easiest way to share a build these days is add file. I do not have elec, but here is a tanky dark dark for you to look at. Tanker - Dark Dark RES oddball Dark Night.mbd
  4. Wait….contacts are not level range locked anymore???????
  5. It sounds like YOU are ready to write an AE arc!
  6. generally if you fail any mission on time in CoH it is due to: 1) this pizza guy showed up, and rammed his car into your house, then barricaded himself inside, while holding you at gunpoint 1a) this is why i never deliver pizzas anymore
  7. Your opinion is noted. Not fully agreed with, but your parking pass is validated. Now leave.
  8. I can’t seem to see anything i look for
  9. I never kick. I honestly do not even know if you can kick from a TF i have given instructions in posi 1. Detailed. Long. Specific. Had them ignored Now i just say “ do not go to city hall steps until we are all ready”. That is regularly ignored Now i just follow the moron in. It is great when they get on the steps without clearing anything around. Dragging mobs from last fight. And sometimes pulling everything from under the guy with one huge ball i start spamming temp grenade powers and eating inspiration from email.
  10. They have a word for Tankers without taunt
  11. We are not here to judge you, strange tentacle thing. Laugh, yes. Judge, no. Mostly no.
  12. Unpredictable and dangerous
  13. I think I can help you guys figure out how to forge ahead. I found this picture. With my expertise in criticizing, um, critiquing, you should be able to create it.
  14. Dark is very good ST, it has a self heal that is a hard hitting part of your attack chain. It has a pbaoe end recovery power. It is just a strong well balanced combat set. Others have more aoe, but nobody else has what dark has. I pair it with invul for tge toughest combo in the game imo. Thematically and Synergistically it is great with Dark as well
  15. Just follow the instructions above and Yomo will bless you generously
  16. I have formed many teams. Almost all for TF/SF. there is NO way to control players when i am doing content i am casually aware of i am just as likely to be wandering around myself. Nature of CoH
  17. The last vote you will ever have to make!
  18. very nice. now, faster...
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