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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Nemi have one guy, an Lt i think, that sees everything. then tells all his friends. in about 1/3? nemi spawns
  2. My thoughts... Use ALL toggles. Yes, all of them. Dark uses AoE stun and AoE fear to mezze the nobodies. This gets rid of a ton if annoying incoming attacks. If you do not take both those toggles do yourself a favor and quit reading. Dark uses to hit debuffs to also reduce incoming attacks. Dark has non suppressed stealth. When they cant see you eating their friend twenty feet away you can call that defense. So Defense strategy set Do build some +to hit and +accuracy into the thing. Now, your big bads ignore most of that. Soooo… some of the best resists in the game. Do not neglect energy resistance. It can be built into a nice neighborhood. I have Tanked Rom on a Master Run because i have energy resistance BEST heal in the game. Available every few seconds. Top of my head i think mine sits at 8 sec recharge. From .0001 health to 100%. Energy Melee provides very good ST damage. Bolstered by Dark armor damage aura there is decent AoE as well. The stacking stuns might put a boss out for a few secs. like a Vicky robot in incarnate trials since a Dark Brute is rarely killed you will win any and all DPS races. the most spectacular tacoing of my Dark Brute i recall was a shadow shard TF. A teammate got stuck in a crossroads in a cave map with tons of big spawns all around. My overconfident butt went in. Those F-ing eyeballs ignore steath. So part of my “defense” was gone. Then…..oof. Rikti, some Nemi and a very few Longbow Wardens do the same. You need to learn the groups and know the odds. Only bet on winning hands.
  3. Well, ruling out nukes is interesting. Fulcrum Shift, in the right hands, is a ballbuster
  4. So many variables. Are we taking into account recharge and other minutae? Because as fired off Blaster Fire Nuke or Earth Nuke are two room clearers
  5. We definitely need another in game currency. Hopefully miserly given out to regular players and lavished on the 1% who can/will grind +7 ultra hard mode. Then use it to buy the coolest new stuff in the game. Oh, and make sure you can AH it. Yeah. Perfect
  6. I was just looking at this urinal and it said Zurn. You should make a water blaster named Zurn. Yellow colored powers of course. You are welcome
  7. There are tons of things to do during the ten second rage crash. here are a few: 1) evaluate you/your team's position 2) use (combine/manage/take) inspirations 3) reposition 4) Taunt (not affected by (-damage) 5) Use any other non damage power (if you took hand clap, hopefully with KD proc, now is the time) 6) Use P2W vet reward attacks (blackwand, nemi staff etc) they are not affected by dame buff NOR the damage debuff 7) communicate with teammates. Been waiting forever to say something in team chat about idiot X doing thing Y, now be that time There are probably a billion more. have fun
  8. Never argue with a butthole. The crap they spew is endless. -Snarky Oct 2023
  9. I have a number of characters with backstories involving Excelsior, Superadine, and the various other CoH chemicals/elixirs available. In my view these are all made possible by the Well in one way or another.
  10. There are pics out there of Christopher that look even closer. But probably? Not?
  11. I cannot figure if you are jesting...? "deep cut" generally refers (in music history lingo) to a song no one else references
  12. Deep cut wow! Honestly, much like the old days, that song had a lot of nostalgia and was missing a bit of ...other things. lol. But it sure showed how powerful Billy Joel's voice was. The man just had tons of talent and drive. Really put in the years of effort to hone it to a fine edge.
  13. Was watching YouTube and saw a video on Road Runner cartoon history. I NEVER realized for a couple decades that it was censored. Of course I saw the original uncensored versions. But a whole generation (two?) grew up never seeing the coyote get smashed by rocks or falling to the bottom of a cliff, or blown up. Every organization has policies. I am not here to tell anyone what those policies are. I am just here to say .... WTF?
  14. It was an evil plot, premeditated and planned to the last detail. Then lied about to cover up the plan. I should know, I was subcontracted to assist.
  15. Snarky


    You think you have OCD issues?
  16. In the office bldg room with three floors and walkways across room on top floor (hole in center to bottom) I have seen ninjas pull every mob in the room, all 3 floors. epic. bad. funny. but epic.
  17. I rarely do Frostfire. When I do, it is for the badge. I am almost always on an exemplared toon, sometimes one custom designed for content in that level range if I am seriously badging. Basically, it is always lulz for me. I know many do FrostFire as a "mini farm" or a "walk down memory lane" or a ritual with any new toon. I almost always approach it with the attitude that we will clear everything. That team wants experience and to savor the moment. Sometimes the leader even bumps the level, which makes the first floor or two challenging. Just grind and clean. Everything. By the time you get to FF you are cakewalking the baby home.
  18. i use fly everywhere on everyone. F hover get your end bar stabilized and use fly gl
  19. SS Will Ran many of these on live. Once you understand your limits and play to that you are truly umstoppable.
  20. I got all those badges in about 15-20 min in PI tot league
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