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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Even if there were resources to just stand up a server….. the amount of coding on this looks pretty daunting
  2. guess you've kept that strapped down
  3. A geek is a circus freak that bites heads off chickens right? Maybe a Renfield woyld do that. Not me. A Nerd.... Hmmm. I do not think I am smart enough for that. That leaves.... Hey, who came up with these options? C'mere, I want to talk to you. Right inside this crypt. private like.
  4. If you want to be rich (in this or almost any game) there is a very simple system. 1) find a character you like 2) play that character you will find there is tons of treasure just being dropped on you.
  5. i have never been proc builder. my farmer is a build someone gave me. i dont say i understand it.
  6. about 6? months ago that made a significant change to procs. removing some unintended effects and attempting to smooth them. This coincided with a change in AE and (significantly) a change in agro mechanics. subtle unless you are a farmer or a serious tank, then huge.
  7. Not that I want to test it, but a well designed "ablative" shield designed to capture the weapon should work very well against bronze, iron, or steel weapons. There is just not going to be significantly more power regardless of the material until you get to epic weapons like a zweihander or O-dachi. Those "might" have the physical ability through a combination of weight and edge to break past getting stuck and cleave the shield completely.
  8. I was trying to find an image for this but everything just kept being political! Best I could do...
  9. Did someone say Thunderfury, blessed blade of the Winseeker...?
  10. I love Red, but Red is dead baby. Except for Freedumb in it's heyday there is not much Red. Even there it was normally just Mercy popping. Try to form a DFB Blue, run one, see how many you can do in an hour. Now try it Red... uh huh. And GOLD? You tried to team GOLD? In the end was it just you and Wilson?
  11. No, that place is a shithole. looking for a shining planet known as dirt
  12. If she wants to she can make it grow in her hands. and maybe shoot rainbows?
  13. you're kidding right? One of the reasons I dont get (besides no need) a faster rig is fear of that thing!
  14. really hard to tell. it could be all on one acct and some odd code error as everyone else read. i read it as accountS as written. we may never know. but writing is difficult and conveying actual meaning is harder than it looks. YOU know what you are trying to say. The reader? Really depends.
  15. i just looked at the pictures. I am unsure it needs fertile land in the concrete jungle (swamp?) of downtown Davenport...
  16. I rarely see teams do Safeguards or Mayhems. Much less badge while doing them. I have seen it. But its like finding a dollar bill on the beach. Possible but not a daily occurence.
  17. yes I seem to recall an old history lesson where it was important for the Nile to flood the areas to revitailize the soil. We have a similar issue in America now that the Mississippi has been "tamed" and the once rich land around it is deteriorating. Still, you could have spent the resources on ANYTHING besides a giant tomb lol.
  18. No, i fully understood they were all built right on the Nile. Does not explain why you spend all the resources building the things. Because, outside the Nile? DESERT. You could have (and they had the technology) took that effort and made farmland irrigated and less dependent on the Nile's seasonal ebbs and flows.
  19. I keep reading this and then looking at things / cities / hubs humans have created historically. Which are just bat shit crazy by any logical measure. The pyramids? You're gonna waste resources on that in a desert? Or anywhere? Places people have settled. The crazy cities that have evolved. No logic. None.
  20. I read it twice. Did he have 5 accounts??? Perhaps the accts were violating some rule about mult accts and/or suspicious comp activities. I am not a comp vamp so I am unsure. But the grammar in the OP stated the ACCOUNTS had been locked. Rather than overthinking it I took it at face value.
  21. Be kind to Batmanuel! He does score with Captain Liberty after all!
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