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Everything posted by Marbing

  1. This to me is the core of the issue with these powers. The downside (death) to using them doesn’t outweigh the positives they provide imo. Because if you are using it then you have failed a master run (for example), and/or now you have debt to do what? A nuke in one case and a Stun AOE in the other? It would be cooler if there was a way to have these two self revives negate the death. Meaning, your health reaches 0 but instead of dying(or being defeated, whatever) these powers are auto activated to negate the death and give you another go at it. That’s just my opinion. I haven’t put much thought into it so idk about balance concerns.
  2. We could go back and forth forever with this. But ultimately the point was made. The PvP flag does have an impact. As you just admitted. EDIT: Actually your own argument doesn’t account for how the number of people on Excelsior or Everlasting would be different had Indomitable never been labeled PvP in the first place. If we work under the assumption that the designation does have an effect and extrapolate that over two years worth of people avoiding said designation, then it is only exacerbated by the fact that those two servers now have a higher population. Meaning the designation caused the population difference which in turn made the population difference worse over time.
  3. Wait what!? There are other games out there!? Since when?!
  4. I knew it was a joke and knew what was going to happen when I clicked it and yet still clicked it to receive my honorary Rick roll.
  5. It’s seems since I posted that that more people have begun to appreciate the humor in it. So I will leave it lol
  6. I just want to point out how many times I’ve had this conversation: Me: Hey you should try City of Heroes, it’s really fun and free! <long explanation about how awesome CoH is and how it works> Interested Person: Oh? Okay yeah sounds great, what server do you play on? Me: Indomitable. Interested Person: Okay. *days pass* Interested Person: So I was going to create a character but I found out Indomitable is the PvP server? I don’t like to PvP… Me: No no no, that doesn’t mean the same thing that it means in other games. You aren’t going to get ganked, it’s not open world PvP. Interested Person: Okay then what DOES it mean? Me: It just means that for the few zones that ARE PvP they tend to host PvP events on Indomitable. There is also this thing called Arena PvP and there are events for that as well. But, you can play all the content the same as any other server and never HAVE to PvP. Interested Person: Oh, okay, well I guess that’s fine then. I’ve had that conversation a few times. Now imagine if I wasn’t there to explain that. Imagine if some new player is interested in CoH and finds out Indomitable is the PvP server and assumes it’s like most other games with PvP so they avoid it. You can see how that would be a deterrent for new players not interested in PvP. So the designation DOES have an effect.
  7. This is kind of a bad argument when you include super speed in there. Super Speed stacks Infiltration doesn’t. Super speed is faster and now with the momentum allows you to jump really high when needed, has the same stealth THAT STACKS, the only downside is the out of combat defense. The more I look at this, the more it makes no sense. Infiltration should stack, or have higher stealth, period. EDIT: Actually, what’s the fear here if Infiltration does stack with stealth like SS? Why are people so against this happening? EDIT: Sorry for the pseudo thread hijack. This wasn’t what the OP was intending.
  8. Yeah they just need to fix the stacking, it should be stackable. But as a travel power goes infiltration works quite well. Especially if your already dipping into the stealth pool anyways.
  9. Like I said, not perfect, it should stack like SS does with other stealth powers or have higher inherent stealth than SS, tbh. But overall it has benefits in its current state.
  10. I see the difference, just don’t think the juice is worth the squeeze. *shrug* Making a built in global friends channel would be the better way to do this.
  11. I know there is already a bare chest smooth option. But... If I want a T-shirt, the toon looks ripped. If I want a tank top, the toon looks ripped. If I want to create a child hero, he looks ripped (outside of very specific choices). Basically, can there be more smooth chest options available for heroes that may not be ripped. Pretty much anything that shows skin. Either it be more costume choice options or however you would do it, like a check box to change your toons muscle tone to smooth. IDK just an example... I know this may not be low hanging fruit. If it is too much work, I also understand. Just thought I would throw it out there in case anyone else noticed the same thing and wanted to chime in.
  12. In terms of getting the message out, yes. But the way it does it... no. The problem I can see with a /tellglobals is with the way that tells work. I could imagine the code behind that would be quite complicated. I am not saying that it is impossible, the point here is there already sort of is a way to do this in game using channels. You can create a channel right now in game and I believe there is even a way to mass invite all of your global friends to that channel. So, what I am saying is, your request (while I do see why you would want it) is essentially asking the devs to write a new system to solve a problem few people have for which there already exists a solution in game. Hence, I could see them putting in a built in Global Friends Channel but not a /tellglobals command. Hope that clarifies my stance.
  13. I am Marbing and I approve of this message.
  14. I like infiltration, I have it on a few toons, only thing I dont like is that it detoggles stealth, so I have to keep retoggling it. Other than that, its much zoomier than the P2W powers, gives you a mule for LoTG, gives you stealth while you travel and high defense for those stupid snipers that can see an invisible ant in the grass 50 miles away.... anyways... yeah I like infiltration I think it was a great addition to the game. Maybe not perfect, but it works.
  15. Oh I agree with you, its better as a channel, just wanted to point that out because people often forget this little detail about chat channels.
  16. Welcome to the party! FYI the best teams on indom are the teams I am on. 😀
  17. I wouldn't be opposed to a badge for killing all giant monsters/monsters/hamidons if such a badge would exist it would be a crime not to call it: "They Might Be Giants"
  18. Need to consider not everyone has the same Global Friends as one another. So just because I appear in Person X global friends list along with Person Y, doesn't mean that I am on Person Y's Global Friends list also. This could cause a channel where it appears people are talking to ghosts from certain peoples perspectives. Example: Person X Global Friends list: Person Y Person Z Henry Person Y Global Friends list: Person X Person Z Henry Global Friends list: Person X MYBFFJILL So if Person Y sends a chat out in the global channel, Henry wont see it, but if Person X responds in that channel, Henry will see his response... but have no context. This same thing happens in Coalition chats.
  19. I like the names you gave the different levels of xp. Well done. Other than that, as creative as this idea is, I don't see it being implemented because the benefit may not outweigh the means, and the solution you propose doesn't solve a problem very many players have. At least that I have seen.
  20. So clearly I have gotten more dislikes than likes or laughs, lol. I guess this wasn't as funny as I thought it would be, or wrong crowd. Either way thank you for coming out! Now if we can just get a GM on here to lock this thread and put me out of my misery... Or just delete it entirely... Or ban me for life for even coming up with it in the first place... Or all of the above.
  21. Really? @The_Warpact C'mon man... Turn that thumb around! 🤣
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