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Everything posted by starro

  1. Are you the mission owner for all of these? I am curious if on a team with others and it’s their settings not yours going into the mission that is causing this.
  2. i would do it for $5 and the next Portal out of here when the time comes. I am a short sited villain.
  3. Striga always made sense to be co-op or at least villain accessible.... I have wanted this since live.
  4. It does not surprise me if legacy Marvel or current Disney signed dumb dumb dumb contracts. (yes, three levels of dumb). I LOVE Sean Howe's book Marvel Comics the Untold History. You will drop your jaw reading about bad business decisions whether bad economic times or even when the company was riding flush with cash and legacy Marvel would make bad business decisions. Interestingly Screencrush reported Johnathan Majors had in his contract only he could play Kang. This is all third hand and I never tried to find out more. I can see the advantage of signing an actor to keep them tied to the franchise so they don't go away and do other movies. I can now certainly see the disadvantage when it all goes sideways.
  5. For the low, low price of FREE you even get an alternate reality aka Praetoria from the Going Rogue expansion. You are not a hero, you are not a villain, you are still super powered but your alignment is dubious at best or flawed at the worst.
  6. It's cool seeing all the updates every few days. I am curious about the two additional servers and if they have their own story arcs, costume pieces and "stuff" that will get merged in. I look forward to yet more updates. I am hopeful for the status on other previous HC updates for Hero Corps update, Warriors update and the COT mystery under City Hall comes along in issues to come.
  7. Disney+ needs to move to quality over quantity and get some focus back. It felt like things built on each other but since wandavision/phase 4/5 there is just no direction. 2024/25/26 needs to be a transition and retool. What the hell was secret invasion? Why there are no X-men at this point is beyond me,... I don't care if the excuse is covid, writers strike or resting on the laurels of Endgame. I have no history of the character, so she was new. I am more interested in the street/gang level based stories as the cosmic stuff is not working out for me. I have no idea how they will salvage the Kang mess. What a waste of a decent Avengers villain from the comics. I liked the representation of her people, the return of Kingpin and some Daredevil. I look forward to Daredevil when that comes out someday. It was good there was no final act CGI fly around battle shooting laser beams at each other as that;'s been done too many times. The show and Episodes 4 and 5 felt like they ran out of budget/time/support.... i would have combined the two into an hour. I hope she turns up in other movie/tv roles as Hawkeye/Echo was her first acting credits.
  8. I like the new server status window on the forum main page. Thank you HC volunteers.
  9. ask questions and reach out!!! The absolute and unacceptable thing any game can do is eat the young. Welcome to the game!!!
  10. the issues are real even before HC announcement. My home has terrible internet on a good day. I always advise wired over wireless. Reboot your computer daily if you leave your computer on all the time. make sure hard drive not full. consider playing just coh and not multitasking if older hardware.
  11. Fly is my favorite. Also, unlike your power selection these travel powers can be “respec” or swapped out if you don’t feel it. And trust me - character slots. Can’t stop making / trying new stuff out.
  12. All of them!!!! If you are concerned about being stuck on the ground there are many cheap jet packs to buy from p2w, earn from bank missions or other sources. I put the power that best fits my characters story. I will even take teleport which is the red headed step child of travel. I just put the power in the zero “0” bubble and point, click, zero until I get there.
  13. I want to get this in before the thread gets locked..... The single greatest development in all of this is ...... pineapple on pizza.
  14. I used to run “Sunday Villainy” at noon or 6pm on Sundays Liberty server. Mayhems, story arcs, strike forces, new villains, incarnates, holiday content…. or just plain old street sweeping. There is always a reason for villainy.
  15. I am hoping we see Khalista Wharf built out soon with the revised Warriors.
  16. ..,..but i am still on my win 98 box monitor.
  17. Sorry if I repeat myself. While I love powersets, zones, missions, AE, the sg base updates and new task force the best two enhancements COH:HC did was the 64-bit client and the HC client. I have no idea how that was done but it's cool. Year 2019, I crashed SO often. I would say at least twice or more hourly and pick up teams thought I flaked or whatnot. Tequila would have its own issues getting the game to start or tell me files were missing but they were there. I even reloaded my computer Windows fresh bi-monthly and while that helped.... 95% of the crashes ended with the 64-bit client and 99.9% with the HC loader. I love the attention to infrastructure to just get people into a stable environment. I look forward to finding out more about server hosting, security and beefing up services for what I hope will be an increase in player population.
  18. Good news, you can click the Powers --> sort the list and drag the Feather / Fly icon down to your desired button location. yeah, with Freedom / Issue 21 the tier 4 good travel powers unlocked at 4 which was awesome.
  19. Thank you for the updates. Will the next update be ....Issue 28??? FYI MassivelyOP posted a new article. For those unfamiliar with Massively, they have covered COH related news with a positive light for what seems like forever! City of Heroes Homecoming talks funding, the City Council, and the impending content drop | Massively Overpowered (massivelyop.com) Another article posted just now. Into the Super-Verse: Reflecting on City of Heroes, back officially at long last | Massively Overpowered (massivelyop.com)
  20. i needed to log on this morning and make sure I did not dream this....
  21. Will HC see any additional options for collecting funding? While I appreciate the current monthly method with the open/close window, I miss out sometimes. I do not always get back here on the last Saturday of the month. Can we have a subscription process? I have always liked the sub process and paid for two accounts all the years the game was live.
  22. welcome back to the game! It's hard not to compare today to the past. There is still no wrong way to play the game. 1-50 solo, group, tfs, ae contente, farms, fire builds... some times I love to run to 50 with dble xp and all that. sometimes I love to go slow and get there when I get there. I just love the fact we have SO many slots per server and I can build a new character that runs only missions, mostly task forces, only team play, only solo, one AE arcs, SO many options. Yeah, I have my farmer and my solo money maker x8 +4. Still - welcome back!!!
  23. Sadly the numbers support the scammers. Even one / one thousandths of a return rate and one / one hundred thousandth of a hit after that the scammers get money and they keep going. i supported an email system once many years ago and hourly 99.7 - 99.9% of incoming inbound internet was junk or spam caught by the various tools. I could not imagine the numbers today. ty Homecoming team for cleaning that up, I appreciate you keeping the site clean.
  24. Invest in C0inBa$e! wow that was a ton of spam this morning on here. I hope whoever was responsible gets a visit from Snarky.
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