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Force Redux

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Everything posted by Force Redux

  1. Late to the party, but here's my two inf. I don't have a build, I've been making heroes for 19 years (minus the 'snap'), and really don't need Mids' any more. However, I will say it is a fun, effective combo. I like that cold rounds increase range 33%, or I swap to incendiary when I don't need moar range. Incarnates: Alpha: Muscular (for damage/EndMod) Judgement: Nothing really fits pistols, but I do Ion for the min/max as a result. Interface: usually Degenerative for hard targetrs Lore: anything that fits my concept, otherwise Banished. Destiny: Ageless for debuff resistance to preserver your DEFENSE Hybrid: Assault radial graft. I like procs and progressive damage boosts, so I mix it up. Honestly, Sents are so self-contained, you can go with any Incarnates and make it work.
  2. Probably because they are AE mobs they don't register? Run a Synapse and took be done with the badge in 5 min 😁😁 ((like I did))
  3. Those 7-ft tall Council clearly have a high protein diet lol
  4. I did not know Punchy personally, but I did visit the Atlas torchlight vigil, as well as a respects at the base. Condolences to all.
  5. I have one at Incarnate. Great fun. kyoko helps while leveling. Physical perfection at 41 fixed everything else.
  6. I like the monochrome effectiveness and simplicity of her costume
  7. Welcome back! Sorry to hear about the loss of your roomie. City of heroes is a great way to revitalize, enjoy!
  8. I've been with MMOs starting about 2000 with EverQuest live, then played about 90% of most MMO titles through today. Some for years (CoH, EQ2, ESO...) and some for a short time (New World, Tabula Rasa, etc). All of them mostly (exception for Korean grinders like Lineage or Grenado Espada or some true flops like Matrix Online) had some sort of good community, large or small, if you looked, even Snorecraft. City of Heroes was a real gem in live, and even moreso now after 'the snap'. Multiple factors, but the essence of the game is generally (despite the modern deconstruction) about achieving something better. On a cathartic level, CoH combat is really truly glorious, colorful, beautiful chaos, and zapping hords of Malta and shaking your fist in the face of various nefarious AVs is very satisfying when managing my stress. So is just walking through my base and having head-cannon tie-ins to storylines (like Dark Astoria). On the social level, this is a very helpful and generous community overall, and I've witnessed/experienced many acts of genuine kindness. That just rubs off. Good second runner ups for community in my own experience have been Everquest 2, The Secret World, and Warhammer Online (faction-based community). Anyway, you are great, I like zapping Hellions with you all. I guess that's why I'm here 19 years later.
  9. Hi Etched. I sent you a PM, so we can discuss the particulars. Thank you! 🙂
  10. Thanks Etched. Shouldn't take more than a few days. I already converted Merits into some AT sets I needed for my new scrapper.
  11. Hi Etched. I totally understand the value of time. I'm selling and working the market. If you don't mind waiting a bit, I can raise the 250MM, and perhaps we can discuss? Cheers.
  12. Hello folks. I'm hoping to find someone who has the talent and a bit of time to help build a base. I can pay, but at this time, no more than 100 Million Inf, which I know is not a lot these days, but it's what I have after kitting out my 'mains'. I'm not great at lighting and water or artistic placement, so could use a bit of talent on my side. Nutshell: a small-medium "Bat Cave" style industrial hideout. Let me know if there is any interest. Thanks for reading.
  13. Numbers discussion aside, my dual pistols/Martial looks and feels good when playing, don't notice much of a difference between my ice blaster or beam rifle blaster. Clear time is reasonable on teams or solo. I do solo+2x4 however, so this isn't me worrying about pylon times or anything.
  14. Regeneration buffs do help Singy.
  15. Robots/FF is a classic. With the revamp to Robots, one doesn't even need medicine pool any more.
  16. A revamp I think about late last year of ninjas, mercenaries, and necromancy was responsible for addressing many of the weaknesses with those sets. Necromancy was always a serviceable set, but really shines with the attention to soul extraction, and the individualized pet powers, such as damage aura for grave knights. Mercenaries and ninjas benefited greatly from the attention to pet Powers, the upgrades, and some passives. Serum in particular from mercenaries went from one of the worst powers in the game to a very potent must have pick. Hence the reordering of primaries in the tier list.
  17. Fascinating... And I wish Dark Miasma had crows ... 😁
  18. Not that I know of. There are hacks for PC size, but I don't know about henchmen. Giving them stealth or invisibility could help with visibility however.
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