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Everything posted by Bopper

  1. If the Area boosts truly work like the Boost Range power, then there is no impact to PPM. I tested that previously with a Dark/Energy blaster. I was able to confirm that increasing the range of a power (thus the radius of a cone), there was no change to PPM performance. Slotting range enhancements did not change the performance either. I suspect the code checks the radius and arc of the power, thus not looking for enhancements. So the question is, for tankers, does the inherent change the original radius/arc of the power, or are those values being buffed? Either way, it should be tested just to confirm. But I imagine no changes were made under the hood for how PPM works, and there would be no impact.
  2. Can you put the combat logs in quote boxes or spoiler boxes? It is a lot to scroll. You can do that by typing [Spoil er] ... [/spoil er] [Quo te] ... [/quo te] Just remove the space. Put the first one at the beginning of the combat log and the second one (with the / ) at the end. Also, have you parsed the results? What were your final numbers on proc performance?
  3. I posted them in the tanker section. Check the 2nd post. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/9305-proc-monsters-tanker-edition/?do=findComment&comment=82616 Edit, went ahead and copied the quote for convenience.
  4. Well, you kind of dont have to worry about it as Bruising is not long for this world. The devs are going to replace the Bruising mechanic and replace it with a boost in damage modifier. Of course, there's no telling if this will happen soon (they say it won't be) and it's not a definitive change (experimental, they call it). Check out the Beta patch notes to learn more.
  5. Welp, the tanker changes on Beta sure puts a wrench into this testing. Not sure how long until the changes go live, so whatever is discovered will be TBD. Also, everything tested won't necessarily go live, so that makes any potential findings inconclusive. As for the changes, the increase in endurance would certainly benefit a proc build. However the increase in damage cap and base damage helps a traditional build. The changes to AoE will help a proc build, as I suspect the base values will stay the same (boost range should not change ppm calculations). So having an 8 foot aura hitting in a 16 foot radius is definitely nice.
  6. This might not be true. I've done some testing and have observed the Achilles debuff as changing based on the level of target. I need to grab the link, but someone posted a screenshot that shows otherwise in the Blaster forum (page 1).
  7. When you ran your benchmark, were you capping the AoE limits (180 degrees, 20 foot radius), or were you still doubling the number?
  8. If you're going to do this, why not just make the max cone 180 degrees and the max radius 20 feet? It's weird that a 90 degree arc now becomes better than 120 degree arc, or a 10 foot radius becomes better than a 20 foot radius. Just cap the buff.
  9. Good catch. The debuffs are negative values. I forgot to pull the negative sign out like I did in the follow up example. Corrected below.
  10. Increasing super pack prices would not result in decreased prices of salvage, in fact it would likely increase it. An example of this is the Winter Packs, which cost 25 mil as opposed to the Super Packs which cost 10 mil. Despite winter IOs not necessarily being superior to ATOs, they sell for approximately 2.5 times more (roughly 20 mil vs. 8 mil, last I checked). This is due to the fact it costs more to acquire winter IOs, which will lead to higher listings to make up the cost of the Winter pack and also less supply of winter IOs due to winter packs being too rich for most people's blood. By increasing the cost of super packs, you will decrease the supply of salvage (as less ppl buy super packs, since they're less profitable), and this increase the price of the salvage (again, lower supply with equal demand, and also to make up the cost of purchasing super packs). Honestly, super packs and seeded items are what's keeping the market as deflated as it is. If you price salvage too high, people will stop buying it, and instead will buy super packs. It all balances out.
  11. Hover offers defense and allows you to slot LotG. Personally, I dont take travel powers. I'll get Ninja run with sprint on to move quickly enough. I'll get jet pack to supplement my needs for temporary flight. I'll buy a void skiff if I need to fly somewhere
  12. It does help with teams, assuming nobody else has an Achille's debuff on the target.
  13. It's fine. Its roughly 30% probability to proc every 10 seconds. So you can think of it as a 6% resistance debuff on average.
  14. I slot it in Sprint. Combined with stealth I get full invisibility. The Stealth IOs are treated as unique and mutually exclusive, so you can only slot one of them at a time. https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Stealth_IOs
  15. You can't stack Farsight, you only replace it. So be careful. If you cast a Power Boosted Farsight, then later cast a regular Farsight, your regular replaces the Power Boosted...thus you debuff yourself basically. As for your ToHit numbers, if you have the +1 level shift for having a T3+ Alpha Incarnate slotted, you probably aren't going to face anything +4 or higher. It's your call though. Personally I would probably spend that slot elsewhere on a proc, but there's nothing wrong with making sure you have extra ToHit just incase you get debuffed.
  16. That is a great question. Perhaps a GM/developer could clear that one up.
  17. I am not sure if this is happening. I have screenshots that show otherwise. But my understanding was the same as yours, so I wonder why this is not the case.
  18. I don't know which proc you're talking about, but it probably doesn't matter. It is my understanding that it does not stack from other sources. So once an enemy is debuffed by, let's say Achille's, it will not be debuffed further by anyone else's Achille's (it will refresh the duration, though).
  19. So my numbers indicate power boost will add about 6.1% defense to your build, which will be perma'd. You already have softcapped defense in S/L/E, and with power boost, you will hit softcap in melee. Everything else will be short of 45% defense. But still, you're close and overall it looks really good. If I were to suggest anything, I would aim for more range defense and less melee, because of Time's juncture's PBAoE, you don't need softcapped melee since anything next to you will be ToHit Debuffed. Now, everything I just said does not factor in your Protector Bots. With those active, it looks like you have plenty of defense and would probably not need Weave. However, the LotG is still nice to have, so perhaps you keep it as a mule, but allocate the 2 other slots to somewhere else in the build. Now, if you'd like advice on tweaks to the build, I might have a few suggestions. For example, I don't think you need accuracy in your Slowed Response. With Power Boosted Farsight, you should be hitting your targets with ease. Also, if you are level 50, you might want to look at different Alphas. I would recommend Intuition T4 radial, or Musculature T4 radial. I prefer Intuition because it pairs so well with Time Manipulation - it increases holds, damage, defense debuffs, tohit debuffs, and slows. Also, you might want to look into Procs, you can do a lot of damage with your Time Manipulation powers...like Distortion Field being able to take 4 procs (not counting the unique which you have slotted in time stop), or Slowed Response being able to take 2 damage procs (and it hits fairly regularly if you don't put too much recharge in it). Anyways, that's just some food for thought.
  20. I forgot to check if configuration was set to attacked, mine always is checked so I assume Stealth defense was accurate. If not, I would revisit it to ensure defense is covered. As for its use, personally i use both stealth and sprint for complete invisibility. Grant invisibility pairs well with Power Build Up. Since he duos, I think he was trying to add more defense to his teammate(s). Overall, I'm good with the concealment powers as LotG mules with utility and synergy. I also took the status resistance out and replaced it with +7.5% HP. I should've mentioned that in my post, but it shows in my build.
  21. Simple enough to test. Get Build up equipped with Gaussian proc. Wait until Decimation or Soulbound Allegiance procs, then cast Build Up to see if it stacks. Let us know what you find out.
  22. Thanks, if you dont mind, I will quote this in the proc guide as it is significant testing and could he useful for historical purposes. I wonder if the possible change to procs in rains has resulted in a difference in performance I'm now seeing in enflame. I've asked a GM about it multiple times recently but have been given the cold shoulder. Perhaps there was a change, but they're not advertising it (possibly out of fear of potential exploitation? Who knows).
  23. To be fair, we only looked at Quicksand together. I have not seen anything on the other powers.
  24. The first tweak I would do is 6 slot Temporal Mending with Preventative Medicine. You'll get 8.75% recharge instead of 7.5%, plus it'll be cheaper. I would not 3 slot Vengeance. I would use those 2 extra slots somewhere else. I would not use the Kismet +6% ToHit. With PBU+Farsight, you should be good on ToHit. I would take that slot and put it elsewhere. Since you should only be using Power Build Up when Farsight needs to be re-upped (every 120 seconds), I removed the recharge IO and added the Gaussian Proc. It will fire 90% of the time, but honestly it won't be very effective so feel free to change it back. If you had taken Tactics instead of Assault, I would put the Gaussian in Tactics instead, since you team. Since you don't have tough, you could use some more S/L resist. I did a couple of tweaks and added a bit more S/L resist, but it's just a suggestion. You can probably do something else that fits better for you. Data Link to Build tweak
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