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Everything posted by Nyghtmaire

  1. I like the stacking with Oppressive Gloom. Depending on global accuracy, I’d slot 2x Acc/EndRed, KB->KD, and a FFB proc and call it a day. I’d be tempted though to sneak a Triumphal Insult chance to stun proc in there as well. If you have the slots and no other better place for them, I like your alternative (5 Absolute Amazement and the KD converter).
  2. Just adding an “agree strongly” here. Also, Musculature Radial adds ToHit debuff to all three pets as well as further boosting that attribute in nearly every power of the /dark secondary.
  3. Manic depression ain’t the only thing! just, you know, 2 minutes instead of 60… hmm. Maybe not. 2-Minutes Man suggests a completely different connotation.
  4. I have experience with a dark/dark/psy. The linked threads above (thank you @drbuzzard) highlight the challenges to the combo pre-improvement. The primary does more damage now AND continues to benefit from lots of proccing. (as an aside, don’t slot recharge in powers you wish to proc. Global recharge or bust) The combo shines with combat teleport so you can get into PBAoE range for Blackstar and Psychic Shockwave, then BAMF back out to mid range for blasting. Psychic Shockwave’s chance to stun stacks with Oppressive Gloom to stun bosses. Unlike other sentinel pairings, dark/dark does not lend itself to hover blasting (although can do it with sorcery’s flight power since it also can teleport, but I find it lacks maneuverability in the air compared to hover). For the primary, I skip dark blast. For the secondary, skipped cloak of fear and soul transfer. Aimed for close to capped s/l/n/psi resistances and high 20s defenses, both to be above 32.5 with either mind link or -ToHit debuffs from attacks. That way, a small purple softcaps. For pool powers, I took fighting for tough/weave, leaping for combat jumping, combat teleport, and leadership for maneuvers. Skipped hasten since I could perma the recovery portion of obscure sustenance without it (maxing the slotted recharge accomplishes this - bringing it down to ~30 seconds - while global recharge will get you closer to the ~ 20 second mark). Also, Umbral Torrent can slot the FF +recharge proc, so I’ve found that to be plenty enough recharge for when engaged with an enemy group along with at least ~60 global recharge. More global is better of course. In short, it’s a fun albeit active (and thematic) pairing.
  5. Be happy it already plays on a potato …
  6. Dark Armor is a set that benefits from leaning into the controls (CoF, OG or both). It’s a shaving game of limiting incoming damage from minions, enough defense to soften any incoming volley of attacks, high/decent resists (absent energy followed by toxic) to lower any damage that goes through, a boss heal, and stealth to limit nearby mobs from noticing you until you’re ready. Since you have a Necro/dark and ice/cold, I’d build planning on having at least the /cold shields, 2 maneuvers, tactics, and nearly limitless end. So, build for max damage. Defense doesn’t need focused slotting (merely your basic power slotting and the 2 defense procs). From your teammates and maneuvers, you’ll probably have a base of ~21-22 (not counting Arctic Fog and Shadow Fall). You’ll need to make-up the remaining ~23-24. The MMs ToHit buffs will be your debuffs resistance. Resistances to all positions, aim for ~83 (planning on stack of the ATO proc), keeping in mind you’ll get a ton of cold and a little fire from the /cold shields, and more from Arctic Fog and Shadow Fall. I wouldn’t even pay attention to f/c resistances. Would certainly take at least OG. The Necro/dark can take as well for stacking. It will also stack with Howling Twilight’s stun. (And to that point, I’d be tempted to take stone as my attack secondary to stacks more stuns with Tremor and Fault). The Corruptor can cast Frostwork on you, essentially boosting your HP. The only thing I would be tempted to build for other than damage is slow resists. Arctic Fog will give a ton, but I wouldn’t want to plan for that. 90 should be sufficient (20 from Winter’s Gift, 4 sets of Winter ATOs - 2 piece bonus - for 15 each, 10 more from Synapse at 3 slots for example).
  7. I’ve read the entire thread and been mostly impressed with the arguments for and against. My takeaway? F*** it, I’d be cooler to do away with at least boxing/kick as a prerequisite. Maybe Tough should be the lone prerequisite for Weave, or maybe have no prerequisites in the pool. I don’t care. It’s a superhero game. Power Creep be damned (and my builds always seem to be slot-starved anyways).
  8. I like the proposal, especially for leveling (the 1-49) game. Increased speed feels monumental when engaged in combat and may inadvertently promote more movement during combat rather than merely turreting. The recharge bonus will be self-limiting until endurance is brought under control. And the bonus at 50 will be, eyeball estimate, nice but not significantly consequential. I wonder if fury increasing melee range would be a worthwhile alternative (fury causing the brute to lunge wildly when attacking)? Meaning that the range for a brute to connect melee attacks could be increased by fury to the extent beyond a mob’s melee range. It would be a subtle survivability change, causing mobs to switch to lesser damaging ranged attacks for a short time. Mobs would still be inclined to move into their melee range, but would allow the player to kite somewhat, making the movement increase that much kore valuable.
  9. Seconded everything said by @kelika2. In process of respeccing my earth/Sonic controller to get rid of Sonic Siphon, Clarity, and Liquify for those very reasons. While tend to have few issues with Sonic Siphon due to all the -def debuffs from Earth, there’s (almost) always a better power to be activating. And Liquify needs so much attention to be made adequate it’s ridiculous.
  10. I’m doing something quite similar - a panacea proc and 5 million inf starter emails saved for each new alt.
  11. Thoughtfully done. Love the inspiration and the spread of effects (and slotting options). Hopefully this makes it to a to-do list.
  12. Confuse = great. I abuse confusion powers with every character that can take it. Hell, I even use it solo on my psi melee scrapper (Boggle FTW). It’s not that I need the assistance so much as a) it’s hilarious, and b) boosts Insight chance. And with the current build focus being generally geared towards every power being a damage power - procs and the like - it’s much easier to boost XP gain on confusion-using controllers and dominators. (another side note - Symphony’s Impassioned Serenade might be the one place those confusion damage procs are desired rather than avoided)
  13. This so much. Playing a “finished” character however defined at 50 is just an exercise in printing influence, even if the market is utterly ignored and everything is vendored. Crafting and converting only accelerates that. And this isn’t farming. Merely playing the game - run a mission or 3, maybe a TF, jump in a group - whatever floats the boat. Yep! 1 minute of effort = rolling in influence. 10 minutes and this is easily multiplied.
  14. You’re not alone, *sniff* by a long shot. DAMN ALLERGIES!
  15. Welcome back! Most of the critical stuff has been covered. Sounds like it’s time to start a new alt and see everything with fresh eyes. Good luck!
  16. I love your posts and your snark, but gotta disagree. Dark Armor is a blended set, high focus on resistance but with a decent floor of defense with a monster heal. It provides players with many pathways to build their (broadly defined) defenses. I agree strongly that recharge and accuracy are key if not primary concerns for any dark armor character (along with endurance reduction, but generally I think the complaints are overblown and often premised on poor planning). The direction one takes is very dependent on the partnered power set. Katana/dark scrappers have been a THING for a while, blending resistances with significant melee defense. Dark/dark begs for defense buffing (32-35) to work in conjunction with -ToHit debuffs. Dark/dark Stalkers get more mileage out of Cloak of Fear (stacking with the fear splash from assassin’s strike), while a stone/dark brute can stack stuns with Oppressive Gloom. There are numerous ways to build and hidden gems in the myriad combinations. If anything, the modern game begs for slow resistance for dark armor. And thank goodness 2 powers on the armor can take winter sets for a total of 30% to build from. Wish Cloak of Fear gave some slow resistance (it fits in theme), but this armor set provides a ridiculous amount of protection already that I can’t see that happening. The only thing it inexplicably lacks is KB protection. If the devs ever subject it to a pass, I hope they add this in somewhere similar to what they FiDi to /Fire. Ovwrall, I prefer the resist sets to other options. Dark (!!!), radiation (!!), fire (!!), and electricity (!) just -*feel*- right compared to the defense sets. No knock to those that prefer otherwise, just pure, unadulterated opinion. Almost ineffable. I like to push at the higher difficulty levels. Defense buffs are easy to come by and inspirations seem to give more bang for your buck when eating candy. Always feels like I’m *playing* the game rather than just shooting (or punching) fish on a barrel.
  17. It’s a very rare occasion when I have been disappointed by more drinks… All in favor of more options for role playing opportunities and expression. +1
  18. Apparently, many are already plenty useful based on the going market rates.
  19. Little nerfs for theme and to accentuate the essential nature of the AT. Like: 1. Stalkers - when hidden, the character sparkles like a moody vampire; 2. Blasters - when activating build-up, costume changes to a generic murder hobo for duration of the buff; 3. Masterminds - any attack+aggressive command activates a 3 Stooges inspired comedic pet routine.
  20. Scrapper hit points are too high in context of the modern game and the ATO mechanic. Currently, level 50 base HP is 1338.6. Base HP should be lowered to 1337: it is a more representative number in light of current game factors and the playability of the archetype.
  21. That’s some Matrix stuff. About to have an Agent appear I suspect. Be prepared.
  22. @tidge I really like the elegance of this build. The only two, minuscule changes I’d consider if at all would be to throw a Celerity (or Unbound Leap) stealth proc in Sprint for full stealth when paired with Shadow Fall, and swap the A/E/R Nictus in Twilight Grasp for the A/E/H - a little more omph for the heal and a little higher chance for the procs to trigger.
  23. You say “adventurous” but that feels like “masochism”! Seriously, I’ve enjoyed traps on a mastermind (somewhat) but never tried it on a Corruptor. I can see the allure for this AT, especially how traps loves a more classic build style of fuller sets vs proc focus. Jaunt/Speed of Sound is something I nearly *always* forget about as an option.
  24. Energy and fire powers will ignite the oil slick so those are both good to go. But honestly, on a team, igniting is never a problem. Someone always has one of those two damage types. Procs (either energy or fire) will light the oil slick as well. Hope this helps…
  25. Oof I love a spreadsheet. Inspiring me to draft my own. Only 51 total (1 server, 30 50+). And already at a number for which I’m forgetting what I have. As to the topic, rolling Alta all*the*time! And deleting just as many all*the*time! There’s something ineffable about what stays and what gets on the chopping block. Can’t figure it out and, honestly, don’t know if I want to know. And unless I’m following an arbitrary rule (like only scrappers this week), it’s totally random what I play.
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