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Everything posted by Starhammer

  1. I like the updates to Trident and Crucible. Certainly more useful than before, though the TF/SF teleport is a bit redundant with just porting through LFG, or even using LRT. At least there's empowerment stations. It'd be nice to add a badge to each for spending an hour inside, like Pocket D. Also, it feels like the Fort Trident sub should also take you to Peregrine's smuggler ship. Hopefully in the near future we can get an interior to the Freedom Corps main building? The Vanguard conference room is a nice addition. RWZ still needs a P2W vendor though... Maybe over by Serpent Drummer. I love Bamboo Kat's Luau. Hopefully somebody will put together a interior for Larry's Tiki Lounge to go with it. I hear some nearby real estate just opened up Larry could expand to. Blackbeard's is wonderful. I'd especially love to see more done with the sewer tunnel. It'd be a wonderful spot for black market contacts, and maybe a low budget rikti monkey fight ring. It'd be a great place to put a host for a new low level SF too. It's too cool a place not to have something to draw people in. So many people will probably never see it, or worse, only go once to take a look after it goes live, then never return.
  2. Also, with the permanent relocation of Bamboo Kat's Luau in Talos, we need accompanying costume options... Grass skirts, Flowered shirts, Coconut bras with optional straps (Chest detail), and Lei necklaces (Shoulders)... all available for all body types.
  3. All > Back Detail > Crab Pack: The invalid Arachnos Crab Spider Backpack option should no longer display on non-VEAT characters. Arachnos Soldiers must have chosen a single Crab Spider power once in order to unlock the Crab Pack. This should not change any of the combinations that were previously possible with the backpack on VEATs. I would immensely love an option to not have the Crab backpack on Crab Spider costumes. On some Crab builds, I'm still just using the Wolf rifle, and only want the Crab for armor. Even with the disphoric blast emission point if using Crab attacks, there are costumes I would rather not have nerfed by a forced back option. Even if this is limited to non-primary costume slots, this would be a major improvement.
  4. There are so many weapons I would love to see proliferated into sets that may not seem appropriate to the damage type. At least for me, what the character is doing is far less important than how they look while doing it. Also, any love for Tsoo Kama possible? I know it's available as a temp power in St. Martial, so it shouldn't be difficult to add into axe/sword powersets.
  5. just a thought, if the necessary art modification is not too extensive, the Jack in Irons Club would be a nice thematic addition to Titan Weapons.
  6. Any chance we could get all forms of Flight to apply Toggle Suspension to Ninja/Beast/Athletic Run (and maybe some other appropriate land movement powers that don't/can't have secondary effects that could be relevant while airborn? (for instance, not including Sprint because it might be used for a Stealth proc)
  7. So, here's a new request I wonder if any of you Modmasters can accomplish. Would it be possible to replace the graphic effect for Rune of Protection? Optimally, I'd love to see it turned into a force field of some sort, and still be colorable. If not colorable, something really subtle. Even merely disabling it or making it invisible would be an improvement for me. It looks cool sometimes, but among so many other FX it's just a mess in combat. Also, then I can use it on nonmagical characters without abusing immersion so much. Of course, I understand if something like this is beyond the purview here, since this is mostly sound and interface mods. P.S. @Solarverse did you ever make any progress on Star Wars sounds for Assault Rifle? or updating the Pistols set to include the Revolver temp power? Sorry to be a pest about such things. Wish there was something I had the aptitude to do in return.
  8. So in Imperial City there's an arc where you go undercover with the Syndicate, and at one point because one of the original devs liked the TV show Wisdom, you acquire a gatling gun temp power (Yeah, I know, it's not technically a gatling gun, but everyone knows what that means, where "Rotary Assault Weapon" might not be instantly understandable to everyone). But anyway, is there any chance we could get this added to the temp attacks in P2W? There's always been a few character that I've wanted this for. I'd also find it just as wonderful if that model were made available for the Assault Rifle powerset...
  9. That would be sweet, but what AE really needs, especially to go along with Base access, is for all AE Mission entrances to function as the same door, so your team, no matter where they are, red, blue, gold, base... can enter the mission from their nearest AE. If internet cafes in the real world can do it, I'd think AE could manage it 🙂
  10. That's the same as the one for Beam Rifle, right? I do love that one, it's amazing... but it doesn't sound like Star Wars really. If you feel up to it I'd love one that's more SW specific, but only whenever you feel up to it. I hate to come on here begging for something I can't do myself and be all demanding about it. I seem to be an old dog looking at new tricks where modding is concerned. Glad I learned keybinding back when the ol' brain still had vacancies available.
  11. That's a beautiful piece of music. Anyway, though it's beyond my skillset, if anybody feels up to it, I'd love to see a mod to make Assault Rifle sound like Star Wars blasters (being as they used a lot of real guns to make their blasters, it fits) maybe not replacing flamethrower bits of course, but the bullet shots. Not sure if those files affect Arachnos Soldiers too, but that'd be swell also 🙂
  12. I know my opinion is not the popular outlook, but I'd rather have something mediocre now than perfect in 2+ years, maybe... There's no guarantee how long this experiment may be around/available. I agree the co-planar flickering looks pretty bad sometimes, but in most cases it's only the player who chose that combination who would have to put up with it for any significant length of time. It's really pretty easy to just make choices that don't cause that, or even just make a 2nd costume to accommodate temp powers and prevent it. Of course another quick & dirty option would just be to add a single temp jetpack that's black (Castillo's maybe) so we can have something that stylistically matches anything. I really do love the tintable pack idea though... anything to keep character costume opportunities moving forward... I really wish we could link certain costume pieces to certain powers in the creator, either on or off while a power is active... Jetpack piece being able to be set to on, only while flying, or else something like swords on the back being set to off while your blade is drawn. I know that kind of thing is so far off we'll probably never see it in this game though.
  13. I'd love to see this also. Optimally, I'd love to see Arena Headset in both Detail 1 & Detail 2, so we can mix and match it however we prefer, but if it can only be in one of them Detail 2 would be preferable.
  14. Was the problem the fight being too difficult for too many people? Or were you afraid people were using it to farm merits? I really hope the former, because a big ToT league goes through Jack & Eochai respawns faster than we can port back and forth between the Murder Motel...
  15. I wish we could get some or all of the Halloween-only stuff year round... Dr Kane's House of Horror wouldn't take up that much space in LFG. Maybe Trick-or-Treating year round in Echo: Dark Astoria... Supernatural Activity (just one random zone) when someone completes a HoH...
  16. No, not at all. I couldn't even get it to work that well, it just failed to load and caused a repeating error I couldn't escape. It needs to just be removed. A functional one was built for me. Clearly building mods is not my lane 😞
  17. Not sure if this is already known... probably is. But every time I enter the PPD in Peregrine Island, my point of view gets moved to an ant's eye view (or below the floor if I zoom out). It doesn't "technically" make the game unplayable... I can still fly, interact with stuff, fight, etc... but it's pretty hard to see what you're doing from that angle in effectively 1st person. So, it's easy enough to fix by exiting the game and relaunching, but until that's done, every character logged in will suffer this glitch, which cannot be repaired any other way... camreset, zoning, teleporting... nada Maybe one of the Devs could contact Monsters Inc and see about getting a new door for the building?
  18. So, not sure what I did wrong, besides thinking I was smart enough to try this, but installing the mod created an eternal error saying the mod could not be found, which the only way to fix is closing from Task Manager, restarting CoH Modder, and hitting Fresh Start. So if you see "Silent Recharge" on your end by Starhammer, you should probably purge it, since my programming seems to be toxic. ======== And between the time when I started tinkering with this, filled with undeserved hope, and when I was reinstalling from my fresh start, I found that you seem to have made the mod I needed. Thank you very much.
  19. Right. What I meant was I didn't want to give up using the Terminator SFX for the other Beam Rifle SFX mod in the video.
  20. If I'm hearing the right thing, that's not bad, though I'm really hoping for completely silent. Also, I already use the Terminator SFX mod for Beam Rifle, and enjoy that quite a bit, so I'd prefer to keep it.
  21. So, there's one sound in the game I find particularly annoying, because of how I bind my power activations. That *hoorb* sound you get when trying to activate a power that is still recharging. Anybody know where that file is? I'd like to try making a mod to eliminate it myself (not eliminate the file, I'm sure that would cause problems, just replace it with a silent soundfile), though I must admit I have not managed to successfully make any of my own mods as of yet, and would be content if anyone else made such a mod.
  22. Using yet more trucks as PD portals feels a bit mundane. I'm sure they're a relatively easy answer, but something a little more interesting would be appreciated.
  23. Would it be viable to get something to protect against Stealth in powers that have a Taunt effect? Stealth annoys the tanks/brutes who are trying to draw agro, who in turn annoy the support characters by telling them to turn their defensive powers off. Could we make it so one characters beneficial powers are not a hindrance to other characters, when both are just trying to do what they're supposed to do?
  24. So there's a few things, but they're all related to autoattacks... First off, on the visual side, could we change the color of either the autoattack ring or the green ring for Sentinels? I think changing the Sentinel ring would be less disruptive to the game overall, since autoattack is on all ATs. Now onto commands for use in binds/macros: 1) powexec_auto_slot & powexec_auto_tray commands would be tremendously helpful. They wouldn't allow us to do anything we can't already, but they would allow us to do it with far fewer character specific keybinds if we are content to simply put the powers we wish to set to auto in the same places on the power trays across different alts. 2) powexec_auto_location <location> <powername> would also be helpful. One of the more useful function of powexec_auto in keybinds is combining it with powexec_name to trigger one power, and set off another (usually slower) if/when it is ready. Not all, but many of the area powers for which we use powexec_location are fairly slow... Caltrops, Rain of Arrows, and so on. But as is, the auto power always has to be paired with an often slower location power, which is just awkward timing in keybinds. We can get the job done as is, but if we could set location powers to auto in a bind/macro, we could get the job done more elegantly.
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