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So we're getting new archetypes?


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So have a Dominator Assault Secondary as their primary, and then have a summon secondary? Could be cool


It'd be hard to make it more powerful than regular Masterminds already are, and maybe it would be an AT that truly appreciated the extra attacks in the sets. I feel like it could be anywhere from "it exists" to "fills a playstyle niche like nothing else and acquires a brutally loyal cult following" depending on what the inherent power is.


Assault/henchmen, melee/buff and armour/control seems to me to be some of the most solid unused AT concepts and the work of putting together inherent powers and baseline values could well be worth it. I wouldn't hold my breath for them, though.

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I also like the idea of Control/Pets or Pets/Control, but that may be a wee bit overpowered.  Maybe Pets/Manipulation (you know, the Blaster Secondaries, maybe in their original non-Sustain form)


... okay, I really just want another Pet class.  Or more Pets for MMs.  Pets pets pets yay pets.

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I also like the idea of Control/Pets or Pets/Control, but that may be a wee bit overpowered.  Maybe Pets/Manipulation (you know, the Blaster Secondaries, maybe in their original non-Sustain form)


... okay, I really just want another Pet class.  Or more Pets for MMs.  Pets pets pets yay pets.


The pet sets are one I would love to try and pair with other things, the MM combos are not to my liking.

Pets and Melee DPS, Pets and Range DPS, for example, could be more fun for me.


In most cases the original idea IIRC was that players would take two DPS or two Support and possibly tip the scales.

The fear of the tank-mage, DPS/Defence, was strong, but the game shows us it can be done without breaking things any more than any other combo.


I just like the creative aspect of the idea, especially with adding some 'role' or 'background' +/- like the ATs do.

Perhaps giving the Origin more influence in the form of +/- as well.

Just seems like we have a lot of options and not enough time to implement...


Stupid space-time.

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Stupid space-time.


+1 for Stupid space-time

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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I hope that any future new archetype are better thought up than sentinels. Sentinels could have been a neat idea. A ranged tank would be a neat thing to have. Instead it has sub-scrapper damage, far sub-blaster damage, scrapper level caps, and every secondary you think might be good for them (bio, elec) has had its numbers tuned down to be literally nearly worthless when it comes down to buffing damage.


Their unique mechanic is weird - -20% res on their t1 and t2 attacks makes those attacks good. But they lack the damage to follow it up. At the same time, this is basically their only utility when grouping, which is far below basically any other archetype.



If they were built to actually tank, they would at least have a job. Give them brute numbers on their secondaries, give them a class mechanic that makes them stronger when they attack enemies who arent hitting them (to give them a niche even when theres a better tank, as well as to help them peel enemies off allies when they lose aggro)



Oh, and unnerf their aoes. Tankers get to hit 16 targets with their aoes. Why did sentinel's aoes all get changed to 8 or 10 max targets

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I'd love to see more of Assault stuff, especially in the form of a primary.  :D


Still hoping for a freeform where you can choose any primary/secondardy set and a 'role' for +/- flavor.


Yes, some things would have to be worked out, but it is the 'original' CoH idea and I love it.

IIRC, it got canned because you could make characters who could not solo, or even have any attacks.


IMO, this would rock!


And no, it is not my intent to 'game the system and make more tank-mages'.

I love the creativity and flexibility.

Clamps on numbers to make it enjoyable would be the fun part to build. :)


One day I might find the time.

I was thinking about this a few weeks ago and I'd really like to see a server pull this off!


My own rough idea would involve a point system, for example having 20 points to start with and distributing those points. Archetypes would dictate the point value of each power set, meaning if you wanted to use the Empathy set it would be cheap to pick up on a Defender but more expensive the further you strayed from the support ATs. There would need to be a new side perk/power pool to pull from but only at character creation, the options on offer would be decided by your Orgin, AT and possibly the Primary/Secondary powers you have chosen. The reason for the new pool at creation is simple, they would be cheaper and take care of left over points after having picked up your primary/secondary. This could be potentially advanced upon by offering "perks" that effect your character negatively somehow in exchange for points you could then use on some extra legitimate perks.


Just to clarify some things that might be confusing;

1.) You would still be picking 2 sets as your Primary/Secondary, putting a point tag on each individual power and assembling your own would be cool but a balancing nightmare IMO

2.) The side perk/power pool wouldn't be chosen on a set by set basis like your primary/secondary but individually with your options being narrowed by Origin/AT/etc


I have a feeling this ended up looking a lot like a tabletop character sheet but I honestly don't have much experience there. Most of this inspiration dawned on me while I was messing with my loadout on Mordhau and later on ideas from Project Zomboid kinda leaked in.

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I have a feeling this ended up looking a lot like a tabletop character sheet but I honestly don't have much experience there. Most of this inspiration dawned on me while I was messing with my loadout on Mordhau and later on ideas from Project Zomboid kinda leaked in.


The first drafts of all RPG ideas are...rough. :)

Yours look a little more complicated but I am in the same ballpark.


I am thinking simple.

As in, pick two power sets, pick the roles one each from Ranged/Melee/Hybrid and DPS/Support/Control(Tank).

Each pick would just be something basic to clamp things.


_Just a couple fast ideas_

Ranged +Range/-Dam

Melee -Range/+Dam

DPS +Dam/-Secondary Effects

Support -Dam/+Secondary Effects


Nothing huge, but large enough to make a difference.

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How about a 'Dynamic Duo' archetype?  With a main character (the player) and a sidekick (a pet).  Kinda like a Mastermind, but without the whole Hee Haw gang.  Think Batman and Robin.  Captain America and Bucky.  Wolverine and Kitty Pryde, or Jubilee, or whoever. Bamf.


Maybe even do it something along the lines of  --


Primary Power Set:  powers/attacks for the main character.

Secondary Power Set:  powers/attacks for the sidekick.


I don't know.  Just a thought.


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How about a 'Dynamic Duo' archetype?  With a main character (the player) and a sidekick (a pet).  Kinda like a Mastermind, but without the whole Hee Haw gang.  Think Batman and Robin.  Captain America and Bucky.  Wolverine and Kitty Pryde, or Jubilee, or whoever. Bamf.


Maybe even do it something along the lines of  --


Primary Power Set:  powers/attacks for the main character.

Secondary Power Set:  powers/attacks for the sidekick.


I don't know.  Just a thought.


Same basic mechanics allow for 'twins' as well, I like it!

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I've been really interested in seeing Manipulation/Summon.  What's interesting about it is that no matter what you choose in your primary, you're guaranteed an attack from pets (since the first summon is always Power #2, and Power #1 is something blasty).


So then I figure change the progression of pets from there - instead of ending up with 3 (level -2), 2(level -1), 1 pets, you could do something like 2 (level -1), 1, 1 for pets, introducing the special ones like combat medic sooner.  So you have pets, but less than a MM, and at least one guaranteed attack.  And then the rest of the Manipulation sets are extremely varied and have a lot of options, so your own character is quite customizable.


And then just patch the holes with a passive.

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I also like the idea of Control/Pets or Pets/Control, but that may be a wee bit overpowered.  Maybe Pets/Manipulation (you know, the Blaster Secondaries, maybe in their original non-Sustain form)


... okay, I really just want another Pet class.  Or more Pets for MMs.  Pets pets pets yay pets.

^^^^ This, in so many ways.


How about an Archery-summon primary, with Trick Arrow as a secondary?  That'd be brilliantly thematic, IMO.


Or, how about a primary set that summons psychic monsters - "Delirium" or "Nightmare".


SO many possibilities ...

Global Handle: @PaxArcana ... Home servers on Live: Freedom Virtue ... Home Server on HC: Torchbearer

Archetype: Casual Gamer ... Powersets:  Forum Melee / Neckbeard ... Kryptonite:  Altoholism

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How about an Archery-summon primary, with Trick Arrow as a secondary?  That'd be brilliantly thematic, IMO.




Is that not what Ninjas/TA is? or like... you mean like summon a squad of hawkeye/green arrows?   

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Ranged +Range/-Dam

Melee -Range/+Dam

Range was never enough of an anything to justify melee hitting harder. It's a mild QoL improvement, meaning you have to fine-tune your little steps here and there less than the other guy, but that is all.

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From a purely "new archetype" standpoint...


Duelist -- Think melee blaster. Melee/Support powersets. Like Psi Melee/Mental Manipulation, or Staff Fighting/Devices. Would definitely be more squishy than the blaster (since you don't have the advantage of range), but it would be a fun setup to play. The ultimate "kill or be killed" archetype.

Possible passive: Thrill of the Fight. The more damage the Duelist takes, the harder they push to win. Increasing bonus to recharge and lowered end costs based on damage taken.


Leader - A more offensive-focused mastermind. Summon/Assault. Demon/Fiery Assault, or Ninja/Martial Combat (shuriken everywhere!). Instead of building a walking fortress via minions and bodyguard mode, you hit the enemy headon, leading from the front, with the Leader being in the thick of the fight. With less ability to protect the minions (and themselves), it might have shorter cooldowns on the minions, and perhaps even slightly weaker tier-2 and 3 minions to keep the damage output more balanced.

Possible passive: Rule of One. As more of your minions fall, the rest are galvanized to fight harder, spurred on by their glorious leader. For each minion that dies in combat, the remaining minions get a bonus to damage and accuracy. The Leader gains a smaller version of this bonus.



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Ranged +Range/-Dam

Melee -Range/+Dam

Range was never enough of an anything to justify melee hitting harder. It's a mild QoL improvement, meaning you have to fine-tune your little steps here and there less than the other guy, but that is all.


And these were meant purely as examples as I stated, nothing to rules-lawyer over. :)


Playing the 'specifics game' is just not even viable at this point w/o code diving.


And, one persons QOL is another persons OP, just look at some of the hate for the blaster toggles.


(This is the reason I typically never put words around +/- indicators in MMO forums, not interested in arguing over opinions debating the minutae.)

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