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Make Superdyne/Fixadyne a Purchasable Temp Power


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I think adding superdyne as a temporary power that has some negative consequences would be a cool RP addition to the game. Make it so it's not game breaking, maybe something like a +5% in dmg/res when in use but once it crashes you have a corresponding debuff or maybe a debuff while in use of -2.5% def/acc. 

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7 hours ago, Murcielago said:

I think adding superdyne as a temporary power that has some negative consequences would be a cool RP addition to the game. Make it so it's not game breaking, maybe something like a +5% in dmg/res when in use but once it crashes you have a corresponding debuff or maybe a debuff while in use of -2.5% def/acc. 

I’m down with that, but it must cause all your toons to start to turn green, and auto filter every other word you put into any chat.


you get a bonus buff in skyway, hollows, and Boomtown, but outcasts will have increased perception for you and will instantly aggro.



Edited by justicebeliever
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"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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Really... lets turn an illegal, addictive and dangerous drug into a Temp Power.

Is there going to be a chance to be arrested for use?

Is there going to be a chance for addiction?

Is there going to be a chance for a brain tweak that allows you to see and travel into other dimensions?

   If so, is there going to be a chance to go Mad because you saw or traveled somewhere you shouldn't have?

Are there going to be "accidents" like in The Boys?

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3 hours ago, Jeuraud said:

Really... lets turn an illegal, addictive and dangerous drug into a Temp Power.

Is there going to be a chance to be arrested for use?

Is there going to be a chance for addiction?

Is there going to be a chance for a brain tweak that allows you to see and travel into other dimensions?

   If so, is there going to be a chance to go Mad because you saw or traveled somewhere you shouldn't have?

Are there going to be "accidents" like in The Boys?

I'd say yes. Habitual users of such temp powers would end up going rogue and could face arrest or employment issues in Paragon, less so in Rogue Isles (maybe).

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9 hours ago, Jeuraud said:

Really... lets turn an illegal, addictive and dangerous drug into a Temp Power.

Is there going to be a chance to be arrested for use?

Is there going to be a chance for addiction?

Is there going to be a chance for a brain tweak that allows you to see and travel into other dimensions?

   If so, is there going to be a chance to go Mad because you saw or traveled somewhere you shouldn't have?

Are there going to be "accidents" like in The Boys?

But you got A-Train!

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We should make 13 different Superadyne powers. Each one purchased in sequence, and you can never go back to the earlier ones.


The 1st one you buy gives you +50% damage for 20 seconds, +20% damage for 50 seconds, and +5% damage for 10 minutes. It also gives you a -8% Resistance Debuff during it's whole duration.


The second one still gives you the same damage buff, but a -12% Resistance and -8% Defense.


The third one -SAYS- it gives you the same damage buff in the Tooltip. But the Real Numbers shows that it gives you a +30% for 20 seconds, 8% for 50 seconds, and still debuffs you for 2 minutes.


By the fourth one you start taking longer debuffs. The 10 minute debuff becomes 15 minutes, and spreads to Recharge Rate at 15/12/8%. Eventually it'll hit Regen and Recovery.


If you take it to the 10th one, you get a Temp Power debuff permanently. The 11th and 12th versions of the power suppress the debuff.


When you use the 13th one it transforms your character into a Troll for 1 week of in-game time. Just a generic troll. Any time you're in Troll Mode you suppress the Debuff. Otherwise you're stuck with it.


Heh... We could add a "Rehab" center to the game where the Day Job Power is that each full 24 hours you spend there removes 1 level of addiction so you can buy the earlier temp powers?

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2 hours ago, MGoblin256 said:

In addition to Superadine/Fixadine, maybe Excelsior, the Freakshow drug/super serum, could also be added? Could provide a Dull Pain-like effect that boosts your Max HP for a time, perhaps in addition to giving you a small damage and regeneration buff.

Good with this too, but only if the player is proficient in L33T speak, and we create a new Freakalympic Trial where you have to compete against other Freaks to get the Excelsior...

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"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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I realize that sarcasm is completely lost on the internet...My prior responses here are meant sarcastically.


Sincerely, I believe it would be bad form to allow players to buy drugs in the game.  They wouldn't provide any new benefit, plenty of buffs can be bought from the P2W lady already, so it would really just be about glorifying drugs.  They aren't real, I understand, but it hits too close to real villainy for my tastes. 



"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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Okay, how about this: You can buy Superadine/Fixadine, but as soon as you click the Buy button, the screen fades to black. Narration appears on screen that says, "And with that simple action, $character became one more lost soul to lose themselves to addiction. Remember, Winners Don't Use Drugs!" Then you return to the character select screen, and that character is deleted.

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5 hours ago, Vanden said:

Okay, how about this: You can buy Superadine/Fixadine, but as soon as you click the Buy button, the screen fades to black. 

Hey, you're finally awake.  You were trying to cross the border, right?

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Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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