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Posted (edited)

Hot damn, y'all have been busy. Nicely done! 


Xeaon will have your site updated SOON! In the meantime, feel free to post here so your name can be hoisted into the firmament for all time.. time.. time.... (until the next batch of badges come out). 


Reminder: 15 new badges.


  • 1 exploration


Badge_tourist_01.png.98471da62a255e5dadb6128b60bffd8a.png On the Shoulders of Giants - Located in Kallisti Wharf


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  • 7 defeats

defeats_jaegers.png.b468a68b9f3033aa059f4eeff6c749db.png Brass Hunter - Defeat 1000 Nemesis Jaegers


  Reveal hidden contents



1699805077_defeats_warhulkscopy.png.ec957595d983620fc607d827103b0b20.png Green Machine - Defeat 100 Nemesis Warhulks


1636862581_defeats_natterlingscopy.png.905995d5b8e4ce0dab509c09effb5638.png Winged Nuisance - Defeat 500 Rularuu Natterlings of any rank


  Reveal hidden contents



 519787418_defeats_brutescopy.png.b1fb51e7aa983a8faa19bc38ec4c6235.png Brute Forced - Defeat 500 points worth of Rularuu Brutes

                          - Bosses are worth 5 points, all others are worth 1, like the Praetoria and Dark Astoria defeat badges


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432351809_defeats_sapperscopy.png.f11d15e7950085195edd2a173d3e4198.png Running on Empty - Defeat 200 Malta Sappers


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1474809920_defeats_bobo_protectorscopy.png.f564d2d3c4190e3ffc45cfef6838f46f.png Womp Womp - Defeat 100 Immature Paragon Protectors


defeats_superstunners.png.33fcfde73de039f24a6d875e076b6c20.png Assault and Battery - Defeat 50 Freakshow Super Stunners


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  • Some mission stuff I haven't attended to yet. Sound good? 


V_badge_PvpMissionBadge.png.4a53769079914ce26f424f41cbc1792c.png Behind Enemy Lines - Complete at least one door mission in Bloody Bay, Siren's Call and Warburg (one mission per zone).  Villains may access from "Free Fire Zone Transport" helicopters on zone map. Heroes may visit respective zone gates.




  Reveal hidden contents



Side note: I solo'd four of the defeats over 2 late evenings. Not bad. Pretty quick work. I forget how much I enjoy tune out farming between the team-oriented stuff. 

Edited by Spider
Posted (edited)

😄 grats you two!!!!!!!!!!!!


i gotta ask, did i miscalculate? how did you get 1547?  (( ah ok, new event log in badge, nice!! ))

Edited by Spider
  • Like 1

Grats all! Updates for you and updates for you and none for DeathMcKillaKitty! I love his precious life-giving salt-free tears. They nourish the CoV in me!!!


  • Like 1
  On 12/3/2020 at 3:40 PM, Squints said:

Can you update my position I has 1547 with the website




at some point I will enhance further more... and will display in date of last updated inside the sub-group or ppl with same number of bagdes


this will create an issue because ppl will update many times just to be on top, hehey, but at some point I assume they will give up and leave it be


Posted (edited)

Your mama don't badge and your daddy don't rick 'n roll
Your mama don't badge and your daddy don't rick 'n roll
When evening rolls around and it's time to go to town, where do you go?
To rick 'n roll


  Reveal hidden contents


Edited by Spider
  • Haha 1

In memory of our fellow hero and badger, Tetujin @Justaris, who has slipped the surly bonds of earth:


With much love, our manual leaderboard's original post is dimmed, save his name, in observance of his passing.  For one week, from Saturday Dec 12th thru Saturday December 19th, only one star may be observed in the night sky as he travels furthest north and beyond.


His teammates are providing an in-game memorial today, Saturday, December 12th. More information here: https://tinyurl.com/InMemoryJustaris


There will be an in-game memorial held on Saturday, December 12, in Ouroboros on Torchbearer. A number of us who knew him are planning to gather at the traditional Weekend Knights start time of 22:00 GMT (2PM Pacific, 4PM Central, 5PM Eastern). The memorial will remain up for a while afterward for anyone who wants to stop by and pay respects.



  • Sad 1

The memorial for Justaris was really nice. Incredibly sweet. I like how they thoughtfully arranged the NPC's in tribute. It looked so formal but not final, it truly felt like a torch pass to one another. Much love to all. 


Also, wow. Much love, scoobey gang. We got a tttttttton of pvp arena badges early this morning and late this evening. Many thanks to all who came to assist and congratulations to all who badged! 



Posted (edited)
  On 1/5/2020 at 5:16 AM, Spider said:

Arena badges (requiring teams): Saturday, January 11th @ noon Central / 1 pm Eastern  < this was our 2019 notes but check out the nifty 2020 notes below in yellow





Pentad Victor 

  • Win a rated or unrated Pentad or Septad match in the Arena
  • Minimum 10 players  Dec 12. 2020 (new minimum is 2 players) Something changed with this requirement. The morning group we hosted waned so I set with 9, hit start out of curiosity, and they still badged. Experimented later that night after the 2nd pvp group and got someone's non-badge alt the Pentad badge - with just the 2 of us. Using the same settings below, I invited them as person 1 on red team, we went in, and they badged. This, however, did not work for the 3 man / survivalist badge or the 8 man / Swiss Draw. You still need 3 and 8 for that.
  • Misc: Custom Pentads negate the need for specific ATs
  • Post event info for future:
    • Image below for correct settings.  
    • The first match was incorrectly set. Original participants had to zone to SG base and then back to Pocket D for invite to go through.
    • Badge awarded to entire winning team.
    • Also, if Arena window incorrectly shows 6 vrs 4 then you can select "Freeform Teams" to adjust # of red and # of blue (2 teams of 5) and then return setting to "Custom Pentad" before beginning match. 
    • Coliseum is a nice map for this! No hunting around! Cage would have maybe felt crowded. (unless you are doing the 2 man version and then Cage is just fine, it's about immediately seeing the other body to confirm all are on map - and yes, the named icons also appear on mission map)
    • Although it is true that Custom Pentad does not require specific ATs, the arena window will sometimes not allow for some players to be moved between teams once invited (sometimes it did, for one person it would not). Just stick with Custom and run it one more time for anyone stuck on the wrong team too many times.
    • For me, the  match needed "start" to be clicked twice. 


Arena Custom Pentad.jpg


Tournament Victor 

  • Win a rated or unrated Swiss Draw match in the Arena
  • Minimum 8 players 
  • Misc: bug ensures badge is only awarded to winner from 2nd or 3rd slot
  • Post event info for future:
    • Image below for correct settings.  
    • Cage Match is preferred. There are 3 rounds x 8 winners (minimum).... it's easier to immediately find the other person who has been dropped in a round with you.
    • Because multiple full teams were running, I had my group move to a corner of PD so we could see each other popping in and out of round 2 and 3.
    • Each winner was pre-selected and invited to slot 2 (3 can also badge but there can be only one winner). 
    • To save time, once inside our rounds, everyone but badger would exit map (Nav bar, score button, exit).
    • To ensure badge, winner would participate in final round. 


Arena Swiss Draw.jpg


Arena Survivalist 

  • Win a rated or unrated Battle Royale match in the Arena
  • Minimum 3 players 
  • Post event info for future:
    • I was finishing the Swiss Draws for team 3 when Battle Royales were running... but, my understanding is that the setting is almost the same as Swiss Draw (use Single Match instead of Swiss Draw.... and 3 players instead of 8). Only one can badge. For us, it was easier to have 3 help another than have teams of 8 wait one badger at a time.




Pocket D battle terminals. 




Top of the hour and start the first match within 15 minutes. Time will not be adjusted. Please do not be late. If you cannot make this time, please coordinate with others who play your hours. 


Place all participants in League (if 8 or under, do not use Team, must be League) in advance of the group badges. It makes it easier to continue chat conversation / instruction with the group as we are in and out of Arena. Especially if this is not just SG or just channel but a variety of individuals who need a common channel for the moment.  When I used Team, Arena just booted us off that. 




For weight class badges, lanistas, etc (Dec 12 2020 update: or Pentad). ... everyone can grab a partner afterwards. Those badges, I can also help with easily on weekends as it's just a two man operation. 


 I updated this post because of the changes in Pentad. Changes in yellow. It is 6:47 am Sunday - why am I awake? Oh, yes. Cats. They are awful and want food right meow and not 8 am

Edited by Spider

This is how I feel. Do not punch me on the injured shoulder:


"Cellblock Club -  Where Really Good Things Happen to Really Bad People!"


There were five kingdoms by the sea. i. House of Role Plays & Theatre, ii. House of Minimus Maximus and the Speed Runs, iii. House of The Badgers, iv. House of Casual Leisure (pronounced 'leh zure'), and v. House of the Trohl. 


I admit, I am bored. Seriously considering a new alt which I will NOT badge. See you soon my little badge whackadoos. 

  • Haha 1

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