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SG Name: Entropy Legion

RP/RP Friendly: Yes

Theme/Era: semi-competent villainy

Redside/Blueside: Red

Recruitment Message:  we take the slightly lighter side of being a villain. We take the styles of Venture Bros. villainy. We are dastardly and deadly, but mostly we are neurotic, petty, and lost.


Entropy Legion is a continuation from the Virtue server. We ran 3-4 days a week before things shut down. We were a heavy active RP group that always included non-members in its shenanigans. We RP newspaper missions; we RP through Strike Forces; RP during AE Stories...we just RPed through all the game’s content, no matter what type it was. One of the best thing we did is we hooked up with some Blueside Heroes (yuck!) and RPed the Incarnate Trials from beginning to end. It was a blast.


Our website is entropylegion.guildlaunch.com (still building), send in an application and come join us as we plot, scheme, and fumble our way through the Isles.

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Entropy Legion, Villain SG: https://entropylegion.guildlaunch.com 

Union Supreme, Heroic SG: https://unionsupreme.guildlaunch.com


SG Name: Legionnaires


Rp Friendly: Yes

Theme: Mashup of all types of heroes



Not trying to really start the group back up as much as trying to find the people who were once in it! Miss you guys!!!


SG Name: Dawn of New Heroes

RP/RP Friendly:(Modern but not required)

Theme/Era: We are new heroes who returned to our once forgotten City and we are here to stay.

Redside/Blueside: Blue Side

Recruitment Message: Greeting Heroes "Dawn of New Heroes" is a growning SG on the Everlasting server. We are a eastcoast timezone SG but welcome everyone that wants to play to join us. We are casual players who are here enjoying our City and protecting it from the forces of E.V.I.L <lol> anyway we aren't a RP SG but dont mind and wont turn away those who wanna. Add me to global @Ombras or join our discord here https://discord.gg/hQEmCZB hope to see new faces soon fly high heroes!

Posted (edited)


SG Name: the Dawn Patrol

RP/RP Friendly: Yes

Theme/Era: Britain’s premier Super Group

Redside/Blueside: Blueside


Recruitment Message:  The Dawn Patrol has risen again to fight the forces of evil in Paragon City. Forward unto the Dawn!


The Dawn Patrol returns to our beloved city, having been on the Virtue server since launch after our founder, Major Britain received permission from

Cryptic to use the Dawn Patrol name. We served Virtue and Paragon proudly right up until the last seconds before the shutdown. We have boldly returned

to Paragon and have made our home on the Everlasting server to fight the good fight. We have our forums set up and running, as well as a facebook

group chat and a group discord server. Come by and visit us! We were a very heavily RP-oriented rpsg, with active rp nights and forum rp threads, and

are building our rp chops back up! (being an rp’er not required to join though!)


Our forum is here: http://thedawnpatrol.boards.net/ . Fill out an application in the DPPC Personnel Division thread, and an Officer of the group will get with

you as soon as possible.


If you would like to get a hold of anyone in-game, you can contact the following for more information:


Field Commander: One Hit Wonder


Edited by Urbanknight
Change in leadership
  • Like 1

SG Name: Takamoto Industries

RP/RP Friendly: RP encouraged but not required

Theme/Era: Tech heroes (think Iron Man/Ironheart)/tech corporation

Redside/Blueside: Blue

Recruitment Message:


Young CEO Lena Takamoto has announced that her company, Takamoto Industries,

will now officially be hiring openly rather than looking only at top graduates from tech

programs. We reached Ms. Takamoto for comment, and she replied:

"The world is changing. Lot of times the people you see coming out of the tech programs

got there not by the power of their brains, but by the power of their mommies and daddies'

wallets. I didn't have that advantage, I made it on my own merits. So I want to give people

who maybe don't have the kind of opportunities afforded by rich parents a shot. If you've got

the brains, you've got a chance, rich or poor, young or old."

Applications can be directed to "Girl Gadgeteer", Ms. Takamoto's security chief and personal

bodyguard, or e-mailed to Takamoto Industries ((read: DM me here)).

Takamoto Industries. "Science, for the good of mankind."

  • Like 1

SG Name: House of Cards

RP/RP Friendly: Friendly, not Required

Theme/Era:Playing Card theme group

Redside/Blueside: Blue

Recruitment Message: We are just a themed group wanting to make new friends and team together.  Pick a card and make a toon.  No restrictions other than colors.  Please stick to the red and white or black and white color scheme.  Face cards can add gold and blue.  Look for Ace of Spades, 2 of Diamonds, or 7 of Clubs in game or send me a message for more info.


SG Name:Legion Of Time

RP/RP Friendly: Yes

Theme/Era: uniting heroes and villains against greater foes

Redside/Blueside: happily both

Recruitment Message:

Legion Of Time is looking for new members, Both Hero and Villain! Goal is to build the SG for future base-raids, TFs/SFs and other fun-filled community events. We are RP friendly. We also have a Base and Discord Server. We are very welcoming and would be more than happy to meet you.


To Join, Just Join Our Discord : https://discord.gg/JaCFQda


SG Name: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

RP/RP Friendly: Yes but not required. Usually try and keep OOC comments to tells. ALT Friendly!

Theme/Era: Modern

Redside/Blueside: Blueside

Recruitment Message: We are a group of men and women looking to assist where assistance is required. We need to fill out our ranks in the Intelligence Department, Jekyll's Entourage and Nemo's Crew. So if you'd like to come join a group of laid back Heros who enjoy rping and missions and all around good times, then send over an invite. We are very ALT friendly.


Update to my post above (just making it a new comment so people see it):

Takamoto Industries now has a Discord presence. If you would prefer, you can join here and post an application in the Applications channel (there's a format posted in the Welcome channel that it would be preferable for you to use, though not enforced, just because it'd make it easier for me to sort through all applications and find people who are a good match to both theme and playstyle).


SG Name:  Ivory Tower

RP/RP Friendly:  RP

Theme/Era:  Current

Redside/Blueside:  Redside

Recruitment Message:  The New Order that Lord Recluse is making will need an aristocracy for administration.  Arachnos is the future and we mean to see that future prosper.  Our way is the subtle, nuanced and the merciless.  Rulership is not done alone, and Lord Recluse has laid it upon us to make his New Order a reality.  He has given us a free hand in dealing with the challenges ahead as we see fit.  While our ways tend to be clandestine, we are not above having the necessary muscle on hand to deal with the more direct problems that may arise.  We are cultured, powerful, savage and ruthless and also without regret.


((OOC:  contact me if you are interested in joining -Global: @Coldsun ))

  • Like 1

Kiba no Doku Shinobi Clan and Paragon Shitai Fushigiranger Recruiting Blueside


Kiba is a Ninja clan, the "Poison Fang". We specialize in stealth tactics and quick strikes. Ninjas/x MMs and anyone with Ninjitsu or related/similar (Martial sets included) powersets are welcome, as is anyone else with a good rationale for how/why you would fit in. Contact @OmegaX123 or Kiba no Doku (or DM me here) to apply.


Fushigiranger is exactly what it sounds like, a Super Sentai inspired SG. The only theme/requirement is that one of your costume slots needs to be armor (that would look at home in a Super Sentai/Power Rangers setting) and predominantly one color (Red is taken, Green, Blue, Black, and Gold are requested/soft-required, any other color is able to be worked in). Contact @OmegaX123 or Fushigi Red (or DM me here) to apply.

Posted (edited)

SG Name: Chaos United

RP/RP Friendly: Yes

Theme/Era: When there is order There is Chaos

Redside/Blueside: Blue side

Recruitment Message:<Chaos United> Is an active Super Group on the Blue side and we also have our discord on another MMO game Called Neverwinter on which we are a very active community. We run just about all PvE(Raids and Incarnates), Role Playing and some PvP. Our Super Group also requires you to be on our Discord server with a headset and a mic. Just ears so that you can listen too is fine. We also help out players who are brand new to City of Heroes and to our server Everlasting to guide them to level and to have fun on the game of City of Heroes. If anyone is interested please message my toon, it is Sargus and my Global name is @Under. Our Discord channel server is right below. 



Edited by BlastLord
  • Thumbs Up 1
Posted (edited)

SG Name: The Sentinels (formerly the All-Star Sentinels of America from Virtue)

RP/RP Friendly: We are an RP group

Theme/Era: Golden and Silver Age in Theme but the era is today

Redside/Blueside: Blueside (Only Heroes and Vigilantes need apply)

Recruitment Message: No matter the threat or what we face, Sentinels Stand Together!


It is a confusing time for our heroes. Some distinctly remember the universe unraveling seven years ago. Others do not. While we all carry memories of the last seven years, some of them feel false, fake. Was it just the Sentinels that fell apart or was the multiverse torn asunder? With global disasters and crime on the rise, some of the old guard are coming back together to safeguard the Earth and to seek the truth, no matter where it leads. We're old school style crashing into modern times and we need fresh blood to tackle new problems. Join us!


A few OOC guidelines so applicants won't be blindsided:


- All applicants will have a role-play interview with at least two (or more) Sentinels. These are almost always done at our base, the Sentinel Sanctuary.


- All applicants must have a bio in place by the time of the interview. It can be in any format but there must be a bio.


- Costumes are a subjective element on which opinions vary widely but we tend to lean towards classically style costumes that would fit best in the Golden and Silver Ages. Look to those eras for inspiration. Golden Age costumes often have a pulp feel, sometimes with co-opted "regular" clothing elements. The Silver Age was all sleek spandex and a space age feel.


- Names are another subjective element on which reasonable people can disagree. One person's trash is another's treasure. We tend to love evocative names that speak to the eras we revere (names that have a bit of gee whiz pop to them) but also realize that names can go fast. Proper spelling and punctuation will be expected and we generally don't accept members who have missing or added punctuation or characters to facilitate getting the name they want (i.e. no Mr Name, Ms. Name-, Mr. Name', or xXxMs. NamexXx). There are still good names out there if you hunt for them. Made-up words that evoke the powers/abilities/characteristics of the hero can work great. The Venture Bros. has many examples of these kinds of names for inspiration.


- When we like an applicant, we like 'em so we tend to be forgiving if some of the elements mentioned above aren't quite what we envision. That said, we are interested in tightening up the theme a little so keep it in mind!


- We are, by design, meant to be a smaller SG. A 60 member max with a potential 5 characters for each player. As a smaller SG, we need an active player base. If you can only play once a week or once a month, we are probably not the SG for you. We need people who play more nights than not. 


@Attache is my global as well. Reach out to me or to our Prime Sentinel @ApeChild if you are interested!

UPDATE: After a brief resurgence, the returning Sentinels slowly faded away. I was a fun reunion but if we make another go of it, it will be a different incarnation and under the original SG name. This SG has been disbanded. 



Edited by Attache

Actioneer || Aerobat || Agent Archer || Agent Dare || Amazona || Arbiter Doom || Astrowoman || Atheos || Attache || Aurgelmir || Back Talk || Big League || Blue Weasel || Bomber Girl || Cavalcader || Centenarian || Change Agent || Charade || Chimpanzer || Chorus Girl || Chrono King || Circlet || Cockatrice || Cogsman || Coin-Operative || Cold Spell || Countess Cataclysm || Crackdown || Death Adder || Deathwatch || Devana || Didgeridoo || Dirigible || Doctor Arioch || Doctor Asmodeus || Doctor Epoch || Doctor Typhoon || Doctor Utopia || Doldrums || Downer || Duke Dreadsome || Ectomorph || Executress || Eye || French Roast || Ghost Gal || Green Mist || Goldsmith || Hellstone || Herculon || Ifrit ||  Illuminoid || Iron Agent || Jen-X || Joe Dynamo || Junkman ||  Liberta ||  Lord of Winter || Maera || Mime || Monument || Namtaru || Newsreel || Nightbreed || Officer Singh ||Overman || Pakhet || Queen Cheetah || Queen Sting || Steve Saturn || Tarnation || Technoid || Teen Thunderbolt || Torch Titan || Xerelerex || Zodiax 

Posted (edited)

SG Name: The Exarchs

RP/RP Friendly: Med-Heavy RP

Theme/Era: Green Lantern Corps/JLA inspired

Redside/Blueside: Blue (Redside characters may be considered*)


Recruitment Message:


The Exarchs are a group of heroes that, in protecting Paragon City, travel across the galaxy defeating threats far and wide that are often outside the scope of your everyday, normal crime fighter. To us, story is everything, and we hope to enrich our own by exploring yours. Come help us tell a story made all the better by the addition of your own.


Every hero has their place, as well as a villain to match. The Exarchs exist to combat a new class of villain. As such, we're looking for a new class of hero. However, not all heroes have powers. Scientists, doctors, engineers - those with exceptional skills in their fields all have a place within the Exarchs, helping to send our teams across Paragon City and out to the stars themselves.


If you think you have what it takes to join the Exarchs - to push yourself beyond the limits of what you thought were possible; face challenges you've never dreamt of, and find out who you really are - contact @Leap Year to start your journey. You can also reach me on Discord: Styce#3864

Edited by Leap Year
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SG Name: 1st Fist of Light/Fist of Hate


RP/RP Friendly: We only take in RP'ers or people who want to learn RP, and we don't mind teaching at all, in fact we excel at it!


Theme/Era: 1st Fist of Light is a government sponsored paranormal anti terrorist task force. Think Avengers, and we used this RP on live way back in the day. Fist of Hate is a 5th Column specialty task force. We also used this RP on live back in the day!


Redside/Blueside: 1st Fist of Light (Heroes)/Fist of Hate (Villains)


Recruitment Message: 1st Fist of Light (Fist of Hate), is a 19 year old RP SG that existed in other games together.

We love RP, we love to teach RP, and we are not some old boys club. We love everyone equally, whether you have been here 19 years or just joined up. We RP in the vein of Dungeons & Dragons, meaning that we RP as we play the game. We have fun with it and never take ourselves too seriously. We just like to have fun. We also take care of each other. We've had a few IRL get togethers and I am very proud to say that we have helped each other IRL from time to time too. If you have questions do not hesitate to ask or message me in game. @Marshal Valor is my global if you would like to talk further. Also we do have a global channel that we use for communication between 1st Fist of Light and Fist of Hate. We do have a Discord server as well that we use for communication, news, and events. You are NOT required to join and if you do you are NOT required to have a mic.

  • Like 2

Marshal Valor

Commander of the 1st Fist of Light


SG Name: Twilight Avengers


RP/RP Friendly:yes, although we don't RP that often. We are always open to new things.




Redside/Blueside: Blue


Recruitment Message: The Twilight Avengers Supergroup is looking for new members. We are a long time raiding Supergroup and the first Supergroup to take down Hamidon in game.  We are as excited as you about the game coming back and are looking to bolster our ranks with old and new members alike.  We he Raid, PvP, Farm, Badge Hunt, and have a great time on Discord Voice Chat. We only accept seasoned veterans into our SG. If you are interested in joining our Super Group come join our public discord at https://discord.gg/d3ws34P and get to know us.


SG Name: The Star League Defense Force

RP/RP Friendly: YES

Theme/Era: Technology/SciFi

Redside/Blueside: Blueside

Recruitment Message:


To gather the best Warriors, both Trueborn and Freeborn, under one mantle. We are seeking new members to join our ranks who either know about BattleTech and MechWarrior, or who are willing to be taught. Join us, Warriors, and test your mettle against the common enemies of the Star League!


I can be reached ingame at @Capt Punishment



  • SG Name: Collins Cybernetics
  • RP/RP Friendly: RP Welcome, But Optional
  • Theme/Era: Modern Tech Corporation
  • Redside/Blueside: [shadow=purple,right]Purple[/shadow]
  • Recruitment Message: "Powers to the People!"


Founded by Dr. Kallista Collins, aka "Techni-Kallie," Collins Cybernetics supports the activities of a wide range of super-powered individuals - with little concern for "hero" or "villain" status - in exchange for the opportunity to study and attempt to replicate their powers. The company's stated goal is to provide "powers to the people." Of course, the reality is that very few people can actually afford Collins' tech, but that's fine, so long as corporations and governments are willing to pay.


Collins Cybernetics is a brand new, optional light RP, mostly social "purple" supergroup, open to heroes and villains alike. We don't much care which side of the fence you're on (unless perhaps you're actively trying to *destroy* the world). Sure, an orderly society is good for business, but so is a little chaos, especially when your business is, to be blunt, the manufacture of personal armaments. It's all about balance... for the greater profit!


I'm not much of an RPer myself, which is why the SG isn't RP-focused, but I'm open to it, and I've tried to create a concept and a base design that allow for RP opportunities.


I'm also definitely open to coalitions with other SGs. Having more folk to chat with in-game is always a good thing!


Feel free to visit our corporate campus. Passcode "COLLINS-4493" will get you there. If you stop by, be sure to visit the abandoned 5th Column facility that Collins discovered and is currently refurbishing for completely non-nefarious purposes. You can access it from the secure door in the board room. Don't mind the laser cannon in the hallway leading to the portal; it's (probably) in safe mode. ;)


You can reach me in-game via global chat handle @dburgdorf.


Join our Discord ( https://discord.gg/gtjAdrr ) for more info!


Feel free to delete this comment when it's no longer needed


This thread is a great idea, but please put in the current server for your SG in your post. So people can search for and find SGs that operate on their servers.

Including your old server is also a great way into draw people from that server in too.

  • Confused 1
  On 6/24/2019 at 2:23 AM, Ghost49X said:

Feel free to delete this comment when it's no longer needed


This thread is a great idea, but please put in the current server for your SG in your post. So people can search for and find SGs that operate on their servers.

Including your old server is also a great way into draw people from that server in too.


This post is already in the Everlasting server section.

  • Haha 1



RP/RP Friendly: Moderate-to-heavy RP


Theme/Era: "Heroes Touched by Magic"  Mystic Heroes thrust into an Urban Setting


The DAUNTLESS REVERIE is a fellowship of Heroes whose lives have been touched in some way by magic, who seek in their own ways to help others.

They have been multitudes:  creatures of legend, descendants of the divine, beings blessed and cursed, visitors from fantastic worlds, tormented hellspawn, students of the arcane. 

But they have all been Dauntless:  Mystic Heroes thrust into an Urban Setting.


When the game was live, the DAUNTLESS REVERIE existed from Beta till shutdown.  It has always been a Moderate-to-Heavy RP group, and at times had quite a large membership, and a very large base.  Now, with the return of COH and the advent of the Homecoming Servers, the DAUNTLESS REVERIE is once again seeking members, Mystic Heroes who have been “touched by Magic”.


The base is in the process of being restored, and at present has a full set of teleportals, a worshop for crafting & Storage, and a medical facility, and should be completely furnished over the next week or two.


If you have characters you feel might be a good fit for this theme, and you're interested in RP as well as general missions, I’d enjoy talking / RPing with you. 

For questions or further info, or just a good spot of RP, you can always drop a tell to my global,  @Nyghtshade





SG Name: Paragon Physicians Association

RP/RP Friendly: Yes, very strongly recommended.

Theme/Era: Medical-themed characters, doctors, surgeons, biomedical researchers, med students

Redside/Blueside: Both


Recruitment Message:


Whether you are a licensed medical professional who feels like medical ethics boards are preventing you from helping people in need, a self-taught surgeon looking for institutional support, or a rotation student who needs community service hours, the Paragon Physicians Association is here to help!


The Paragon Physicians Association is a new coalition of science-based medical professionals from all walks of life. As Paragon City’s first medical non-profit, our mission is to offer support for those who bring palliative care to the front line, regardless of what their patients look like.


At PPA we understand the needs of a population as diverse as the inhabitants of Paragon and the Rogue Isles, and we aim to bring the best in medical care not only to those fighting to make our communities better, but to the communities themselves. No health insurance? No problem! PPA will bring the cures of tomorrow to you today! Simply visit our clinic (address: MEDICAL-5918) and let us help you heal.


Interested in working with us, and putting your skills to use serving your community? Please send a cover letter and resume to “Malpractice”, or to our P.O. box at the global address @Zinnar.


One final note, as PPA is a 501© charity organization, we rely on the generosity of you, the citizens of Paragon and the Rogue Isles to support our efforts to bring medical care to the community. We gladly accept donations in the form of financial support as well as in the form of useful materials. Remember, charitable donations are tax-deductible! Please direct all donations to Malpractice, or our global address @Zinnar, as above. We are also interested in corporate sponsorship, especially for our community health outreach events!


  • Like 1

SG Name: The Hero Corps

RP/RP Friendly: Yes, medium RP

Theme/Era: Corporate Heroism / Vigilantism

Redside/Blueside: Blueside

Recruitment Message:


We, here, at <The Hero Corps> have been safeguarding Paragon City for over twenty years. Being the chief authority in the field of superheroing, we're dedicated to the people of Paragon City in providing them with the best security counseling, personnel training, disaster prevention, and the safeguarding of V.I.P.s and precious items. Hero Corps. Saving the day.


((The Hero Corps is a Hero/Vigilante-aligned super group, based on the in-game group of the same name. The Hero Corps is not only a corps of people, but an international corporation with branches all over the world, selling their super-powered services to those willing to foot the bill. Their methods and hiring policies are controversial, but none can deny their effectiveness and excellent information they provide freelance heroes and governments world wide.


Our Hero Corps will explore the ethics and morality of heroes for hire, whether this can hinder or support the lifestyle of deputized superheroes, and if it is really wrong for a hero to receive pay. We will also explore the velvet hand/iron hand approach the Hero Corps takes with the secret organization within the H.C., the Void Sanction, where hitjobs are given on out villains across Paragon City and the Etoile Isles, and if death to know villains is the surefire way of ensuring peace for the world.))


Check out our discord here: https://discord.gg/j9M7N6V





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