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Which class has the easiest time training at a low lvl?


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22 minutes ago, hyacathinose said:

Summoner? I'm guessing summoner... is it mastermind?

All archetypes train trivially easy regardless of levels - it's just a matter of clicking on the trainer and (basically) choosing from a menu.

Which brings up the question of what you're really asking...  Is it what characters are easiest to play?  Solo the easiest?  Get XP the easiest?

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The early games rushes by now even if you don't get someone to pl you in ae. Get the 2xp boost from the pay to win vendor and do a few death from below trials and you'll be well on your way. That said in terms of AT's brutes are considered easy to get going because of the fury mechanic reducing the need for damage slotting. All the melee AT's are pretty straightforward though but really speaking the character you'll have the easiest time levelling is the one you like the best.

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I tend to get a 50% bonus from the vendor, street sweep until lvl 4 or 5, go train up, head to The Hollows, you'll be approaching lvl 12 or 13 by the time you get to Frostfire, might take an hour.  You'll even know how your toon works solo and can learn how to work in a group instead of the other way around..

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Brutes have a big advantage at low levels in that they get a big portion of their damage from the inherent fury generation which works the same at level 1 as at 50.   If I was going to solo from 1-20 as quickly/easily as possible, I would choose a brute and focus my slots on accuracy and end reduction, getting damage from fury.  


If you team, it doesn't matter so much, the game isn't very difficult and generally gets easier as you gain power.  Just get on a team and do what you can to contribute.

Edited by Shred Monkey

Active on Excelsior:

Prismatic Monkey - Seismic / Martial Blaster, Shadow Dragon Monkey - Staff / Dark Brute, Murder Robot Monkey - Arachnos Night Widow


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when I start a new character and slow grind story arcs at low level Brute is the easiest by far.  As has been mentioned they do great damage, huge health and can be kitted out for ACC and End Recovery by 2 DFBs Then I shut off exp at 4, 9, 14, 19, etc and finish arcs.  I did this on a Tank recently and it was annoyingly slower.  So, on the heavy side, for me, Brutes are easier than Tanks.  I cannot conceive how giving up a ton of health and some armors (no pre 20 character has 'great' armor) in order to get ...some extra damage or damage mitigation (just like Melees armors do not come in fully until after 20 or later trollers and doms don't mez whole spawn one after another pre 20) is going to make it easier.  I will concede in the hands of a very good player a well built I/o'd squishy can blast through content faster than most Brutes. I have never done it, but I have seen it.  It is like watching a wizard or hacker at work. But at low levels the Brutes mechanics and high health, mez protection, and damage shine.

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Personally, I would not recommend MMs for beginners. They are not rally just summon and forget, you have to maintain an awareness of their health/buffs, resummoning them, sometimes often depending on what you're fighting.


For the same reason, I would not recommend support classes for beginners, which generally require situational awareness of your team, who'd fighting what and where, their health and/or buff status.


Granted some folks thrive in chaos. My first character in Legacy was a Kin/Arch Defender.  🙂 I tend to play Support characters myself, love buffing myself or the team while debuffing the enemies.


I'd recommend straight-up melee of ranged to get your feet wet. Brutes for melee are a relatively safe bet especially at lower levels, Blasters or Corruptors for ranged.


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Power selection makes a big difference.  If you want a power set that gets good fast, Regen is the goto for brutes and scrappers.   It is at its best in the 35 and under game, and falls way behind at 50.  I have a level 50 regen scrapper that's built for low level content.  But Quick Recovery at level 4 makes it very inviting in the early game,  For a tanker, Fire Armor is the closest analogue: everything in the armor set that directly keeps you alive is available by level 12. 


Those are the ATs I know best.  


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While I agree that Brutes are probably going to be the easiest due to Fury causing you to do a disproportionate amount of damage compared to other ATs at low levels, an alternative if you don't want to be in the middle of things would be a Sentinel - you get defensive abilities and ranged attacks, and your job is to just blast things.

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I find myself liking the Sentinel comment and agreeing. I am a meta game min max builder and find Sentinels impossible to do that with. I think that was the design 


but at low levels and with little effort they will do well because of range/mez prot and some light armor

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Along with the other comments for Sentinel, this is the AT I chose for my 9 year old's toon.  Ranged is easier then melee because you don't have to worry about being in melee range of your target... you just have be somewhere within a 40-80ft sphere of that target.  That's a big help for him.  He is still mastering movement and tab targeting.  Plus it's nice to have access to early endurance and healing options found in some of those sets.  He probably won't get above level 10-15 since he spends most of his time running around the map yelling "Ahhh, I'm on fire" or "heheheh, you're on fire."


By no means would I suggest Sentinels for endgame domination, but they're a good safe "intro to gaming" class.

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Active on Excelsior:

Prismatic Monkey - Seismic / Martial Blaster, Shadow Dragon Monkey - Staff / Dark Brute, Murder Robot Monkey - Arachnos Night Widow


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The easiest character at low levels is a willpower/claws tanker.  Willpower gets good early and is only toggle and auto powers.  In particular, it relies on healing so it is not weak to vahz or other exotic damage foes.   Claws has fast recharge and just attacks  - not even build up. 


If you want to defeat foes faster play a claws/willpower brute.  But it will be a bit tougher.

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