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Posted (edited)

Hi All.


I am currently re-playing an AR / Devices Blaster and having a whirl.  The build is intentionally limited in AR to Burst, Slug, Buckshot, Flamethrower and Full Auto -- fuelled by Hasten.  I say intentionally, because the really interesting side of AR / Devices is actually the secondary, Devices itself.  As you may be aware Devices has gone through some changes.  I would be interested in other players points of view on how to build a /Devices strong / more Controllery style Blaster - given its new resurgence -- and how many different ways you can think of building a /Devices concept -- emphasising slot count towards Devices.


For example,


- Toxic Web Grenade & Caltrops -- heavy slotting here for ground area denial / creating a kill zone.

- Taser (and AR's Beanbag) -- a double stun combo for locking down a Boss.

- Smoke Grenade -- A Core Power.  How heavily should you slot it, given you can stack its -to hit.

- Field Operative -- A Core Power.  Defence / Healing / End Modification.  Are there variations in which way to slot?

- Trip Mine and Time Bomb -- Great powers used alone or together.  

- Gun Drone -- Good / bad / droppable?

- Hasten & Recharge -- how much +recharge is enough or optimal?

- Defences & Resistances vs. Stealth / Smoke / Field Operative.


I am currently playing this AR / Devices Blaster with an AR / Devices duo partner.  Individually they are good, but together, they rise to a whole new (Super-Soldier) level.  I heartily recommend this duo combination to fellow players.


Your thoughts on slotting / Devices in interesting ways are welcome.


(playing Canis Major on Reunion)



Edited by Tath99

Take the Trip Mine; skip the Time Bomb.  It's still going to be a solo thing most of the time.  This is one area where adding knockback actually helps; it's one more tool for shooing away too-friendly mobs. 


Oddly, blasters seem to benefit more than melees from the Preventive Medicine proc and Regenerative Tissue Regen proc.  Give Field operative five slots: three endurance mods and those two. 


Caltrops does fine with its default slot; use it for Pacing of the Turtle -recharge proc.  Make a macro powexeclocation target_self Caltrops.  (I think that's the syntax, don't count on it).  Caltrops is for when mobs get too handsy. 


Smoke grenade - go with the -tohit and recharge.  IIRC it doesn't take accurate to-hit debuff buttons, so you will want to add a regular accuracy.  5 Dark Watcher's inc. the -recharge proc and one Accuracy is what I  run. 


I eventually dropped Taser.  My blaster is archery/dev; purely ranged, and the range was just too short for it to be useful, especially since the character is built to keep mobs away. 


TB ~ Amazon Army: AMAZON-963 | TB ~ Crowned Heads: CH-10012 | EX ~ The Holy Office: HOLY-1610 | EV ~ Firemullet Groupies: FM-5401 | IN ~ Sparta: SPARTA-3759 | RE ~ S.P.Q.R. - SPQR-5010

Spread My Legions - #207 | Lawyers of Ghastly Horror - #581 | Jerk Hackers! - #16299 | Ecloga Prima - #25362 | Deth Kick Champions! - #25818 | Heaven and Hell - #26231 | The Legion of Super Skulls - #27660 | Cathedral of Mild Discomfort - #38872 | The Birch Conspiracy! - #39291

Posted (edited)

Devices is more about you using your imagination, we all get a kick out of different things, we all maybe like yourself duo with different people. I wouldn't sit here and try to limit you with my experiences and put a power to pasture for you. That's upto you. 


You mention gun drone, is it skippable, depends who you ask, I tended to have it take an alpha for me, COT_mages control effects, yeah I didn't want that, so the drone got it. It was also additional side dps not just +hp to me. I didn't always play a patient game of trap and pull. Maybe it should detonate and do a small pbaoe?


Recharge, well you want to cycle through your aoes at will and in those moments when trip mines become viable get them down quick. Timebomb I would put down before a trip if toebombing was viable or have it engage a patrolling group. The game doesn't have a lot of options but if your stealthy enough it's a means of you alphaing mobs instead from a more tactical position.



Edited by NEW DAWN
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Some players make their characters all about them, if it doesn't help them, they don't want it, their build advice to you will ofcourse be about making your character the best thing that helps them too if they ever team with you, because it's always about them.

Posted (edited)

Personally, I view /devices as the most powerful blaster secondary (except vs. /energy if pvp'ing).  That said, I usually skip Caltrops and Time Bomb.  Everyone skips Time Bomb except super slow solo players.

  1. Toxic Web Grenade - mandatory, but I usually 6-slot it with Enfeebled Operation for MASSIVE smashing/lethal defenses.  Incredible set, if you can spare the slots (and you should).
  2. Caltrops - there is an argument for caltrops, proc-monster style, but it really is lackluster compared to trip mine or most any AoE else, really.  Handy if you can fit it in, but I would not plan for it.  I suppose as a 1-slot "oh shit" power it is ok...
  3. Taser - is freakin' awesome!  Not just a nice stun, but a hit-like-a-truck stun.  Fast, good energy damage, close range (pseudo melee power, but still ranged).  I always take it.  Usually put 4 devastations in it (+HP and 3% dam)
  4. Targeting Drone - must have, really nice power, ½ of the main reason you should want to play /devices.  I slot it with two Adjusted Targeting for 2% dam bonus, as slots are tight on an AR/Dev survival build (that I have).
  5. Smoke Grenade - often passed over by those who don't play very well.  Don't skip this, it's a game-changer.  I usually 2-slot if with Dampened Spirits (2% dam buff) and enjoy a little -ToHit (about -6.3%) but the real power is the -perception.  Incredibly useful in team and solo!
  6. Field Operative - must have, excellent "free toggle", the other ½ of the main reason you should want to play /devices.  I slot it with 3 numina + 2 efficacy adapters + 1 LotG global rech. proc.  YMMV.  The regen is really strong (and it's better than absorb, about as good as /fire's +heal).  Recovery is strong, defense is OK.  So many slotting options with this one.  Probably THE BEST blaster free toggle in the game, by a LONG SHOT.  This is what all other blaster secondaries wish they had.
  7. Trip Mine - some skip it, I take it.  It's really decent damage, is NOT interruptable (which is good or bad, depending, mostly good).  I 6-slot this one, as it's a great AoE filler, as well as a fun solo playtime power (set 5-6 of them and bring the mobs over... boom!)
  8. Time Bomb - as anyone with just over 1 brain cell or more will tell you, skip it.  I suppose if you tried really hard you can come up with one dream scenario where it's handy or useful, but in reality, it's a wasted pick.  Take trip mine instead, never look back.
  9. Gun Drone - silly and lame, but a ghetto aggro magnet and mule for a sweet rech-intensive pet set (4-slots for 6.25% recharge, etc.)

That's about all I have to say about that.

Edited by r0y
  • Thumbs Up 1
  On 3/31/2020 at 6:30 AM, r0y said:


  1. Time Bomb - as anyone with just over 1 brain cell or more will tell you, skip it.  I suppose if you tried really hard you can come up with one dream scenario where it's handy or useful, but in reality, it's a wasted pick.  Take trip mine instead, never look back.




  On 3/29/2020 at 7:40 AM, Tath99 said:

- Trip Mine and Time Bomb -- Great powers used alone or together. 



Some players make their characters all about them, if it doesn't help them, they don't want it, their build advice to you will ofcourse be about making your character the best thing that helps them too if they ever team with you, because it's always about them.

Posted (edited)


Edited by NEW DAWN

Some players make their characters all about them, if it doesn't help them, they don't want it, their build advice to you will ofcourse be about making your character the best thing that helps them too if they ever team with you, because it's always about them.


Time Bomb costs:

  • 1.8x the Casting Time of Trip Mine
  • 18x the Recharge Time of Trip Mine (!!!!)
  • 2x the Endurance Cost of Trip Mine

... and for all that, Time Bomb delivers only 1.43x of the damage of ONE Trip Mine.




Talk about THE NUKE THAT WASN'T ...




Steps to take:

  1. Pick Trip Mine
  2. Do Not Pick Time Bomb (very important!)
  3. Invest slots in Trip Mine
  4. Do Not Waste Precious Slots On Time Bomb
  5. Cast Trip Mine TWICE
  6. Deliver more damage with two Trip Mines than one Time Bomb could ever provide.
  7. Profit
  • Like 2


Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.

Posted (edited)
  On 3/31/2020 at 1:48 PM, Redlynne said:


  1. Cast Trip Mine TWICE

Cast interruptable trip mine twice?  With timebomb and then plus trip mine its somewhat instant to the npcs, assured 7-8s of dps in one big burst +kb purely used for the function of reducing actual fight duration because the more the fight is prolonged the more of a chance you get mullered  which is fine until you get to be the untouchable fully io setted God that just needs to spray bullets.



I'll elaborate, as soon as you lay the first trip mine, npcs shoot at you if they still live, the clock is running out on your hp, if you get a timebomb and tripmine to go off at the same time more damage is done to the npcs and there is less of a fight duration to survive.  Not done in teams.


Also if you, well you probably wouldn't pull to a mere 2 trip mines, so as to of atleast laid 2 before being wiped, but you could stash a timebomb in there somewhere.


I've just read this, so the only interrupt is death but the point is you reduce the npcs healthbars before they see you:



Edited by NEW DAWN
  • Sad 1

Some players make their characters all about them, if it doesn't help them, they don't want it, their build advice to you will ofcourse be about making your character the best thing that helps them too if they ever team with you, because it's always about them.


All they need to do is change something in Devices to a second snipe, then instantaneously it would be super competitive.

  On 3/31/2020 at 6:30 AM, r0y said:

That said, I usually skip Caltrops




Anyway, a few notes.


1: Caltrops, Field Operative and trip mine carry the set.


2: Gun drone is a good set mule, but since they added a taunt to it, it's already low value has diminished considerably. Keep it for bonuses if you can, but if something has to go to fit something else, it's gun drone.


3: Time bomb is in the running for one of the worst powers in the game. Two trip mines will outdamage it, don't bother with it.


4: Proc caltrops out, it's proc rate leads to some fun random bursts of damage.

  On 3/31/2020 at 2:44 PM, NEW DAWN said:

Cast interruptable trip mine twice?


It's not interruptable anymore. Furthermore, following your own logic - in the time it takes time bomb to go off, you could have fired off 2-3 AoEs that all would likely do more damage than the bomb individually. Time bomb is an awful power.



  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)
  On 4/2/2020 at 6:17 PM, ScarySai said:


It's not interruptable anymore. Furthermore, following your own logic - in the time it takes time bomb to go off, you could have fired off 2-3 AoEs that all would likely do more damage than the bomb individually. Time bomb is an awful power.




I think people are missing my own logic, in toe bombing when you're putting down trip mine, it will go off, you are under fire when putting down the next one.


When you are effectively invisible you can put down timebomb and put down the first trip mine at the right time to go off simultaneously before becoming under fire. You then start the fight duration with more hitpoints and then they are at far less hitpoints, it is sacrificing dps for the sake of a headstart, because in the given situation, you might need the headstart.


A situation can be made ingame whereby, you are not going to be putting down that second trip mine because you are dead.



What is the BIGGEST alpha for alerting mobs to your presence you got?


Edited by NEW DAWN

Some players make their characters all about them, if it doesn't help them, they don't want it, their build advice to you will ofcourse be about making your character the best thing that helps them too if they ever team with you, because it's always about them.

  On 4/4/2020 at 8:54 AM, NEW DAWN said:

What is the BIGGEST alpha for alerting mobs to your presence you got?


6 slots for Trip Mine and 6 slots for Time Bomb ... or ...

  On 4/4/2020 at 10:57 AM, Chelsea Rorec said:

mmm TP Foe and Trip mine ......


6 slots for Trip Mine an no added slots for Teleport Foe ...




The former does AoE in place after some 9+5=14 seconds of casting time while the latter is good against a single $Target and costs the same amount of casting time for 3 Trip Mines plus Teleport Foe.


Neither strategy is going to work on a rapid steamroller team that is already working on the next spawn group by the time you finish casting Time Bomb+Trip Mine.


Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.

  On 4/4/2020 at 12:22 PM, Redlynne said:

6 slots for Trip Mine and 6 slots for Time Bomb ... or ...

6 slots for Trip Mine an no added slots for Teleport Foe ...




The former does AoE in place after some 9+5=14 seconds of casting time while the latter is good against a single $Target and costs the same amount of casting time for 3 Trip Mines plus Teleport Foe.


Neither strategy is going to work on a rapid steamroller team that is already working on the next spawn group by the time you finish casting Time Bomb+Trip Mine.


I was never assuming in a team or steam rollering. 


I try to be inclusive of people who solo, who are levelling to 50, who could be duoing, so there is me cutting the fight duration down for survivabilities sake, ofc in a steam roll situation I was very situational and even then trip mines or timebomb pretty much went unused entirely. I mean there was a time with the icetank a room full of +5 Malta and it was a mine up, fast herd, me shooting out 80ft and back again followed by extreme lag many years ago, but that was it.

Some players make their characters all about them, if it doesn't help them, they don't want it, their build advice to you will ofcourse be about making your character the best thing that helps them too if they ever team with you, because it's always about them.

Posted (edited)
  On 4/4/2020 at 8:54 AM, NEW DAWN said:

I think people are missing my own logic, in toe bombing when you're putting down trip mine, it will go off, you are under fire when putting down the next one.


I know what toe bombing is. Problem is using your nuke, or a standard AOE blast would be better and more consistent when paired with trip mine, so your logic still works.


  On 4/4/2020 at 8:54 AM, NEW DAWN said:

What is the BIGGEST alpha for alerting mobs to your presence you got?


My nuke + trip mine, or my main AOE + trip mine.


Not only does it do more damage, it's something I can do on every pull, as opposed to twice a mission.

Edited by ScarySai

Is Time bomb a bad power?  Yeah, but it is a crap load of fun.   I will, for no apparent utility, run into a big mob lay down the time bomb, then trip mine and if I get killed I use Rise of the Phoenix.  

  On 3/31/2020 at 2:44 PM, NEW DAWN said:

Cast interruptable trip mine twice?


The interrupt on both Trip Mine and Time Bomb have been removed.


But as @Redlynne points out, Time Bomb is crippled by being barely better than Trip Mine but with 18 times the recharge.  My AR-Dev can drop a Trip Mine into every group of mobs.  If taken, Time Bomb will be on recharge most of the time or forgotten about.  It is a waste of a power pick and any extra slots assigned to it.


I really love Assault Rifle-Devices.  Had one back in Issue 5 on Live, who I've recreated.  Currently working on a Munitions Master build, but I also have Force Mastery and Mace Mastery builds planned for him.


As usual, to get the Pool Powers I want, some powers in the primary and secondary have to be passed over.  I didn't take either Stun power as high-recharge single-target stunning is a problematic tactic while damage with some knockback and knockdown is more reliable.  Of the two, if I could, I'd take Taser as it's does better damage.  I do like Smoke Grenade, but it go pushed out to include Recall Friend for great team support.  I also pass over Full Auto.  It's a narrow cone, tricky to use, and it freezes my toon for over 4 seconds.


If I'm going to be stuck for 4 seconds, I'll drop a Trip Mine next to a mob who's either not seen my fully stealthed toon or is otherwise distracted.  Trip Mine and Ignite are the true nukes of the AR-Dev build.  Caltrops is a good mob control power too.  Ignite and Caltrops are respectively bound to Ctrl-Leftclick and Alt-Leftclick for ease of use.  Shift-Leftclick fires off a combined command to trigger any teleport power (), which I use while Mystic Flight is active.

  • 2 weeks later

Don’t know if anyone has actually played with procc’ing out Caltrops but you really, really should.  Not for damage....but for slows and holds and all kinds of other goodies.


The DOT goes bezerk with procs.


I've had a huge amount of fun with my AR/Dev.

I skipped -


M30 Grenade



Time Bomb


I'm soft capped to range @ 47.2% def

I took Munitions Mastery

Body Armour

Cryo Freeze ray

LRM rocket



And i took TP Foe and Hasten


I love it.

IT's my Favourite blaster atm.



Posted (edited)

Hey, I actually figured out a use for time bomb!

Do NOT put any recharge reducers in it... global recharge only.

3 slot it with fury of the glad dam/acc, fury of the glad -res, force feedback -rech.
Drop it on Romulus.

Because of it's slow recharge, the procs go off EVERY time, and a little extra fire/cold resist is profitable. and 2.77 seconds is still a better cast time than ignite or FA.

It can also be a decent mule for 3 slotting blaster's wrath if you are going for +20 global range.

Edited by Frostweaver
Posted (edited)

My latest, greatest, and favoritest Blaster build yet is Energy/Devices.  Energy/Energy is still my OG classic favorite, but I'm completely digging my new Energy/Devices Blaster: BLASTERMAN (on Everlasting)! 


Blasterman is a "ranged Stalker": he sneaks and snipes and blasts from afar.  That means no melee, no toe-bombing.  Apparently, this is wrong for a */Devices Blaster, according to the other posts in this thread.  But I don't care, because I love him so, as is. 


I put his build below.  I was going for maximum stealth and permanent quick-snipe/bonus damage.  In the process, I got soft-capped Ranged defense, soft-capped S/L/E, +30% damage, and almost perma-Hasten.  He's so much fun!


  Reveal hidden contents



Edited by Rathulfr
  • Like 2


Energy/Energy Blaster (50+3) on Everlasting

Energy/Temporal Blaster (50+3) on Excelsior

Energy/Willpower Sentinel (50+3) on Indomitable

Energy/Energy Sentinel (50+1) on Torchbearer

Posted (edited)

Field operative may be the best sustain power blasters can get.  Gives health, endurance, and defense.  No click required.   Targeting drone is very nice.  Gives damage and tohit and again, no click required.  You can try some other stuff, but nothing else is really needed from the set.  And guess what?  That's not so bad.  You get everything you need from a secondary in 2 powers that you just turn on one time and benefit from 100% of the time with no interruptions to your damage output.


It's not flashy... it's not special... but it's good.  If you want an all ranged blaster and are OK with your primary attacks being all you use, devices is a great option.  (trick arrow is another great option).

Edited by Shred Monkey
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Active on Excelsior:

Prismatic Monkey - Seismic / Martial Blaster, Shadow Dragon Monkey - Staff / Dark Brute, Murder Robot Monkey - Arachnos Night Widow


Posted (edited)

I am confused. If you have a decent ranged attack chain, what is wrong with skipping the 'get bored preparing for the fight' powers?

I skip most of devices, because the time spent toe bombing could have just chewed through 4 spawns. And I get a heck of a lot of use out of Caltrops, which everyone else seems to think is a terrible power... because it keeps things from beating on me in melee, so I only have to cap my ranged and aoe defense.

Yep, it's really cute to set a ton of bombs preparing for an EB and have him half kill himself running towards you, but it's even cuter to watch him start running towards you after you just sniped half his health, stop and start slowly running away and occasionally turning to throw an irrelevant rock or something into the air above you.

I don't even care about the gun drone taunt thing, because it takes only 1 second to drop, is up every 45 seconds, and pumps out some Damage OR keeps stuff from hitting me for a few seconds. It's not a pet, it's a trap, and it does a fine job as a trap... the people who hate it keep thinking of it as a crappy pet. Not to mention it's usually sitting in a patch of caltrops, dragging stuff onto them.

Edited by Frostweaver

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