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Request, Ranged Beam Blasting powerset.


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We all know there's beam rifle, but.. yeah it just feels better for some of us to fire it from our hands. and more thematic and origin neutral from hands as well. where as it'd be a stretch to call it a magic, science or mutant gun......


then there's energy blasting, the knock back centric splashy energy bullets. yeah it's balls of energy but it's still not a beam.


So, other that graphically different, what would be the statistical or focus differences between these?


Beam, as implied by light, would be fast, short recharge times, short activation times, fast striking, ability to chain attacks quickly and enhance or stack more effects on the enemy and or yourself.


what kinda effects?


the kinda beam that burns. initial energy hit followed by fire DoT. (instead of KB).


the beam's burns probably would cause some sort of effect. I'm thinking more like an interrupt or hindrance, -atkspeed -dmg -def something like this or one of these.


Beam could maybe have a special buff power which other than boosting damage and accuracy can give the ability to fire at targets through walls [X-ray beam] or something.


the downsides? overheat. end consumption is going to be the weakpoint. that and maybe the intensity of the beams can natively build up as you fire them more often (giving each attack a small self damage buff followed by an -end debuff to self.


Range, being beams this would likely have a long range.


AoE, kinda hard to think of beams and AoE, but think more of a barrage of shots that fill a hallway and damage an enemy, pass through them and deal some damage to other enemies in their path. or also think of a massive hallway filling beam that hits everything in range in that direction unless the beam is stopped by obstacles and Xray beam is not on (toggle?).


should also have a stun beam. cone minor damage energy + psionic.


and who can forget Metroid and samus aran with her Ice beam?  moderate energy damage + minor damage cold DoT, Hold


could also give it a pet, "beam core sentry", this ball of light is indestructible and blasts beams at your enemies over the course of the time it is active (60 seconds). It also adds to your overheat self buff/debuff caused by using each power.


So lets recap, energy with fire DoT, stacking enemy damage debuff and self stacking damage buff with increasing end consumption (self) over time tacked on. fast power recharge and activation with power chaining. 1 stun cone energy psionic. 1 timed indestructible pet with powers [single target beam shot], [circular beam shots AoE], 1 self buff (toggle) moderate +Accuracy +Tohit, +Special (fire even when the target is blocked as long as it's in range), slightly longer range than most blasting sets.


9 powers:

Lv1 Beam Strike, Ranged (150ft), High Damage Energy, Moderate Fire DoT ( 5 ticks over 10 seconds), activation time: instant, animation duration: 1 second,  recharge: 2 seconds. enemy -damage - attack speed, self +overheat( adds 10% damage to all powers,  all your powers end cost is increased for the next 60 seconds, this buff and debuff stacks), a thin but highly packed swift beam sears into your target at lightspeed, the wound sears with the heat of the bolt slightly lowering their ability to move which effects their damage and attack speed. 

Lv1 Beam Barrage, Ranged Cone (150ft), Moderate Damage Energy [multi shot], minor fire DoT (5 ticks over 10 seconds), activation time: instant, animation/attack duration: 3 seconds, recharge 2 seconds , enemy -damage, -attack speed, self +overheat this 2 handed attack keeps the beams shooting at everything in the direction you are facing.

Lv2 Stun beam, Ranged cone (125ft), minor damage energy/psionic, foe +stun (60 seconds)  +sleep(30 seconds) magnitude 3 to 8, activation time: instant, animation duration: 1 second, recharge: 3 seconds. self +overheat

Lv6 Halo, PBAoE, High Damage Energy, Moderate Fire DoT, (10 ticks over 20 seconds), activation time: instant, animation duration: 2 seconds, recharge: 4 seconds, enemy - damage, - attack speed, self +overheat. You focus a ring of light around you then release it in all directions attacking everything close by with searing power.

Lv8 Xray beam, toggle, enhance for to-hit buff, end reduction, recharge time, sets; to-hit buff. +accuracy (25%), +to-hit (50%), +special (attack when target is blocked), activation time: 5 seconds (interruptible during casting, disables while held or stunned, not slept or immobilized), recharge time: 60 seconds. with this power on, you can see right through any obstacles and see right through your enemy to find the best way to hit them, it does not supply any extra damage, but while active you can use it's power to fire your beams through such objects, this lets you to both select blocked or unseen targets, and attack when a target would normally be blocked.

Lv12 Beam Gatling, Narrow Cone Sniper (350 ft) ranged directional damage, multi shot. extreme damage energy, high fire DoT (5 ticks over 10 seconds), activation time: 3 seconds (interruptible), animation duration: 3 seconds, recharge: 3 seconds,  enemy - damage, - defense, self +overheat. You charge up a series of powerful beams to launch from a long distance away and unleash a series of such blasts in a cone in the general direction of the target, the speed and closeness of each blast causes enemies to have less chance to dodge future attacks, while the searing pain of getting hit causes enemies to strike with less damage out of reflex.

Lv18 Ice beam, ranged (125 ft), moderate damage energy, Cold DoT (10 ticks over 20 seconds) + hold (180 seconds, mag 18) (no overheat)

Lv26 Beam Sentry, Summon pet. this ball of light blasts your enemies with deadly swift beam attacks for 60 seconds, it's indestructible, and has the following attacks [Beam Strike, recharge 4 seconds], [Beam Barrage recharge 4 seconds], [Halo, recharge 8 seconds] activation time: instant, animation duration: 2 seconds, recharge: 15 seconds, self +overheat

Lv32 Beam Cannon Narrow Cone Sniper (400 ft), ranged directional damage, single shot, Superior Damage Energy, Extreme Fire DoT 10 ticks over 20 seconds. activation time: 3 seconds (interruptible), animation duration: 3 seconds, recharge: 45 seconds, enemy - damage, - regen, self +overheat. you charge up a beam sure to be overkill even from far away, you unleash it as one single massive blast in the direction of your target, any targets in that range are hit with a devastating beam which envelopes their whole body the searing pain makes them less able to deal damage back, while the extent of the burns greatly inhibit their regeneration.


Not included, but for consideration:  (possibly to replace Icebeam)

Beam Shackles, Ranged AoE (101ft), Hold, no initial damage, moderate DoT Energy/fire. you wrap beam rings around your enemies holding their arms and legs, the ring burns them



This is all just a rough draft. a basic outline of the idea.

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There is absolutely nothing hard to imagine or have to make a real stretch to have a magic, mutant, or science gun. In fact modern pop fiction is loaded with them. Especially Anime shows.


Ever see Darker Than Black? In season 2 of it we meet a girl whose strange almost magic like, mutation, caused by some strange science experiment gone wrong, can manifest from thin air a massive cannon of a sniper rifle. And yeah if I was going to give that girl an origin in coh I wouldnt know which of the 3 above fit best.


In Marvel Iron Fist at one point used Chi Guns, magic guns that channeled his chi.


There are stories of characters with sci fi guns, that draw DNA from their wielders to provide ammo that are basically cancer bullets used to kill alien monsters. Pretty sciencey gun imo.


I mean asking for beam from hands, well your far from the first, even on live people wanted such, yet We never got any of the weapon sets to have a non weapon alt animation. Likely because well there are so many options for non weapon powers, and the ability to recolor them, that you should be able to make one work. Hell odds are even if they did what you want many would complain about having to do the BRs disintegration gimmick, which I encounter many who wont use BR because of, and get annoyed that the cool sci fi rifle cant just be straight forward like AR.


Keep in mind, now your asking a volunteer team, to develop art assets for a single power set to have an unarmed variant, when the set is about being armed. I mean I was never a big fan of weapon sets being powers rather than just gear we use, but that is how coh has always done it.



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59 minutes ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

There is absolutely nothing hard to imagine or have to make a real stretch to have a magic, mutant, or science gun. In fact modern pop fiction is loaded with them. Especially Anime shows.


Ever see Darker Than Black? In season 2 of it we meet a girl whose strange almost magic like, mutation, caused by some strange science experiment gone wrong, can manifest from thin air a massive cannon of a sniper rifle. And yeah if I was going to give that girl an origin in coh I wouldnt know which of the 3 above fit best.


In Marvel Iron Fist at one point used Chi Guns, magic guns that channeled his chi.


There are stories of characters with sci fi guns, that draw DNA from their wielders to provide ammo that are basically cancer bullets used to kill alien monsters. Pretty sciencey gun imo.


I mean asking for beam from hands, well your far from the first, even on live people wanted such, yet We never got any of the weapon sets to have a non weapon alt animation. Likely because well there are so many options for non weapon powers, and the ability to recolor them, that you should be able to make one work. Hell odds are even if they did what you want many would complain about having to do the BRs disintegration gimmick, which I encounter many who wont use BR because of, and get annoyed that the cool sci fi rifle cant just be straight forward like AR.


Keep in mind, now your asking a volunteer team, to develop art assets for a single power set to have an unarmed variant, when the set is about being armed. I mean I was never a big fan of weapon sets being powers rather than just gear we use, but that is how coh has always done it.



Fair points about different origin guns, but what about characters like Samus Aran with spazer or plasma or wave beam? what about one piece's admiral kizaru with his light speed attacks and barrages of beams?, Goku from dragon ball super saiyan?, Ryu from street fighter?. there are other things out there than what we have the means to do right now and other things out there than beam rifles..


the goal of CoH was to progress as much as possible to be able to cover all the power type bases eventually. Beam never really got there, there was support for it, but the devs had other focuses, new ats, new zones, new control sets, new armor, new pets, the list goes on. doesn't mean they wouldn't have eventually done something to this effect.


Not trying to argue here, not sure if you got what I was saying here, but this isn't a request to degun beam rifle. this is to make a beam blasting power set, it will have a different focus than beam rifle, different attack distributions. a Beam energy AoE for example.


develop art assets, if art assets need developing for this, I'd be happy to do them, a glowing energy ring is easy enough, there might already be one in game just scale it to AoE size and use it in a distribution similar to PBAoE healing auras but with more of a charge then shove arms out to the sides kinda animation.  the other beam graphics could be in the game already, maybe, maybe just need some scaling. otherwise if they need I'd be happy to make and supply graphics and textures for such.


unarmed variant (not what I'm aiming for, it should be significantly different from rifle in presentation and stat focus, the names and way they are used will not be "about being armed" this is not just a reskin, this is a different set.)


56 minutes ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

Oh and to recap you want a power set that does high base dmg, causes a dot, a dubuff, and a self dmg buff as well. Is that right? Because like uhm wtf lol hell know J/ranger to oblivion and back again. Because it basically sounds like you want a set that would make every other obsolete.

I based the damage listings off electric blasting, fire blasting is sorta high too, both have an enemy -end debuff. however fire and electric also have a damage buff power, after thinking about beam blasting, I thought it's be more appropriate to not actually supply a damage buff power, [Xray Beam] only supplies accuracy and tohit, no damage buff so the damage buff needs to be on each power, stack and last for some general amount of time, but because it's on each power there should also be a penalty for stacking too much, this was handled with stacking increased end costs for all powers.


the idea was, sure your damage grows as you attack, and you have incredible damage, your accuracy is decent, not as great as Aim or variants, and sure you debuff enemies a little with each hit, but not only can these debuffs be minor in most cases (toned down to be appropriate so it's not OP), but also the more you attack the more it costs to do so, eventually you end up sapping yourself if you go at it too hot and fast.


Notice I did not put end costs, consider them to be relatively high to begin with matching the damage intensity. moderate damage? moderate end cost. superior damage? superior end cost.


now imagine a self end cost debuff stacking every time you attack. superior end cost  +1x minor, then moderate end cost + 2x minor , then +3x minor end cost, then 4x, then 5x, still not worn off? 6x 7x.  eventually this PSet would have to take a breather not for end to recharge but for the self debuffs to wear off.


At early levels where end is precious because recovery is low, this would  mean every 3 or 4 attacks you'd have to stop and wait a sec or sap yourself empty 1 attack at a time.


Higher levels where there's some enhanced recovery; getting in the first 3 or 4 attacks will start the drain, then maybe another 3 and you're surpassing your recovery.


40+ sets and bonuses, even then lets say the debuffs stack for 60 seconds, that's like 10 to 13 attacks, that's a stack of minor end cost x13 even at minor end cost of 1 end, that's 13 end tacked on to every attack's own cost. my build at current gets about 36 end per second. that means about 23 end per second is left for the attack itself's cost (probably like 6 to 30 depending on the power), then toggles like the Xray toggle I propose, maybe 1 end a sec, you're looking at (20 to 43 end a sec without other toggles and enemy debuffs, this means having to pace yourself, and choose when to use the big attacks.


keep in mind this self increased end cost will ignore endurance discounts in theory.


in summary, a whole lot of power very quickly, then rest. and rest. sounds fair to me. blue insps would be this PSet's requirement to keep going non-stop.

Edited by Joshex
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I totally support a energy beam set that has it's own animations & associated 2ndary effects. The MM Assault Bot has 2 beam attacks an st & a small cone that I have thought would be perfect for a Beam power set since live it would be a perfect opportunity for TAOE orbital satellite Beam attack power or an erupt from the ground PBAOE attack power

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2 hours ago, Chance Jackson said:

I totally support a energy beam set that has it's own animations & associated 2ndary effects. The MM Assault Bot has 2 beam attacks an st & a small cone that I have thought would be perfect for a Beam power set since live it would be a perfect opportunity for TAOE orbital satellite Beam attack power or an erupt from the ground PBAOE attack power

great ideas! I hadn't thought of that. tech it could be a satellite, magic it could be a beam from the heavens or something.


5 hours ago, MTeague said:

Rather than invent a(nother) entire powerset around "beams", it seems like they'd get far more bang-for-the-buck by creating more beam-like animations for the existing powersets.

Then if you want Cryo-Beams, you use Ice Blast iwth an alternate Beam animation, etc.

while I want to try to agree with you in spirit, that would be reskinning other powersets, granted it might be easier, but the powers would act like whatever set you put the beam clothes on. not saying no, it's a fallback plan I suppose.

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I was thinking of a mechanic that was as off-the-wall and different from most other sets in how you approach and use it.  Beams/arm cannon was the kind of concept I was thinking of but I'm literally thinking of something really unique.  Combining different damage types and secondary effects, while pretty much the same direction most new/different sets use to make them unique, I feel it only goes so far.  For the example you present, you can kind of just get by with a new set of animations/visual fx to make an existing set.


A set I had in mind required some fidgeting around with "interruptible" attacks, similar to sniper attacks (some of the blasts would be regular non-interruptible clicks too) but it's version of Aim would be a kind of toggle that changes your click attacks into self-buff powers that effectively "charge" another power.  So you turn on the toggle, use some of your other "attacks" to "charge" your beam powers/arm cannon so when you untoggle the power, you're adding the damage of those attacks you used to the damage of your next power. The positive is, you can gain these buffs a bit quicker if charged and using the attacks individually, you also can do these between encounters and some of your powers that are interruptible are not  while using the toggle.  The negative is, this toggle has a recharge and only starts recharging after you turn it off.

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14 hours ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

Oh and to recap you want a power set that does high base dmg, causes a dot, a dubuff, and a self dmg buff as well. Is that right? Because like uhm wtf lol hell know J/ranger to oblivion and back again. Because it basically sounds like you want a set that would make every other obsolete.

So..exactly LIKE Beam Rifle? That has Dot (via dis), aim, -def effects, stuns, kb, AND a -res shot.

Great point there. Especially given that BR has not made other sets obsolete at all. ANd even if it (or a new set) did, people would still play the old ones.

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Ehh...  don't know about concept, Beam Rifle, Energy Blast, etc.  I could see a possible argument for a light/holy type set since we have dark abilities but even that is a stretch.  If it was holy (which definitely has some comic origins) then I would make it a combo of energy/fire damage instead of always making everything a combo of lethal or smashing with something else.  Side effects besides dots could be fear and/or disorient.

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image.png.440bd3ba66421192ca1fb954c5d313c2.pngspacer.pngFlint Eastwood

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8 hours ago, Lazarillo said:

There already is a non-gun Beam set.  It's called Energy Blast.


23 hours ago, Joshex said:

then there's energy blasting, the knock back centric splashy energy bullets. yeah it's balls of energy but it's still not a beam.




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11 hours ago, Leogunner said:

I was thinking of a mechanic that was as off-the-wall and different from most other sets in how you approach and use it.  Beams/arm cannon was the kind of concept I was thinking of but I'm literally thinking of something really unique.  Combining different damage types and secondary effects, while pretty much the same direction most new/different sets use to make them unique, I feel it only goes so far.  For the example you present, you can kind of just get by with a new set of animations/visual fx to make an existing set.


A set I had in mind required some fidgeting around with "interruptible" attacks, similar to sniper attacks (some of the blasts would be regular non-interruptible clicks too) but it's version of Aim would be a kind of toggle that changes your click attacks into self-buff powers that effectively "charge" another power.  So you turn on the toggle, use some of your other "attacks" to "charge" your beam powers/arm cannon so when you untoggle the power, you're adding the damage of those attacks you used to the damage of your next power. The positive is, you can gain these buffs a bit quicker if charged and using the attacks individually, you also can do these between encounters and some of your powers that are interruptible are not  while using the toggle.  The negative is, this toggle has a recharge and only starts recharging after you turn it off.

We definitely need an arm cannon costume piece or 2. Orion as a CoH character is more than overdue.


you make some valid points in the second paragraph too,


Sniper attacks, for the sake of fairness, there has to be an interrupt time of some amount. during charging it up. even if it's really short. there are many enemy groups who have such attacks, knowing what to look for and how to strike them to stop it is imperative for squishies. such as when a skyraider doesn't attack and goes to kneel down, they are summoning the bubble +def +res pet, there is a very short interrupt, but if you catch it, no bubble. same can be said for many sniper attacks. remember making players tougher will eventually pass on some of these abilities to mobs (new groups) etc. would you want a mob with an uninterruptible sniper?


the toggle, I thought of that but decided it's probably more thematic to have each attack buff the next. rather than a special ability of one PSet, I thought a charging power would be more suitable to it's own AT as the Inherent power. honestly thats how I would have done sentinels.

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4 hours ago, Joshex said:

We definitely need an arm cannon costume piece or 2. Orion as a CoH character is more than overdue.


you make some valid points in the second paragraph too,


Sniper attacks, for the sake of fairness, there has to be an interrupt time of some amount. during charging it up. even if it's really short. there are many enemy groups who have such attacks, knowing what to look for and how to strike them to stop it is imperative for squishies. such as when a skyraider doesn't attack and goes to kneel down, they are summoning the bubble +def +res pet, there is a very short interrupt, but if you catch it, no bubble. same can be said for many sniper attacks. remember making players tougher will eventually pass on some of these abilities to mobs (new groups) etc. would you want a mob with an uninterruptible sniper?


the toggle, I thought of that but decided it's probably more thematic to have each attack buff the next. rather than a special ability of one PSet, I thought a charging power would be more suitable to it's own AT as the Inherent power. honestly thats how I would have done sentinels.

I feel the primary reason I'd push for such a mechanic is because the drawback is it has more interruptible attacks (I'd probably put in 3 overall leaving 5 regular click attacks) and the toggle is a means of bypassing the weakness of those powers.  Mobs with uninterruptible attacks is irrelevent since I can't think of any attacks currently that are interruptible that mobs use.  If they have sniper attacks, they already aren't interruptible.  Buffs and debuffs aren't the same as attacks and even if a mob had an uninterruptible sniper attack, it's not going to make waves and suddenly be unfair or overpowered...if anything, giving mobs more interruptible attacks would make them underpowered since anything (placed field debuffs, rain powers, damage auras, etc) all interrupt interruptible attacks.


Whether Sent is reworked to have a charge mechanic is a whole other issue.  I don't play sent though but I would still like a similar mechanic usable for some of the other blast ATs.  It'd also be easier to implement on a single set than to change an AT and then change all the relevant powers that AT has.


To clarify my mechanic a bit, I might as well outline it and put it here.  Not trying to steal anyone's thunder, I just don't think my idea is very good to put in a thread of its own.  So here's how I'd outline it:


Trinity Beam Arm-Cannon (Ranged Blast Powerset; Blaster/Corruptor/Sentinel Primary||Defender Secondary)

It's namesake outlines it's ability to infuse up to 3 powers into another.  It utilizes an operating mode called "Trinity Charge" when active removes the interrupt period of some of your cannon blasts but forcefully ends this mode.  Other powers in the set can be used to charge another attack (up to 3).  Charging past the limit causes fire DoT to the user and overwrites the oldest charge.


*1. Arm Buster (Ranged; Moderate DMG(Energy), chance of Knockback, +Special) - Shoot a single burst of energy at a target.  The burst of energy has a moderate amount of concussive force that can push a target off its feet.  In conjunction with Trinity Charge, instead of firing an attack, you add a buff that adds minor energy damage and a chance to knockback to the attack you decide to charge.  Can stack 3 times, adding the minor damage and chance of KB for each stack.


*2. Buster Cannon (Ranged; High DMG(Energy), +Special) - Focus a beam that energizes the target with energy until they combust.  In conjunction with Trinity Charge, instead of firing the attack, you add moderate energy damage to the attack you decide to charge.  Can stack 3 times, adding moderate energy damage.


3. Buster Array (Targeted AoE; *Interrupt*; Moderate DMG (Energy/Smashing), Fire DoT; +Special) - A barrage of exploding blasts that requires a period to prepare.  If used in conjunction with Trinity Charge, the interrupt period is absent and you're forced out of Trinity Charge mode.  If fully charged (having 3 stacks), this attack also causes additional fire DoT to all targets hit.


*4. Cannon Flash (Ranged; Minor DMG(Energy), foe Stun, +Special) - A quick flash from your attack renders the foe dazzled, searing them with minor energy damage.  In conjunction with Trinity Charge, instead of firing an attack, you add a buff that infuses stun and moderate energy damage into the attack you decide to charge.  Cannot stack multiple times.


5. Trinity Charge (Self Toggle; +ToHit, +END Discount; +Special) - Trinity mode allows you to infuse three blasts into your next attack.  Only some of your charges can be infused and only some stack with themselves.  These charges, whatever effects they hold, will affect any targets you hit with your charged attacks.  Once a charged attack is fired, all charges disappear.  If you have 3 charges and use another charge attack, you will receive moderate fire DoT and overwrite the oldest charge.  Interruptible powers have shorter casts by removing their interruption period if used with this toggle.  Turning off the toggle puts a time limit on the charges you have (10sec) and will apply the charge effects to your next attack.


*6. Trinity Beam (Ranged Cone; High DoT (Energy), foe -def, -res, -special; +Special) - Unleash a brilliant beam of energy, engulfing all before you, reducing the defense, resistance and (stun)mez resistance to all foes hit.  In conjunction with Trinity charge, instead of firing off the attack, you add a buff that infuses a high DoT(energy) and -def/-res/-(stun) into the attack you decide to charge. Cannot stack multiple times.


7. Cannon Torrent (Ranged Cone; *Interrupt* Moderate DMG(Energy), foe repel) - Immediately unleashes a steady stream of energy that repels foes within 15ft of you back.  Foes further than 15ft will continue to be pulsed with energy damage however, interrupting this attack will prematurely end the effect.  In conjunction with Trinity Charge and if fully charged, this creates a field for the duration of the attack that continues to repel foes back even after you move onto bigger and better blasts. You are then forced out of Trinity Charge mode.


8. Overcharge (Ranged; *Interrupt* Extreme DMG (Energy), +Special) - This attack requires some time to prepare. Fires a shot that consumes the target in an explosion of energy.  In conjunction with Trinity Charge, the interrupt period of this attack is eliminated but you are forced out of Trinity Charge mode.  If fully charged (having 3 stacks), Trinity Charge will be turned off but recharge immediately however Overcharge will be put on a longer recharge.


9. Omega Buster (PBAoE; Extreme DMG(Energy), DoT(Fire), foe stun) - Overcharge your Trinity Cannon but instead of you eating the recoil, you give the foes around you a taste, engulfing them in hot energy as well as leaving them dazzled.  Has no effect in conjunction with Trinity Charge or the other charge buffs you have.


The powers with a "*" next to the numbers would be the attacks that turn into buffs while you have Trinity Charge active.  While Trinity Charge is active, those * powers technically have no animation meaning you can move while you click them...they still have an activation so they aren't instant cast though.  Another effect is, you can add secondary effects of one power to another, for example you can add Arm Buster's chance of KB (as well as some of its damage) to Buster Array which makes it an AoE chance of KB...or you can add Cannon Flash's Stun (and some extra damage) to Cannon Torrent to get a repel+stun cone. The tier 9 nuke is isolated from the mechanics, making it a good opener or finisher.


For an AT like Defender who might be more occupied by other duties, having the option of just overlapping your attacks into 1 strong strike might be more fruitful rather than keeping up a certain DPS rotation for attacking.


For an AT like Blaster, it would be very dynamic since you could use the set a multitude of ways, just keeping on your Trinity Charge and charging up your blasts into one strong one and while you build up the charge, you can use your blaps to put on the pressure, unleashing the the attack on a prime target.


For a Corruptor, their specialty seems to be DoT and this AT has 3, one that you can infuse into another attack if desired.  You could technically infuse Trinity Beam with Trinity Beam if you wait for its recharge without using other attacks....it's a complex opportunity cost that incorporates downtime to your advantage.


I don't play Sents so no idea about them.


[EDITED x4: reword and clarify]


Edited by Leogunner
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Honestly, I think I'd really rather have Spectral Blasts than another non-rifle beam set or a holy light type of set. Very unique and different type of damage and overall feel than other sets.

Edited by Zeraphia
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4 hours ago, Haijinx said:

Also Radiation Blast 

launching a gas/radioactive dust cloud at an enemy doesn't count as a beam.


energy blasting = splash splash

radiation blasting = poof! poof!

Beam blasting = Bolt Bolt! -this is what we are looking for a solid unwavering glowing bolt (of some sort of shape(s)) (not that it couldn't have some sort of domed aura form around it, or some sort of spikes of light etc.)

17 hours ago, Saiyajinzoningen said:

how about just a new beam rifle skin call it vambraces or whatever and it just makes the beam look like its shooting out your hands?

I'd kinda only consider that as like a fallback after the previously acknowledged, fallback option, lets call that "Plan C" that would kinda be kinda self-defeating as a game community, reskins are considered to be poor quality player hacks.


besides firing a beam from a gun gives the gun wielder different abilities/options/capabilities than firing from your hand, so again the powers would be different, as noted with Halo, a person who can control light beam bolts from thier hands could theoretically create a circular bolt around their body, or a swipe type bolt (see the Torizo's beam attacks in Super Metroid) not only that it'd be sorta a mix between beam rifle and dual pistols because from hand you have 2 hands so 2 hands to fire beam slashes in a multi strike attack.


My initial PowserSet idea obviously needs some rethinks., it was just a rough draft after all. As we talk new ideas are being expressed which could change it even further.

8 hours ago, Zeraphia said:

Honestly, I think I'd really rather have Spectral Blasts than another non-rifle beam set or a holy light type of set. Very unique and different type of damage and overall feel than other sets.

can you describe what the spectral blasts would look like?


also @Leogunner, I'm not ignoring your post, you gave a lot to think about.


I suppose my initial comment would be with a beam blasting powerset, you could just have an arm cannon costume part to make it more in line with what you're looking for (as I said previously we really need a selection of these!!!). rather than building another closed powserset like beamrifle for someone (like me) to complain or suggest that we should have a "from hand" beam Powerset, without the cannon.


as for the power ideas, that's something to think about for a future post. and I may take them into account while regrafting my own beam blasting powerset idea. I'll be working on the 1st draft later today if I get time.

Edited by Joshex
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Again, considering we have a very small volunteer team, do you think a set that is basically not adding anything truly new as far as actual in game power effects since you seem to basically want to just take the best attacks from BR, and give more to this theoretical set, that I say again would require all new animations which would likely be a lengthy bit of time at the least to make happen even if they can do it. Why should hand beams be the sole focus of whoever is doing that work for this team if any are, for likely months?


Id personally much rather see a true throwing primary ranged set added. Your inability to be happy with any of the current unarmed energy projection options sounds a lot more like a you problem then a city of heroes player in general problem, Because at this point it sounds more like a lack of imagination and unwillingness to work with the many many energy projector sets out there.

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1 hour ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

Again, considering we have a very small volunteer team, do you think a set that is basically not adding anything truly new as far as actual in game power effects since you seem to basically want to just take the best attacks from BR, and give more to this theoretical set, that I say again would require all new animations which would likely be a lengthy bit of time at the least to make happen even if they can do it. Why should hand beams be the sole focus of whoever is doing that work for this team if any are, for likely months?


Id personally much rather see a true throwing primary ranged set added. Your inability to be happy with any of the current unarmed energy projection options sounds a lot more like a you problem then a city of heroes player in general problem, Because at this point it sounds more like a lack of imagination and unwillingness to work with the many many energy projector sets out there.

this is not a case of a problem or not. there is no "problem". this is a suggestion. and at current a rough draft. I'll attempt to ensure it's different from beam rifle, energy blast and radiation blast at least enough so that it can be a validly separate set.


animations and effects: I'm moree than happy to do those months of work 😉


a throwing primary ranged set, I've thought about that too, it's just hard to justify what should go into it. it's be the equivalent of Super Strength blasting, I imagined a literal wrecking ball or spiked ball and chain (different weapon graphics, same attack), obviously we have throw boulder and throw object as well, knives, axes, boomerangs, bombs, swords? not saying it's a bad idea, go make a thread about it, figure out what would be best, talk about it to refine the idea. This thread is just like that, but for beam blasting.



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Beam rifle, is energy (pure), and has a disintegrate +special with various debuffs, such as -regen, -def, -res, and knockdown on just about everything.


knockdown and disintegrate seem to be it's survival abilities, 1: knockdown meaning enemies cannot attack while down or getting up (so like a short hold every time you attack), then 2: disintegrate spreads the Energy DoT around to other targets in a contamination sorta system making every attack have potential to do a small amount of AoE causing more damage over x3 targets every time you attack meaning less trouble killing things thus less damage for every target you are able to kill more quickly and 3: very high overall damage.

it is comprised of : ranged moderate, ranged High, ranged cone moderate, ranged high DoT, click: +to-hit + damage, ranged superior w/stun, sniper extreme,  narrow cone ranged high, TAoE extreme w/ DoT and debuffs.


Energy blasting, is energy/smash with knockback on everything. it's main survival ability seems to be knockback, like knock down it 1: deters enemies from attacking while down and getting up, whilst 2: also forcing them to ranged combat to do so and 3: a moderate amount of AoE.

It is comprised of: ranged minor, ranged moderate, ranged cone moderate, short ranged high, sniper extreme, self +to-hit +damage, ranged minor w/strong knockback,  TAoE Moderate, PBAoE Extreme.


radiation blasting, is energy (pure) with -def tacked on to everything, with various debuffs. it's main survival abilities are 1: -def to hit more often followed by 2: AoE and 3: powerful damage. a straight forwards debuff so you can't miss then hit them with a saw blade of AoE powerful damage and everything dies so it can't hit you.

it is comprised of: ranged minor, ranged moderate, close AoE Moderate w/DoT, close moderate cone, +to-hit +damage, Sniper superior, short ranged extreme, TAoE Moderate, PBAoE extreme


already, just from the rough draft, beam blasting, is energy/fire (different) where fire DoT plays a similar role to disintegrate - the contagion, instead of spreading it around the fire DoT places all the damage on the target hit by it. it's survival abilities are, 1: damage debuff to enemies, 2: ability to target and attack when a target is blocked (allowing no chance to attack back till they can get around the blockage), and 3: high range to be able to hit enemies before they get close, and 4: a self stacking damage buff on every attack, 5: lots of cone/multi-target, with -1: self stacking increased end costs with every attack (the price of power). (4 total when subtracting the self debuff)


listing it out, it's probably a bit OP.  it has an average of 4 strong points. where others have 3. I'm also thinking the X-Ray Beam toggle should do a self -range otherwise the ability to target through walls is too OP, adding this self debuff will compensate for -1 more point making it closer and about right not OP. Hence the large range to begin with, that way when it's reduced by x-ray beam, it's still better than melee range. probably around (75ft) vs (150ft), and (200ft) vs (400ft) sniper. The shortest range attacks it'd have with x-ray on would be (62.5ft) vs (125ft) keep in mind that is extremely short range, by other sets standards (80ft) is considered "Close".


still needs some working. I'll re-envision some of it. just wanted to type this out first so I have some notes to work off when not only scaling the set to be not OP, but also showing how it's different in gameplay style and statistics. cool? I mean if I even want the devs to even consider doing anything such as code to include it, it has to be realistic, right?

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Agree with others pointing out that it would be much more ideal to create more alternative animations across current powersets than to make a whole new powerset for every minuscule variation. There are tons of new concepts that could be captured with animation alternatives, whether it be beam vs blast, arm cannons, elemental staffs, whatever.

Edited by arcaneholocaust
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24 minutes ago, arcaneholocaust said:

Agree with others pointing out that it would be much more ideal to create more alternative animations across current powersets than to make a whole new powerset for every minuscule variation. There are tons of new concepts that could be captured with animation alternatives, whether it be beam vs blast, arm cannons, elemental staffs, whatever.

yes, but we need all the bases covered first in operation. beam rifle, acts like you're shooting from a rifle. re-skinning it is also something some here criticized, in fact that was the first criticism this thread got. to some reskinning things is a negative thing to do.


So we need a beam set that in playstyle acts like a typical beam blaster.


as stated in my last post, it'd really just be energy hit then burn the target bit of debuff, and shooting at things through walls. as far as I know there is no set with that hallmark of being able to attack when the target is blocked. that's perfectly in line with beam blasting though.

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Forgive me if someone already mentioned this but... Couldn't you just give BR alternate animations? I mean, there are several "shoot stuff out of hands" animations in the game already, would it be possible to find some with appropriate animation times and port them over as alternate animations?

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