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By the way...might as well ask about the Hamidon in the room....

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WHat are the odds that one day soon we try to log into this....and BAM it's gone.  Had my heart broken once, and then had it broken again when MHO got shut down so....What's the word on COH/V resurrection?  I already have one friend bugging out that it's back but....

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(flips coin)

Top 10 Most Fun 50s.

1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute.  10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. 


"Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."

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WHat are the odds that one day soon we try to log into this....and BAM it's gone.  Had my heart broken once, and then had it broken again when MHO got shut down so....What's the word on COH/V resurrection?  I already have one friend bugging out that it's back but....


We have no way of knowing the odds at the moment.


Here's what we KNOW:

NCSoft knows we exist.

A group is talking to NCSoft regarding the existence of private servers.

So far NCSoft has taken no action against private servers.

So far NCSoft has made no official statement to any of the news outlets reporting on the existence of private servers.


Decision could go either way at this point.


We might lose everything we've have here.


However, the code is in the wild now. If this, or any other, server gets shut down, either it will rise again under a new name, perhaps a little more quietly, or if not... another will take its place. The existence of CoH servers is a given now.

Always happy to answer questions in game, typically hanging around Help.
Global is @Zolgar, and tends to be tagged in Help.

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As long as this server remains a non-profit thing, NCSoft might look the other way since they are not losing any money. *fingers crossed* That being said, In no way will I ever trust NCSoft after what they did and how they ignored the uncountable number of people who petitioned for them to keep the game open/reopen it.

y0Y5yFQ.png Forever grateful to be back in my city!
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No one can say for certain, but if you look around the online landscape you will see private servers for several elder MMOs. Even Everquest, which is still live, has a long thriving emu scene and has been completely unbothered by current IP owners (Daybreak Games I believe now). DAOC, Warcraft and others have had private servers for a while and seem to go largely ignored by the powers that be. I suspect CoH may go the same way.


This resurrection has proven to be wildly popular in private server terms--50K plus player base--but I don't think that is large enough to sustain a live game. Especially once the initial nostalgia factor ebbs a bit and the game settles into a smaller community. I don't really see this representing the loss of a viable revenue stream for NCsoft. It is probably more like when an ex girlfriend gets married years later. You are happy for her, but never jealous.


If it did get shutdown, you can always grab the vm and create your own server for you and your friends. You could easily escape notice on your own server.



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WHat are the odds that one day soon we try to log into this....and BAM it's gone.  Had my heart broken once, and then had it broken again when MHO got shut down so....What's the word on COH/V resurrection?  I already have one friend bugging out that it's back but....


We have no way of knowing the odds at the moment.


Here's what we KNOW:

NCSoft knows we exist.

A group is talking to NCSoft regarding the existence of private servers.

So far NCSoft has taken no action against private servers.

So far NCSoft has made no official statement to any of the news outlets reporting on the existence of private servers.


Decision could go either way at this point.


We might lose everything we've have here.


However, the code is in the wild now. If this, or any other, server gets shut down, either it will rise again under a new name, perhaps a little more quietly, or if not... another will take its place. The existence of CoH servers is a given now.










(No, I am not leaving Homecoming unless the servers close)

Playing CoX is it’s own reward

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By now, not only are several public rogue servers up, but hundreds or perhaps thousands of people have downloaded the code or the ready-to-go VM's that allow you to have a private server of your own. You don't need much in the way of hardware to run a small server capable of supporting a few dozen players. NCSOFT cannot go after all of those. My advice to hedge your bets is play on both public and private servers and/or make friends with people who have a server so if the more public large scale ones get shut down you can just switch.

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By now, not only are several public rogue servers up, but hundreds or perhaps thousands of people have downloaded the code or the ready-to-go VM's that allow you to have a private server of your own. You don't need much in the way of hardware to run a small server capable of supporting a few dozen players. NCSOFT cannot go after all of those. My advice to hedge your bets is play on both public and private servers and/or make friends with people who have a server so if the more public large scale ones get shut down you can just switch.


Kind of like all the games in this state do now and have been for years... :)


This is not new, just new for this game.


Will be some serious growing pains for some CoH players in the next year as servers pop up and down.

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The game itself will never go away.


Many people have the source now.


Cut off one head, two grow in its place.




Yeah, though I like having people to play with, and other people to fix bugs and maintain servers etc.

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Yeah, though I like having people to play with, and other people to fix bugs and maintain servers etc.


This!  I don't want to play a SSVMRPG - Small Single Player Virtual Machine RPG...It loses all interest for me.  The source code might never go away...but if this effort is forced to shut down, it'll just mean that any other large scale effort will back off, and that's all there will be left - SSVMRPG.



"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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