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I was thinking about The Hollows, a "hazard" zone. 

Perez Park has Kraken. 
Crey's has Jurrassik
Croatoa has JJack and Eochai

IP has Lusca (and IP isn't a hazard zone) 

The Hollows, given it's nostalgic presence in the game, seems to me it should have a GM. There are Hydra there, in the Red River...don't suppose we could get Kraken to appear in the Hollows, too? Or maybe Bat'Zul? 

Just a thought. 


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16 minutes ago, MTeague said:

Of course, I also want GM to stop being interchangable between Giant Monster and Game Master.... unless perhaps they're actually one and the same. 

The rumor is, if you say @GM Miss three times, she becomes a.....




........game master. 😁😁😁

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Should be something related to the minions of igneous or a troll super high and OP on Superdine or if we want to make more connections to praetoria (and I think we should) fixadine. Perhaps a praetorian is handing it out here to cause more problems for primal earth.

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Grandville and Mercy Island have the Arachnos Flyer


Nerva Archipelago has Caleb


Sharkhead Isle has Scrapyard


Cap Au Diable has Deathsurge


Port Oakes should have it's own Ghostship

Edited by Ashington
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8 hours ago, MTeague said:

Of course, I also want GM to stop being interchangable between Giant Monster and Game Master.... unless perhaps they're actually one and the same. 

This leads to the amusing thought of someone tweaking the forum title entries for April 1 to change all occurrences of 'Game Master' to 'Giant Monster' and see how long it takes someone to notice.

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Ehhh. The difference between Perez and the Hollows, though, is that the Hollows has four arcs and a trial of content in there, plus repeatables. Perez has the occasional mission send you there, so it needs something "extra."


And yeah, I know as a rationale, it's really inconsistent - Croatoa has two (or four, given you can have a singleton Jack or Eo as well as the fight up north at the same time.) It just doesn't really have a need to draw people there - people advertise for Frostfire, and the Cavern of Transcendence comes up as a WST often enough.  I just don't think the Hollows needs one.


If it *did* get one, then I'd prefer to see something dealing with the Minions of Igneous instead of a copy/paste of the Kraken. (Honestly, I'd prefer seeing something like the old KR event. *Stop* something from happening or the GM emerges.)

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On 7/17/2020 at 5:47 PM, MTeague said:

Personally, I'd prefer a GM version of the Igneous, raging at people mucking about in the Cavern of Transcendance. 

Yes, this.  Perfect fit for the Hollows, and it expands the Igneous usage just a bit.  I always saw them as under-utilized.

On 7/17/2020 at 5:49 PM, MTeague said:

Of course, I also want GM to stop being interchangable between Giant Monster and Game Master.... unless perhaps they're actually one and the same. 

GiMo & GaMa?

On 7/19/2020 at 4:19 AM, Lines said:

Is there any lore reason Koago from the Cavern trial couldn't haunt the Hollows? Maybe even a little upscaled?

I don't see why not.  If we can have Babbage in a TF as well as in Boomtown, why not Koago?  That said, if it really is important lore-wise, just duplicate everything that's Koago, and slap another name on it. Maybe change the skin color slightly.  Second GM, problem solved.


EDIT:  a thought just occurred to me.  Not sure if the Hollows is really the place for this or not, but blue side doesn't really have a GM like Ghost of Scrapyard, that is, one that walks a beat surrounded by fightable NPCs.  Might be interesting to have an Outcast GM surrounded by Outcasts patrolling the city sections of the zone, especially if he has a few monster class Outcasts near him, that we'd have to clear first.

Edited by Techwright
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