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Hero contacts: stay in your zone!

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19 hours ago, SwitchFade said:

I thoroughly enjoy traveling our city, so...


No vote, sorry.


I think it's part of the spirit of CoH that you fly, speed and leap about saving the city.


Lore source material also indicates that all comic heroes did this.

I'm one of those players that trend to get one or no travel powers on a character and I feel a lot of the "convenience" takes away from the utility of travel powers as well as the necessity to make certain mission lines more fruitful. 


That being said, I don't see a problem with making fewer missions hip-shot with where they are and give them a more logical progression. Like if some contact pushed you into a hazard zone but rather than 1 mission being there, maybe a string of 3.

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Seeing how how some people love the travel between zones, some love it and dont even have travel powers, and some wish it would die in a fire..

It would be nice if a contact WARNED you.

You talk to Contact X, and they say 'this arc will contain an assload of stupid back and forth, wasting time and is very team unfriendly,' or they say 'this arc will take place entirely within this zone, meaning more time arresting things.'

That would at least let everyone select the type of experience they enjoy.

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I thought the reason people did radio, was so they could pick Council as their enemy group 😛


Peregrine Island for instance, has plenty of contacts that keep you stuck in PI.  While I don't recall, I believe Talos did as well.

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59 minutes ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

Assemble the Team

Base Transporter

Mission Transporter

Pocket D VIP Pass

Team Transporter


and that is merely in the Teleport section of the P2W vendor.


The tools are there.

Why fix the pothole in the road when you can just take another route to work? 

Global Handle: @Gibs

A guy with unpopular opinions.

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7 minutes ago, GastlyGibus said:

Why fix the pothole in the road when you can just take another route to work? 

Exactly!  If you were going the wrong way to work every day, and then one day there was a pothole and you realized that there were many different faster ways to get to work that you didn't see because you were a creature of habit, then that's a great thing.

Who run Bartertown?


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On 8/9/2020 at 5:17 AM, GastlyGibus said:

Now imagine if we, the audience, had to sit through Batman's 20+ hour flight to Japan. Imagine if in The Dark Knight when Batman goes to Hong Kong, Bruce Wayne packs his things, gets on his private jet or Batwing or w/e, flies the 18+ hours it takes to get to Hong Kong, scouts out the buildings, climbs to the top of one, and finally begins his little extraction, and we, the audience, had to sit and watch the entire 24+ hour affair with no cuts or edits whatsoever. How many movie-goers in the theatre would have walked out within the first hour?

You make a fair point. And that's why editing in movies is great for the audience. We, the audience, don't  want to waste time watching the heroes get into their costumes in real time. But in CoH, we are not the audience. 

For the rest of your post, it's pretty much:

Contact: Go to Atlas
You: But I was just there
Contact: Mission is there
You: Do I have to?
Contact: Yes
You: (drags feet) Fine!

Still sounds lazy and entitled to me.

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