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fastest merits --> inf


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My precocious 4 year old loves to  open super packs, which  I find boring.  I plan on letting him hit the winter packs hard in a few months as well.  One of my accounts has a great big stash of merits. To get super/winter packs, I need inf, not merits. My goal is to liquidate 250K merits into 50 billion inf as quickly as possible so he can go nuts opening super packs now and winter packs over break.  Selling converters/boosters seems too slow and tedious, but that is probably what I'll do if I can't find something better. Any suggestions?

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Huh!  Interesting puzzle, and my initial back-of-the-envelope thoughts aren't particularly constructive, but I'll share them anyway.


That's a lot of merits, and you want to convert them to inf in a quick and economic fashion.  I think that either converters or Winter-Os would be the way to go, but either way you would be throwing up so much supply that you could easily single-handedly tank the market. 


That would be 2,500 Winter-Os, and assuming you could sell each one for 20mm and net 18mm after taxes, that would get you 45bn.  That's over 80 of each one though (including Entomb) and although I think you could probably sell them off over a month or more, you'd have to do it bit by bit because if you just put them all in the AH at once you'd have a very hard time getting your price.




That would be 750,000 converters, and assuming you could sell each one for 70k, you'd net out 47.25bn.  That's a LOT of converters.  I have to imagine I am one of, if not the, heaviest user of converters on HC and my purchases on marketing days are usually 1-10k converters, and I pay a fair amount less than that.  I'm doubtful you could sell more than 10-20k a day at 70k inf.


I'll keep thinking about it, but I'm not overly optimistic you would be able to liquidate all those by year end.  I hope you can prove me wrong!!!

Who run Bartertown?


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I think I am going to start liquidating 5K merits/day by different means and see what works best.  I have a few bases full of crafted yellow enhancements that I can blow converters on so I don't have to list so many on the market.  I had not considered Winter IOs, as I was expecting them to get real cheap in a month or two due to winter event, but I will look into it.


If I fall short of 50 bil I will not be upset.  I just figured having my son opening thousands of winter packs would keep him entertained for a few hours and it would give me plenty of busywork to marketeer during my January zoom meetings.

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Yeah, whatever you do, you're gonna have to diversifiy. Heck, even some things with a poor merit to inf return (like purples and ATOs) might be worth pursuing, just so you you can sell SOMETHING.


Of course, once your kid opens all those packs, you're gonna have the same problem all over again!

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14 hours ago, EmperorSteele said:

Of course, once your kid opens all those packs, you're gonna have the same problem all over again!

A  big portion of those packs will be opened on his personal account. He has a few dozen 50s that are completely unslotted.  If you ever see oddly colored melee AT's with animal heads, wings, and headache inducing aura effects flying around town with randomly selected powers nuking grey mobs and being completely unresponsive to all forms of chat, it is probably my son.


Last night I was ambitious and I converted about 10K merits into converters and purple recipes. I listed what I could and then used some others to make a few hundred sellable enhancements.  I ran out of steam and energy with about 3K converters left over. I am thinking I may just give up on the liquidation goal for now.

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If it is helpful to you, I'll pay 70k a piece for 30k converters. Whatever server you like. (though I may need to make a character on Reunion or Indomitable if that's where you're at)

I can get them cheaper, but it would save me a lot of tedium of bidding and collecting. Pm me here, or in game @ukase

After further review, it may have looked like I was offering 70k inf for 30k converters, so I fixed that. And this goes for anyone. You have up to 30k converters, I'll buy them for 70k, each. May take some toon swapping as I think 10k is the cap we can hold. 

I dunno if I really want to hold on to more than that, as we never truly know what changes the devs have in store for us. My hami tanks still have a ton of reward merits, and the winter packs will certainly add to the stack, should they go on sale as expected. 

I should also add - the offer expires on 11/7/2020. No telling how long folks might try to hold me to this, particularly if the bottom drops on them and they start selling for 50k.


Edited by Ukase
clarity & more info
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  • 2 weeks later
On 11/10/2020 at 11:02 AM, 0th Power said:

Im guessing that the winter packs do not go on sale this year.

Why not? A winter pack sale is a great sink to take Influence out of the game. Obviously higher prices removes more inf, but I feel like there were many more bulk purchases when the prices were lower.

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Winter Packs will go on sale during the event.


Just know, many are going to be doing the same thing. Expecting to immediately sell Winter-Os for 20M may not be reasonable (unless you're willing to wait until summer to sell).

The price could/should fall in line with similar enhancements until well after the event.


Due to the volume of in-set converting: The price may hold for a bit, but don't be surprised by a dip.. maybe to 50-55K. The market can absorb 10s of thousands but not millions.


Reasonable expectations: 12-14M for winter-Os, 55-60K for convertors.


Busy elves should get those sales in sooner rather than later and before the Merry Christmas price dip.

Edited by Troo

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

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