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JFC: Warning, Server Drama Ahead


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So I was hanging out in the RWZ doing the Vanguard Arc on a newer character, when I saw someone was starting a Mothership Raid. Almost immediately other people started shouting in chat that there was an "official" raid in another half hour or so...what proceeded to follow was a display some of the most ridiculous, childish, un-hero like behavior from people on both sides that I've seen in my time playing this game. From the dork claiming to be an "elite player because I admire elite players" or something to that effect, to the people on the MSR that were basically like "lol F*** off, Karens" Then the leader of the scheduled raid evidently banned everyone that joined the earlier raid from participating in the scheduled raid, whether they'd said anything out of the way or not (at least this was being reported by several people in /broadcast that were being ignored when trying to get on the next raid.


Seriously, no one "owns" any zone or event, and the people that were attacking the players on the MSR, (many of whom I'd guess didn't know anything about the "official" MSR) should have  just left them be. Not that the people attacking them back were any better. But then banning people from your "official" MSR just for being on the one that started early...just wow. Seriously?


Honestly...people talk a lot of stuff about how great this community is...but sometimes all I see are a bunch of spoiled children.

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Make no mistake, the person who refused to listen to people telling him "there's an MSR scheduled to start in 30 minutes" is the jerk here.


When you show up and announce you want to run an event and people tell you that one's scheduled in 30 minutes, you can wait 30 minutes. People are already planning to be there in 30 minutes. People have taken time to let everyone know about it. More people are likely to show up than at an impromptu session.


Look, I'm not saying the people asking him to wait for the "official" MSR weren't being jerks. But your boy who refused to just say "oh thanks for letting me know" and wait for previously scheduled raid, that was only 30 minutes away, was the real jerk here. As for the raid leader banning some people from his raid. Well... you're a problem causing jerk, don't be surprised when people say that you're not welcome at their event.


TL;DR = Learn to social skill properly.

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"It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire posts, the posts become warning points. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion."


Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.

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13 minutes ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

your boy


I wasn't actually involved in it other than seeing what was in broadcast. Obviously you've got a dog in this fight, but let's not start making things personal.


IDK how I could have made it more clear that both sides were being obnoxious, and sorry but banning people just for being on a team whose leader you have an issue with...that's pretty poor "social skilling" right there.


TL;DR: Behave like a reasonable human being.


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4 minutes ago, Judasace said:

TL;DR: Behave like a reasonable human being.

Banning people who disrupt organized events IS behaving like a reasonable human being.

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"It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire posts, the posts become warning points. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion."


Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.

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1 minute ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

Banning people who disrupt organized events IS behaving like a reasonable human being.


The team leader, sure, go for it. People that were being jerks in chat...go right ahead, although if you're not banning both groups that were being obnoxious then you're a hypocrite. But banning people just for being on the team/league? Nah, that's just being a vindictive jerk. Not reasonable at all.

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Heroes (and handful of villains) of Excelsior, hear me now and listen! 


The server is too small for us to asshat-attize our community interactions. 


True truth time... We're all playing again and again with the same set of people. So being awful is only cutting off your nose to spite your face. 


Just think on it, you've maybe even played with THE actual honoroit. That makes you special. 




Play nice, play fair. as some say. 

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7 hours ago, JonnieNeutron said:

Champion?  Is that you?  This all seems vaguely familiar


7 hours ago, Cobalt Azurean said:

This is indeed a familiar vintage. No one does it like Champion, though.



What was the quote again?  “Champion server: We know drama.”


Hey, if it wasn’t for a certain someone banning all members of a certain global channel from attending his or her Rikti mothership raids all those years ago, I would not have started leading them.  Perhaps some good will come out of this situation as well.

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9 hours ago, Judasace said:

Honestly...people talk a lot of stuff about how great this community is...but sometimes all I see are a bunch of spoiled children.


The behavior or Excelsior is different than the other servers in the same way Freedom was before the sunset because they are the most populous server.


The most populous servers seem draw the dregs of a community. I know that sounds bad ... because it really seems that way to me.


I play on Excelsior sometimes.

Things I see more on Excelsior

1) rude behavior - which mainly comes down to language on one level or another - more rude, gross, crass, etc comment, discussions, etc.

2) lack of community things like gratz-ing someone when they level or thanking people when they tt you to another zone during a task force.

3) More Leroy Jenkins/Hulk smash kind of behavior.

4) Lack of knowledge that working as a team is better than blinding button mashing in the same way in every situation/team.

5) lack of restraint - rush into anything and don't want to retreat at all once the rush-in has occurred (aka would rather die and leave their teammates one member down then fall back and rest and then rejoin the group to help finish the fight).

6) "You have to give the star to the highest level player on the team" once a lower level has taken time to recruit for whatever. (This is NOT the best thing to do in many situations for multiple reason. Sure the higher levels have more powers but how many players on the team are going to be how many levels below the level of the enemies that they are fighting <--- that is a major disadvantage to a team. This is especially critical below level 35 or so.)


I'm sure there are more things, but those are the things that I see that are detrimental to Excelsior that happen more often on Excelsior in my experience (I have characters on all the servers)


8 hours ago, Judasace said:

DK how I could have made it more clear that both sides were being obnoxious, and sorry but banning people just for being on a team whose leader you have an issue with...that's pretty poor "social skilling" right there.





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If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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Guess I'm confused.

I run ITFs every weekday.  Am I supposed to check to see if anyone is running one within a certain time period, so I don't make the mistake of violating a rule?

What is the time period that you are not allowed to run an event that someone else is going to possibly run? 30 min/1 hour/2 hours/1 day?  

How do I know who the "official" ITF runner is?  Guess I better find out before I put together another one.


Anyways - is the person who runs the "official" MSR a GM or in any way associated with running or maintaining the game?

If not, they are an a$$ and most definitely in the wrong for thinking they are "official" and for blocking members of another instance.  






Edited by Ghost
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7 hours ago, UltraAlt said:


The behavior or Excelsior is different than the other servers in the same way Freedom was before the sunset because they are the most populous server.


The most populous servers seem draw the dregs of a community. I know that sounds bad ... because it really seems that way to me.


I play on Excelsior sometimes.

Things I see more on Excelsior

1) rude behavior - which mainly comes down to language on one level or another - more rude, gross, crass, etc comment, discussions, etc.

2) lack of community things like gratz-ing someone when they level or thanking people when they tt you to another zone during a task force.

3) More Leroy Jenkins/Hulk smash kind of behavior.

4) Lack of knowledge that working as a team is better than blinding button mashing in the same way in every situation/team.

5) lack of restraint - rush into anything and don't want to retreat at all once the rush-in has occurred (aka would rather die and leave their teammates one member down then fall back and rest and then rejoin the group to help finish the fight).

6) "You have to give the star to the highest level player on the team" once a lower level has taken time to recruit for whatever. (This is NOT the best thing to do in many situations for multiple reason. Sure the higher levels have more powers but how many players on the team are going to be how many levels below the level of the enemies that they are fighting <--- that is a major disadvantage to a team. This is especially critical below level 35 or so.)


I'm sure there are more things, but those are the things that I see that are detrimental to Excelsior that happen more often on Excelsior in my experience (I have characters on all the servers)






I’ve been on excelsior since the day it launched and I think it’s safe to say this is just your personal experience. I’ve never seen 6 happen without a good reason (task force enemy levels, for example). Further, grats means very little when it’s your 100+ veteran level and running in alone on a whim is pretty standard if you are on a self sufficient character, hell some teams even prefer splitting up for efficiency. Sounds like you just don’t like how some people choose to play. 

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8 hours ago, UltraAlt said:


The behavior or Excelsior is different than the other servers in the same way Freedom was before the sunset because they are the most populous server.


The most populous servers seem draw the dregs of a community. I know that sounds bad ... because it really seems that way to me.


I play on Excelsior sometimes.

Things I see more on Excelsior

1) rude behavior - which mainly comes down to language on one level or another - more rude, gross, crass, etc comment, discussions, etc.

2) lack of community things like gratz-ing someone when they level or thanking people when they tt you to another zone during a task force.

3) More Leroy Jenkins/Hulk smash kind of behavior.

4) Lack of knowledge that working as a team is better than blinding button mashing in the same way in every situation/team.

5) lack of restraint - rush into anything and don't want to retreat at all once the rush-in has occurred (aka would rather die and leave their teammates one member down then fall back and rest and then rejoin the group to help finish the fight).

6) "You have to give the star to the highest level player on the team" once a lower level has taken time to recruit for whatever. (This is NOT the best thing to do in many situations for multiple reason. Sure the higher levels have more powers but how many players on the team are going to be how many levels below the level of the enemies that they are fighting <--- that is a major disadvantage to a team. This is especially critical below level 35 or so.)


I'm sure there are more things, but those are the things that I see that are detrimental to Excelsior that happen more often on Excelsior in my experience (I have characters on all the servers)


In my opinion, this list seems a bit like nitpicking. Things like this likely happen on all servers, and not just Excelsior. The interactions I've had on Excelsior have been overwhelmingly positive - the negative experiences I have are far and few in-between. So my response:


1. This doesn't actually happen all that frequently on Excelsior.

2. This largely depends on the team/environment; I myself only intermittently say congratulations, but only because after a certain point - it becomes redundant and meaningless. I now feel apathetic about being congratulated myself, and feel obligated to say thank you every time or I feel like I come off as a jerk.

3. If the leader communicates, this doesn't actually happen frequently at all. If there are clear expectations from the start, Leeroy actually isn't done. I myself will listen to the team leader if there are specific parameters they want the team to follow.

4. Occasionally, splitting up can be effective. Again, this is team and leader specific. If a team is set up but the leader never communicates, then folks will play the way they feel most comfortable with. Assuming they should behave one way or another doesn't work.

5. Again, team/content specific.

6. If I join a Synapse I want that Synapse to be at 20+. Just makes it easier that way than if the leader is, say, 17, but levels on a mission and suddenly the enemies are worth less experience/inf. But that's my opinion - and how I prefer it. I can still join a team that isn't 20+ for that Synapse, but my playing experience may not be as positive.


I feel like you've been unlucky enough to have more negative experiences on Excelsior than positive. Everyone has different perspectives and expectations. If you want to play things a certain way, it's often best to lead those teams yourself.

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10 hours ago, Ghost said:

I run ITFs every weekday.

Acknowledging that ITFs and MSRs are different, I'll run with this to help illustrate. At a time when the server has, say, 700 people on it, you would need/want about 2% of the population for your ITF, and I would need/want about 7% for my MSR. Apparently, the latter is an enormous number that prevents much else from being able to run, and causes us as a community major gas.


10 hours ago, Ghost said:

Am I supposed to check to see if anyone is running one within a certain time period, so I don't make the mistake of violating a rule?

It would be expected that as a courtesy you would check the player-led event calendar, though an argument could be made that an MSR is not an "event," which may be why this particular league leader didn't think to check. More than that, as a leader you should also double check the Discord channel #excelsior-events-contests. This is the one and only reason I personally use Discord.


10 hours ago, Ghost said:

What is the time period that you are not allowed to run an event that someone else is going to possibly run? 30 min/1 hour/2 hours/1 day? 

I was once called out because my MSR ended 6 minutes after the start time of an advertised MSR, resulting in the advertised MSR not being able to run at all, for some reason. I would recommend that if you are not sure that your event will be completely finished at least 30 minutes before an advertised event, don't start it. Give a wide berth.


10 hours ago, Ghost said:

How do I know who the "official" ITF runner is?

For an advertised event, it would be whoever posted the ad. Unless it's not, and the regular leader has designated someone else to run it for them. Unless it's not, in which case it is probably someone else who regularly participates in that particular event and is stepping up. Unless it's not, in which case you might be able to step in. Clear as mud?


10 hours ago, Ghost said:

Anyways - is the person who runs the "official" MSR a GM or in any way associated with running or maintaining the game?

They are not.


10 hours ago, Ghost said:

If not, they are an a$$ and most definitely in the wrong for thinking they are "official" and for blocking members of another instance.

They are not. They are regular people like you and I, with flaws and strengths, and a love for this game and being recognized as a leader. As a league leader you sometimes have to exclude people because they're a problem for the rest of the league, and it sucks. You have to be able to enjoy playing the game yourself, too, or you'll never want to lead one of these again. I have no clue what actually was said, but I can sympathize with a league leader choosing not to include some people who are being rude or otherwise not making the event fun. Now, if they just somehow blanket did not accept everyone signed up for the offending MSR, even if they never said anything, I have a problem with that - though I'm not sure how they would know that. My gut tells me that only the rude people from the offending MSR were excluded, and probably just for that one run. But I don't know. Not my circus, not my Rikti monkeys.


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Oklahoman, Okie, Vayne Glorious, Sooner Magic, Treehugging Wacko, Boy Band, etc

Farming Incarnate Salvage - 1 salvage roll every 15 minutes!  ||  Why NO TELLS to join your little MSR thing?

Using DEMORECORD To Find Who Is Sabotaging Lambda Badge Runs  ||  https://www.twitch.tv/oklahomancoh

Excelsior Bases: The Sooner State (OK-8602), Atlas Records (ROCK-29730), Generic Heroes (G-16581), Sooner Nation (SOONER-8490)

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21 hours ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

Make no mistake, the person who refused to listen to people telling him "there's an MSR scheduled to start in 30 minutes" is the jerk here.


When you show up and announce you want to run an event and people tell you that one's scheduled in 30 minutes, you can wait 30 minutes. People are already planning to be there in 30 minutes. People have taken time to let everyone know about it. More people are likely to show up than at an impromptu session.


Look, I'm not saying the people asking him to wait for the "official" MSR weren't being jerks. But your boy who refused to just say "oh thanks for letting me know" and wait for previously scheduled raid, that was only 30 minutes away, was the real jerk here. As for the raid leader banning some people from his raid. Well... you're a problem causing jerk, don't be surprised when people say that you're not welcome at their event.


TL;DR = Learn to social skill properly.

I think you're making a mistake. The zone doesn't belong to the player who routinely does an MSR. He/she has no claim on the zone, nor the time period. 

Should he have respected that time frame...well, yeah. But - maybe they didn't have 30 minutes to wait. Maybe they only had 45 minutes or an hour. 
So, no, he's not a jerk. He's just playing the game. As for the drama before/during/after - nobody is excused. Glad I missed it. 


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2 hours ago, Oklahoman said:

Acknowledging that ITFs and MSRs are different, I'll run with this to help illustrate. At a time when the server has, say, 700 people on it, you would need/want about 2% of the population for your ITF, and I would need/want about 7% for my MSR. Apparently, the latter is an enormous number that prevents much else from being able to run, and causes us as a community major gas.




Yeah, I was just trying to be ridiculous with the comparison, as a way of saying its ridiculous that ANYONE feels they can dictate under what conditions other players can play certain aspects of the game.



Heck I didnt even know there was a player led events calendar, and I've been here since relaunch Day 1








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15 minutes ago, Ukase said:

I think you're making a mistake. The zone doesn't belong to the player who routinely does an MSR. He/she has no claim on the zone, nor the time period.

It's not about the zone or the event or the game "belonging" to anyone. It's about respect for other people.


Look, if you announced that you were going to run an impromptu event that required a large percentage of the entire server population and then people started informing you "Hey, we already have an event just like that one scheduled to start in about 30 minutes. Please don't disrupt our event. People are already planning to show up then. You're welcome to join in." If you disrupt that event then YOU are being the jerk.


Now it seems (I wasn't there) that that's basically what happened but their language should have been a little nicer, something that I already agreed with in my first post. However, it was still the same thing, just not stated nearly as diplomatically.


Either way, the person showed up and risked disrupting an already planned event when all he had to do was just wait a few minutes and join the one that was about to start. Unnecessary, and probably childish, words aside, he was the one risking disrupting an event. In my opinion, he's the jerk here.

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"It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire posts, the posts become warning points. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion."


Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.

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6 minutes ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

It's not about the zone or the event or the game "belonging" to anyone. It's about respect for other people.


Look, if you announced that you were going to run an impromptu event that required a large percentage of the entire server population and then people started informing you "Hey, we already have an event just like that one scheduled to start in about 30 minutes. Please don't disrupt our event. People are already planning to show up then. You're welcome to join in." If you disrupt that event then YOU are being the jerk.


Now it seems (I wasn't there) that that's basically what happened but their language should have been a little nicer, something that I already agreed with in my first post. However, it was still the same thing, just not stated nearly as diplomatically.


Either way, the person showed up and risked disrupting an already planned event when all he had to do was just wait a few minutes and join the one that was about to start. Unnecessary, and probably childish, words aside, he was the one risking disrupting an event. In my opinion, he's the jerk here.

I agree with you that we should all have a measure of respect for our fellow player. 
But - hear me out please. 

I should elaborate my position, as I wasn't there for the drama and don't know the full circumstances. On the surface, seems like everybody was wrong. 
Perhaps the early person had no idea there was a scheduled raid, He/she has brought some friends and promised them a good time with ...whatever MSR/Hami. 
They get a message that someone has an identical event slated for 30 minutes from now - and that's all well and good, but guess what? 

It's never 30 minutes. Sure, the planned event may begin to form in 30 minutes, but it may not actually begin until an hour later. I started an MSR today at 1pm Central. It was by sheer curiosity I checked the HC/Excelsior discord to see that Kane wasn't planning one today.  Let the record reflect I was completely oblivious to all this that happened last night. 

So, if I want to start one an hour early - I should wait? No. And guess what? It took me 32 minutes to form it and get started.  Took me 16 minutes after we started to actually fill the league. No doubt, those folks were early, expecting a Kane or Doc Proteus MSR. 

I think the proximity to the event is what may give us some latitude on how we label someone a jerk or not, though I'd like to steer clear of the name calling/labeling. I just think since an MSR is only 30 minutes, the player is just fine starting another one. Instead of arguing, the other folks could have just joined it, finished it and then transferred to the next event. 

But hey - people are different, and circumstances can change things. And certainly, profanity and belligerence isn't going to win anyone any respect.  

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Even though Excelsior is the most populated shard, the reality is that it does not have the population to handle multiple simultaneous events.  There are a limited number of players interested in raids of any type, whether they be Hamidon, Rikti mothership, or Incarnate trials.


I lead instanced Rikti mothership raids every Thursday night at 8:30 P.M. ET.  As long as we have three full or nearly full teams by 8:35 P.M., I try to start by then and pick up players on the way because people that attend and want to also attend the 10 P.M. Hamidon raids start panicking and bail if I don’t start by 8:40 P.M. or so.  It’s on a very tight schedule due to the nightly Hamidon raids.


A few weeks ago, someone started hosting costume contests in Kallisti every Thursday night at 8 P.M. ET.  Now I am starting to feel the pressure on that end as well as the past few weeks have seen a significantly lower turnout to my MSR compared to before.  Once the costume contest is over, the pace of pickups on my MSR gets substantially better but by then the Hamidon raiders are fretting that they may not be able to make the Hamidon raids.


Just putting it out there from two years of experience that even with the several hundred to a thousand players population, it is not enough to handle multiple simultaneous events because interest will naturally be limited.  As such, it is good to follow the Excelsior event calendar and the Discord channel and try to give a little berth if possible.


Of course, no one owns anything outside of the Homecoming staff, so do what you would like as long as it follows the CoC. 🙂

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22 hours ago, Jitsurei said:

’ve been on excelsior since the day it launched and I think it’s safe to say this is just your personal experience.


Yep. Our personal experience is all any of of us have.


22 hours ago, Jitsurei said:

Further, grats means very little when it’s your 100+ veteran level


I agree when you are 100+ Veteran that you can be pretty jaded and don't want to bother gratzing those that level that are below level 50.


22 hours ago, Jitsurei said:

running in alone on a whim is pretty standard if you are on a self sufficient character


I see, this is another comment from the 100+ Veteran that doesn't care about their teammates because they are invincible.


22 hours ago, Jitsurei said:

Sounds like you just don’t like how some people choose to play. 


Sounds like you exhibit the behaviors that I noted that are not community friendly and are instead self-centered.


21 hours ago, Arli said:

In my opinion, this list seems a bit like nitpicking. Things like this likely happen on all servers, and not just Excelsior.


On 6/3/2021 at 2:24 AM, UltraAlt said:

Things I see more on Excelsior


I didn't say they just happened on Excelsior, I said "Things I see more on Excelsior"


21 hours ago, Arli said:

I feel like you've been unlucky enough to have more negative experiences on Excelsior than positive.


I didn't say I had more negative experiences on Excelsior than positive.

I indicated that I saw more of what I consider to be bad behavior on Exelsior than the other servers.


21 hours ago, Arli said:

If you want to play things a certain way, it's often best to lead those teams yourself.


I quite often do. 

I don't know why you would assume that I didn't other than that somehow want an excuse that I'm the problem and not working to make things better.

I wouldn't take my time to come here to the forums and point out what I see to be bad behavior because that is what this thread is about.


The post is about bad behavior on Excelsior.

I'm giving my own input on the bad behavior I see on Excelsior.


I expect Excelsior natives/patriots to be defensive.

So far there are are only two of you being defensive. 

I think that there are plenty on Excelsior know that I'm saying is correct or they would be chiming in. They aren't.

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If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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1 hour ago, UltraAlt said:


Yep. Our personal experience is all any of of us have.



I agree when you are 100+ Veteran that you can be pretty jaded and don't want to bother gratzing those that level that are below level 50.



I see, this is another comment from the 100+ Veteran that doesn't care about their teammates because they are invincible.



Sounds like you exhibit the behaviors that I noted that are not community friendly and are instead self-centered.




I didn't say they just happened on Excelsior, I said "Things I see more on Excelsior"



I didn't say I had more negative experiences on Excelsior than positive.

I indicated that I saw more of what I consider to be bad behavior on Exelsior than the other servers.



I quite often do. 

I don't know why you would assume that I didn't other than that somehow want an excuse that I'm the problem and not working to make things better.

I wouldn't take my time to come here to the forums and point out what I see to be bad behavior because that is what this thread is about.


The post is about bad behavior on Excelsior.

I'm giving my own input on the bad behavior I see on Excelsior.


I expect Excelsior natives/patriots to be defensive.

So far there are are only two of you being defensive. 

I think that there are plenty on Excelsior know that I'm saying is correct or they would be chiming in. They aren't.

Lol, having a character you enjoy doesn’t make you jaded. In fact I choose my power sets specifically because they’re good for helping people with most content at all level ranges. I enjoy playing with a wide variety of people from those who are making their first character on as far as speed runners. Team etiquette in CoH isn’t global, it’s based on the team you’re in. These are some very unkind assumptions you’re making about someone you don’t know at all 🙂

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1 hour ago, UltraAlt said:

I didn't say they just happened on Excelsior, I said "Things I see more on Excelsior"



I didn't say I had more negative experiences on Excelsior than positive.

I indicated that I saw more of what I consider to be bad behavior on Exelsior than the other servers.



I quite often do. 

I don't know why you would assume that I didn't other than that somehow want an excuse that I'm the problem and not working to make things better.

I wouldn't take my time to come here to the forums and point out what I see to be bad behavior because that is what this thread is about.


The post is about bad behavior on Excelsior.

I'm giving my own input on the bad behavior I see on Excelsior.


I expect Excelsior natives/patriots to be defensive.

So far there are are only two of you being defensive. 

I think that there are plenty on Excelsior know that I'm saying is correct or they would be chiming in. They aren't.

As far as it happening more on Excelsior, I suppose that depends on your frequency of play there - you haven't stated which server you play on most, so I made an assumption that you likely played Excelsior more, simply because of the higher population and greater chance of finding teams - thus your negative experiences would be more frequent.


I never said you were the problem; I haven't called out anyone. I just wanted to acknowledge your concerns and highlight why I didn't agree with you. I understand that you're contributing to the conversation; but my perspective is that it was nitpicking (you obviously do not have to agree; it is just an opinion).


When HC launched, I played on Excelsior - but only because I knew people who played there already (I played on the original CoH servers, and was already part of a community that was there - that community chose to make Excelsior their base). Beyond that, I hold no attachment to Excelsior; I play where friends are, and Excelsior hasn't been the only server I've played on. Essentially: I don't see enough evidence to believe what you claim is true, based on my own experiences. I'm a data-oriented person; you provide me with data, I'm more inclined to believe you.

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