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Voltaic Sentinel idea


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If it isn't going to be made permanent, I wonder if the Voltaic Sentinel could at least be allowed to have the Chance for +Endurance that your other attacks have? So when the VS attacks it has a chance to boost YOUR End. Seems like it would be a relatively small bonus for the sets that get VS, but a nice change nonetheless.

Edited by Wavicle
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7 hours ago, Wavicle said:

If it isn't going to be made permanent, I wonder if the Voltaic Sentinel could at least be allowed to have the Chance for +Endurance that your other attacks have? So when the VS attacks it has a chance to boost YOUR End. Seems like it would be a relatively small bonus for the sets that get VS, but a nice change nonetheless.

I'm not sure that's within the technology of the game.  A given power has a given set of targets, and it doesn't have two targeted targets.   Maybe pets have some kind of special way to affect their master in the same way that you can have some effects affect "self" even when the normal target is someone else, but if so I've never noticed it in power effects.

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30 minutes ago, aethereal said:

I'm not sure that's within the technology of the game.  A given power has a given set of targets, and it doesn't have two targeted targets.   Maybe pets have some kind of special way to affect their master in the same way that you can have some effects affect "self" even when the normal target is someone else, but if so I've never noticed it in power effects.

It does seem like the only way you could affect an ally with an enemy targeted attack is for the ally effect to be something like an AoE around either the target or caster. 

But yeah, throw VS a lil bone by all means.

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15 minutes ago, arcane said:

It does seem like the only way you could affect an ally with an enemy targeted attack is for the ally effect to be something like an AoE around either the target or caster. 

But then you can't select specifically your owner in that AoE as far as I know -- you could select *allies*, but not your owner?  Unless there's a tech I'm not aware of, which is certainly possible.

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Just now, aethereal said:

But then you can't select specifically your owner in that AoE as far as I know -- you could select *allies*, but not your owner?  Unless there's a tech I'm not aware of, which is certainly possible.

Yeah I was agreeing with you 🙂

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The Ember Demon from Demon MMs has the power Ember Shield Owner that gives a higher resistance to the MM player than the Ember Shield it put on others, and this power has been around for a while. So I don't see why something similar couldn't work for Voltaic Sentinel.

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16 minutes ago, Vanden said:

Mastermind Protector Bots were recently changed to only cast their bubbles on their owner (they’re AoE now so they buff all the pets at once, too), so it’s possible to make a pet only use certain powers on their summoner

I checked, it looks like that's pet AI, not something about the power -- it's just choosing to use an "affects ally" power specifically on their owner.  I don't see how that could be used to make a power that was targeted on an enemy also cause an effect on the pet's owner.


(I mean, obviously nothing is impossible -- but I think they'd have to write new powers code to do this, it's not something you can do by configuring a power's data.)


The Ember Demon thing has a separate auto-power that only affects the entity "pet root owner."  So it's an AoE that affects the owner.  Again, I don't really see how you could use that technology to make something proc an effect from the Voltaic Sentinel's attack.

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1 hour ago, Wavicle said:


It would have to somehow be set so that it only gave end to the caster of the VS.

Why? Its not like it would give you alot of end, and its not like the end from VS itself would really help a team consistently or all that much. From a cost/benefit perspective, a quick and dirty fix of just having a pbaoe proc of gifted end seems like the way to go. I mean, its not like VS is considered anywhere neat overpowered as it is, so the additional benefit of giving your teammates a little bit of end randomly isn't the end of the world.

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Just now, Communistpenguin said:

Why? Its not like it would give you alot of end, and its not like the end from VS itself would really help a team consistently or all that much. From a cost/benefit perspective, a quick and dirty fix of just having a pbaoe proc of gifted end seems like the way to go. I mean, its not like VS is considered anywhere neat overpowered as it is, so the additional benefit of giving your teammates a little bit of end randomly isn't the end of the world.

It's not a buff/debuff power, it's a blast power. I mean, if they DID make it a team buff I wouldn't object, but I just don't see the devs doing that.

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The way to do this would be to have the attacks create a pseudopet which has a +End ability which targets allies.

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