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Any market ramifications from I27:3?

Yomo Kimyata

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New enhancements will most likely spike as players reconfigure builds.  DSOs will mostly likely be in high demand for a while as we build up a supply.  Respec recipe may go up as players redo older characters with new power changes.  Bunch of alts being created so staples should go up in price for a while provide players buy new and don't recycle.  Could be an influx of returning players that faded out of HC for a break and are back to check out the new shiny things.  No doubt a bunch of badgers will log back in to get the new shiny things and may have to redo builds to turn up for difficulty changes.

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Blaster ATOs should be in higher demand as well, due to the stone manipulation secondary. 
Taunt category in the AH has been changed to "threat duration". 

Also...looks like there's a few new IO sets: 
In no particular order- 
Hypersonic (one dropped for me on the Aeon SF) - set bonuses pictured. 
Launch. (only for "Leaping", where as Springfoot and Unbounded Leap are in their own distinct category) 

Ice Mistral's Torment ( set bonuses aren't great, but better than any of the other slow sets, imo) 









So, it may behoove some of us to snag the slow recipes & such now, on the cheap. (other than ice mistral's torment, I don't see them going for very much) 



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Oh yeah - the usual disclaimer - these are on Brainstorm (Test server) now. Doesn't mean they'll make it to "live". I suspect folks will have to spend some time on beta to try them out and give feedback. 

If folks just want to hop over and take a quick look to see the set bonuses, that'd probably be a good thing. Some of them give decent boosts - like 4.5% s/l resist, 4.5% energy/neg energy resist (not the same sets), 6.25% recharge, and the like. I used snip & sketch for most of the screen shots, but was too lazy to take an actual screen shot with tool tip showing the actual bonuses for each set. 

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1 hour ago, Ukase said:



So, it may behoove some of us to snag the slow recipes & such now, on the cheap. (other than ice mistral's torment, I don't see them going for very much) 



It may come as no surprise to you that this was my first thought as well.  It's a good set, especially the proc, and I expect the pieces to trade 1-2mm except the proc 3-5mm.  But it's not worthwhile my making hundreds of the proc, since 1. slow sets aren't in high use, imo, and 2. it's still going to be easy enough to get to an Ice Mistral if I want one.  If I'm wrong on this, then feel free to taunt me!  Or threat level me, whatever.

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Nah. No need for taunting or threat leveling, lol. That's my take on it. I think the first few may sell for more, then once a dozen or so are on the market, the price will stabilize at a little less than what you suggest. Just my initial thoughts. 

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I think some of the new DSynchs are going to have some good demand. Acc/Recharge (also /threat but lol) can be useful in SO many powers, especially those that don't take sets (Like Siphon Power and Fulcrum Shift). Some existing HamiOs might lose value, since some D-Synchs are just reskinned versions of existing special enhancements, and people will probably dump those when they don't get the newer, shinier ones.


As for the new IO sets, though? Meh.


Maybe keep an eye on End Mod sets. The buffs to electrical blast (making it do more damage based on how low a target's endurance is) might have them see an upshot in demand, especially the newer ones that also enhance damage.


That's all I got.

Edited by EmperorSteele
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I'm with the herd on this one. I expect a flood of the Ice Mistral %Cold proc, just like every other %proc that many people over-inflate but few people want to buy. I don't think Slow powers aren't suddenly going to be worth all the extra slots. (*1) Ditto for Threat and Travel powers. I suppose the rarity of the new Travel pieces could screw up what has been a reliable conversion from uncommon-to-rare.


The DSOs will fill some niches, my hot takes follow:

  1. Most of the /Recharge ones will see some interest for one/two-slot builds, especially for mediocre set options with 2 pieces.
  2. Accuracy/Range is a nice to compliment Centriole Damage/Range for multi-%proc cones, but those are never in high demand.

I'm torn on the use of Heal/Accuracy and Heal/Recharge in a power like DNA Siphon, as opposed to 3-slotting Touch of the Nictus (which not only allows a %damage, but gets a global Accuracy boost as well). I suppose the Endurance/- could also be dropped in?


The "enemy sapping" strategy (such as it is) is looking to get even worse, so I wouldn't sit on any stock there.


(*1) I have a /Cold Corruptor that might be tempted to add the Ice Mistral %Cold proc to the level 1 secondary Infrigidate, as the power is a decent extra (low level) attack, and Cold damage is probably less resisted than Smashing or Lethal.

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To dog pile on to what @tidge said, I will also be grabbing the new Cold proc off the market for my main Ice/Cold Corruptor if/when they make it out of beta testing. Infridgate is about to be a 6 slot proc'able power that does more damage than a tier 1 blast power 😈 😆 

Edited by Glacier Peak
Plural to singular
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10 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

To dog pile on to what @tidge said, I will also be grabbing the new Cold proc off the market for my main Ice/Cold Corruptor if/when they make it out of beta testing. Infridgate is about to be a 6 slot proc'able power that does more damage than a tier 1 blast power 😈 😆 


The new combinations are as follows:

  • Endurance Modification/Accuracy
  • Endurance Modification/Recharge
  • Accuracy/Range
  • Damage/Endurance
  • Damage/Recharge
  • Heal/Accuracy
  • Heal/Recharge
  • Slow/Recharge/Endurance
  • Threat/Accuracy/Recharge


I was hoping for an Accuracy/Recharge piece; there are a handful of powers across my diverse characters that could free up a slot by using a few of these. For example, from the same Corruptor:  Benumb.


I have two assumptions (neither of which I have tested):

  • The new combinations won't convert into each other
  • The new combinations won't drop from Hami, LRSF, etc.

If so, then it won't take but one EbilTM Marketeer (per market) to use a LOT of INF to raise the roof on all of them.

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2 hours ago, tidge said:


The new combinations are as follows:

  • Endurance Modification/Accuracy
  • Endurance Modification/Recharge
  • Accuracy/Range
  • Damage/Endurance
  • Damage/Recharge
  • Heal/Accuracy
  • Heal/Recharge
  • Slow/Recharge/Endurance
  • Threat/Accuracy/Recharge


I was hoping for an Accuracy/Recharge piece; there are a handful of powers across my diverse characters that could free up a slot by using a few of these. For example, from the same Corruptor:  Benumb.


I have two assumptions (neither of which I have tested):

  • The new combinations won't convert into each other
  • The new combinations won't drop from Hami, LRSF, etc.

If so, then it won't take but one EbilTM Marketeer (per market) to use a LOT of INF to raise the roof on all of them.

Same boat with Benumb, I've got two 50+5 acc and two rech IOs.


Edit: Oh and the new Dsync Enhancements don't convert, but they can be combined with other HO/SHO enhancements and only drop from the ASF reward pool on beta. 

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1 hour ago, tidge said:



I have two assumptions (neither of which I have tested):

  • The new combinations won't convert into each other
  • The new combinations won't drop from Hami, LRSF, etc.




I've been thinking about DSOs a fair amount, and I've been thinking about the future.  Not just the I27:3 release future, but changes they may make after that.  I see three realistic possible outcomes in the near-to-intermediate future:


1.  Everything is exactly as stated in the patch notes for I27:3 and onwards.  The DSOs will have a different drop distribution than HOs et al.  DSOs of the same type as current HOs are stackable, and should have commensurate value (they will probably be cheaper than HO peers, but that's another issue).  DSOs in new types will be very very uncommon, since the only way you get them is through the new Strike Force (red side!?!!).  Some will be very useful for niche builds, but being able to build to a lvl 53 Damage/Endurance, for example, would require at least 4 DSOs.  These will be very rare -- much rarer than the lvl 53 Cytos.


2.  At some point, the new DSO types get added into the distribution pool of HO/Hydra-O/Crystal-Os.  Maybe this will happen, maybe it won't.  But it seems like a natural progression.  In this case, the aforementioned lvl 53 D/Es will become more attainable, and there would be various other likely ramifications.


3.  At some point, the devs cave and make HOs convertible by type or some other similar outcome.


In case 1, there will be a number of new items of extreme rarity.  I could see hitting inf cap on some of them, at least early on.  In case 2, the new items will not be nearly so rare, and there would be more trade in the items.  I see this as the most likely eventual outcome.  In case 3, which I don't support personally, all HOs would change dramatically in value to come to more of a commodity-type "HO" value.


In case of outcome 3, I bought a bunch of crappy HOs for under 1mm.  Maybe I wasted a half billion or so (OH NO I WASTED A HALF BILLION!), but it's kind of a happiness hedge.  So while I'm complaining about how easy kids have it nowadays, I should be able to make some nice profit, since I'm eyeballing the value of "an HO" at 5-10mm.

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12 minutes ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

In case of outcome 3, I bought a bunch of crappy HOs for under 1mm.  Maybe I wasted a half billion or so (OH NO I WASTED A HALF BILLION!), but it's kind of a happiness hedge.  So while I'm complaining about how easy kids have it nowadays, I should be able to make some nice profit, since I'm eyeballing the value of "an HO" at 5-10mm.

This is why you win. 

I'm not even considering such actions any more, beyond the routine stuff I do, which is really done more out of habit than anything else. 

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I have heard one of the devs, Faultline I think, say that the only way to make HOs convertible would require them to be unique per power.  Meaning you could only slot one Acc/Dam in any given power, for example.  I, for one, would like for HOs to be convertible, but not if making them unique per power is the only way.


So enjoy those cheap HOs! 😜

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Like others have alluded to, I think the next hotness/ market fad is going to be HOs/DSOs that are in high demand for at least a month or two after the release of Page 3. Mainly because of the higher difficulty settings incentivizing every little boost and bonus from a player's build. 

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Hadn't thought of the conversion issue with HO/DSO/et al.  Would be a wonderful opportunity for the devs to implement another converter type salvage piece maybe something tied into incarnate threads or <gasp> shards.  Very interesting.


I'm off to go buy a bunch of cheap HOs now. 🤑

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So the new travel power sets are gonna be in their own category? I was worried they'd mess with my converter method, but if that's the case then I can unpucker myself.

@Aurora Girl - Excelsior - BSOD
 Aurora Girl  (Blaster)- Energy/Atomic, Queen of Faceplants and former Mayor of Pinnacle Server  Straye  (Brute)- Savage/SR, Survivor of +4 ITF Nictus Crystals and Bobcat's Bane  Aurora Snow  (Corruptor) - Ice/Cold, AV Humiliator  Terraflux  (Controller) - Earth/Rad, Bass Exploder  Spynerette  (Arachnos Soldier) - Night Widow, Super Spy of Sneakiness and Stabbing  Snowberrie  (Tank) - Ice/Spines, Disco Ball and Lady of Winter

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21 minutes ago, Aurora_Girl said:

So the new travel power sets are gonna be in their own category? I was worried they'd mess with my converter method, but if that's the case then I can unpucker myself.


I haven't been on beta, but it sounds like they will be in existing categories?  So there will be three Running recipes:  Quickfoot, Celerity, and Thrust?  


In that case, I wouldn't expect any real change in the converter method:  buy uncommon recipes or IOs (Quickfoot), craft, convert once by category (Running), and you have a rare (Celerity or Thrust).  Depending on how popular the new set is (looks pretty meh to me), maybe the price of Quickfoot goes up a touch?  But it should still be a good way to play rare roulette.

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36 minutes ago, Yomo Kimyata said:


I haven't been on beta, but it sounds like they will be in existing categories?  So there will be three Running recipes:  Quickfoot, Celerity, and Thrust?  


In that case, I wouldn't expect any real change in the converter method:  buy uncommon recipes or IOs (Quickfoot), craft, convert once by category (Running), and you have a rare (Celerity or Thrust).  Depending on how popular the new set is (looks pretty meh to me), maybe the price of Quickfoot goes up a touch?  But it should still be a good way to play rare roulette.


Makes sense, from the screenshots up there they looked like they'd be separated for some reason.

@Aurora Girl - Excelsior - BSOD
 Aurora Girl  (Blaster)- Energy/Atomic, Queen of Faceplants and former Mayor of Pinnacle Server  Straye  (Brute)- Savage/SR, Survivor of +4 ITF Nictus Crystals and Bobcat's Bane  Aurora Snow  (Corruptor) - Ice/Cold, AV Humiliator  Terraflux  (Controller) - Earth/Rad, Bass Exploder  Spynerette  (Arachnos Soldier) - Night Widow, Super Spy of Sneakiness and Stabbing  Snowberrie  (Tank) - Ice/Spines, Disco Ball and Lady of Winter

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2 hours ago, Aurora_Girl said:

So the new travel power sets are gonna be in their own category? I was worried they'd mess with my converter method, but if that's the case then I can unpucker myself.

They'll be in their own category. You may unpucker. 

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