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Cim badge locations


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I did that for a bit with no luck - finally just downloaded the new cim & cap maps. 
It's bit confusing, because I'd gotten badges 1 & 2 already - but they moved Battle Hardened (badge 2) and since I didn't recognize a badge at that location previously, I thought it wasn't working properly. But, if you download the new maps and upgrade your vidiotmaps, you can go right to them, no trouble. 

Now, if you're somewhat like me and find doing all those downloads of different maps confusing and annoying, I'm sure there will be some folks who will point them out to you. 

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12 minutes ago, Ukase said:

I did that for a bit with no luck - finally just downloaded the new cim & cap maps. 
It's bit confusing, because I'd gotten badges 1 & 2 already - but they moved Battle Hardened (badge 2) and since I didn't recognize a badge at that location previously, I thought it wasn't working properly. But, if you download the new maps and upgrade your vidiotmaps, you can go right to them, no trouble. 

Now, if you're somewhat like me and find doing all those downloads of different maps confusing and annoying, I'm sure there will be some folks who will point them out to you. 

i can not get that whole process figured out.


does anyone hace locations

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  • Developer
1 hour ago, Cinnder said:

Are there Tour Guide tips for these badges?  I've been murdering random Cimerorans for several minutes but haven't received any tips.

There will be Tour Guides for Cimerora (and all

remaining qualifying zones), they just got pushed back to Page 4 since building the Dr. Aeon Strike Force occupied almost all my time this year. @.@;;

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12 minutes ago, Ukase said:


New Cimerora exploration badges
[-1002.0 137.9 3124.4]
[-975.3 227.8 1389.3]
[-1751.8 373.3 1350.8]
[1010.6 389.3 4930.0]
[1633.4 -55.3 5206.6]

[-169.2 192.3 1489.8]

You should be able to copy and paste each into your chat box and get the thumbtack. 

they moved one of the old ones...where to?

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14 minutes ago, Ukase said:

[-1002.0 137.9 3124.4] Out of Bounds
[-975.3 227.8 1389.3] Human Nature
[-1751.8 373.3 1350.8] Vision of Ambition
[1010.6 389.3 4930.0] Voice of the Oracle
[1633.4 -55.3 5206.6] Sanctuary

[-169.2 192.3 1489.8] Darkness Unleashed


Added names in case that's useful.

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1 hour ago, Cobalt Arachne said:

 since building the Dr. Aeon Strike Force occupied almost all my time this year. @.@;;

And it was time well spent.  Just ran it for the first time.  Damn!  Top-notch content.

Kudos to the zone designer(s) also.

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Originally on Infinity.  I have Ironblade on every shard.  -  My only AE arc:  The Origin of Mark IV  (ID 48002)

Link to the story of Toggle Man, since I keep having to track down my original post.

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10 hours ago, Cobalt Arachne said:

There will be Tour Guides for Cimerora (and all

remaining qualifying zones), they just got pushed back to Page 4 since building the Dr. Aeon Strike Force occupied almost all my time this year. @.@;;


If you created the existing excellent tour guide tips, I'm happy to wait till you have the time.  I still admire the way you matched the tip text with the style of the badges to which they lead.

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13 hours ago, Ukase said:

[-1083.3 172.1 4691.0] Battle Hardened was moved. Used to be above the door to the map that lets you clobber Romulus. 

Hi, finally got the 6 new badges in Cim after a bit of head scratching.

Downloaded the vidiotmaps update using the Modder no problem and logged in to see 6 new locations.

Bumbled around and got stuck at the last one above the Imp TF start point. 

Could see the marker but it was not awarding!

Asked and got told that battle hardened had been moved but the patch notes did not mention that, just the new badges locations.


So they moved Battle Hardened, but also placed one of the new badges almost exactly in the same spot as where the old Battle Hardened marker had been but just 100 feet below it.


This means that when you look at the Cim map using vidiotmaps it appears that the original two badges are still where they always were and you see six new markers to go get. I am aware that the vidiotmap markers are numbered but I am usually zoomed out enough to see the markers but not close enough to read the numbers, so I can plot a pathway from a map wide view.


In my case I zone in using the LFG method and so right by the new Battle Hardened marker just up above. But because that looks like a new spot it is the first one to visit and when it does not pop a badge collected  message it gives the impression it is bugged.


Abandon that spot and go get the other five new ones using vidiotmaps no problems.


Rechecked the original two badges spots just in case but nothing happened, as I expected, having got them both back at HC launch.

Was hovering above the old Battle Hardened spot forming a cunning plan out of range of the bad guys on the top of the wall, when I saw a flock of players zooming in and out of the passage from the main doors way below me.

Dropped down and approached the door and of course the last new badge popped along with accolade.


So just for info anybody with the Battle Hardened badge collected before the new patch needs to go back to the old spot and below to get the new badge🤔🥴


This circumstance will of course only affect alts that have already got the original Battle Hardened explore badge.

Sorry if this seems rambley,  Cheers

Edited by Jacktar
Added marker numbers sentence
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