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RPG ish team


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Hey everyone,

I had a idea for a little different gameplay experience.
Does anyone think this could be fun lol.. this only aplies to the blue side archetypes since red side kinda mixes them i think.

So in my time playing this game this is the role breakdown. Maybe you agree or disagree.
DPS: Blaster, Scrapper, 

Healer: Defender

Controller: Controller:
Tank: Tank


So i was thinking of forming a sg where we make new toons and play powers that only fit that exact model.
So for example blasters & scrapper only play damaging powers not any heal, buff, or controller-like powers

Controllers only play their powers that controll.
Tanks only play powers that hold aggro.

Defenders only play healing powers.

My thought process is that most comic book heroes kinda fit that idea.
They don't usually have like damaging powers, and controlling powers, and healing powers, etc....

of course there's exceptions.

But my idea here would make it so that when we team together we are strictly relying on the defender to heal us, and the tank to keep enemies away from us and for blasters & scrappers to be the ones killing enemies.


Maybe fun? 

Or ridiculously awful idea? lol

we would start from lvl 1 and level up together when we're online together.

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16 minutes ago, Crasical said:

I dunno, sounds kind of miserable for the tanks and defenders, who are locked out of their secondaries.

Agreed, and controllers as well... if you really want to push the idea of DPS, then Scrappers would be only primaries as well, which would be just terrible.

What this team needs is more Defenders

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I think it's a huge step back in terms of playing roles as It makes the ATs awfully 2-dimensional. The set up reminds me of lesser MMOs where the healer-tank-dps dynamic is too ingrained. Also, if you take a closer look at comic book heroes, the Tank doesn't always just Tank. same goes for the others. I think CoH has taken drastic steps to prevent such a thing and open up interesting avenues for each player. Blasters (the AT that I play the most) can now have a bit of def/res. Not as much as a Brute, but enough. They also have access to a few controls like hold and immob. In the same fashion, Scrappers have access to Snipe from the Epic pools, etc.

But have hope, there are SGs that run this sort of thing, but better. Each member is free to choose whatever AT, power set combos as well as which powers to pick/skip. Play what you like. The only catch is No IOs. By using only SOs, your toon is somewhat limited and prevented from becoming a Steamrolling Avatar of Destruction. What you do get is more reliance on your team mates and other ATs.

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@Aurora Girl - Excelsior - BSOD
 Aurora Girl  (Blaster)- Energy/Atomic, Queen of Faceplants and former Mayor of Pinnacle Server  Straye  (Brute)- Savage/SR, Survivor of +4 ITF Nictus Crystals and Bobcat's Bane  Aurora Snow  (Corruptor) - Ice/Cold, AV Humiliator  Terraflux  (Controller) - Earth/Rad, Bass Exploder  Spynerette  (Arachnos Soldier) - Night Widow, Super Spy of Sneakiness and Stabbing  Snowberrie  (Tank) - Ice/Spines, Disco Ball and Lady of Winter

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Well, it'd be an interesting experiment. I'd be more curious on who would *stay,* and what their ATs are.

I could see tanks being *bored as hell,* for instance.


Plus, I mean... a lot of powers are dual or triple use. Would Tanks using Firey Aura not be able to use... well, fire aura or burn? They do get and hold aggro, but also do quite a bit of damage. If not, and given they'd be barred from using most of their secondary other than taunt (since they're not doing damage,) that's awfully limiting. Plus, their attacks also add to aggro control... but if they're not allowed to do damage, you're really cutting down how well they *can* hold aggro.


Also DEFENDERS ARE NOT "HEALERS." Dear god, I wish that word would die in a fire somewhere.


*ahem.* Sorry, that got stuck in my throat.


For Defenders, you're saying they're limited to only "healing" powers. When "healing" is mentioned, I define it as specifically the "refilling of lost hit points" - and I'm going to be generous and include rezzes here. Not +HP, not +Regen (that's a buff to the character's *own* natural stats.) This means there are about four Defender primaries that get to do *absolutely nothing,* and quite a few more with at most 1-2 powers to use unless they dip into Medicine that you're losing a *lot* of benefit from. The one that gets to do the most is pain domination (ST heal, AOE heal, AOE heal aura, rez.) You're losing out on ... pretty much the *point* of Defenders.


Scrappers and Blasters would see the least change, though again if we're talking "no control," there's an issue in that a lot of abilities *have* secondary control effects. Is Ice Blast's Frost Breath or Blizzard control or damage? Is Water Burst control? Heck, are we talking "Cannot buff others" or "cannot buff themselves," as self-buff is pretty much the definition of an armor set.


All in all? You're not "playing wrong" if you try it - the game is *really* forgiving and great for people trying new stuff. I just don't think you'd see many joining you or sticking around, and you'd really be hobbling yourself with some of these guidelines.

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Ya i mean maybe i have the wrong idea here.
My idea is to try to play with game with style of Champions Online.

(Don't get mad at me for mentioning that name hehe)

I played CO and in its own right I enjoyed it a lot. 
Still prefer COH over CO.

But I did like how in CO like the tanks handle the damage, and the dps are the ones damaging like the monsters, and the healers are very important to keeping heroes alive.

That is what I was hoping to achieve with this idea.

In this game so many of our toons are so strong (which is good i myself have a scrapper that pretty much won't die),

but i was thinking for a different experience and  maybe a more team based success rate experience.

But ya maybe what i've suggested isn't quite the same thing as what I was hoping for.

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Take Storm from X men.  I assume she is a blaster.  Lightning from the sky and all that.  Then she has a TON of wind powers.  So Knockback and control.  I could give about a thousand more examples of how it is hard to pigeon hole the vast majority of Supers into narrow job descriptions.  Before i do let me just say this.


You are wrong.  It is a horrid premise.  it would not work well with this game.  Also, as someone who has done 'crawl' teams a few times, getting people to show up and be consistent each week is challenging.  life happens.  nerfing the Archetype to fit your game within a game is not going to increase turnout.


Good Luck.

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7 hours ago, Snarky said:

Take Storm from X men.  I assume she is a blaster.  Lightning from the sky and all that.  Then she has a TON of wind powers.  So Knockback and control.  I could give about a thousand more examples of how it is hard to pigeon hole the vast majority of Supers into narrow job descriptions.  Before i do let me just say this.


You are wrong.  It is a horrid premise.  it would not work well with this game.  Also, as someone who has done 'crawl' teams a few times, getting people to show up and be consistent each week is challenging.  life happens.  nerfing the Archetype to fit your game within a game is not going to increase turnout.


Good Luck.

Cool thanks for the "snarky" reply alright lol.

Was just an idea. Never said it was to increase turnout or would..also i never said i was right in this thinking. So u telling me im wrong is just kinda "snarky". 

But thx for the SNARK ATTACK!

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On 1/14/2022 at 5:49 PM, Garrickwest said:


Could you maybe give examples of what you see as the epitome of each character type?  I think you'll quickly realize that they are a lot broader in their capabilities than your initial proposal might entail.


For instance, here's an example of some X-Men and what archetype I think they best exemplify:


Colossus - Tank - probably invulnerability/super strength.  He can definitely dish out the damage as well as withstanding it.

Wolverine - claws/regen Scrapper, but kind of with the old version of instant healing as a toggle cranked way up.

Cyclops - something akin to an energy/martial combat Blaster, (just with all the blasts originating from his eyes).

Storm - a storm/elec defender, or perhaps, (if it ever sees the light of day), the proposed wind control set, with a storm summoning secondary.

Jean Grey - Mind control/empathy controller, though very few comics really depict easy on-demand healing and resurrection abilities.

Nightcrawler - tough one - perhaps a dark or savage melee/super reflexes or ninjitsu stalker, with heavy investment in the teleportation pool.

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U know i cant lol.  I dont know like snarky aggressively mentioned it is a pretty incomplete thought on my part.


Maybe its best this idea stop before it starts lol. 


I was trying to think of a way where if we team we rely on each role more.


But this doesnt seem to be the right idea.


*idea over* lol

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41 minutes ago, Garrickwest said:

U know i cant lol.  I dont know like snarky aggressively mentioned it is a pretty incomplete thought on my part.


Maybe its best this idea stop before it starts lol. 


I was trying to think of a way where if we team we rely on each role more.


But this doesnt seem to be the right idea.


*idea over* lol

I do wish you luck. But this is equivalent to the idea of "If we drive on the shoulder we can pass all these cars." in my opinion. That is based on my play time in this game.  But yeah, it has been mentioned I can be.....Snarky.  pat. pend. tm.

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