AboveTheChemist Posted August 23, 2022 Posted August 23, 2022 (edited) Last updated: February 21, 2024 Current version in City Mod Installer: Vidiotmaps for Homecoming (version 1.1) This post will cover the installation details, update log, and other technical information for the vidiotmaps map mod. I will cover background info and other non-technical information in a subsequent post. My eternal thanks to all those who have worked on VidiotMaps before me, and whose quality of work I strive to maintain and build upon. Please, at the very least, read the sections on Installation and Removing/Deleting Old Installations, as most of the answers to questions I receive are contained in those two sections. If anyone would like to use this mod as a starting point to build your own mod, please feel free to do so. All I ask is that the previous authors and I be acknowledged for the work that has been done to date, and that you take credit for any modifications that you make to this menu. Installation Reveal hidden contents The current version of vidiotmaps is available via the City Mod Installer as Vidiotmaps for Homecoming (version 1.1). Installing via City Mod Installer is the (strongly) recommended installation method. Manual installation is via a .pigg file (named hc_vidiotmaps.pigg) available from the City Modder website at the link below: https://mods.cityofheroes.dev/download.php?id=9&file=mods/AboveTheChemist/hc_vidiotmaps.pigg To manually install vidiotmaps, locate the root folder for your CoH installation (which I'll refer to as <CoH Root Folder>). If using the new Homecoming Launcher, click the settings button (which looks like a little gear) in the upper right corner of the HC launcher. When the settings window appears, the installation location is shown at the top of the window. The following screenshot illustrates what you will see (the settings button appears in green here): If using Tequila or Island Rum, you will either need to search for the install folder manually, or you should be able to check the properties of the shortcut used to launch Tequila/Island Rum, and the installation location should be listed there. The .pigg file is a self-contained archive that functions identically to the .pigg files that contain all of the game data. It should be placed in: <CoH Root Folder>\assets\mods If your <CoH Root Folder>\assets folder does not contain a directory named 'mods', please create a directory named 'mods' within <CoH Root Folder>\assets and place the hc_vidiotmaps.pigg file within. The final step is to modify your game launch parameters to tell the game to check your <CoH Root Folder>\assets\mods folder for the new mod by adding the following text: -assetpath assets\mods This is a one-time change so if your launch parameters have already been modified to add the above text, then there is no need to do it again. Instructions for locating and modifying your launch parameters can be found in the post at this link. Users that have one or more existing launch parameters can simply add a space at the end of the existing parameter(s) before adding the new parameter. Removing/Deleting Old Installations Reveal hidden contents Users that had previously installed vidiotmaps either manually or using the CoH Modder tool will need to remove or delete their old installations in order for the new version to be visible in game. This is because the installation process now uses a .pigg file and the old process installed the mod files individually into the <CoH Root Folder>\data folder. Old versions of vidiotmaps were installed to the following folders: <CoH Root Folder>\data\texture_library\MAPS <CoH Root Folder>\data\texture_library\P_MAPS <CoH Root Folder>\data\texture_library\V_MAPS The 'MAPS', 'P_MAPS', and 'V_MAPS' folder must be relocated or deleted in order for the new version to work correctly (simply renaming the folders will not work). If needed, the individual file contents for each folder can be viewed in the File Contents section below. Users who updated vidiotmaps via the old CoH Modder tool from about August to December 2020 may have downloaded a tampered copy that contained some nude costume textures. These aren't harmful for your computer, but they may make certain character models appear fully nude in-game. If you didn't knowingly install this 'nude mod' and wish to remove these nude costume textures, then simply delete the following files: <CoH Root Folder>\data\texture_library\PLAYERS\AVATAR\Female\Masks\Hips\sf_hips_bikini_2.texture <CoH Root Folder>\data\texture_library\PLAYERS\AVATAR\Female\Masks\Chest\sf_chest_top_8.texture General Update Log Reveal hidden contents Update history prior to Feb 2021 can be found in the post linked here. More detailed info for the updates in 2021 can be found at the links available in the post linked here. 14-Feb-2021 - Initial update of Siren's Call, Kallisti Wharf, and Warburg maps 22-Apr-2021 - Updated Siren's Call, Kallisti Wharf, and Warburg maps to correct in-game display issue, updated Perez Park map 04-May-2021 - Updated Abandoned Sewer Network and the Paragon City, Rogue Isles, and Praetoria overview maps 02-Jun-2021 - Updated Pocket D and Kings Row maps, added Echo Plaza map 21-Jun-2021 - Updated Abandoned Sewer Network, Kallisti Wharf, Kings Row, Mayhem Skyway, Mercy Island, St. Martial, Siren's Call, and Warburg maps 28-Jun-2021 - Updated Rikti War Zone and instanced Rikti War Zone maps 26-Nov-2021 - Updated Abandoned Sewer Network, Cimerora, and Cap Au Diable maps 01-Dec-2021 - Minor updates to Abandoned Sewer Network and Cimerora maps 23-Aug-2022 - Updated Atlas Park, Echo Plaza, Imperial City, Mercy Island, Neutropolis, Nova Praetoria, Perez Park, and Talos Island maps 03-Oct-2022 - Added map for Atlas Park Halloween map variant, minor tweaks to Atlas Park text 12-Oct-2022 - Added map for Atlas Park Fall and Winter map variants, minor tweaks to Cimerora map 21-Feb-2024 - Updated 28 maps, including full overhauls of Abandoned Sewer Network, Atlas Park (and its seasonal variants), Cap au Diable, Cimerora, Imperial City, Kings Row, Mercy Island, Neutropolis, Nova Praetoria, Perez Park, Talos Island, and the Paragon City, Praetoria, and Rogue Isles Overview maps. Also partially updated maps for Brickstown, Echo: Atlas Park, Founders' Falls, Independence Port, Kallisti Wharf, Peregrine Island, Rikti War Zone, Skyway City, Steel Canyon, Terra Volta, and The Hollows to add Bicentennial plaque locations and other minor edits. Zone-Specific Update Log Reveal hidden contents The following is a zone-specific list of all updates made since February, 2021. Abandoned Sewer Network - texture name/location: texture_library\MAPS\static\map_trial_01_01.texture Per the changes listed in the May 4, 2021 patch notes, added the section leading to and including Dr. Vahzilok's lab and moved the "Living Dark" badge to Dr. Vahzilok's lab Minor accuracy adjustments to several badge markers Per the changes listed in the Nov 26, 2021 patch notes, added spawn markers for the elite bosses that count for the new Epidemiologist badge, and adjusted critter text for critters in the area of Dr. Vahzilok's lab. Updated Epidemiologist spawn markers with correct badge art, change will likely not be noticeable Full overhaul, major text adjustments for readability Atlas Park (Normal) - texture name/location: texture_library\MAPS\static\map_city_01_01.texture Per the changes listed in the August 23, 2022 patch notes, updated the base map to reflect changes in the zone Removed day job and exploration badge associated with Architect Entertainment Minor accuracy adjustments to several badge, plaque, and day job markers Minor cosmetic adjustment to other graphics, and adjusted text as appropriate Full overhaul, added Bicentennial plaques, removed Silent Sentinel exploration badge and replaced with Rookie Atlas Park (Fall) - texture name/location: texture_library\MAPS\static\map_city_01_01_fall.texture Added new map, currently identical to normal version of Atlas Park Base map unchanged, inherited new overlay per the Atlas Park (Normal) adjustments above Atlas Park (Halloween) - texture name/location: texture_library\MAPS\static\map_city_01_01_halloween.texture Added new map, currently identical to normal version of Atlas Park Base map unchanged, inherited new overlay per the Atlas Park (Normal) adjustments above Atlas Park (Winter) - texture name/location: texture_library\MAPS\static\map_city_01_01_winter.texture Added new map, currently identical to normal version of Atlas Park Base map unchanged, inherited new overlay per the Atlas Park (Normal) adjustments above Brickstown - texture name/location: texture_library\MAPS\Static\map_city_04_02.texture Patch update to add Bicentennial plaque, minor text adjustments Cap au Diable - texture name/location: texture_library\V_MAPS\Static\map_V_City_02_01.texture Per the changes listed in the Nov 26, 2021 patch notes, added contact marker and notation for new strike force contact Dr. Aeon General adjustment of badge, day job, and contact markers for accuracy, and minor adjustment of notation text Remapped forested area in NW of zone for accuracy Full overhaul Cimerora - texture name/location: texture_library\MAPS\static\map_city_03_04.texture Per the changes listed in the Nov 26, 2021 patch notes, added badge markers for new badges, and adjusted position of existing badge markers based on new map background Added or adjusted critter notation, badge notation, day job notation, and contact notation Adjusted shading and symbols in the Midnighter cave area Adjusted position of Vision of Ambition (badge 7) due to badge relocation Minor adjustment of day job, field hospital, and contact locations Full overhaul, which in this case just included some minor NPC text updates Echo: Atlas Park - texture name/location: texture_library\MAPS\static\map_city_01_05.texture Patch update to remove Rookie exploration badge and replace with Silent Sentinel, removed Monitor Duty day job Echo Plaza - texture name/location: texture_library\MAPS\static\map_echo_plaza.texture Created new map with day job locations Per the changes listed in the August 23, 2022 patch notes, added new day job location Founders' Falls - texture name/location: texture_library\MAPS\static\map_city_04_01.texture Patch update to add Bicentennial plaques, minor text adjustments Imperial City - texture name/location: texture_library\MAPS\static\map_P_City_00_02.texture Adjusted River Rat badge locations and added some missing day job markers Minor accuracy adjustments to other badge, plaque, and day job markers Minor cosmetic adjustment to other graphics, and adjusted text as appropriate Full overhaul Independence Port - texture name/location: texture_library\MAPS\static\map_city_03_02.texture Patch update to add Bicentennial plaques, text adjustments Kallisti Wharf - texture name/location: texture_library\MAPS\static\map_city_05_03.texture Added badge marker for the 'On the Shoulders of Giants' badge, as well as the badge notation Minor accuracy adjustments to several day job markers Patch update to add Bicentennial plaque, adjusted text, day job, and contact markers Kings Row - texture name/location: texture_library\MAPS\static\map_city_01_02.texture Per the changes listed in the June 2, 2021 patch notes, removed the marker for the Issue-24 Clockwork Paladin zone event, placed new markers denoting the construction locations for the pre-Issue 24 Paladin Construction zone event, and modified the text slightly to reflect these changes Minor accuracy adjustments to several badge/plaque/day job markers Full overhaul, added Bicentennial plaques Mayhem Skyway - texture name/location: texture_library\V_MAPS\Outdoor_Missions\map_V_Mayhem_Skyway.texture Shifted the entire map to the north to align it properly with in-game features, adjusted badge and key spawn markers to match and for accuracy Mercy Island - texture name/location: texture_library\V_MAPS\Static\map_V_City_01_01.texture Added Arachnos Agent day job markers, minor accuracy adjustments to several badge/plaque/day job markers Per the changes listed in the August 23, 2022 patch notes, updated the base map to reflect changes in the zone Removed day job and exploration badge associated with Architect Entertainment, and more minor accuracy adjustments Full overhaul Neutropolis - texture name/location: texture_library\MAPS\static\map_P_City_00_03.texture Adjusted River Rat badge locations and added some missing day job markers Minor accuracy adjustments to other badge, plaque, and day job markers Minor cosmetic adjustment to other graphics, and adjusted text as appropriate Full overhaul Nova Praetoria - texture name/location: texture_library\MAPS\static\map_P_City_00_01.texture Adjusted River Rat badge locations and added some missing day job markers Minor accuracy adjustments to other badge, plaque, and day job markers Minor cosmetic adjustment to other graphics, and adjusted text as appropriate Full overhaul Paragon City Overview - texture name/location: texture_library\MAPS\city\paragon_citymap.texture Re-created map to remove some image compression artifacts and to use the updated version release with Issue 27, page 1 Full overhaul, which in this case included adjustment of legend and text for clarity and readability Peregrine Island - texture name/location: texture_library\MAPS\static\map_city_05_01.texture Patch update to add Bicentennial plaque, text adjustments Perez Park - texture name/location: texture_library\MAPS\static\map_hazard_01_01.texture Re-created map to remove some image compression artifacts Replaced compressed base map with uncompressed (and better quality) version Re-mapped forested area for accuracy and to improve appearance Added missing day job marker, and minor accuracy adjustments to badge, plaque, and giant monster location markers Full overhaul, added Bicentennial plaque Pocket D - texture name/location: texture_library\MAPS\static\map_city_02_04.texture Per the changes in the June 2, 2021 patch notes, updated the background map to the new default in-game map, adjusted some badge marker locations for accuracy, changed the badge marker for the 'Thrill Seeker' badge from '3' to 'X' for consistency, minor day job text re-order Praetoria Overview - texture name/location: texture_library\P_MAPS\praetoria_citymap.texture Re-created map to remove some image compression artifacts, relocated legend to more suitable area Full overhaul, which in this case included adjustment of legend for clarity and readability Rikti War Zone - texture name/location: texture_library\MAPS\static\map_War_05_01.texture Adjusted badge/plaque/pylon/day job/GM marker locations for accuracy, changed the day job marker for the 'Monitor Duty' badge from '4' to '3', re-ordered day job text, added markers for pylons 19 and 20 Patch update to move Architect day job and Thrill Seeker badge, text adjustments Rikti War Zone (instanced) - texture name/location: texture_library\MAPS\missions\endgame\riktiwarzone\map_riktiwarzone.texture Added markers for pylon locations, for Unabashed badge, and for GM defeat badge, with accompanying text as appropriate Rogue Isles Overview - texture name/location: texture_library\V_MAPS\City\rogueisles_citymap.texture Re-created map to remove some image compression artifacts, added standard map legend and relocated legend to the map border area Full overhaul, which in this case included adjustment of legend and text for clarity and readability St. Martial - texture name/location: texture_library\V_MAPS\Static\map_V_City_04_01.texture Added Arachnos Agent day job markers, minor accuracy adjustments to several badge/plaque/day job markers, remapped Giza interior and tree canopy area, standardized badge text font Siren's Call - texture name/location: texture_library\V_MAPS\Static\map_V_PvP_03_01.texture Rotated map per the Issue 27, page 1 changes Minor accuracy adjustments to several badge/plaque/day job markers Skyway City - texture name/location: texture_library\MAPS\static\map_city_02_02.texture Patch update to add Bicentennial plaque, text adjustments Steel Canyon - texture name/location: texture_library\MAPS\static\map_city_02_01.texture Patch update to add Bicentennial plaques, text adjustments and fixed typo in NPC notes Talos Island - texture name/location: texture_library\MAPS\static\map_city_03_01.texture Per the changes listed in the August 23, 2022 patch notes, updated the base map to reflect changes in the zone Minor accuracy adjustments to several badge, plaque, and day job markers Minor cosmetic adjustment to other graphics, and adjusted text as appropriate Full overhaul, added Bicentennial plaque Terra Volta - texture name/location: texture_library\MAPS\static\map_trial_03_01.texture Patch update to add Bicentennial plaque, text adjustments The Hollows - texture name/location: texture_library\MAPS\static\map_hazard_01_02.texture Patch update to add Bicentennial plaque, text adjustments Warburg - texture name/location: texture_library\V_MAPS\Static\map_V_PvP_04_01.texture Re-created map to match original 512x512 size and remapped the tunnels Minor accuracy adjustments to several badge/plaque/day job markers File Contents Reveal hidden contents This section was taken nearly verbatim from the previous VidiotMaps thread. Since .texture files are not directly viewable out-of-game and have somewhat cryptic names, the following list details the contents of each folder. Note that the .. is an abbreviation for the <CoH Root Folder>\data\texture_library portion of the directory structure, which is common to all folders below. These files were formerly visible within their respective folders within <CoH Root Folder>\data, but since this mod is now installed via a single .pigg file, these files are only visible if examining that .pigg file with a pigg viewer (which won't be necessary for most users of this mod). ..\MAPS\city\ paragon_citymap - Paragon City overview map ..\MAPS\Dark_Astoria_Makeover\ map_Coop_06_01 - Dark Astoria ..\MAPS\Midnight_Squad\ mid_squad_chamber - Midnight Squad circle chamber room ..\MAPS\missions\endgame\riktiwarzone map_riktiwarzone - Rikti War Zone (instanced) ..\MAPS\NewPlayerTutorial\ Map_N_City_00_01 - Destroyed Galaxy City ..\MAPS\Safeguard\ All Safeguard mission maps (zone name included in file name) ..\MAPS\sewers\ Detailed sewer mission maps (original working files are lost to the æther) ..\MAPS\static\ map_city_00_01 - Outbreak map_city_01_01 - Atlas Park (normal variant) map_city_01_01_fall.texture - Atlas Park (Fall variant) map_city_01_01_halloween - Atlas Park (Halloween variant) map_city_01_01_winter.texture - Atlas Park (Winter variant) map_city_01_02 - Kings Row map_city_01_03 - Galaxy City (Original) map_city_01_04 - Echo: Galaxy City map_city_01_05 - Echo: Atlas Park map_city_02_01 - Steel Canyon map_city_02_02 - Skyway City map_city_02_04 - Pocket D map_city_02_05 - Faultline map_city_03_01 - Talos Island map_city_03_02 - Independence Port map_city_03_03 - Croatoa map_city_03_04 - Cimerora map_city_04_01 - Founders' Falls map_city_04_02 - Brickstown map_city_05_01 - Peregrine Island map_city_05_03 - Kallisti Wharf map_echo_plaza - Echo Plaza map_hazard_01_01 - Perez Park map_hazard_01_02 - The Hollows map_hazard_01_03 - Tunnels of the Trolls map_hazard_02_01 - Boomtown map_hazard_03_01 - Echo: Dark Astoria map_hazard_03_02 - Striga Isle map_hazard_04_01 - Crey's Folly map_hazard_06_01 - Firebase Zulu map_hazard_06_02 - Cascade Archipelago map_hazard_06_03 - The Chantry map_IOM_FB_Outbreak - Outbreak in Flashback map_P_City_00_01 - Nova Praetoria map_P_City_00_02 - Imperial City map_P_City_00_03 - Neutropolis map_P_City_00_04 - First Ward map_P_City_00_05 - Precinct Five map_P_City_00_06 - Underground Nova map_P_City_00_07 - Underground Imperial map_P_City_00_08 - Underground Neutropolis map_P_City_00_09 - Night Ward map_trial_01_01 - Abandoned Sewer Network map_trial_01_02 - Sewer Network map_trial_02_01 - Echo: Faultline map_trial_03_01 - Terra Volta map_trial_04_01 - Eden map_trial_04_02 - The Hive map_trial_05_01 - Echo: Rikti Crash Site map_trial_06_01 - Storm Palace map_War_05_01 - Rikti War Zone ..\P_MAPS\ praetoria_citymap - Praetoria overview map ..\V_MAPS\City\ rogueisles_citymap - Rogue Isles overview map ..\V_MAPS\Outdoor_Missions\ All Mayhem mission maps (zone name included in file name) ..\V_MAPS\Static\ map_city_06_01 - Ouroboros (Hero version, now co-op) map_IOM_FB_Breakout - Breakout in Flashback map_V_City_00_01 - Breakout map_V_City_01_01 - Mercy Island map_V_City_01_02 - Port Oakes map_V_City_02_01 - Cap au Diable map_V_city_03_01 - Sharkhead Isle map_V_City_03_02 - Nerva Archipelago map_V_City_04_01 - St. Martial map_V_City_05_01 - Grandville map_v_city_06_01 - Ouroboros (Villain version, original) map_V_PvP_02_01 - Bloody Bay map_V_PvP_03_01 - Siren's Call map_V_PvP_04_01 - Warburg map_V_PvP_05_01 - Recluse's Victory map_V_Trial_04_02 - The Abyss map_V_Trial_04_03 - Monster Island Outdated Files Reveal hidden contents Since I have begun maintaining these maps, I have removed several files from the vidiotmap package that are outdated and/or no longer necessary. All users, regardless of installation method, may wish to check for these files, and remove them if they are found. <CoH Root Folder>\data\texture_library\MAPS\city\citymap.texture <CoH Root Folder>\data\texture_library\P_MAPS\P_citymap.texture <CoH Root Folder>\data\texture_library\V_MAPS\City\V_citymap.texture <CoH Root Folder>\data\texture_library\GUI\Icons\Badges\badge_count_200.texture <CoH Root Folder>\data\texture_library\GUI\Icons\Badges\v_badge_StatureBadge7.texture Users who updated vidiotmaps via the old CoH Modder tool from about August to December 2020 may have downloaded a tampered copy that contained some nude costume textures. These aren't harmful for your computer, but they may make certain character models appear fully nude in-game. If you didn't knowingly install this 'nude mod' and wish to remove these nude costume textures, then simply delete the following files: <CoH Root Folder>\data\texture_library\PLAYERS\AVATAR\Female\Masks\Hips\sf_hips_bikini_2.texture <CoH Root Folder>\data\texture_library\PLAYERS\AVATAR\Female\Masks\Chest\sf_chest_top_8.texture Future Work Reveal hidden contents This information is tentative at best, subject to change, and I am not committing to any time frame. It's simply a glimpse at what is likely on the horizon. If you spot errors or omissions on existing vidiotmaps, please let me know and I will add them to my list. Priorities: Eden - recreate forest paths so that compressed background map can be replaced with better quality uncompressed version, recheck all badge/plaque markers Recheck all maps not updated on 21-Feb-2024 I have greatly improved the means by which I check map marker accuracy, I now have a good system for surveying NPCs, and I've improved text consistency, so I plan to perform a full overhaul of all maps that I've previously worked on, aside from the ones that I've already done Future Updates: I have a longer list of maps with more minor issues (typos mostly) that I plan to fix. Once the above work is done, I'll prioritize the next batch from that list. Boomtown and Crey's Folly will likely be on the list, as I have an improved method of adding more accurate giant monster spawn location markers. Edited February 20 by AboveTheChemist updates for i27p7, corrected date in update log 2 15 2 Popmenus > Badge List | Optimal Paths | Conversion Possibilities | Emotes Wiki Pages > Costume Color Schemes | Set Bonus Comparison Tables Maps > Vidiotmaps | Optimal Paths | Halloween GM Maps | Winter Gift Maps | Offline Map Viewer Sounds > Banshee Sonic Attack Datasets > Recipe Salvage Components | Badge Name & Settitle ID | Exploration Badge & History Plaque Coordinates
AboveTheChemist Posted August 23, 2022 Author Posted August 23, 2022 (edited) For those that are curious about how I came to post this thread, I offer the following (potentially sleep-inducing) information. Background Reveal hidden contents I am not in any way affiliated with, nor have I ever worked with or received any files or other assistance from, the previous curators of VidiotMaps. For this reason, I hesitated at first to refer to these maps as vidiotmaps. I realized, though, that for any new name I might came up with, the community is likely to continue to refer to these maps as vidiotmaps because at this point it's basically a brand name (like kleenex). Therefore, I decided to keep things simple and continue to call these maps vidiotmaps. In deference to the prior curators, though, for whom VidiotMaps were not just in-game maps, but also printable maps and a dedicated website (and perhaps more), I've decided to refer to my maps using the lowercase vidiotmaps. As I stated in the top post, I hope to maintain and build upon the quality of work that the previous curators established. With that in mind, it makes sense to ask: "Who left me with the keys to the castle?" Truthfully, no one did. In late 2020 I began working on a map mod which built upon the existing VidiotMaps, and in doing so I began to learn the tricks of how to turn a BMP into a texture file, and vice-versa. Around that same time, the Siren's Call in-game map was rotated, and I was one of several that attempted to create a new vidiotmap for that zone. I learned that my texture file creation process was not perfect. After several rounds of growing pains, I gained a great deal of knowledge and experience that would prove invaluable, and finally was able to produce a map that was free from errors. Initially, I never intended to try to continue the VidiotMap legacy. In the early stages, I tried to contact the previous VidiotMap curators without success, and I noticed that the previous VidiotMaps/More Maps 4 U curator, Blondeshell, had been away from the forums for many months. Eventually, I realized that there was, and would continue to be, a need for someone to keep vidiotmaps updated. Given the effort I had put into learning the process, I decided to step in and try to fill that role. The prior VidiotMaps thread, curated by Blondeshell and in which I posted prior updates, can be found at this link. And for those that want to know what the current full overhaul procedure entails, I've included a bit more detail in the spoilered section below. Reveal hidden contents This procedure may change slightly if I develop better methods, but for now a full overhaul includes (in no particular order): Verifying the location of all badges, plaques, day job and giant monster markers, and contacts. I use highly accurate coordinate data, either measured directly in game, taken from demo files, or taken from the zone spawn definition files. I also use what I call checkerboard tiles placed over the respective marker location which, when combined with the accurate location data, lets me adjust the marker location to within half a pixel, which I think is the best attainable accuracy given the resolution of the images I am working with. Adjusting text spacing. I check all the text to make sure the spacing is consistent from map to map. Verifying NPC type and level notes. I conduct a series of 5 surveys (no more than 1 per day) on the zone, flying an out-and-back linear search pattern and using demorecord to record the data. I then parse that data to get the coordinates and relevant NPC info for the NPCs in the zone. I import that into Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software to visually inspect it, and I also wrote special scripts that help me look at the data on a per-neighborhood basis. If my survey data doesn't match the NPC notes I see on the map, I correct the map data to match the survey data. Remapping of any forest maze areas using GIS. I'll trace the edge of forested areas using demo files, parse those files to produce a dataset that I can import into GIS software, and then export a forested overlay which I can include as part of the vidiotmap overlay. Rebuilding Rikti and Ghost Ship paths and tunnels/caves or other special areas. Any Rikti or Ghost Ship paths which cross the zone, and any semi-transparent tunnel systems, caves, or similar areas, are re-created as matching transparencies. Not all maps will include all steps, but they typically will include at least the first three. Edited February 21, 2024 by AboveTheChemist added full overhaul info 1 6 Popmenus > Badge List | Optimal Paths | Conversion Possibilities | Emotes Wiki Pages > Costume Color Schemes | Set Bonus Comparison Tables Maps > Vidiotmaps | Optimal Paths | Halloween GM Maps | Winter Gift Maps | Offline Map Viewer Sounds > Banshee Sonic Attack Datasets > Recipe Salvage Components | Badge Name & Settitle ID | Exploration Badge & History Plaque Coordinates
AboveTheChemist Posted August 23, 2022 Author Posted August 23, 2022 Users of CoH Modder may notice an error that states something to the effect of 'VidiotMaps I26 not found'. In order to make vidiotmaps more generic and remove the outdated reference to I26, I asked the admin for CoH Modder (The Philotic Knight) to rename the mod to just plain 'VidiotMaps'. Unfortunately that meant removing the old 'I26' version and creating the new 'VidiotMaps' mod in its place. I posted removal instructions for the old version of the mod in the CoH Modder thread at the link below: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/21539-coh-modder/?do=findComment&comment=493775 This fix worked on my end, and I think it should work on your end as well. If not, please let me know, and I'll try to find a more ideal solution. 5 Popmenus > Badge List | Optimal Paths | Conversion Possibilities | Emotes Wiki Pages > Costume Color Schemes | Set Bonus Comparison Tables Maps > Vidiotmaps | Optimal Paths | Halloween GM Maps | Winter Gift Maps | Offline Map Viewer Sounds > Banshee Sonic Attack Datasets > Recipe Salvage Components | Badge Name & Settitle ID | Exploration Badge & History Plaque Coordinates
Crystal Dragon Posted August 23, 2022 Posted August 23, 2022 A VERY big thank you for keeping this mod updated, Chemist. I'd be lost forever badge hunting without it! 1 2 Roleplaying mentor volunteer, and mentorship contributor. Chatrange Popmenu/Where to find me/Beginners Links
Nefertari Posted September 6, 2022 Posted September 6, 2022 Not sure if it has been reported (or maybe it's just mine)... The map for Cimerora is off. 1
lemming Posted September 7, 2022 Posted September 7, 2022 On 9/6/2022 at 11:25 PM, Nefertari said: Not sure if it has been reported (or maybe it's just mine)... The map for Cimerora is off. Expand You dont have the latest map pack downloaded by the screenshot you showed 2
Nefertari Posted September 7, 2022 Posted September 7, 2022 On 9/7/2022 at 12:27 AM, lemming said: You dont have the latest map pack downloaded by the screenshot you showed Expand I used the COH Modder and downloaded V2. guess i can do it the old fashioned way. Thanks for the reply! 1
AboveTheChemist Posted September 7, 2022 Author Posted September 7, 2022 On 9/7/2022 at 4:17 PM, Nefertari said: I used the COH Modder and downloaded V2. Expand If this is the case then I recommend double-checking that you have CoH Modder pointing to the correct CoH game directory install location. It's fairly common for folks to install the maps to the wrong place. I've confirmed on my end that the published version of Cimerora is up-to-date. 2 Popmenus > Badge List | Optimal Paths | Conversion Possibilities | Emotes Wiki Pages > Costume Color Schemes | Set Bonus Comparison Tables Maps > Vidiotmaps | Optimal Paths | Halloween GM Maps | Winter Gift Maps | Offline Map Viewer Sounds > Banshee Sonic Attack Datasets > Recipe Salvage Components | Badge Name & Settitle ID | Exploration Badge & History Plaque Coordinates
Nefertari Posted September 7, 2022 Posted September 7, 2022 On 9/7/2022 at 4:33 PM, AboveTheChemist said: If this is the case then I recommend double-checking that you have CoH Modder pointing to the correct CoH game directory install location. It's fairly common for folks to install the maps to the wrong place. I've confirmed on my end that the published version of Cimerora is up-to-date. Expand BINGO! Last time I updated I was using Tequila. Now using the Homecoming Launcher, the file path is not the same. Updated it, all working now! 1
Wavicle Posted September 29, 2022 Posted September 29, 2022 Do I need to start by removing my existing, outdated, map patch, manually, or will this fix it? Wavicle's Guide To What Really Matters: What Needs To Be Done On Every Toon
AboveTheChemist Posted September 29, 2022 Author Posted September 29, 2022 On 9/29/2022 at 10:05 PM, Wavicle said: Do I need to start by removing my existing, outdated, map patch, manually, or will this fix it? Expand It depends on how outdated your map patch is. There were some legacy files in the VidiotMap i23 and the MoreMaps4U map packs that are now obsolete and that I have removed (these are listed in the Outdated Files section of the top post). If you have those installed, then those legacy files will remain unless you remove them yourself. Otherwise, the version I posted above will overwrite the other map files from those mods. If you are installing via CoH modder then I recommend reading my third post down, because this is a new incarnation of vidiotmaps and you may see some error messages if your version of CoH modder is still looking for the old incarnation. Popmenus > Badge List | Optimal Paths | Conversion Possibilities | Emotes Wiki Pages > Costume Color Schemes | Set Bonus Comparison Tables Maps > Vidiotmaps | Optimal Paths | Halloween GM Maps | Winter Gift Maps | Offline Map Viewer Sounds > Banshee Sonic Attack Datasets > Recipe Salvage Components | Badge Name & Settitle ID | Exploration Badge & History Plaque Coordinates
Wavicle Posted September 29, 2022 Posted September 29, 2022 I haven't used CoH modder yet. My vidiotmaps is the old one that was available 2 or 3 years ago. I was thinking of installing via your method. Wavicle's Guide To What Really Matters: What Needs To Be Done On Every Toon
AboveTheChemist Posted September 29, 2022 Author Posted September 29, 2022 On 9/29/2022 at 11:13 PM, Wavicle said: I haven't used CoH modder yet. My vidiotmaps is the old one that was available 2 or 3 years ago. I was thinking of installing via your method. Expand In that case I'd definitely check for those outdated files, otherwise the installation I posted should overwrite the rest. Popmenus > Badge List | Optimal Paths | Conversion Possibilities | Emotes Wiki Pages > Costume Color Schemes | Set Bonus Comparison Tables Maps > Vidiotmaps | Optimal Paths | Halloween GM Maps | Winter Gift Maps | Offline Map Viewer Sounds > Banshee Sonic Attack Datasets > Recipe Salvage Components | Badge Name & Settitle ID | Exploration Badge & History Plaque Coordinates
AboveTheChemist Posted October 3, 2022 Author Posted October 3, 2022 (edited) I've updated both the CoH modder installation and the manual installation files in the top post to include a new Halloween variant of Atlas Park, and a slightly tweaked version of the 'normal' Atlas Park. Users will not notice any difference between the 'normal' Atlas Park map and the Halloween variant. This change was necessary due to some internal changes with respect to how the Atlas Park map is handled during seasonal events. Once the Halloween event starts, if you notice that your Atlas Park map has reverted to the stock map, then installing this update should cause the Atlas Park vidiotmap to display once again. Edited October 3, 2022 by AboveTheChemist add link to top post 1 2 Popmenus > Badge List | Optimal Paths | Conversion Possibilities | Emotes Wiki Pages > Costume Color Schemes | Set Bonus Comparison Tables Maps > Vidiotmaps | Optimal Paths | Halloween GM Maps | Winter Gift Maps | Offline Map Viewer Sounds > Banshee Sonic Attack Datasets > Recipe Salvage Components | Badge Name & Settitle ID | Exploration Badge & History Plaque Coordinates
AboveTheChemist Posted October 13, 2022 Author Posted October 13, 2022 There is now a wonderful new mod installation tool that Michiyo put together that I encourage everyone to check out. You can find it at this link. Vidiotmaps, along with the rest of my mods, are in there and are available for installation. The installation process is a bit different now, and I think it's a change for the better, but I have not had a chance to update my installation instructions for the new tool. And I am going out of town for a few days and don't plan to spend too much time thinking about mods if I can help it. There is no urgent need at the moment to update vidiotmaps (or any of my other mods) via the new tool, so please be patient a few days and I'll get the instructions updated as soon as I can. Thanks! 2 Popmenus > Badge List | Optimal Paths | Conversion Possibilities | Emotes Wiki Pages > Costume Color Schemes | Set Bonus Comparison Tables Maps > Vidiotmaps | Optimal Paths | Halloween GM Maps | Winter Gift Maps | Offline Map Viewer Sounds > Banshee Sonic Attack Datasets > Recipe Salvage Components | Badge Name & Settitle ID | Exploration Badge & History Plaque Coordinates
AboveTheChemist Posted October 17, 2022 Author Posted October 17, 2022 I have updated the top post to account for the new mod installation tool that Michiyo developed. Part of that update changes the manual installation process from a zip archive of individual files, to a single .pigg archive. Users will need to refer to the installation instructions in the top post to account for this new installation process. I also added a section for removal/deletion of the old vidiotmaps installation, which will be necessary in order for the new installation to work. Going forward, I think this new installation process will greatly simplify mod installation, particularly for complicated mods like vidiotmaps. There were some minor map tweaks/additions, which are noted in the update log. 1 Popmenus > Badge List | Optimal Paths | Conversion Possibilities | Emotes Wiki Pages > Costume Color Schemes | Set Bonus Comparison Tables Maps > Vidiotmaps | Optimal Paths | Halloween GM Maps | Winter Gift Maps | Offline Map Viewer Sounds > Banshee Sonic Attack Datasets > Recipe Salvage Components | Badge Name & Settitle ID | Exploration Badge & History Plaque Coordinates
GoldenOldie Posted October 20, 2022 Posted October 20, 2022 This is a little daunting for a noob like me: I'm a 72-yo senior lady having a ball with CoH. It would be great to have a VidiotMap Install instructions for Dummies (Idiots, lol)....lots of tech words above my pay grade. If so, thanks!!! 1
AboveTheChemist Posted October 20, 2022 Author Posted October 20, 2022 On 10/20/2022 at 12:13 AM, GoldenOldie said: This is a little daunting for a noob like me: I'm a 72-yo senior lady having a ball with CoH. It would be great to have a VidiotMap Install instructions for Dummies (Idiots, lol)....lots of tech words above my pay grade. If so, thanks!!! Expand The easiest installation method is to use the City Mod Installer. It will handle the install with a few button presses and it's the method I strongly recommend. I cover that in the first two sentences of my install instructions above, and the rest of my install instructions are for manual installation which I only recommend for advanced users or those who, for whatever reason, can't use City Mod Installer. Even then, manual installation has been vastly simplified since moving the install files to .pigg format. 1 Popmenus > Badge List | Optimal Paths | Conversion Possibilities | Emotes Wiki Pages > Costume Color Schemes | Set Bonus Comparison Tables Maps > Vidiotmaps | Optimal Paths | Halloween GM Maps | Winter Gift Maps | Offline Map Viewer Sounds > Banshee Sonic Attack Datasets > Recipe Salvage Components | Badge Name & Settitle ID | Exploration Badge & History Plaque Coordinates
CJStevens17 Posted October 20, 2022 Posted October 20, 2022 It always frustrates me when I'm told just click here yada yada, but when I do, it doesn't work and is not simple. I downloaded the CityModInstaller.zip and extracted it. It seems the exe file is being rejected by my computer as a suspicious file so the only thing I have is two folders: x64 and x86 but no CoHModdingTool.exe file. So now what?
FlySaab Posted October 21, 2022 Posted October 21, 2022 (edited) The manual method worked OK for me on my Mac. I deleted the all the MAPS folders in the data\texture_library folder, added the assets\mods folder and put the pigg file in it, and changed the launch parameters. For some reason, it didn't like my game password after I did that. I changed it, and it works fine. I had just logged in with the old one a few minutes beforehand, and then logged out. Edited November 6, 2022 by FlySaab
AboveTheChemist Posted October 21, 2022 Author Posted October 21, 2022 On 10/21/2022 at 1:55 AM, CJStevens17 said: And here I sit....now what? Expand I recommend posting your issue in the City Mod Installer thread. This thread is for vidiotmaps discussion/troubleshooting. While I am familiar with the general operation of City Mod Installer, I am not able to provide the in-depth troubleshooting that is more appropriate for the thread I linked. Popmenus > Badge List | Optimal Paths | Conversion Possibilities | Emotes Wiki Pages > Costume Color Schemes | Set Bonus Comparison Tables Maps > Vidiotmaps | Optimal Paths | Halloween GM Maps | Winter Gift Maps | Offline Map Viewer Sounds > Banshee Sonic Attack Datasets > Recipe Salvage Components | Badge Name & Settitle ID | Exploration Badge & History Plaque Coordinates
Perfidy Posted November 3, 2022 Posted November 3, 2022 On 10/20/2022 at 12:13 AM, GoldenOldie said: This is a little daunting for a noob like me: I'm a 72-yo senior lady having a ball with CoH. It would be great to have a VidiotMap Install instructions for Dummies (Idiots, lol)....lots of tech words above my pay grade. If so, thanks!!! Expand You are not alone. This may come off as a bit offensive - for which I apologize. Get a 5th grader to do it for you. Somehow, these youngsters, while they aren't real clear on what the words "hard work" really mean, they seem to have an inherent understanding of file structures. My 9 year old grand-daughter looked at the instructions, rolled her eyes and made the install in about 90 seconds. 1
rosered Posted November 13, 2022 Posted November 13, 2022 Thank you, thank you, thank you for including manual installation instructions, including the new .pigg file. I begged the previous author to include a manual method of installation, but he flat out refused, saying anyone should be able to use his installer. Well, I couldn't, and so I was stuck until I happened across your new instructions. So again, a million times, thank you.
Exaltist Ethan Posted December 4, 2022 Posted December 4, 2022 I should let you guys know that since the latest publish, with the changes they did with Atlas Park and AE, Vidiotmaps is now broken for Atlas Park. I went to other zones and saw the general map to make sure that the installation was working, and it was, and every other place I went to had current information. I did download the i24+ patch to the data folder.
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