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Giant Monsters!

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I’m new to this whole forum but am a long time player of CoH. I was sent here from the homecoming discord to post a suggestion for the dev team…


You know what I’d like to see? More giant monsters. Drop one into the less often used hazard zones. Give me a hulking troll beast in the Hollows

Clockwork get both Babbage and Paladin but where’s the giant demon the hellions summon and then fail to control?

A fleshy mass of horror in the deep sewers courtesy of Dr. Vahzilok.

An ancient beast awakened from slumber by the Faultline incident.

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We already have lots of giant monsters. Seems like damn near every zone. More giant monsters for the sake of more giant monsters is boring. Not every zone needs a giant monster. If you want more events? I would vastly prefer something more interesting than just another giant monster standing there waiting to be smacked down.

Edited by Rudra
Edited to change "Damn" to "Seems like damn".
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That’s a fair point. You’re right, we do have a fair number of GMs. Events would be a more interesting thing to have more of for sure and I’d cast my vote in for more events if I had only one vote to give. What if the new GMs had a more raid-like mechanic, like Hami or the seed of Hami in Night Ward? I was trying to think of a low hanging fruit for the dev team to add some spice to the often neglected zones. It sounds like you’d prefer a more thoughtful approach.

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7 minutes ago, Rudra said:


My attempt at a giant monster event for a currently not available for game content zone. At least it isn't just another giant monster just standing there waiting for a lone incarnate to stomp it.

Holy crap. That’s probably one of the best ideas I’ve ever seen!

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2 hours ago, Rudra said:


My attempt at a giant monster event for a currently not available for game content zone. At least it isn't just another giant monster just standing there waiting for a lone incarnate to stomp it.

I think they should have at least one giant monster that can’t be stomped by a single person (sorry solo monster hunters, but it is just one).

Maybe make it so a certain percentage of the number of players online must participate before it can even take any damage.

Oh yeah, and give it a one shot kill ability that starts at a ridiculously high percentage of striking, and lowering the chances of it hitting based on the number of players attacking it.



Edited by Ghost
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Yeah, have to say I'm kind of in the "eh, no thanks" to GMs. They're usually fairly boring. Having something a little more involved (which we have examples of in game, but which should hav emore "ongoing" something to them - the monster construction for Paladin, having to destroy the generator for the war walker, Seed of Hamidon, etc.) would at least be more interesting.

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Primarily on Everlasting. Squid afficionado. Former creator of Copypastas. General smartalec.


I tried to combine Circle and DE, but all I got were garden variety evil mages.

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I'd actually prefer if we had fewer "everybody drop everything and do this instead" moments. I'm just trying to shop, I don't want to fight a basketball with spider legs, and then another, and another, and another as they spawn one at a time because I'm off somewhere minding my own business. Boy, I'd really like to get a TF going, it's too bad there's a Nemesis invasion happening so nobody is going to respond to my attempts to form a team until that ends 20 minutes from now. Wow, this is a great team we've got, let me just grab another mission for us and oh no the tank just quit because someone is summoning Adamastor for the hundred-and-third time today.


Most zone events are just two dozen people standing around begging for an invite and then spamming attacks for ten minutes against a slideshow caused by everyone's overlapping particle effects being on-screen at once anyway. If the giant troll in the Hollows had some kind of a trick to beating it besides "keep damage up until its health bar runs dry," or there were maybe some kind of a consequence for not beating it successfully, or if it were... I don't know, anything besides "big version of small thing, big thing need more hitting before die, everybody get merit yay" I might be more enthusiastic. As it is, this would just be another thing getting in the way and sapping precious time I could be using to play the content I actually want.

Formerly of Virtue, now on Excelsior:

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I am ok with more GMs just for the sake of more GMs but i do prefer they have a purpose over just another HP sack that contains merits.


I would like to see the minions of igneous get something in the hollows.  Maybe a 1 in 5 chance of triggering a zone event on completion of the caverns of transcendence trial and Koago's larger angrier cousin invades.  Of course im just spitballing here,  i havent checked against the story.  Just that my point is there is room for more GMs that can be interesting without just dumping them in hazard zones.


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3 hours ago, Ghost said:

I think they should have at least one giant monster that can’t be stomped by a single person (sorry solo monster hunters, but it is just one).

Maybe make it so a certain percentage of the number of players online must participate before it can even take any damage.

Oh yeah, and give it a one shot kill ability that starts at a ridiculously high percentage of striking, and lowering the chances of it hitting based on the number of players attacking it.



It's name is Goliath and he Walks.... In boomtown....

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Hollows already has a Giant Monster. You run the Caves of Transcendence Trial to battle it. 

And there are two Vahzilok EBs in the Sewers now. 

Edited by Arc-Mage

Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it just means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.


With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.


Let's Go Crack a Planet.

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22 hours ago, TheZag said:

I am ok with more GMs just for the sake of more GMs but i do prefer they have a purpose over just another HP sack that contains merits.



I wonder if we could repurpose one in the game for something else.  I'm specifically thinking of the beastie new characters fight in the Galaxy City starting zone.  That bit of storyline takes place right when GC gets hit.  Has there been any final push to clear them out of GC?  Reopening a portion of the shattered zone in order to clear it might give a chance for that monster to spawn at a GM level.


I do think the aggression of GM's might be increased.  Whether due to power creep or just better players, it's not hard to deal with them. 


Maybe move them around a bit, too.  I'd love to see a Lusca show up to threaten the power lines crossing from the islands south of Peregrine Island.

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5 minutes ago, Techwright said:

I'm specifically thinking of the beastie new characters fight in the Galaxy City starting zone.

Don't one of the PvP zones center around the Shivans?  I'm not against adding a Shivan GM in general, but I think you can find them elsewhere...

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16 minutes ago, Rudra said:

Isn't the Shivan Obliterator in that one TF basically the giant monster version of the Galaxy City tutorial one?

There's a giant one that emerges from the ground at the end of the Galaxy City tutorial, but I think it's just an upper body...

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7 minutes ago, biostem said:

There's a giant one that emerges from the ground at the end of the Galaxy City tutorial, but I think it's just an upper body...

Yeah, but I could have sworn the giant monster Neo-Shivan at the end of Drowning in Blood, the Shivan Obliterator, was basically that giant Neo-Shivan from the tutorial, just made into a full-fledged GM rather than a tutorial gimmick.

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I think the one in the tutorial is bigger but that doesnt mean they arent meant to be the same one.  But with how the team added hardmode ITF practically seamless,  i would hold out hope that the tutorial shivan gets repurposed into a full fledged battle at some point.


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