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I deleted my WoW account...


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...and I feel free again!  The game, and even moreso the player base, have finally exceeded my tolerance for weirdness.  I felt like it was just a matter of time before the alien brain slugs that seem to have infested everyone associated with WoW would catch up with me.  Here, at least, I'm safe.  Right?



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some of the happiest memories of my life are from WoW.  Not raiding at high level ones, but things like boasting our e-peen mag in motorcycles with sidecars, or the odd gnome pair who were just 'there' during your vanilla level up forays into alliance space.  world dragons, darkmoon faire, whats on at the theater in kara tonight?


you know, one can get addicted to anything - like goat's cheese and raisins, italian fashion, or turtle soup and buttered toast, or eggy soldiers.


you, take care of yourself.  glad you feel free.



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4 minutes ago, honoroit said:

one can get addicted to anything

In terms of the game itself, I pretty much checked around the time MoP was released.  If I was addicted to anything, it was the forums.  Cesspit though they were, they offered random quirky goofiness on tap.  Lately, though, that seems to have dried up, as if the very notion of "humor" had been surgically excised from everyone's mind.


Ah, well.  What's done is done.  Though now I'm wondering how the Eve Online forums are doing...


12 minutes ago, Tock said:

Well... our doom is cuter.

How is that not a costume piece in game already?

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1 hour ago, TheOtherTed said:

How is that not a costume piece in game already?

Walt Disney Corporation.  It'd have to be an amoeba with goofy eyeglasses and a mustache or something.

Formerly a bunch of things that didn't work out.  Inactive account.  Not likely to return.

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One of the main reasons I couldn't get into WoW, GW, etc was the UI and inability to really customize it (back then). Just something about the squares that never 'worked' for me.  I tried a few times here and there, but never could get into it. I also realized that while I'm not Super into Heroes as a theme, I'm Really not all that into the Fantasy theme as well. That explains why I enjoy some games over others. They tend to be more Sci-Fi than fantasy (Give or take things like Elex).

OG Server: Pinnacle  <||>  Current Primary Server: Torchbearer  ||  Also found on the others if desired  <||> Generally Inactive

Installing CoX:  Windows  ||  MacOS  ||  MacOS for M1  <||>  Migrating Data from an Older Installation

Clubs: Mid's Hero Designer  ||  PC Builders  ||  HC Wiki  ||  Jerk Hackers

Old Forums  <||>  Titan Network  <||>  Heroica! (by @Shenanigunner)


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I miss my Death Knight and Druid a lot. Some of the most fun and unique classes I've played in MMO, and shapeshifting into a bird instead of just using a flight mount was so good, but WoW just dropped horribly over the years in quality, community, and a bunch of other areas. Really a pity, it was a great MMO at one point.

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WOW was the second great MMO for me, and the one truly addictive.  I stopped somewhere in the era of the Warlords of Draenai.  To this day, I love the PvP model (instanced or flagged, I never tried the Arena mode), and its one of the few games in which I genuinely loved PvP.  Specifically Warsong Gulch.  Ah, the tales I could tell around a tavern fire...but I will spare you.   It was while playing the game that I first heard of gaming addiction, and my experiences with that game began to match up to the description, so I severed ties.  I still think very fondly of my gnome ice mage who loved to insult the Horde, even to his own peril. The greatest compliment paid to me in Warsong Gulch came when the entire Horde side broke off pursuing my teammates and all crossed the field just to do in that goggled pipsqueak pest that kept freezing their team to the ground.  I definitely made myself a menace. On the opposing side I was very fond of Tauren, and had several.  But I realized I was having to do a lot more in the game with each expansion, and spend hours each day just to feel a sense of full accomplishment, so it was best I left.  It took a while, as I was always thinking of ways to improve what I'd left behind, but the game's talons gradually released me.


I'm glad to hear you found your way out as well.  It's fun, but it can suck the life from you.


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I was enjoying WoW until the very first time someone took me to task - loudly, on team, then following me around on messages - for not playing the game correctly.

(For ref, no, the raid was successful, no wipes, and no whelps were hurt in the making of this issue. I just had an odd gear config or something. Too much breastplate, I dunno.)


After that, visits to Azeroth were few and far between and I deleted it an age ago.


And TBH, I never had any truly epic moments there like I have here - like the first time diving into a pit full of demons as a baby empath and being praised for somehow stopping a team wipe - or on ST:Online, with a mighty fleet at my back. 


Look out for me being generally cool, stylish and funny (delete as applicable) on Excelsior.


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Still impressess me it's kept going and strong after all these years.


The game was over for me after Wrath. I played from Day 1, an excited Blizz fan who had been raised on WarCrafts 1-3.


After Wrath, the story ended. That was it, final scene. And the game was already something quite apart from its early days. I didn't know then what I understand now, that the fun was getting optomized out by designers and the replacement "fun" was not to my tastes.


But I played it hard for those first few years. The only thing that broke me away until the end were temporary stints into CoV from 2006-2009.


Congrats on beating the kick.

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On 4/29/2023 at 7:31 AM, TheOtherTed said:

...and I feel free again!  The game, and even moreso the player base, have finally exceeded my tolerance for weirdness.  I felt like it was just a matter of time before the alien brain slugs that seem to have infested everyone associated with WoW would catch up with me.  Here, at least, I'm safe.  Right?





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If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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  • 2 weeks later

I used to play WoW.  The good times for me were during wrath of the litch king expansion.  I went back to old content and farmed up a thunderfury and the cloth hat that summoned a ghost wolf non-combat pet for my paladin tank.  So there i would be with a sword that is 20 levels below the content and a cloth armor hat for tanking.  My team members would inspect my gear and tell me how bad this run was going to suck,  somehow ignoring the rest of my amazing gear.  I would say if anyone pulls agro off me,  i would pay their repair bills.  The runs would end with the same people saying i was the best tank they had ever seen.  It was fun times but it took so much time out of the day and i also had to quit just to get the hours of my day back.


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  • 4 weeks later

Around the same era, my tanking set was a set which had exactly the suggested 540 defense, the chest piece of which was a [Lovely Purple Dress] with a health enchant on it. The health enchant was to make it really clear that I had thought about this and done it on purpose. Would zone in, people would ragequit if they were gonna, once that was done I swapped to my actual gear, and by the time I could pull I knew how the healer was because they'd just had to heal me for something like 60% of my real health bar.


Quit over the RealID forums fiasco and honestly I'm really happy with that, the company's behavior since then has never made me think "gosh, maybe I should have trusted them more".

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5 hours ago, seebs said:

Quit over the RealID forums fiasco

The RealID thing happened while I was on a break, and I didn't get wind of it until much later.  Otherwise, I would have deleted my account right then and there.  I came back to the game shortly before Cata released, in part to pay final respects to Cairne Bloodhoof, and partly because I found out that an old college buddy of mine was actively playing.


Speaking of Cata, that expansion convinced me, even before release, that the developers had basically run out of stories to tell.  I figured they'd release one, or at most two, more epxansions before putting the game in maintenance mode.  I still think I was right on the creativity front, but as for it's longevity, I was wrong.  Yes, I, even I, TheOtherTed, was wrong.





Edited by TheOtherTed
wrong wording
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