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most important issue to you  

102 members have voted

  1. 1. most important issue to you

    • AR - beanbag becomes aim
    • FIGHTING - tough/weave without kick/punch
    • COLD DOM - power boost not work with cold shields, but do with FF shields
    • STORM BLAST - too slow, needs buffs
    • ARCHERY -ST awful, lethal, eww. needs buffs.
    • other! - vote here for what i think means super strength, but wielding a motorcycle?
    • WIND CONTROL - up and down drafts
    • WHIPS - yes, even if all the abilities use variants of 2 animations!
    • STORY MISSIONS - like the one where you let a guy die in a burning building on purpose
    • PVP - good for you, good for me
    • PRISMS! - they dont drop enough
    • DEMONS, WITH HORNS -> that can wear sunglasses

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16 minutes ago, Ghost said:

Usually I know after the first mob that someone loves gold space - after that, I simply wait for them to utilize it.

I do realize that consideration and casual civility are a dying art, but that first unannounced jolt away from your AoE is nothing but exasperating.  I'd also argue it's a bit narcissistic to suddenly make every group of foes all about you, especially without announcing, but yeah, see my first point...

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Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
18 minutes ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

I do realize that consideration and casual civility are a dying art, but that first unannounced jolt away from your AoE is nothing but exasperating.  I'd also argue it's a bit narcissistic to suddenly make every group of foes all about you, especially without announcing, but yeah, see my first point...


what if its the player's ninja way though?


  • Haha 1
34 minutes ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

I do realize that consideration and casual civility are a dying art, but that first unannounced jolt away from your AoE is nothing but exasperating.  I'd also argue it's a bit narcissistic to suddenly make every group of foes all about you, especially without announcing, but yeah, see my first point...

I get what you’re saying.

My point is that for me, I would rather adjust to my teammates way of playing than let it ruin my fun.

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38 minutes ago, honoroit said:


is it as terrible on all AT as legend has it?


ive never made a regen, because its always been looked at as really bad on HC.


like spirit tree in 🪴 plant? or 'triangle (triage) beacon'?


(150% regen when it would need to be 800 to be a static placable worth a tuppeny damn)

Regen is good on Sentinels

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2 minutes ago, Ghost said:

I get what you’re saying.

My point is that for me, I would rather adjust to my teammates way of playing than let it ruin my fun.

Oh, I do.  I just hang back and sort of coast since they're happy enough to try and do it all, why should I stand in their way on that?  But I tend to drop sooner than other teams because I get bored.

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Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, Ghost said:

I get what you’re saying.

My point is that for me, I would rather adjust to my teammates way of playing than let it ruin my fun.


weve had similar discussions in the past.


heres the thing, its like players who (skillfully) use knockback.


theyre not going to announce:



rez capable on 1m42s recharge, ST, currently 30s cd remains.

caution: energy blast, st abilities cause moderate to massive kb. self defense ST massive kb, nova is kb to kd, cone is kb to kd...'


'status: i am now turning on repel'


in case of fold space its a net gain typically, mob placement happens.


they paid prereqs on the way to fold space, and very much elected build sacrifice to obtain it.


i guess, just adjust and dont spam pet firing powers that are target on press, damage on finish?


the joy of multiplayer, is the other player!

Edited by honoroit
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19 hours ago, honoroit said:


I'm definately not for beanbag -> aim.


everybody wants wind control (I've never heard one complaint)


what is your most pressing issue! (rather than guessing my vote, I'll tell you - tough/weave without punch/kick)


Yes, keep Beanbag. 


Wind Control...  meh. 


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19 hours ago, biostem said:

Mine's a big ask: MM pet customization.


Not just add customization of the pets, but also have different weapon options. I'd like to play a hunter, either with rifle or bow, and have the beast pets. Or, I'd like to have fire-based attacks with Hellion pets (that would be a new MM type, I guess). Or, have a lion tamer option: whips and beasts. 

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7 hours ago, Scarlet Shocker said:

How can any of this be anyone else's most pressing issue when the OP defined the parameters? Makes no sense to me.

They included an "other" category...

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3 hours ago, Ghost said:

Regen is good on Sentinels

My Psy/Regen sent is spec'd with generic IOs and since her arrival in the city, has faced one total death due to me being alt-tabbed out to change music.  (Level 41 currently)

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Currently playing as:

Daughter of Crom | War Mace | Energy Aura | Scrapper 👊

Special Circumstance | Assault Rifle | Devices | Blaster 💣

 / Excelsior

21 minutes ago, biostem said:

They included an "other" category...


An "Other" that already contained an ambiguous opinion/suggestion.


I'm not saying polls such as this are invalid, but this is poorly crafted and constructed. It could have been far more open and thus enlightening for everyone.

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I neither know, nor care, what the difference between ignorance and apathy is

Posted (edited)

if i could have one wish thing...



you remember demon souls? up top of the temple, all the way up...


theres a circular level, a hallway if you will, and in it are several statues.


those statues are leaderboards, and the figure on each plinth is the character model of the player who's the top of that stat.


theres several dozen of these.


in coh land - most badges, highest damage in single hit, most healed, most damage taken... thered be several.


will likely never happen, but itd enshrine a servers players, and give something to do thats both involving of the game and its mechanics, and fun to wonder over, and wander through, like a museum.

Edited by honoroit
4 minutes ago, Scarlet Shocker said:


An "Other" that already contained an ambiguous opinion/suggestion.


I'm not saying polls such as this are invalid, but this is poorly crafted and constructed. It could have been far more open and thus enlightening for everyone.


would you like to suggest how?

1 minute ago, honoroit said:


would you like to suggest how?


Don't be specific in your questions: For example instead of asking a question about AR, make that question about power sets.


In fact 7 of the top 8 questions are regarding powers so either make a poll about powers that is relevant to powers and another about other stuff or simply have one category. And also keep them in some kind of order. These have clearly been imagineered in a massive stream of consciousless brain fart. There's no rhyme nor reason to them simply what came to the OPs mind when he happened to try and think of things. So the entire poll is chaotic and doesn't lead to coherence in performance and answers.


Notice that the Poll starts with a 1. Where is the 2?


If I were to bother to compose a poll like this I would probably go along the lines of


Powers (primary)

Powers (secondary)

Powers (Pool/APP/PPP)



Costume Creator

Rewards & Drops




That at least would give a vaguely coherent range of data that represents visually what is on most peoples' minds. (I'd actually argue that even 3 powers questions is too many, but I can see some value in hiving out the non-main powers into their own category.)

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I neither know, nor care, what the difference between ignorance and apathy is

Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, Scarlet Shocker said:


Don't be specific in your questions: For example instead of asking a question about AR, make that question about power sets.


In fact 7 of the top 8 questions are regarding powers so either make a poll about powers that is relevant to powers and another about other stuff or simply have one category. And also keep them in some kind of order. These have clearly been imagineered in a massive stream of consciousless brain fart. There's no rhyme nor reason to them simply what came to the OPs mind when he happened to try and think of things. So the entire poll is chaotic and doesn't lead to coherence in performance and answers.


Notice that the Poll starts with a 1. Where is the 2?


If I were to bother to compose a poll like this I would probably go along the lines of


Powers (primary)

Powers (secondary)

Powers (Pool/APP/PPP)



Costume Creator

Rewards & Drops




That at least would give a vaguely coherent range of data that represents visually what is on most peoples' minds. (I'd actually argue that even 3 powers questions is too many, but I can see some value in hiving out the non-main powers into their own category.)


im not sure if i was aiming for generics - rather threads on things that have been active recently.


the adds of a number of others were for initial posters who mentioned topics id forgotten, and of course demons, with horns, AND sunglasses (which is actually talking about costume options, vs poly limit, and reaches towards capes, if you follow what people post)


maybe you should make something in line with your expectations!

Edited by honoroit

and in the spirit of cooperation I'll add my tuppence worth to the debate, firmly in the "Other" category and argue that there is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too much XP in this game. It reduces the challenge, enables content avoidance (in fact in many instances avoids content almost entirely) and leaves non-veteran players totally unprepared for higher level content because they have missed most of the game and are unable to play the higher level stuff.


I would suggest that the AE should offer no XP at all (by all means give minor drops, inspirations, DOs/SOs) but that would allow it to become a repository for story, not  a race to 50. I'd also eliminate XP boosters entirely from P2W vendors.


The game is fundamentally a team game, but hardly anyone teams now unless it's in the AE to be farmed to 50 or to complete high level (mostly Incarnate) content which cannot be run solo.


There is no need to race to 50 and make a new toon for tomorrow. Let's encourage people to experience what fundamentally remains as a team game by encouraging people to play it the way it was originally intended. There isn't so much new content that we need to get that new toon ready to face it. So let's get back to basics.

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I neither know, nor care, what the difference between ignorance and apathy is

1 minute ago, honoroit said:


im not sure if i was aiming for generics - rather threads on things that have been active recently.


the adds of a number of orhers were for initial posters who mentioned other ones id forgotten, and of course demons, with horns, AND sunglasses


maybe you should make something in line with your expectations!


I haven't seen those discussions. Sure, the costume creator can always use extra options and hard points from which to hang your hat/sunglasses/horns/penis (oops sorry wrong game) from but if those things have been specific discussions do we then need a poll and discussion of discussions?


I honestly didn't think we need this thread so I doubt I'll make one. I'm not sure it would add to any debate in a productive way. But hey... milage varies and you think differently which is totally fine. Maybe it's created a different, more interesting debate as an aside.

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I neither know, nor care, what the difference between ignorance and apathy is

14 hours ago, UltraAlt said:



Yeah. I have been suggesting that for a while as well.

I'm assuming they may consider them to be already added because they are in the AE.


I think "street" contacts for good, non-farm missions could help expand content in the game (versus end-game) to increase the leveling paths.

Of course, if they were added directly into the game as "street" content they would have to be cannon appropriate missions.

Several people have pointed out that they don't enjoy going through leveling in the game any more because they have already run all the content.



There are plenty of zones missing contacts (Creys Folly, Terra Volta, etc.) or could use more that fit the flavor of the zone (Croatoa (more mystic stuff!), Striga (I just love to punch 5th Column and Council), The Hollows (https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Minions_of_Igneous), etc).



I wouldn't even limit it like that.

If the DEVs are willing to review for inclusion into the non-AE part of the game, I think canon only submissions with detailed info (Basic story breakdown, enemy groups involved, level ranges [very important that these fit game perimeters for current story arcs] etc.)

DEVs could then review missions based on the detailed info and decide based on that which they would like to look at and evaluate.


First Five seems based on who posts first. Personally, I feel that posting first (through 5) doesn't make those arcs any better than the others that people would post for review. They simply posted quickly.

If the DEVs don't like the idea of the mission enough from the info write-up then they shouldn't be force to play/evaluate it simply because it was one of the first 5 posted.


I would actually think it would work better if the DEVs called for arcs to be written for certain zones with certain enemy groups and level ranges possibly even providing some basic cannon information to be included in or be a basis for the arcs.



Are AE mission writers actually doing this?




Why can't they be full arcs?



Some good points here.


I don't know how easily they could drag and drop arcs into these contacts. Again, my hope is to have minimal work for the Devs via this tool.


If you're submitting content for this then you'd have to do the writing for wiki etc as part of the submission. I would actually encourage original, new ideas, enemies and bosses. I am so done seeing the same old or variants of the same old. Let's get original!


Maybe this can start out as a pilot project with one contact and then expand after we go through the growing pains and work the out any issues. Maybe players can team up and make missions and design characters. Another idea I had is to customize the loading screen for missions; players can design and put together their own - if this is possible and not a lot of work for the devs. Anyway, lots of options here and here's to hoping this becomes a reality. Content could be added monthly or maybe even weekly. Players that submit and get added could maybe get a special title, badge and/or merits. 🙂 

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My most pressing issue is game balance and difficulty. It is the epitome of unfun when I join a team and some tricked-out IO'd Blaster is able to just solo the entire mission all by themselves even at +4/x8. It makes the overwhelming majority of the content, especially towards the end-game, feel trivial and boring, and it makes the rest of the team feel useless. I think most of you know what I mean.

The game desperately needs a balance overhaul, and it needs it yesterday. 

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Global Handle: @Gibs

A guy with unpopular opinions.

Posted (edited)

So I was on the fence about posting this because I'm newish to the forums and it's going to obliterate my reputation, but:   My "Other" option is AE Farm Spam.   I get that people want to level their alts.  I do.  But there are so many ways to do it that actually involve... y'know, playing the game.   Even if you want to DFBx3>Posi1>Posi2>Yin with 2xp, you're good.   Hell... do DFBx3 and a FF and you'll be 22 there in like 2 hours.   It's just so frustrating to see an endless parade of "Lvl 1 'X' LF FF"


I know it's a tenuous topic, and at the end of the day I don't begrudge people trying to get funds.  I guess I just don't understand why people play to not play.  


BUT. if that IS what people want to do-  I wish there was some dedicated channel to ask rather than filling up LFG.   SO-  a tiny issue overall, but it is my "Other".


I also acknowledge that this is knee-jerk for me because mission architect was where I left in live when basically the entirety of my server stopped doing anything but running WW farm stories.

Edited by ZeroSaint
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Currently playing as:

Daughter of Crom | War Mace | Energy Aura | Scrapper 👊

Special Circumstance | Assault Rifle | Devices | Blaster 💣

 / Excelsior


The joy of this game is that it allows for many different styles of gameplay.  Removing or nerfing a form of play into oblivion is not a viable option.  For every team only player there is a solo only player, for every farmer there is an never-have-I-ever-farmed player.  For every Yomo there are...well, everyone else.


Personally, I like to farm sometimes, I like to solo TF's, I love running through goldside.  About the only time I team is when I happen to be available to fight Hami, otherwise I run strictly solo.  These are my personal preferences and they probably differ from yours and that is okay.  I just want to play the game.

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1 hour ago, ZeroSaint said:

So I was on the fence about posting this because I'm newish to the forums and it's going to obliterate my reputation, but:   My "Other" option is AE Farm Spam.   I get that people want to level their alts.  I do.  But there are so many ways to do it that actually involve... y'know, playing the game.   Even if you want to DFBx3>Posi1>Posi2>Yin with 2xp, you're good.   Hell... do DFBx3 and a FF and you'll be 22 there in like 2 hours.   It's just so frustrating to see an endless parade of "Lvl 1 'X' LF FF"


I know it's a tenuous topic, and at the end of the day I don't begrudge people trying to get funds.  I guess I just don't understand why people play to not play.  


BUT. if that IS what people want to do-  I wish there was some dedicated channel to ask rather than filling up LFG.   SO-  a tiny issue overall, but it is my "Other".


I also acknowledge that this is knee-jerk for me because mission architect was where I left in live when basically the entirety of my server stopped doing anything but running WW farm stories.


Well said!



I neither know, nor care, what the difference between ignorance and apathy is

3 hours ago, Apogee said:

The joy of this game is that it allows for many different styles of gameplay.  Removing or nerfing a form of play into oblivion is not a viable option.  For every team only player there is a solo only player, for every farmer there is an never-have-I-ever-farmed player.  For every Yomo there are...well, everyone else.


Personally, I like to farm sometimes, I like to solo TF's, I love running through goldside.  About the only time I team is when I happen to be available to fight Hami, otherwise I run strictly solo.  These are my personal preferences and they probably differ from yours and that is okay.  I just want to play the game.


Absolutely-  and again-  I am more looking to see the Farm Spam disappear.   Because it gets absurd at times.   Though I was lamenting farming-  you are 100% accurate. People are free to play how they play.   My editorialization was definitely *me* editorializing.   

Currently playing as:

Daughter of Crom | War Mace | Energy Aura | Scrapper 👊

Special Circumstance | Assault Rifle | Devices | Blaster 💣

 / Excelsior

9 hours ago, honoroit said:

theyre not going to announce:



rez capable on 1m42s recharge, ST, currently 30s cd remains.

caution: energy blast, st abilities cause moderate to massive kb. self defense ST massive kb, nova is kb to kd, cone is kb to kd...'


'status: i am now turning on repel'

*ahem*  Allow me to repeat myself, since you seem to have missed it; I'll bold it this time for good measure too: 

"hey all, I have Fold Space and like to use it, OK?"  That's not asking too much.  😃


Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
4 hours ago, ZeroSaint said:

I wish there was some dedicated channel to ask rather than filling up LFG.   SO-  a tiny issue overall, but it is my "Other".

I don't begrudge your feelings on the matter, but given the ongoing thread(s) about people using channels for purposes other than their original intent, how do you compel people to do this?  You would basically need a GM to monitor the channel 24x7 and, what, issue bans to people misusing the channels?  Some people troll these channels with inappropriate comments merely to get a rise out of people.  Do you think this would be any different?  The "what" is not the problem - it's the "how" to implement your suggestion...

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