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Purchase Free Costume Change with Halloween Salvage


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With all the costumes in the Halloween event, I thought adding a free costume change that players could purchase with Halloween event salvage would be appropriate.  Get in the spirit of the season by changing your costume for free! 


Also I power leveled up a new toon on ToT and realized the costume change fees to fill out her costumes would break me, so it's practical too.

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2 minutes ago, arcane said:

Do people really not have enough free tailor tokens?


7 minutes ago, gameboy1234 said:

Also I power leveled up a new toon on ToT and realized the costume change fees to fill out her costumes would break me, so it's practical too.


If it's a new character, I'd say the answer is "no, they don't."


Granted, if I have ideas for extra costumes early, I try to get them in by level 10 so at least those are free. Plus you can just park in Icon 'til you get that day job and get some discounts...


Eh. Not sure how I feel about it, really. On the one hand, we already turn in salvage for a slot, so tacking a free costume change wouldn't exactly be gamebreaking. On the other, discounts and such aren't hard to get - and neither is inf, so... *shrug* Not really for or against it.

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You do get a free tailor session every ten levels.


And you can get any of the costumes awarded by knocking on doors by exchanging Halloween salvage.



Now, perhaps the Halloween Salvage could also be used to buy additional tailor tokens. Between levels, vet levels, and tokens granted via super packs, I'm swimming in them, but others might want those.

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Like @Greycat, if I have more than one costume design in mind for a character, then I immediately hit up a tailor upon completing the character and make all the costumes because they are free no matter how many costume slots I work with or how often I decide to make tweaks/changes to the character. So it seems to me the author either didn't know about the free costume edits pre-level 10, or was so eager to rush to level 50 that (s)he/they shot himself/herself/themselves in the foot by immediately power leveling to 50 before making their additional costumes.


That said? I don't really care if the costume salvage is changed to also allow the purchase of free tailor sessions. I'm just wondering what happened to the author that (s)he/they was unable to make use of the infinite free costume changes/tailor sessions pre-level 10.

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20 minutes ago, lemming said:

Now, perhaps the Halloween Salvage could also be used to buy additional tailor tokens. Between levels, vet levels, and tokens granted via super packs, I'm swimming in them, but others might want those.


Normally I'd be swimming in those too (though I don't usually go for a lot of vet levels, and I don't often buy super packs since I don't farm and I don't have a ton of extra cash).  For folks like me who don't do those things, being able to buy extra costume changes would be helpful.  I'm think we should be able to buy as many as we like, and for about 10 to 20 salvage each.  Would allow those who find they do need/want more free costume changes to get some, and would also sink any extra event salvage.


(One thing to keep in mind I think is that many frequent forum posters seem to be "super players," and I think there's a lot of folks like me who play a lot more casually.  Catering somewhat to folks who might not have as many resources (merits, inf, IO sets, etc.) I think might be a nice affordance for newbies and casuals alike.)



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22 minutes ago, Rudra said:

That said? I don't really care if the costume salvage is changed to also allow the purchase of free tailor sessions. I'm just wondering what happened to the author that (s)he/they was unable to make use of the infinite free costume changes/tailor sessions pre-level 10.

Halloween event, you zip past level 10 in nothing flat, so if you don't do the costumes before, then you're stuck with using the horde of tokens.  Happens often even without Halloween.

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What would be nice is if the FIRST time you alter a costume slot it was no charge. It doesn't impact me much, I have tons of free costume changes and other than just a couple of characters I typically have one costume and stick with it -- making some changes very early in the game where they are typically free anyway. But it would be nice if once I hit level 30 or something and wanted a 2nd costume, since it was free for the first time I altered the costume slot.



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Here's a random thought: Maybe a message can be added to the new character pop up(s) that in nice highlighted lettering informs the player that they have access to infinite free tailor sessions up through level 9. I know there is already a load screen message that says this, but those are randomly displayed and a new player may not see it. This way, at least until level 10, players for sure know they can just walk into the Atlas Park tailor (or try to duck, dodge, and evade their way to the Cap au Diable tailor), hit up their SG base tailor, or maybe hit up the nearest trainer, and edit their costumes including the extra costume slots all they want. So even if they want to join a ToT league and jump straight to level 50, they know they should probably hit up the tailor first and get their costume designing out of the way to save themselves inf' later.

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39 minutes ago, gameboy1234 said:


Normally I'd be swimming in those too (though I don't usually go for a lot of vet levels, and I don't often buy super packs since I don't farm and I don't have a ton of extra cash).  For folks like me who don't do those things, being able to buy extra costume changes would be helpful.  I'm think we should be able to buy as many as we like, and for about 10 to 20 salvage each.  Would allow those who find they do need/want more free costume changes to get some, and would also sink any extra event salvage.


(One thing to keep in mind I think is that many frequent forum posters seem to be "super players," and I think there's a lot of folks like me who play a lot more casually.  Catering somewhat to folks who might not have as many resources (merits, inf, IO sets, etc.) I think might be a nice affordance for newbies and casuals alike.)



Another random thought (bear with me, I tend to have them frequently): When you're done power leveling to 50 via the ToT league, you can just turn off xp (so you can avoid the vet levels you seem to not want) and just keep ToT'ing for inf'. Stay there for the whole event, and marvel at the inf' you have accumulated for doing whatever you want. Especially if you AH valuable salvage and recipes you will get while ToT'ing at level 50 as well.

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16 minutes ago, biostem said:

Meh - Of all the things being asked for, a free costume token bought using Halloween salvage seems like a very benign request, so why not!

If a set of one each of the Halloween salvage can get you a costume slot, a set should be able to get you a full costume change. Putting a hard limit on how many each character can buy, though, would probably be a good idea; the ease of stacking up several hundred of each would make the already mostly-minimal info drain even more so.

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12 minutes ago, srmalloy said:

If a set of one each of the Halloween salvage can get you a costume slot, a set should be able to get you a full costume change. Putting a hard limit on how many each character can buy, though, would probably be a good idea; the ease of stacking up several hundred of each would make the already mostly-minimal info drain even more so.

Agreed - set a maximum number of free/unused costume change tokens you can have at any one time, so holding onto or auctioning the salvage could still be worthwhile...

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I'm not opposed to this, but I'm also up to my ears in free costume changes. On top of getting a free one every ten levels, I do believe you also get a free one for doing each of the costume missions (I could totally be wrong on that though. It's been a minute.), and you have a good chance of nabbing some from Super Packs as well.


I'm never opposed to more options, though!

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47 minutes ago, Spaghetti Betty said:

I'm not opposed to this, but I'm also up to my ears in free costume changes. On top of getting a free one every ten levels, I do believe you also get a free one for doing each of the costume missions (I could totally be wrong on that though. It's been a minute.), and you have a good chance of nabbing some from Super Packs as well.


I'm never opposed to more options, though!

The tailor missions unlock a single costume slot up to 3, out of the 6 available missions. They don't also provide a free costume change token. Costume change tokens come as a reward every 10 levels, every 15 levels in the Veteran system (up to level 90), and from Super Packs only.(https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Costumes)


Edit: Though it may be simpler (and possibly better), if instead of trying to make Halloween salvage able to purchase Tailor Tokens, especially since I am in agreement that there should be a limit to that, if instead the tailor missions were changed to grant 1 extra costume slot (up to 3) and 1 Tailor Token per mission, awardable once per mission. So if you do the first Hero side tailor mission in Steel Canyon and haven't done any other tailor missions, it would grant 1 costume slot and 1 Tailor Token. If you had already done that mission, it awards neither. And if you had already done 3 other tailor missions, it would only award the Tailor Token.

Edited by Rudra
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41 minutes ago, biostem said:

Agreed - set a maximum number of free/unused costume change tokens you can have at any one time, so holding onto or auctioning the salvage could still be worthwhile...

I believe the limit is already there, but I may be conflating that with respecs.  Just checked, the max is not 15 (which is the respec number iirc)  Just got to 16 in testing.

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A maximum limit for free costume changes would be fine.  Even 10 or 15 would be fine, as we only have 10 costume slots.  Hmm, a free costume every 10 level is 5 free costume changes by level 50.  A free costume change every 15 vet levels up through 90 is 6, so a maximum of 11 would cover all free costume changes that you'd expect to get while leveling.  And 15 would cover some additional free costume changes from other sources. 


Those numbers would be fine.  I could use up my existing free costume changes for the Halloween event (maybe even encourage people to make special costumes for the event or something), then purchase more so I'm set for the rest of the year.


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Nah, the costumes are not meant to be handed out for free. Cobalt and the gang specifically designed them to pull wealth from the game (inf sink). Gather your ten Prismatic Aether Particles (PaPs) and purchase a costume from the Beneovlabs vendor.


Right now, PaPs are going for 3 million inf a piece. Just need 30 million inf for a Tier 1 costume. Do the Halloween event and unlock the 5 Halloween Elite Boss badges, get to level 25 and then claim your 10 PaPs from the event. Trade your way to 10 PaPs through the auction house. Run some hardcore TFs/SFs. 


Edit: My bad! Thought this was about the Prestige Costumes, not the temporary ones! I had just purchase two of the three Halloween themed Prestige Costumes from Annah in Croatoa using 20 PaPs and 100 of each Halloween event salvage, so I wasn't reading the original post clearly 🙃 


Edited by Glacier Peak
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