Techwright Posted November 1, 2023 Posted November 1, 2023 I'll take flight if it is intrinsic to the character's design, otherwise I prefer mighty leap to super jump since I get Takeoff which I've found very useful in buying squishies a second chance when melee gets to them, and giving tanks one more way to control the melee field. I've only 1 character with super speed, and I'll probably retcon him to one of the others. Anything not using a flight power is given a full load of P2W jetpacks to get past those rough spots where flight is just the optimal way to proceed.
kelika2 Posted May 19, 2024 Author Posted May 19, 2024 Another flying character bit the dust when it came to minmaxing. I think out of a hundred characters only 3 fliers are left.
Snarky Posted May 19, 2024 Posted May 19, 2024 I have fly on everything. Especially handy vs knockback. Even a high mag KB tends ti just send me for a flip in the air. 1
tidge Posted May 19, 2024 Posted May 19, 2024 I often use Infiltration as the travel power on Blasters... I usually find the builds to be quite tight in terms of pool and power choices. My preference is for some sort of Super Jump (I like the Force of Will pool variant quite a bit), followed closely by Flying (Mystic Flight will do in a pinch). I have "super speedsters" but I really dislike how jumping while using variants of super speed (certainly Speed of Sound) kills inertia; it breaks my immersion and it a PITA when trying to navigate most zones. 1
lemming Posted May 19, 2024 Posted May 19, 2024 My current group of chars for travel tend to be in popularity are Teleport, Flight, and Superjump. Mystic flight is in there somewhere. I have a few chars that don't have any of the pools, a couple that use infiltration. The couple percentage that I would get from tightening them up are usually made up for on teams, and for solo stuff, I can set my own pace.
RCU7115 Posted May 19, 2024 Posted May 19, 2024 I take Fly on every toon, only my ranged toons get Hover. Evey toon also gets Ninja Run or Beast Run and it is always actively on as I have way more control moving around with those powers than SS or CJ. My travel powers just get 1 slotted with a Soaring End/Fight Speed and Sprint getting a Quick foot End/Run. I buy all the temp travel powers but never use them. My OCD won't let me use them. They must remain fully charged and out of the power trays so I don't accidentally use them.
Sanguinesun Posted May 19, 2024 Posted May 19, 2024 Unless Im min/maxing a farmer or decide to kit a toon for min/maxing reasons other wise(ie almost never even though I've billions of influence and thousands of merits stocked), fly or sorcery are the most common choices I take.
Know1 Posted May 20, 2024 Posted May 20, 2024 Superjump is my favorite travel power, but I find I am moving to superspeed on almost all my toon. I find that I like the stealth aspects more than the movement advantage. I get athletic run (or variant) and sprint in the tutorial. If I could slot end red in athletic run I would use it more in missions, but it runs my end down too much to keep on while fighting. I pick up superspeed at lv 4, and can get around very well with it and the mini superjump from athletic run, and at level 12 slot a stealth proc in it and from then on I can stealth missions, or position myself next to mobs so for example my cone attack will hit the most people. I buy one of the permanent flight powers when I get a free million on the character for getting abound in the bumpier places and grabbing badges. I need to try out infiltration and see if I like it.
InvaderStych Posted May 20, 2024 Posted May 20, 2024 (edited) I have nothing to add to this thread that other's haven't heard me say before about the joys of teleportation and flight; however ... On 10/30/2023 at 2:08 AM, Scarlet Shocker said: on a tea clipper moored in the Channel Islands ... since The Channel Islands National Park has been mentioned, here is a thing people should know about ... Meet the Island Fox. Endemic to the islands, and the only carnivore that is unique to California. They are as adorable as they look, and will run rampant through the campsites there, which is just a joy to watch with morning coffee. Edited May 20, 2024 by InvaderStych since I had typos to fix, I added another img 3 You see a mousetrap? I see free cheese and a f$%^ing challenge.
Scarlet Shocker Posted May 20, 2024 Posted May 20, 2024 7 hours ago, InvaderStych said: I have nothing to add to this thread that other's haven't heard me say before about the joys of teleportation and flight; however ... ... since The Channel Islands National Park has been mentioned, here is a thing people should know about ... Meet the Island Fox. Endemic to the islands, and the only carnivore that is unique to California. They are as adorable as they look, and will run rampant through the campsites there, which is just a joy to watch with morning coffee. well that certainly fits in the TYDKYDK category. I didn't know there were Channel Islands in the US I was actually referencing the ones in the English Channel (the clue is in the name) So I guess we've all learned a bit today! I neither know, nor care, what the difference between ignorance and apathy is
Xaddy Posted May 20, 2024 Posted May 20, 2024 On 10/25/2023 at 3:20 PM, Saiyajinzoningen said: I choose whatever fits the theme of the character So, I recently made Mr. Creosote, arch-nemesis of Wafer Thin Mint. Started him off in Praetoria. And..I tend to like super speed, but I couldn't see him zipping around like that with his extra bulk. But...I couldn't see him flying or jumping around either. What I really needed was a motorized wheelchair, but don't have that option, so I left him without a travel power for 5 levels. Then a mission came up on the other side of the map. I just couldn't see me doing this for another 45 levels. So, I got SS and use prestige power slide, and imagine he's on a scooter.
momentarygrace Posted May 20, 2024 Posted May 20, 2024 I still remember when I got my first, and for the longest time, only level 50 character on live, Trixibelle (scrapper/regen). Towards the last couple of levels I was gaping at the power choices I'd never seen before and surprised that I had her attack chain completed so early. I ended up with everything I wanted and decided to take... gasp! --- a second travel power! LOL! My travel power choice for Trixi was Superjump (I still love it, it just *feels* like being a super to me, even more than fly, which I also love because - fly!). In the last power pick I got for her I added Superspeed, and it turned out to be a great combo. SS gave me speed and stealth and SJ for verticles. I did need a temp power to fly for the Shadow Shard and for doing Hamidon raids, but really, the SJ + SS combo covered everything else and was (is) fun to run with. Since HC allows travel powers so early and without the requirement for a prelim power in the same power set, it's even easier to have 2. I've only recently begun experimenting with the new(ish) combat teleport, after struggling with TP on one of my first live character and abandoning it as too much work to be fun (for me, no reflection on others who love it, they are more adept users!). I like combat tp, need to build up my reflexes to use it but it's pretty fun. 🙂 [SJ user still working things out below]
LKN-351 Posted May 20, 2024 Posted May 20, 2024 (edited) 3 hours ago, momentarygrace said: I've only recently begun experimenting with the new(ish) combat teleport, after struggling with TP on one of my first live character and abandoning it as too much work to be fun (for me, no reflection on others who love it, they are more adept users!). I like combat tp, need to build up my reflexes to use it but it's pretty fun. 🙂 Theres a few different modifiers you can add to CTP. to target, forward, back, left, right, up, down, camera:1~max range. I've found that back:65 or 70 gets you out of the mob in emergencies on a squishy, but you have to be aware what's behind you though cause you can TP into more trouble. left/right:10 or 15 helps angle your cones if need be. you can also add face at the end of the bind to turn you towards the target, but YMMV to targets downside is that it will place you on the side of the target that you're already on so if the target is on the edge of a platform it wont place you beside or behind them itll just have you appear and fall to the ground. I think any melee centric character should learn to use CTP, but its got its merits for ranged characters too. Edited May 20, 2024 by LKN-351 1 Are you looking for Ultramode style, candy coated enhancements and powers? WELL YOU'VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!! (they're also in the City Mod installer)
InvaderStych Posted May 20, 2024 Posted May 20, 2024 7 hours ago, Scarlet Shocker said: I was actually referencing the ones in the English Channel (the clue is in the name) Actually the tea clipper was the clue, but then Snarky started talking about Santa Barbara and I couldn't the our version of the isles out of my mind. 🤣 Probably should have quoted this in the first place ... On 10/30/2023 at 8:21 AM, Snarky said: can slip back to Santa Barbara and grab a snack, then get back to peace and quiet. A tomb would be preferable. However Santa Barbara is the northern tip of LA and there are no quiet graveyards. Even the abandoned buildings get plenty of visitors. ... besides, everyone should know about the Island Fox. 😉 Yes, I fully acknowledge that telling a Brit about foxes is like whatever the American to British version of "mansplaining" would be called. 🤣 Still CINP remains one of the all time highlights of my long and distinguished camping obsession. 😉 1 You see a mousetrap? I see free cheese and a f$%^ing challenge.
Scarlet Shocker Posted May 20, 2024 Posted May 20, 2024 9 hours ago, Xaddy said: So, I recently made Mr. Creosote, arch-nemesis of Wafer Thin Mint. Started him off in Praetoria. And..I tend to like super speed, but I couldn't see him zipping around like that with his extra bulk. But...I couldn't see him flying or jumping around either. What I really needed was a motorized wheelchair, but don't have that option, so I left him without a travel power for 5 levels. Then a mission came up on the other side of the map. I just couldn't see me doing this for another 45 levels. So, I got SS and use prestige power slide, and imagine he's on a scooter. Better get a bucket the Void Skiff is probably as close as you're gonna get I neither know, nor care, what the difference between ignorance and apathy is
JasperStone Posted May 21, 2024 Posted May 21, 2024 I have been exploring the momentum aspect of Super Speed on my current Alt. The jump aspect nearly equals Super Jump. Forums - a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged. "it will be a forum for consumers to exchange their views on medical research" Spam Response- Spam, in the context of cybersecurity, refers to any unsolicited and often irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent over the internet.
High_Beam Posted May 21, 2024 Posted May 21, 2024 Its almost always flight with me. Rarely do I use SJ and when I do its totally thematic. Have 1 teleporter and zero Super Speeders. Now flight is sometimes Mystic sometimes with Hover (primarily blasters) but most of the time its just flight. I have characters with zero travel powers over SJ, TP or SS. To each is own baby. Now there are certain zones that are hateful with anything other than flight (I am hovering the tac nuke targeting reticle over you Grandville). Girls of Nukem High - Excelsior - Tempus Fabulous, Flattery, Jennifer Chilly, Betty Beatdown, Totally Cali, Two Gun Trixie Babes of War - Excelsior - High Beam (Yay), Di Di Guns, Runeslinger, Munitions Mistress, Tideway, Hard Melody, Blue Aria Many alts and lots of fun. Thank you Name Release For letting me get my OG main back!
Herotu Posted May 22, 2024 Posted May 22, 2024 On 10/22/2023 at 3:33 PM, Akisan said: You gave up flying and jumping for running?! That's so... pedestrian though! Kidding (and bad puns) aside, I get that. There is so much free teleport in the game and athletic run and, sprint and, fitness and, free jump pack There's no need for any travel powers. You even get a free jetpack these days. "You knew I was a snake when you took me in."
Akisan Posted May 22, 2024 Posted May 22, 2024 5 hours ago, Herotu said: There is so much free teleport in the game and athletic run and, sprint and, fitness and, free jump pack There's no need for any travel powers. You even get a free jetpack these days. And yet, I still occasionally just bounce around the zones with SJ, just because it's fun. Very, very few games give us the freedom of motion that CoH does, and it's quite enjoyable to just cut loose and enjoy it! (It was sorely missed while CoH was down, and I'm so glad it's back. Thanks Devs!) 1 2
srmalloy Posted May 22, 2024 Posted May 22, 2024 On 5/20/2024 at 9:17 AM, LKN-351 said: Theres a few different modifiers you can add to CTP. to target, forward, back, left, right, up, down, camera:1~max range. I've found that back:65 or 70 gets you out of the mob in emergencies on a squishy, but you have to be aware what's behind you though cause you can TP into more trouble. You can use the location modifiers with a number of other powers, too; I've got a few I use with Wormhole -- 'left:max', 'right:max', and 'back:max' are useful for pseudo-stealthing missions, because they just move mobs out of the way. 'up:max' is odd; while it normally causes it to rain mobs (they don't take damage on impact, though, unfortunately), it's got an odd bug in it -- occasionally a mob will have a Wile E. Coyote moment and forget that they're supposed to fall to the ground, and will just stand there high up, oblivious.
LKN-351 Posted May 22, 2024 Posted May 22, 2024 (edited) 45 minutes ago, srmalloy said: You can use the location modifiers with a number of other powers, too; I've got a few I use with Wormhole -- 'left:max', 'right:max', and 'back:max' are useful for pseudo-stealthing missions, because they just move mobs out of the way. 'up:max' is odd; while it normally causes it to rain mobs (they don't take damage on impact, though, unfortunately), it's got an odd bug in it -- occasionally a mob will have a Wile E. Coyote moment and forget that they're supposed to fall to the ground, and will just stand there high up, oblivious. I kind of assumed you could use those with any power that gave you a reticule, but I hadn't put any of that into practice yet... aside from placing things at the current target. That'd be cool to find some other interesting uses of those midifiers though, like with CTP target: but X distance. You can sort of use CTP left/right and a short distance like 15 or so and circle a target, comes in handy with an AV when you're a little too close to a nearby mob. I love that up:max bit though, that seems extremely amusing lol Edited May 22, 2024 by LKN-351 Are you looking for Ultramode style, candy coated enhancements and powers? WELL YOU'VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!! (they're also in the City Mod installer)
srmalloy Posted May 22, 2024 Posted May 22, 2024 35 minutes ago, LKN-351 said: I kind of assumed you could use those with any power that gave you a reticule, but I hadn't put any of that into practice yet... aside from placing things at the current target. I have a file for popmenus of location powers. One of the common ones are for rain powers, where I have the choice of normal targeting, straight down, or under my target: // Rain of Fire Menu "FireRain" { Title Rain of Fire Option "Rain of Fire &1" "powexecname Rain of Fire" Option "Here &2" "powexeclocation down:max Rain of Fire" Option "Target &3" "powexeclocation target Rain of Fire" } The purpose of the 'down:max' is for use when the character is flying over targets, as in a Hami raid during the monster hunt, when I want to drop the rain on the DE on the ground below the character. If the character is on the ground, it's the same as toe-bombing the rain, so I don't need a separate menu line for it. For Wormhole, it's more complicated, because it has several different directions to throw the mobs being targeted: // Wormhole // Wormhole will attempt to teleport the current target and the mobs // around it to the location specified by the targeting cursor; this // popmenu adds some predefined options // 1 -- standard power activation // 2 -- teleport to in front of character // 3 -- teleport straight up over character to max altitude // 4 -- teleport in the direction the character is facing to // the maximum range of the power // 5 -- teleport behind the character to the maximum range of the // power. Because Wormhole does not appear to generate aggro, // this can be used to pull all or part of a spawn far enough // back to be defeated more readily, after which the remaining // mobs can be attacked. Menu "Wormhole" { Title Wormhole Option "Wormhole &1" "powexecname Wormhole" Option "Here &2" "powexeclocation 0:10 Wormhole" Option "Zoom &3" "powexeclocation up:max Wormhole" Option "Boom &4" "powexeclocation cam:max Wormhole" Option "Pull &5" "powexeclocation back:max Wormhole" } 1
LKN-351 Posted May 23, 2024 Posted May 23, 2024 Interesting. I'm going to take alook at those popmenus and see if I can find those tips useful for other things. I've used popmenus but ive never created one, just copy what you posted and place it in a text file or does it ned to be converted into an .MNU somehow? If its got some steps I'll do a search later and check it out, but if its simple and you want to post it that'd be cool. Are you looking for Ultramode style, candy coated enhancements and powers? WELL YOU'VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!! (they're also in the City Mod installer)
srmalloy Posted May 23, 2024 Posted May 23, 2024 21 minutes ago, LKN-351 said: I've used popmenus but ive never created one, just copy what you posted and place it in a text file or does it ned to be converted into an .MNU somehow? Yes and no; it's a bog-standard text file, but it's saved in Homecoming\Data\texts\English\menus (in your client's install tree) with a '.mnu' extension. The .mnu files are loaded only when your game client starts, so if you make any changes to a file and save it out, you need to exit the game and restart for the changes to be updated. Hopefully I'm doing this right; I'm attaching my 'Location Powers.mnu' file to this post; drop it in the game's 'menus' folder as I describe above, then add them to your tray with a command like "/macro Rain popmenu FireRain", which will give you a macro button you can drag to different slots in your tray. For virtually all of them, after hitting the macro, '1' gives you the normal mouse targeting for placing the effect, '2' puts the effect directly under you, and '3' puts the effect at your target's location. Location Powers.mnu 2
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