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Panther Transformation

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I'm too stingy to blow 1M Inf to find out myself, so anyone who already has this power, can you clarify a few things?


- Is this a stealth power?  ParagonWiki says as much, but the in-game version doesn't explicitly say so.  If so, what are the numbers on it?

- What effect does it have on other toggles?  Again, ParagonWiki says it disables toggles, I'm curious if that means it shuts them all off so you have to manually restart them, or if it just suppresses them while transformed.


Also, tertiary request: Can we get a subforum for generic gameplay discussion?  It feels kinda weird to ask a question like this in GD.

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Haven't tried it recently but I think it's partial stealth, like a stealth IO (not full invisibility by itself), and I believe it shuts off your powers.  Several of the special travel powers do that, like the disc or the surf board or the magic carpet.



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I don't know about stealth effects or not. I know I have been attacked by enemies while using it.


I can tell you that, like the Walk power or the Rocket Board flight power, it shuts off all toggles, so you do have to start them all back up again. So if you regularly run a lot of toggles, it might not be for you.

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So not a good idea for a toggle-heavy character, but I was going to get it on my Blaster so not that big a deal.  Seems more-or-less an all-around "meh" power, I'll grab it later in the game when I inevitably have more Inf than I can spend.


Thanks for the info.

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Oh sure, it's a great choice for an out of combat travel power, just like the Rocket Board is great for out of combat flight. It runs faster and jumps higher than Sprint. You just can't use it in a fight, or be ready for a fight immediately after changing back, if you rely on huge amounts of toggles.


See also my guide to the P2W store powers.

If you liked what I had to say, please check out my City of Heroes guides!

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Try it on Justin.  I did.  I think it did shut off all the toggles, and all powers were grayed out (so no attacking.) While I did get attacked occasionally, I think it must have had a phase effect, as the only thing I took damage from was falling.  I was attacked in RWZ so it's possible it was the +perception of some of the mobs there that saw through it.  It's been over a week, so I might be misremembering some of that.  It wasn't particularly fast though, so I'm not sure it'd fully replace SJ.

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It looks like the Stealth has been removed. As I recall from Live, it used to be two powers: the Panther transformation power itself, and a separate Stealth power that popped up on the extra bar when you were in Panther form.  The Stealth power no longer pops up when you transform.


But I don't see it in the Patch Notes, so it was a.... stealth nerf.


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My brother got it just to annoy me he puts it on and see's if he can jump and hit me in the face with his butt. The further the jump the more spins is his goal. Its basically a way for him to relive his call of duty noscoping days and to send me into a fury as he wastes my god damn time.

Rumblebee (Excelsior)

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It's basically a faster version of Ninja/Beast Run + unslotted Sprint with lower jumps.  It does drop all of your toggles, but otherwise it's easily usable as a travel power.  You cannot stack it with other travel powers because you cannot use other powers in that form.


It's neat, but something to really only buy for funsies.

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Why yes, yes I Do. I vaguely recall the extra toggle, but now it's just a single toggle that detoggles everything. Which is fine for the build so far as it's great for the RP factor and awesome for swift travel.

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  • 1 month later

Since this came back up, might as well update since I got the power yesterday: It has no stealth, and it does drop toggles, but by God this cat can mobilize.  So it's at least a little worth having, even if just for the entertainment value.  Just don't get it on a toggle-heavy character or you will be miserable.

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On 7/28/2019 at 2:33 PM, AkuTenshiiZero said:

It has no stealth, and it does drop toggles, but by God this cat can mobilize.

So it moves pretty fast eh?  How about jumping?  It was mentioned earlier in the thread it's less than Ninja Run, what's your experience?


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10 hours ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

So it moves pretty fast eh?  How about jumping?  It was mentioned earlier in the thread it's less than Ninja Run, what's your experience?

The jump height is definitely less than Ninja Run, but still enough to get you over those pesky hurdles that normal jumping can't clear.  The run speed is faster than Ninja Run, and I think the jump speed is faster, so it's a fair trade-off.  Good for just getting around town between missions.

Edited by AkuTenshiiZero
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