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ChatGPT writes a character background


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Here's the prompt I used:



Write a description for a heroine in City of Heroes who’s a mutant Corruptor who uses ice blast and cold domination as powers. Don’t explicitly mention the power set or origin, but imply them. Add details on a civilian identity.


Here's the description it wrote up:



In the bustling metropolis of Paragon City, amidst the chaos and heroics, there emerges a figure both feared and revered—a woman of mystery and power known only as Frostfall. In her civilian guise, she is Dr. Elara Frost, a brilliant geneticist renowned for her groundbreaking research in cryogenics, her icy demeanor matched only by the chill of her laboratory.


But when night falls and the city's villains stir, Dr. Frost undergoes a transformation, tapping into her latent mutant abilities. With a mere gesture, she summons blizzards of frost and waves of freezing cold, her control over ice and cold domination unrivaled. Clad in a suit of shimmering ice, she becomes Frostfall, a force of nature with a heart as cold as the arctic winds she wields.


Though her powers are formidable, Frostfall fights not only for justice but also for understanding. Her dual nature, both scientist and mutant, fuels her quest to unlock the secrets of her abilities and bridge the gap between humanity and the emerging mutant community. Yet, as she battles against the forces of chaos, Frostfall must also navigate the treacherous waters of secrecy and mistrust, for not all who walk the path of heroism do so with pure intentions.




Obviously, you don't have to be a literary genius to write character backgrounds, but I was pretty impressed with the output by ChatGPT. It even came up with a name and a civilian identity.

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Here's one that a bit forum specific. <_<



Write a description for a vampire hero, Snarky, in City of Heroes who uses ice blast and cold domination as powers. Don’t explicitly mention the power set, but imply them. Add in details that imply his secret enjoyment of the chaos of having random teammates in pick-up groups even though he outwardly complains about them. The hero's background should include a bit of backstory about reincarnation and gradually gaining back his power.






In the neon-lit streets of Paragon City, a hero with a biting wit and even sharper fangs prowls the night. Known only as Snarky, this enigmatic figure is more than meets the eye, his powers a chilling reminder of his ancient origins and the cycle of reincarnation that has shaped his existence.


Snarky's abilities are as cold and unforgiving as the winter's breath. With a mere gesture, he can unleash blasts of ice that freeze his enemies in their tracks, leaving them vulnerable to his dark whims. His mastery over cold domination allows him to bend the very essence of frost to his will, ensnaring his foes in icy prisons of his own making.


Despite his formidable powers, Snarky has a peculiar fondness for the chaos of pick-up groups, even though he outwardly complains about their unpredictability. Perhaps it reminds him of the ever-changing nature of life and death, a concept he is intimately familiar with.


As Snarky continues to walk the path of the hero, his past remains a mystery, his true purpose shrouded in the icy depths of his soul. But one thing is certain - wherever there is danger, wherever evil lurks in the shadows, Snarky will be there, a snide and sarcastic guardian against the encroaching darkness.



Heads up @Snarky

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Forgot Snarky's latest was ice/dark (?) Here's the output for that version:




In the neon-lit streets of Paragon City, a hero with a biting wit and even sharper fangs prowls the night. Known only as Snarky, this enigmatic figure is more than meets the eye, his powers a chilling reminder of his ancient origins and the cycle of reincarnation that has shaped his existence.


Snarky's abilities are as cold and unforgiving as the winter's breath. With a mere gesture, he can unleash blasts of ice that freeze his enemies in their tracks, leaving them vulnerable to his dark whims. His mastery over darkness allows him to bend the shadows to his will, ensnaring his foes in tendrils of inky blackness.


Despite his formidable powers, Snarky has a peculiar fondness for the chaos of pick-up groups, even though he outwardly complains about their unpredictability. Perhaps it reminds him of the ever-changing nature of life and death, a concept he is intimately familiar with.


As Snarky continues to walk the path of the hero, his past remains a mystery, his true purpose shrouded in the icy depths of his soul. But one thing is certain - wherever there is danger, wherever evil lurks in the shadows, Snarky will be there, a snide and sarcastic guardian against the encroaching darkness.



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GPT's great at these little blurbs though Claude usually has more verve:



Write an in-depth character bio for a vampire hero, Snarky, in City of Heroes who uses Ice Blast and Dark Miasma as power sets. Don’t explicitly mention the power set, but imply them. Add in details that imply his secret enjoyment of the chaos of having random teammates in pick-up groups even though he outwardly complains about them and how he lives up to his name by being very snarky. The hero's background should include a bit of backstory about reincarnation and gradually gaining back his power.




Snarky stalks the streets of City of Heroes under the cover of night, his pale skin and dark attire allowing him to blend into the shadows. Though he works alone, this vampire has recently taken to joining impromptu groups of heroes, finding a grudging amusement in the chaos of different powers and personalities thrown together.


In life, Snarky was an outcast, his sarcasm and cutting wit leaving him friendless. In death, little has changed, though the subtle power of darkness and cold follows his steps. Frost creeps across the ground in his wake, though it melts by dawn's light. Foes find their strength inexplicably drained, as if very vitality has been sapped. Snarky scoffs at the bravado of the colorful heroes he fights alongside, even as his own abilities turn the tide of battle. Inside, he relishes playing the reluctant hero.


Few know the truth of Snarky's origins. Centuries past, he was a powerful lord who terrorized the countryside. But a coven of witches cursed him with a slow draining of his vampiric abilities, condemning him to the creeping weakness of mortality. Over lifetimes, Snarky has painstakingly regained his dark gifts, through pact and deception. He guards the full extent of his powers, lest the coven or their descendants seek him out again. For now, he contents himself with subtle tricks and sarcastic mockery, hiding his enjoyment of company behind a facade of perpetual annoyance. One day, Snarky vows, he will again rule the night. But not yet.


Edited by Sovera
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1 hour ago, Sovera said:

GPT's great at these little blurbs though Claude usually has more verve:






I've never met Snarky in game though I saw him on General chat once, but I assume his bio would read like this.



I'm Snarky. Yes, the SNARKY. Infamous vampire and former arch lich, I haunt the forums of your nightmares. Never heard of me? Well how about the Chupacabra Manuever or Task Force Yellow Snow? No? Well, me neither. Invite me to your task force at your peril. Your despair is my content. Your wails of frustration, my ambrosia. As you close your eyes and see the deepest reaches of Oranbega where the last glowie has gone missing, there shall I lurk.


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Other than the lack of spelling mistakes and apostrophe misuse, those would probably pass for an average player's bio.  Too long to fit in the editor, though.

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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3 hours ago, FFFF said:

In the neon-lit streets of Paragon City, a hero with a biting wit and even sharper fangs prowls the night. Known only as Snarky, this enigmatic figure is more than meets the eye, his powers a chilling reminder of his ancient origins and the cycle of reincarnation that has shaped his existence.


Snarky's abilities are as cold and unforgiving as the winter's breath. With a mere gesture, he can unleash blasts of ice that freeze his enemies in their tracks, leaving them vulnerable to his dark whims. His mastery over darkness allows him to bend the shadows to his will, ensnaring his foes in tendrils of inky blackness.

Red marked the cliches, some of them nonsensical (you may find more); had to quit there lest I waste more time on this. 


Please see me after class.

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Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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  • Retired Game Master
4 hours ago, FFFF said:


In the bustling metropolis of Paragon City, amidst the chaos and heroics, there emerges a figure both feared and revered—a woman of mystery and power known only as Frostfall. In her civilian guise, she is Dr. Elara Frost, a brilliant geneticist renowned for her groundbreaking research in cryogenics, her icy demeanor matched only by the chill of her laboratory.


But when night falls and the city's villains stir, Dr. Frost undergoes a transformation, tapping into her latent mutant abilities. With a mere gesture, she summons blizzards of frost and waves of freezing cold, her control over ice and cold domination unrivaled. Clad in a suit of shimmering ice, she becomes Frostfall, a force of nature with a heart as cold as the arctic winds she wields.


Though her powers are formidable, Frostfall fights not only for justice but also for understanding. Her dual nature, both scientist and mutant, fuels her quest to unlock the secrets of her abilities and bridge the gap between humanity and the emerging mutant community. Yet, as she battles against the forces of chaos, Frostfall must also navigate the treacherous waters of secrecy and mistrust, for not all who walk the path of heroism do so with pure intentions.


4 hours ago, eiynp said:

man chatgpt's bout to put all the hardworking bio writers out of work


To put in terms bio-writers well understand:




Edited by GM Tock
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I have had ChatGPT suggest to me what AT and powersets to play with decent success. I haven't figured out how to pose the question properly for ChatGPT to develop the build in Mids yet, but maybe soon. 


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2 minutes ago, Perfidy said:

I have had ChatGPT suggest to me what AT and powersets to play with decent success. I haven't figured out how to pose the question properly for ChatGPT to develop the build in Mids yet, but maybe soon. 



It won't be able to. It knows what City of Heroes is, and I even made a roleplay card with City of Heroes as a VRMMO, but though it will quote part of the lore (like Atlas Park, Blasters, etc) it will get a lot of it wrong like trying to have my Fire Armor/Ice Melee Tanker use ice blasts or how there are hovercars and etc.


To understand Mids or to understand the idea of builds you'd need at least to use Turbo for it's 128k context (even though it is dumber than vanilla GPT 4 but that one only has 8k) in order to throw wiki pages of all the information about set bonuses and where they go, then wiki pages or stating yourself that the build has X melee attacks, Z ranged attacks, Y AoEs.


It's too complicated IMO because it's not information it already has in its database.


Maybe by the end of this year or the next. There is already talk of a model with one million context and other talks of GPT 5 and even an open source model (Mistral Medium) with rumoured near GPT 4 capabilities (which is ridiculous if we consider GPT is trained on a trillion tokens compared to a 70 billion model, but that's how fast the tech is advancing).

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37 minutes ago, Sovera said:

Maybe by the end of this year or the next. There is already talk of a model with one million context and other talks of GPT 5 and even an open source model (Mistral Medium) with rumoured near GPT 4 capabilities (which is ridiculous if we consider GPT is trained on a trillion tokens compared to a 70 billion model, but that's how fast the tech is advancing).


I'll grab the free one and see if I can drive it insane.  I'm lonely.

Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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Asking a computer to write your bio IMO just means you lack the creativity to do it yourself.  Its kind of like using someone elses build then calling yourself EPIC.  the credit goes to the build creator not the person who "plagiarized" it. It will work great for people who just do not want to take the time however.

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34 minutes ago, Enchantica said:

Asking a computer to write your bio IMO just means you lack the creativity to do it yourself. 

I have exactly one bio written by ChatGPT with "Written by ChatGPT" right in the bio, just to see if anyone would notice. Over a year later, not a word. Most of my bios are blank. People care about THEIR OWN bios, so why bother writing something up that only the author is going to read?

Edited by Krimson
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Humans are still better people assume there is no original thought but there is, it does come from somewhere I wont say right now, ai goes based on other creations more heavily. Maybe its better on the rp server though.

Edited by StarseedWarrior
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Because you always write for yourself.  I still do it most of the time, and I have fun doing it - therefore, worth doing.


Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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1 minute ago, Krimson said:

I have exactly one bio written by ChatGPT with "Written by ChatGPT" right in the bio, just to see if anyone would notice. Over a year later, not a word. Most of my bios are blank. People care about THEIR OWN bios, so why bother writing something up that only the author is going to read?

You bring up a good point no one makes comments about a costume, a power color combo, or your bios anymore like they did on live, live was killing it with creativity I saw allot of the funniest characters then I see today and bios where deep.

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3 minutes ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

Because you always write for yourself.  I still do it most of the time, and I have fun doing it - therefore, worth doing.

There are better spaces for writing than a block with 1024 characters.

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3 minutes ago, Krimson said:

There are better spaces for writing than a block with 1024 characters.

I take pride in anything I write.  I don't have to be so miserly with my words, I put them wherever I can and enjoy it, nothing wrong with that, you do you.


Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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2 hours ago, StarseedWarrior said:

You bring up a good point no one makes comments about a costume, a power color combo, or your bios anymore like they did on live

I do.  And I got two different unsolicited compliments on the toon I'm currently playing.

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