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What Movement Ability For Missions


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For me, Combat Jump is always on, unless I get defeated. But when I rez, I turn it back on. The only time I might turn it off is when I'm in the shard trying to use the geysers. I remember something about travel powers impacting how far the geyser puts you, and I don't want to overshoot, or fall short of the mark. (Though, even then those geysers are erratic) 

In missions, I tend to turn off SS and sprint both. I'll turn on sprint and SS when teaming for a speed run, tho. Otherwise, I turn them off. I might turn sprint on to get to the elevator to change floors. 

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5 hours ago, WuTang said:

Even indoors? 

I have a couple with flight but find it a tad difficult indoors. 

well, it takes a while.  i do not take the flight control power.  never room.  so you sort of have to memorize coast momentum and turns and just fly it the best you can

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On 2/23/2024 at 9:30 AM, Lunar Ronin said:

Super Speed, even for non-speed runs.  After using Super Speed for years in missions, everything else is just too slow.


True, and in a warehouse or Atta's cave it's great, but some of us don't like being the pinball of the blue caves.

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On 2/23/2024 at 4:10 PM, Zhym said:

I usually find that Sprint + Athletic Run (or, if you're into weird running stances, Beast Run or Ninja Run) is more more than adequate for moving around missions.  Combat Jumping adds a nice bit of vertical movement, and it also gives some defense and is a LoTG mule, so most of my characters have that as well.  A jetpack gets me any flying I need.

What is LOTG?

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19 minutes ago, WuTang said:

What is LOTG?


LotG is shorthand for the "Luck of the Gambler" enhancement piece *it is a defense set) that when slotted gives characters a 7.5% boost to Global Recharge... even if the power is not toggled, provided the character is playing at a level where the "set bonus" would work (relative to the level of the enhancement).

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On 2/23/2024 at 8:46 PM, Shenanigunner said:


Flight plus TP, what's not to love... other than the Dr. Strange fx that don't really go with every build.


You've seen this, right?


Y "+$$powexec_location up:max Translocation$$powexectoggleon Mystic Flight"


Works best with a slightly deliberate press of the key (longer than a tap).


You can turn off the FX with the alternate animations, if my memory is not failing me.

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I just jog at normal speed through indoor missions. At my age I just don't have the reflexes for moving too quickly in tight spaces like caves. I even used to get annoyed with certain auto (non-toggle) defense powers that grant a speed buff, because I can't turn it off (one of the Super Reflexes powers does this), but I've gotten used to that over time.


My ranged characters use Hover to get around in missions. I don't use Hover on my melee characters, simply because I don't like the way melee looks while Hovering. That's just a personal taste thing. An exception to ranged/Hover is my ranged weapons characters (Assault Rifle, Beam Rifle, Dual Pistols). Again, just a personal taste thing; I think somebody using a weapon should have their feet planted. I also don't use hover on Water Blast characters. I think I also skipped Hover on my one Seismic Blast character.

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4 hours ago, RikOz said:

I just jog at normal speed through indoor missions. At my age I just don't have the reflexes for moving too quickly in tight spaces like caves. I even used to get annoyed with certain auto (non-toggle) defense powers that grant a speed buff, because I can't turn it off (one of the Super Reflexes powers does this), but I've gotten used to that over time.


My ranged characters use Hover to get around in missions. I don't use Hover on my melee characters, simply because I don't like the way melee looks while Hovering. That's just a personal taste thing. An exception to ranged/Hover is my ranged weapons characters (Assault Rifle, Beam Rifle, Dual Pistols). Again, just a personal taste thing; I think somebody using a weapon should have their feet planted. I also don't use hover on Water Blast characters. I think I also skipped Hover on my one Seismic Blast character.

Yeah, I'm with you on certain heroes have certain abilities. I like Infiltration on some but not all, same with flying and so forth.

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7 hours ago, tidge said:


LotG is shorthand for the "Luck of the Gambler" enhancement piece *it is a defense set) that when slotted gives characters a 7.5% boost to Global Recharge... even if the power is not toggled, provided the character is playing at a level where the "set bonus" would work (relative to the level of the enhancement).

Just the one with the global or up to the 4 piece set? 10 regen and 9 acc is pretty tempting.

My Rad secondary doesn't have any def powers, all resist. So Combat Jump let's me have LOTG, but that's all I got.

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Often folks are referring to the Def/+Global Recharge.


I see people recommending slotting of the LotG for set bonuses, but it usually isn't the way I go. I won't pooh-pooh a global accuracy bonus, but often I'm getting those from Very Rare sets. About the only time I multi-slot LotG is when I have a power that is holding a +Global piece and I have only a single slot for more defense in that power.... then I will use a LotG piece. If I have more than one extra slot, I am probably using Shield Wall (boosted). I'm not the most creative when it comes to defense slotting. ED hits faster on Defense than Offense, and for harder content I can usually count on another player's choices (e.g. Maneuvers) to improve my defenses more than I could do so for myself.

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1 hour ago, WuTang said:

Yeah, I'm with you on certain heroes have certain abilities. I like Infiltration on some but not all, same with flying and so forth.

Heh. I tried Infiltration on a couple alts, and respecced out of it as soon as I could (replaced it with plain Stealth). Too damn fast!


And speaking of flying, I really wish it would be disabled for "helper" NPCs in missions. I find it somewhat infuriating when I enter a room that has three levels to it, and Overdrive immediately aggros on something above or below. Off she zips, and I don't know where she went (because she was behind me when she took off), and then I soon see "So-and-so has defeated Overdrive" in the chat box, and now whoever she was fighting is coming after me while I'm in the middle of fighting a different spawn. Thanks for the "help", Overdrive!

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Anyone else tried putting an extra socket into hurdle?  I recommend it.  Speed gain is slightly higher than from an extra socket in superjump, and it is free and always on.  I use just that and combat jumping to hop around faster than most runners, and rarely need to toggle a travel power to reach high ledges.  Good air control too.

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Okay seriously though, you know what's better than racing through a narrow blue cave bouncing off all the walls with SuperSpeed?


Letting someone ELSE do that while you sip coffee.  Then when they get where they are going you just target them and press your new macro for "powexec_location target Teleport". 😈

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2 hours ago, ZemX said:

Okay seriously though, you know what's better than racing through a narrow blue cave bouncing off all the walls with SuperSpeed?


Letting someone ELSE do that while you sip coffee.  Then when they get where they are going you just target them and press your new macro for "powexec_location target Teleport". 😈

Wait.....WHAT?! hahahaha

So doing this...

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Depends on the character and the team, sometimes it's Hover (except on my Grav/Bubbler Dyson Sphere, then it's Hoover), sometimes it's stealth and Ninja Run, other times don't even have Sprint on, especially if we're clearing.


Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.

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1 hour ago, WuTang said:

Wait.....WHAT?! hahahaha

So doing this...


I am embarrassed to say I only found out about this last week when a squishy on my PuG team kept using it to teleport right next to my Tanker from somewhere else entirely on the map (split group situation).    Unfortunately for him, the area immediately around my tanker is usually... exploding?   Yeah, it didn't always work out for him.   But I was impressed with it nonetheless.


I mean I'm sure I've seen people mention this bit about how you can teleport to a target without needing to be in line-of-sight but it hadn't ever clicked with me how useful that is in an indoor mission map.  Especially a very confusing annoying one like a blue cave or Oranbega map.

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Tbh I find Hover the best in combat thing. Hover + Evasive Maneuvers allows to quickly catch mobs, allows to just float over their heads if needing a breather, even allows to continue AoEing them down while out of melee range.


Other upsides is allowing to quickly travelling in the vertical if there mobs sitting somewhere high, not being bothered as much by Speed Boosts, fighting out of reach of Tar Traps and whatever else I may be forgetting.

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