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What is the best shields against Lord Recluse?

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Lord Recluse does a massive energy attack.  This is pretty much his signature move.  Not that anything he does is fun. Now energy defense will save you quite often, until it does not.  I have tanked Recluse twice on Master runs using a Dark armor Brute. Dark armor is a res only set with minimal energy res. My Brute build has over 60% energy res, plus on fights like Recluse i have sorcery rune of Protection and inspiration.  Used correctly it will work.  Energy is the main danger.  If you can stay up and recover from those you will prob be fine

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Two things to be aware of massive energy hit + endurance can be stopped causing de-toggle.


Also as the tank you determine the order in which the towers are taken down that depends mostly on your primary.


Any power set can cruise through the encounter with LR with a bit of mindfulness.


Super-Reflexes was the set that gave me the most problems with LR, always a merry dance.




Edited by Digirium
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One of the towers (red?) provides Recluse with a 30% ToHit buff, making it harder to tank him with defense-based armor (SR, Shield, Ice) until it's down. He's also got high mag kb attacks, which can be problematic for sets without native kb protection (Dark and Fire). In addition to energy damage most of his attacks have high levels of toxic damage, which some armors don't have much resistance to. 

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Rad Armor has a lot to counter Recluse with.  Toxic Damage is mother's milk to a Rad Tank.  Energy resistance is also easily capped.  The self heal is not fantastic against a single target but you also have the absorb shield which is basically another self heal.   And lastly you have bountiful endurance and drain resistance to deal with his drain attack.


One thing I'd consider for an easier run against Recluse with a Rad Tank though is, if you have proc-bombed the self-heal, temporarily re-slot that conventionally for heal/recharge/end.  Like I said, it's not great with just one target to hit, but with decent recharge and heal enhancement, it's plenty because you shouldn't be losing health that fast.


Speaking of, that's the nice thing about any resistance toon tanking Recluse.  At the very least, if you're losing... it won't be quickly.   Your teammates will have plenty of time to toss a helping hand your way in the form of a heal or buff if things aren't going well.  And they won't have to do so often, or at all once they've downed the first tower probably.  Meanwhile defense-based toons can still be okay if they have built decent resistance on top (and/or have more from team buffs) but it can be dicey until that +tohit tower goes down.

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3 hours ago, Uun said:

One of the towers (red?) provides Recluse with a 30% ToHit buff, making it harder to tank him with defense-based armor (SR, Shield, Ice) until it's down. He's also got high mag kb attacks, which can be problematic for sets without native kb protection (Dark and Fire). In addition to energy damage most of his attacks have high levels of toxic damage, which some armors don't have much resistance to. 


I think Blue is the one with the +ToHit. Red is his +Damage buff IIRC.

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I will confirm the toxic damage on LR, since it is rather hard to tank him with an electric tank which has 90& resistance to everything but toxic. I also concur that radiation armor is the best set in my experience. I have a rad tank basically specialized for this with perma hasten. 

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Not the easiest IMO, but perfectly doable: Invulnerability. I have been able to tank LR (without help from teammates) on Master runs by (ab)using Dull Pain... which is a power I rarely use outside of "hard" content, despite having it 6-slotted. I'm not too proud to admit that this also involves mostly keeping out of melee range of LR until a couple of the towers are down.


When I remember (on my characters that won't be Tanking Lord Recluse), I try to have Incarnate Rebirth available to help out whoever will be tanking. Personally, I don't like the MLTF where one or more players are trying to constantly "support" the Tank... because it usually means the towers (and the tower healers) are NOT being dealt with. Rebirth is one of those things that I find can help reasonably well-built Tanks and doesn't demand constant vigilance.

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5 hours ago, Uun said:

One of the towers (red?) provides Recluse with a 30% ToHit buff, making it harder to tank him with defense-based armor (SR, Shield, Ice) until it's down. He's also got high mag kb attacks, which can be problematic for sets without native kb protection (Dark and Fire). In addition to energy damage most of his attacks have high levels of toxic damage, which some armors don't have much resistance to. 


2 hours ago, tidge said:


I think Blue is the one with the +ToHit. Red is his +Damage buff IIRC.


Tidge is correct - the BLUE tower provides LR's massive To Hit Buff.  I tank him quite often on my Ice Tanker and it's when the Blue tower drops that he cannot touch me at all.  


And it's quite a pain tanking LR with a Defensive set solely due to teammates' ignorance and arrogance.  For speed runs, people always skip the red and blue towers - even if your defensive tank faceplants several times.  Then on a Mo run, they still are in the habit of thinking the Red and Blue Towers aren't needed despite the Defensive Tanker telling them to at least drop the Blue tower.  


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1 hour ago, Lusiphur Malache said:

I know less than nothing about tanking Lord Recluse.  How would a Bio tank with maybe a boost from a Kin do against him?


I doubt the Kin would make any difference. As I wrote above: The character Tanking Lord Recluse really should not need help from others, because the other players have different things to be doing. Bio should do ok (Absorption! Regeneration!) provided that the tank hasn't ignored resistances.


My experience has been that the Lord recluse fight is about as close to "just keep his attention and be able to take punishment" content as there is in the game. There is no real fighting Lord recluse while the towers are up, certainly not for 99.9% of characters. Auto-Hit Taunts and Survival are what's needed. I've never seen a team zerg LR.

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I read quickly but not sure I saw anyone mention his endurance drains, which is usually what i have the most trouble with.  a base buff of endurance debuff resistance helps a ton if i can remember to grab it before starting, or some blue insps.  

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"The Headless Huntsman of Salamanca" #43870 **Scrapbot AE Contest Winner May 2022**           

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"The Defenders of Talos" #44578 **Mission Architect Competition Winner for October 2021: REBIRTH**  

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Eye of the Magus accolade power - it gives a lot +Def and +Res and must be nuff for the time while team destroys the Red Towah!

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Arc ID #13097 - Archvillain Beatdown, try it out!

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