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yOu ShOuLD cHaNGe kNoCkBAck to KnoCKdoWN!


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On 7/1/2024 at 11:31 AM, Oklahoman said:

When I run a BAF

Hey! There’s a very similar thing going on in BAFs… not knockback but “Move away on red rings”.  Some players get so upset at other players for not moving away when they have 2 red rings on them. Moving away when hit with 2 red rings more often than not has the same effect as knockback. People who have red rings generally have the AVs’ aggro. If they move, the AVs move… out of location based debuffs and AOE damage, spreading out the league away from AOE buffs, and can end up creating all sorts of havoc that can kill the entire league. 

it is far more desirable and safer to keep the AVs stationary than it is to avoid being sequestered by the red rings.  Years ago I had some leagues be wiped by the red rings, but it’s only a danger for weak, under-powered leagues. These days finding a weak league is rare. And it’s even more important for weak leagues to keep the AVs stationary so that the full force of their location based attacks, debuffs, and buffs are added to the combat.  If moving away will drag the AV with you, then stay put. 

Do you want to move away from the rest of the league if you have 2 red rings on you? Sure, as long as you can also make sure the AV stays put.  Doing both, moving away and keeping the AVs stationary, is possible, but it’s the very rare player who can do it apparently. How to do it?


if you fly, go straight up. Nightstar might follow, but usually by then she’s been grounded. 

use ninja jump or something similar to quickly bounce over the AV back and forth, from side to side if you have aggro. This will make the AV turn to face you, but it will remain put. If you’re a tank and want to keep the aggro, you can even taunt while bouncing back and forth. You’ll be sequestered eventually, or you can stop taunting and hope the aggro wears off fast so you can get back into the fray. 

in general, if you can think of a way to move away from the league while keeping the AVs stationary, then do it. Otherwise, just weather the red rings. It’s more important to keep the AV’s still…. And stop getting upset at people who don’t move away when they have double rings!

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3 hours ago, ScarySai said:

Well, not everyone can succeed with the perception roll, I guess.


This is true.

And some people blind themselves because they decide that they are the only one that can be correct about anything.

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If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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2 hours ago, Jacke said:

Just because they're not doing a timed speed run doesn't mean there's no end to other Players' tolerance for things that cause delays and frustrations.


Players are generally tolerant.  They're usually not on a tight timer.  That doesn't mean they won't get irritated by actions that keep delaying things or otherwise frustrate them.  Like excessive and massive KB.


Yep. Keep moving the goal post.

It make your arguments less valid.


I know very well that there are players that annoyed by a whole lot in this game.

They aren't very accepting in general and "know" that their way of playing is the correct way and that anyone that deviates from that "correct way to play" is obvious an idiot, annoying, or just plain stupid.


The wonder of THE CITY is we call all play the game the way that we enjoy it.

I enjoy not playing with people that behave in that manner.


There are plenty of people to game with and discuss things with in the forums.


I don't have to necessarily agree with someone. There are plenty of people in the forums that I often disagree with but I have respect for.


2 hours ago, Jacke said:

Keep pushing the envelop and discover there's soft limits that will become hard, with consequences.


Yep. I do my best not to game or interact with people like that.


Have a good day.

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If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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6 hours ago, UltraAlt said:


Your logic is flawed.

     Speaking of flawed logic, how bout that 50% random chance of KB in Explosive Blast and that 60% random chance of KB in Energy Torrent?  How bout that?

Choose your weapon:  Okay, I choose words.

I do not believe the false notion that "your ignorance is just as good as my knowledge."

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A few thoughts,


First off, Context matters here. I hope most people would agree there is a difference between someone either learning a new powerset and/or trying to use it strategically, vs someone playing "Maximus Yeetus" and treating each spawn of enemies like bowling ball pins.


Now, I go by "If you are chill, I'll be chill." So if its someone who is making the attempt to work "with" the group, I don't mind Knockback. (And honestly team full of Knockback might be fun and hilarious). But if they are being a self-indulgent prick, my reactions will vary, according to what I am playing.


If I have the star? Expect a request to tone it down. If they don't, then they get DAS BOOT, and possibly blacklisted/ignored from my teams in the future. I care not to play the game with such persons.

If I am playing a Tank and they are purposefully blowing things away constantly? Well, I will likely skip the next 2 or 3 packs. Because, hey, apparently, they don't need me. This is especially true if they knock things back before I even get to engage. If it's especially bad, I might just jog to the end of the mission and skip all enemies entirely because hey, I know I am not in any real danger in most circumstances, and I want to minimize the amount of time I have to play with that person.

If I am playing my SoA? I likely won't care overly much. I rarely lead on my SoA, so I will follow the leaders tone and pace.

But if I am playing my Mastermind? Boy oh BOY time for some Shenanigans! Said Yeetus person will find themselves affected by Phased, Group Fly, Teleported, or whatever oh so joyful tools I have at my disposal. And I would take no small satisfaction in making their gameplay as difficult and unenjoyable as possible.

If all those fail, I have absolutely zero hesitation to leave myself. Even if its mid-mission or a badge attempt. Because why should I care about their own play when they don't care about others? Don't like it? Too bad. I am not obligated to indulge other peoples being complete jackasses, and if I want to leave, then I most certainly shall. Possibly at the most inopportune time, depending on how egregious their behavior was.


Now, to be clear, I am not saying "You can't do that." I subscribe 100% to "play your way." That said however, that doesn't mean I will let people "Play their way" with me. They want to blow things around constantly? Sure. Go for it. "Over there." Away from me. Don't like it? Not my problem. I am don't have to put up with other players whom I find unpleasant and detrimental to my own play time. 

Edited by Neiska
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3 hours ago, UltraAlt said:


This is true.

And some people blind themselves because they decide that they are the only one that can be correct about anything.

Wait.  Was someone looking for me.  I do autograph signings at 1 am in Pocket D.  Bring cash.  

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1 hour ago, Neiska said:

And I would take no small satisfaction in making their gameplay as difficult and unenjoyable as possible.

The most hilarious example I've ever observed of this was a spectacularly-well-timed usage of Enforced Morale on the offending oik right before an AV backhanded them.

The resulting "One shot code bypass" meant that the rest of the team gained a handy vengeance mule for the remainder of the mission, and everyone agreed afterwards that the character in question was much more useful with zero hitpoints.


Edited by Maelwys
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5 hours ago, Bio-Link said:

I have been running with energy torrent(ragnarok set) as my starter for 5 years, it kb pretty often, never got any complains, the trick is to hunt down the stragglers.


Exactly, best is when you can also knock those stragglers or outsiders back INTO the group of other mobs.  If I have a knockback power it is what I'm usually trying to do.  Assuming they are strong enough that I'm not killing them outright, which in that case of course  it doesn't matter.


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7 hours ago, Neiska said:

A few thoughts,


First off, Context matters here. I hope most people would agree there is a difference between someone either learning a new powerset and/or trying to use it strategically, vs someone playing "Maximus Yeetus" and treating each spawn of enemies like bowling ball pins.


Now, I go by "If you are chill, I'll be chill." So if its someone who is making the attempt to work "with" the group, I don't mind Knockback. (And honestly team full of Knockback might be fun and hilarious). But if they are being a self-indulgent prick, my reactions will vary, according to what I am playing.


If I have the star? Expect a request to tone it down. If they don't, then they get DAS BOOT, and possibly blacklisted/ignored from my teams in the future. I care not to play the game with such persons.

If I am playing a Tank and they are purposefully blowing things away constantly? Well, I will likely skip the next 2 or 3 packs. Because, hey, apparently, they don't need me. This is especially true if they knock things back before I even get to engage. If it's especially bad, I might just jog to the end of the mission and skip all enemies entirely because hey, I know I am not in any real danger in most circumstances, and I want to minimize the amount of time I have to play with that person.

If I am playing my SoA? I likely won't care overly much. I rarely lead on my SoA, so I will follow the leaders tone and pace.

But if I am playing my Mastermind? Boy oh BOY time for some Shenanigans! Said Yeetus person will find themselves affected by Phased, Group Fly, Teleported, or whatever oh so joyful tools I have at my disposal. And I would take no small satisfaction in making their gameplay as difficult and unenjoyable as possible.

If all those fail, I have absolutely zero hesitation to leave myself. Even if its mid-mission or a badge attempt. Because why should I care about their own play when they don't care about others? Don't like it? Too bad. I am not obligated to indulge other peoples being complete jackasses, and if I want to leave, then I most certainly shall. Possibly at the most inopportune time, depending on how egregious their behavior was.


Now, to be clear, I am not saying "You can't do that." I subscribe 100% to "play your way." That said however, that doesn't mean I will let people "Play their way" with me. They want to blow things around constantly? Sure. Go for it. "Over there." Away from me. Don't like it? Not my problem. I am don't have to put up with other players whom I find unpleasant and detrimental to my own play time. 

I was leading an ITF back on live on my stone tank. We has a stormie that loved his hurricane and would stand next to me when I was in granite. He was asked repeatedly to not do that. He refused to listen. He is the only person I have ever kicked from a tf. If I am on a blaster and you keep blasting groups into the wide area? I stop using AOEs at all. If I have heals? you wont be seeing them. You can use your power as you want, as can I.

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7 hours ago, Bio-Link said:

I have been running with energy torrent(ragnarok set) as my starter for 5 years, it kb pretty often, never got any complains, the trick is to hunt down the stragglers.

And it is real fun being able to punt one or two back to the tank...granted, the punted might be dead, but he is back with his buddies.

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On 7/2/2024 at 12:44 PM, Seed22 said:

even after being politely asked to not do so. 

As long as your civil about it, I would try to be more strategic about it, if it were me. But I do wonder, even if you ask politely how you handle a negative response. You kick 'em? Just for some kb?

I remember being on an ITF with at least 6 other players. Only one that I know of is still playing. An SG leader (not my sg, but a coalie SG), myself, another player who is very competent and has led countless iTrials, and a fire blaster (I was on an ice blaster) and a scrapper, and a brute. 

The fire blaster was getting chastised by the scrapper because the fire blasters Rain of Fire would cause the mobs to scatter, making things more difficult. The fire blaster apologized and said he'd try to time the fire better, so it would be to clean up, rather than drop on a fresh group. 

Five minutes later, I guess I was the one who dropped a rain. Now, I have an ice storm myself, which is basically the same thing as rain of fire, just a different element. Only they run away maybe a smidge more slowly. Scrapper begins to yell at me. I tell him - hey F that. 
He gets mad. I explain, the F is for follow, no need to get mad. 

Well, long story short, we only finished the TF because of the player who had led countless itrials got tired of all the whining and said let's just get this TF over with. Or words to that effect. 
I'm kind of lucky I wasn't kicked. But if anyone thinks I'm going to not drop damage because some scrapper wants to have his own tiny herd, that's hilarious. And if I get kicked, I get kicked. That was maybe 4 years ago? I have probably only done 5 ITFs since then. It just brings up bad memories of how some people can think what they want is more important that what anyone else wants. 

Now in this case - I was to blame, mainly for being thoughtless. It just never occurred to me to think about rain scattering mobs from a scrapper despite the argument that occurred 5 minutes earlier that didn't involve me.  That's also why I think if you want to keep mobs near you - you make a tank or a brute. If you're on a scrapper, and you have that expectation, you're just not that experienced in this game. Or, you're accustomed to living with disappointment. Or you take fold space. 

I guess my ultimate point is - there are all kinds of powers that will have some kind of annoying factor for other players. Who doesn't love the sound of an MM's demons? O/ 
This guy here. I will never understand why MM owners don't dismiss their pets (like I did) as soon as they exit their missions. Not like they serve a purpose in Ouro. Lose them. They make too much noise! 
I don't avoid teaming with MMs because of their demon pets. I just turn my sound down. 
I don't avoid teaming with scrappers just because they tend to be so resolutely focused on one thing, they're oblivious to everything else. 
I don't avoid teaming with Snarky just because he pronounces melee very strangely over discord. (and you can bet he will chime in on how I pronounce hover, lol) 

Instead of us all thinking of annoying things, perhaps we could focus on the good stuff. Like the timely joy of an absorb pain from an empath. Or a timely ice patch from a slightly better than mediocre blaster which leads that freak tank that was going to rip your head off to bounce on the ice instead. 

There's all kind of good stuff to focus on. 


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10 hours ago, Snarky said:

me  lee 

This should be bannable offense 😛

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Aspiring show writer through AE arcs and then eventually a script 😛


AE Arcs: Odd Stories-Arc ID: 57289| An anthology series focusing on some of your crazier stories that you'd save for either a drunken night at Pocket D or a mindwipe from your personal psychic.|The Pariahs: Magus Gray-Arc ID: 58682| Magus Gray enlists your help in getting to the bottom of who was behind the murder of the Winter Court.|



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7 hours ago, ScarySai said:







Not how it is spelled. One thing i like about German, once you figure out the pronunciation of a spelling it is 99.9% the same next time you encounter it.  If you can ( correctly ) hear a word you know the spelling.  Contrary to movies, Germans mumble talk in real life.  So you kind of have to know the language to hear the correct sounds.  

English is a dart board of pronunciation. There are a bunch of words no one taught me to pronounce I picked up from reading a lot.  They all have Snarky pronunciations!

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Just now, Snarky said:

Not how it is spelled. One thing i like about German, once you figure out the pronunciation of a spelling it is 99.9% the same next tims you encounter it.  If you can ( correctly ) hear a word you know the spelling.  Contrary to movies, Germans mumble talk in real life.  So you kind of have to know the language to hear the correct sounds.  

Well, I don't know the movie/book, but I remember this being stated in a German accent: "We have ways of making you talk!" 
I always thought it was about specific torture methods to encourage someone to reveal secrets. Turns out, it was a method to make you talk differently. 

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52 minutes ago, Snarky said:

Not how it is spelled. One thing i like about German, once you figure out the pronunciation of a spelling it is 99.9% the same next time you encounter it.  If you can ( correctly ) hear a word you know the spelling.  Contrary to movies, Germans mumble talk in real life.  So you kind of have to know the language to hear the correct sounds.  

English is a dart board of pronunciation. There are a bunch of words no one taught me to pronounce I picked up from reading a lot.  They all have Snarky pronunciations!

Studied German in High School and a bit in Grad school.

You are so right about pronunciation and spelling.


However, it is rooted in basically one language ... 

English, especially American English, is made up of a variety of languages.

Dialects galore.

I am from Maryland and sometimes can't understand people ... especially from Baltimore.


 Fun story:

I went to "A Comedy of Errors," where the actors were speaking English as it sounded at the time of the plays writing. So thankful there was a pre-show explaining a bit about what we were about to hear. The post-show helped, too.

Still challenging to understand what was being said. And it was English.


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/e poofgone



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