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(This is currently the Alpha version of the pop menu, it is not fully complete yet and the guide is still being added to)
Do you want to run X in the hit game: City of Heroes Homecoming?
Well you've come to the right place! This guide will contain everything YOU need to run it or join it from instructions on how to do it, to the pop menu already premade and ready to roll!

Now it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realise having instructions to running every trial and raid will be one hell of a novel to read 😄 That is why the sections will be broken down for your viewing pleasure, just select the type of content you want to lead (Raid/Trial) and then the content itself you want! Simples!

We also have a Discord with a schedule of Events happening on the Excelsior server if anyone would like to join, or if you have an idea for an event you want to run daily/weekly/monthly we can advertise it there!

First things first! The Pop Menu!



Export Docs into Menu folder.zip




Quick rundown: A popmenu is a drop down menu that you can access in game which you can load with pre-made binds or macros, which makes it an almost essential tool to running a lot of trials or raids!

To access the pop menu in game download the file above and export the file into the following space on your computer:



Once you have the files exported there all you need to do once in game is using the following bind to load the file up to use! 

/Macro Main popmenu Main


Once you have the macro in game you should see a list of all the different content in the game and clicking any of them will grant you a separate pop menu for that event!

Some General advice/tips for running any of these:

Any of these can fail for a number of reasons out of your control, however there are a few things you can do to help prevent that (You do not NEED any of these but they can be helpful to have/be!)



  • Incandescence Incarnate (Great for teleporting the league to where they need to be)
  • Support Hybrid (Helps give your entire league a buff that can help the whole thing run smoother for everyone)
  • A tank AT (A lot of these will require the Tank to do things, much easier if it's you ❤️(Ironically a Kheldian is one of the best due to being able to Tank, can do both ranged and melee damage which is useful for certain parts, all whilst using the same build to switch at a moments time))
  • Patience, although you might be a great player, your teammate might be a older person who only gets an hour or two to play a day so isn't as skilled, so be kind to them, LEAD them rather then berate them 🙂




MotherShip Raid - 40 Minutes



The easiest of the Raids to run, shown by the level requirement initially only being 35+ and then later removed all together, in the modern day once you get to the Bowl these tend to run themselves but still require the leader to both get them there and keep an eye on if things start going south.

On average you will get 15 Million influence from joining this (If you are a member of the Vanguard)


Pre Raid Hints

The big killer of the raid during the Bowl phase can be the lack of Mez protection, so having someone other then yourself on Clarion Destiny will help a ton with that problem

One of the roles for the Bowl Phase is a "Puller", basically a toon tanky enough to go onto the edges of the ship to pull Rikti to wards the centre, ideally you want about 10 of these to have a good stream of Rikti to kill so try to encourage players to bring tanky toons if you are lacking (This will not cause a league to fail if you have none, just less rewards)

Phase 1 - Pylons
Once you have either entered the instance or ready to start it if you are in the Open world, you will want to incan the league about 15 ft away from Pylon 11 as you and the league work your way north around the Mothership destroying Pylons in a Clockwise pattern. Once you get the the NE corner the league will tend to split between pylons 4 and 7, that is 100% fine just keep an eye on the pylon you are not at on the map to make sure the other half of the league do not fall too far behind.

CAUTION: The Dropship flying around the zone can seriously hurt and even one shot some members of the league, so if you see it coming close give people a warning so they can pop defensive/resist buffs.

Once you reach back around and are on the final few Pylons it is good to prepare the league for the Bomb phase, as you need to plant at least 3 bombs to spawn the GM and extend the time fully, once the GM spawns in the middle of the bowl you can either incan straight to him, or wait until all 6 teams call out their bombs, or somewhere in between (This allows each team the chance to earn credit towards their bomb planted badges)

Phase 2 - Bowl
Welcome to the wave defence section of the Raid! You want to keep people huddled into the middle of the centre of the Mothership as possible to maximize buffs as the Pullers venture out to bring Rikti back to the bowl. People will fight on the ramps and it is up to you how you want to handle that as it can prevent the Rikti getting to the rest of the league (Personally I don't enforce it unless it's a controller/dominator holding the Rikti at the top of the ramps)

Main thing to look out for here as a Leader is if a lot of people start dropping quickly or a lot of people are complaining about being held, if people start dying a lot start asking the pullers to hold off bringing more as you are being overwhelmed with the current amount, whilst if people are being mezzed, encouraging those who have mez protection powers to spam them often.

This phase will last until the countdown reaches 0 in your Nav window (Around 30 minutes)

Once you have finished in the Bowl the raid is technically over and you have won! Though if the Dropship is still flying around, you have a whole league worth of people who can easily take it down for that extra cherry on top! But assuming you have all died horrible deaths at the hands of the Rikti you have just successfully lead a Mothership raid which can be a daunting task to most!

Hamidon - 40 Minutes



The Hamidon raid is by far the hardest Raid to run within the game as of present, if you have been on one of these it may look simple from the outside, but I can assure you it is very easy for a Hamidon raid to go south fast with little you can do to stop it once it does. However this is rewarded by being one of the most profitable things to run in the game for an entire league of people, so if you can pull it off you will be making a LOT of people happy!

On average you will get 54 Million influence from joining this (If you manage 5 runs)

Pre Raid Hints
To make this a lot easier on you, I would highly suggest you fill the Team 1 with people who have special roles within the Raid, from tanking, to incanning, to emotional support 😄 Speaking of Roles you are going to want the following filled if you want to run a Hamidon raid:

  • 3 (7 if doing original way) Tanks (Tankers, Kheldians, Brutes all work fine, Taunt is the main thing)
  • 3 people with Incan (This can include you)

The rest of the team you want them to bring as much damage and nature toons as possible (Nature is great for both buffing the league and debuffing Hami). If you are going the Original way you will also want a few controllers/dominators too ❤️

I would also advise if you want to pick a zone, pick the Hive as that does not require your tankers to herd mobs together to kill, as in the Hive they form neat little GM walls that just need to be incanned to!

Phase 1 - GM Hunt
Once you are ready to start, you can get one of your incanners to teleport the entire league to a herd of GMs to be killed, this is to both get Essence of the Earths and to kill GMs to spawn Hamidon himself.

The only Exception is the person with Incan who is on "Hami Watch" where they stay on a rock overlooking where Hami will spawn, ready to incan the league to them once he does show his blobby butt!

This can take anywhere from 1 minute to 20, it is purely RNG how long it takes to spawn Hami (I like to use this time to use the hints in the pop menu so people are better prepared for future runs)

Phase 2 - Hamidon Takedown
Now comes the big showdown! You will want to take a bit of time to do the following before you engage:

  1. Remind people that they need Essence of the Earths and Reds (These can be brought from the AH cheap)
  2. Assign your Tanks and incanners certain roles, for Incanners you want 1 to incan in place when you call for buffs, whilst the other will incan onto the Hamidon once you are ready to attack him. For Tankers it depends if you are doing a Hamikaze run or Original, for Hamikaze you will want: One taunting the left 3 Yellow mitos, one taunting the right 3 Yellow mitos, one taunting the Hamidon himself whilst keeping on the opposite side of him from the league. For the Original way you will want 1 Tank on each Yellow Mito and 1 on Hamidon himself.
  3. Call for half of the leagues lores, teams 1-3 or 4-6 etc
  4. Once you have a good amount of lores out, call for buffs (This is where your Buffer incanner incans)
  5. Give a countdown to the Tankers to go in first, after you tell them to go give your league a 5 second countdown if you are doing the Original way, a 10 second one for Hamikaze.

Once you give the rest of the league the go ahead, if you are doing Hamikaze your Hami incanner can teleport the whole league to Hamidon as you focus your lores on him and burst him down ASAP, if you are doing the Original method, your melee toons will focus the Yellows, your ranged will focus the Blues, and your CCers will focus the greens, once all the mitos are down your Hami incanner should teleport everyone to Hami and burst him down.

If everything worked out you have just killed Hamidon, depending on how you and the rest of Team 1 are feeling you can run this again (There is no limit, but everytime you pick reward merits after the first time you will get 40 merits instead of 80), most people run them in bursts of 3 but I like to go for 30 minutes and see how many we get (Normally around 5 using Hamikaze).

Remember if you are running again, first to make sure ALL the Hamidon buds are clear before killing GMs, and to alternate between which half of the league summon their lores (If both halves are down it would be safer to wait until they are back up, but YOU are the boss here so you do what you feel like!)

Labyrinth of Fog - 20 Minutes


The Labyrinth of Fog is a level 45+ zone within the Midnighter Club that is great for XP and rewards whilst also being a beautiful zone full of intrigue and lore! Below is a breakdown of the Powers, Roles, and Phases of the raid alongside having a guide for the different badges and rewards from the zone!

Original release information

If you are wanting to lead this I would highly suggest making a pop menu or using the one below for it to make it a lot easier on you (Goes for running all content anyway) You can find out how to make one here

(Massive thanks to @lemming and @Final Overlord for tons of locations and help!)


What is the Labyrinth and how does it work?




This is how I see the lore of the Labyrinth as it is not 100% confirmed.

Some time after the events of Cimerora and before the events of more modern history, the Goddess Achyls (Roman equivelent is Caligo) appeared on the Greek Isle of Crete and quickly enveloped the isle in her Fog of Catastophe, unleashing a horde of monsters shrouded in fog and able to be transported anywhere within the fog to kill anyone and only continued to grow due to the fear of mortals, even the work of the heroes of the time could not stop this Fog of Catastophe which is where Daedalus came up with the idea to imprison her in an un-escapable pocket dimension; the Labyrinth, that was entrusted to the King of Crete: King Minos.

King Minos however was not content with such power being locked away, unused, so he decided to send in his son Asterion the Minotaur in an attempt to gain control over the Labyrinth. The Minotaur did not last long however, driven mad by the concentration of the fog and turned into Achyls' greatest Gladiator, his body chained up in the true core of the Labyrinth as Achyls recreates him with fog to challenge any who enter.

Minos' plan did not go un-noticed however as more and more would be gladiators wanted to prove their strength and claim the power of the Labyrinth themselves, and each feel to the fog, the Minotaur, and the newly turned Gladiators of the Fog, ever growing Achyls' numbers from within her own prison. Daedalus realising the Labyrinth structure was weaking with each new gladiator that served the Fog decided to create a fix, an automaton of his late son Icarus, something that could not be corrupted by the fog as it itself is not alive, allowing it to mend the prison from within the true core of the Labyrinth.

Alongside sending his creation into the Labyrinth, Daedalus also worked to obscure the Labyrinth from public knowledge, instead allowing it to fall into "Myth" status and hopefully forgotten. However it did not remain that way, The Dream Doctor and the Midnighter Squad happened upon it and discovered the power and army that laid within, using arcane magic they found a way to safely test the strength of their members without them falling to the fog or dying.

And so it remained that way, a testing ground for Midnighters including the Dream Doctor himself but with the threat of something greater coming, the Dream Doctor has allowed others into the Labyrinth to strengthen them against their greatest fears whilst also hoping one of them might be able to harness the power of Achyls themselves to use against any upcoming threats.



To enter the Labyrinth you only require to be level 45+ and to have the "Midnighter Squad" badge

Experience & Influence earned in the zone increased by 25%

This stacks with other powers such as Experience Boosters or Windfall

Kills in the Labyrinth count towards badges too!

The different floors and the Core:


The raid zone begins with the labyrinth's entrance lobby.

Reviving at the hospital while in this zone will return you to the entrance lobby.

Idle players are returned to the Midnighter Club after 15 minutes of inactivity.
Logging out while in the zone will return you to the entrance lobby upon login.
There is no mini map in the labyrinth except for the entrance lobby.

The entrance lobby contains four colour-coded portals that each are used to enter into the labyrinth.
Each goes to a colour-coded floor. There are six floor colors total: 


  • Crey
  • The Family
  • Praetorian Resistance
  • Psychic Clockwork
  • Sky Raiders
  • Snakes


  • Carnival of Shadows
  • Circle Of Thorns
  • Cimeroran Traitors
  • Malta Operatives
  • Tsoo


  • Arachnos
  • Council
  • Freakshow
  • Gold Brickers
  • Hydra


  • Devouring Earth
  • Drudges
  • Imperial Defense Force
  • Nemesis
  • Rikti


  • The Awakened
  • Arachnoids
  • Nictus + Void Hunters
  • Soldiers Of Rularuu
  • Talons Of Vengeance
  • Vanguard Sword



Orange floors contain completely randomized enemies.

The Core of the Labyrinth
The Core of the Labyrinth is the easiest place to start from if you want to further explore the Labyrinth due to it having portals to all the colour floors, if you have the Accolade listed towards the bottom of this guide, you can teleport there from the Lobby, otherwise you will either need to teleport to a league mate already in the Core or defeat the Minotaur and stand on the portal he spawns ❤️

New powers/Inspiration:


Temporary_LabyrinthRally.png.f3e296703c6ac8484d3b9a153703e6af.png.8bd31062c67a55b19957b28a636218f3.png Power - [Follow Through Fog] Temporary_LabyrinthRally.png.f3e296703c6ac8484d3b9a153703e6af.png.8bd31062c67a55b19957b28a636218f3.png

10/10 power that allows you to teleport to your target anywhere within the Labyrinth, if you get split from the leader this will get you back to them without having to call for a Teleport!

Temporary_LabyrinthRecall.png.0f06ef778a2100c8018c6ff49af3143c.png.4b9b346bfcd33bcf735736b3a517456c.png Power - [Escape From Fog] Temporary_LabyrinthRecall.png.0f06ef778a2100c8018c6ff49af3143c.png.4b9b346bfcd33bcf735736b3a517456c.png

Returns you to the lobby from anywhere within the Labyrinth, good for a quick escape if needed.


Inspiration_Labyrinth.png.87c56e578ee283726275661b392c3a5d.png Inspiration - [Draught of Fog] Inspiration_Labyrinth.png.87c56e578ee283726275661b392c3a5d.png

These inspirations can drop from Gladiators within the Labyrinth and can be brought off of the Auction House. They will grant you a +1 level shift and immunity to the Minotaur's Diseased Debuff for 15 minutes or until you die.



The Minotaur:



Avoid him until you have 1+ Level Shifts more then him!

While in The Labyrinth of Fog, players are hunted continuously by The Minotaur In The Fog, a Monster that's Level 54+(5 to 10) and periodically (every 2-3 minutes) moves to the location of a player on the map (higher odds for the zone's oldest occupants, excludes those in the entrance lobby which is always safe), navigating the labyrinth's maze at inhuman speeds to find prey.

For every 8 players in the zone after the first, the Minotaur will gain another +1 Level Shift (min +5, max +10).
The navigation window will display the Minotaur's current level, or, if they're currently dead, will show a timer to their next respawn time:

1-8 players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+5)

9-16 players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+6)

17-24 players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+7)

25-32 players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+8)

33-40 players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+9)

41+ players on the map: Minotaur = 54(+10)





  • Throughout the coloured floors, players can encounter Gladiators In The Fog.
  • Standing next to one will prompt the Gladiator to respond.
  • Depending on how many badges from the Labyrinth you currently have, the Gladiator will do one of the following:
    • Respond with hints/tips/lore dialog about the Labyrinth.
    • Gift a Draught of Fog inspiration.
    • Become hostile and attack the player. (More Labyrinth badges = higher chance of attack)
    • A slim chance they will become a pet with full Mastermind controls (They will look like a Warrior in this case)
  • Each Gladiator will only interact with the same player once ever.
  • Defeated Gladiators drop a single Draught of Fog inspiration to one participating player.


Running the Labyrinth

There are two main phases for the Labyrinth raid, with an extra phase for those with a big enough league and what an even greater challenge! Phase 1 is gaining level shifts until you have the same bonus as the Minotaur, Phase 2 is then finding the Minotaur and killing him, Phase 3 is optional and involves killing a ton of EBs in order to spawn the Avatar!

Phase 1 -
Around 10-15 minutes



Really simple! Everyone in the league is going to scatter to the winds in search of "Malevolent Fog" and kill it! This will get you to the needed level shifts much faster and ready to face off against the Minotaur!

Useful bind to help people target Fogs over mobs:
/bind Tab "targetcustomnext enemy alive$$targetcustomnext enemy alive Fog"

I personally like to run the following route to scout as it takes you to 3 high Fog chance areas ❤️

Blue Prison - 
[-997.2 -261.1 752.5]

Blue Arachnos -
[2686.1 -508.2 -2707.2]

Yellow Underground - 
[-2613.0 -422.0 1875.7]


Phase 2 - Minotaur:
Around 5-10 minutes


Phase 2 now! For the most part everyone continues to repeat what they were doing on Phase 1, however if either the Leader or the Scouts see the Minotaur, it is time to Incan the league onto them and kick their butt until the Teleport prompt appears for the fight!
Once you get the prompt from the Minotaur make sure you hit accept!

The fight has 2 main things to focus on:

1 - Tanks keep the Minotaur facing away from the league, everyone else should be behind him!
2 - When the Minotaur reaches <45% HP, he will spawn a wave of Gladiators, they need to all be killed before you can hurt him again.

Apart from that, avoid the nasty spike beds, and avoid the tornados.


Phase 3 - Ballroom Blitz:

Around 15-20 minutes


Welcome to the endless farming phase now! If you head to the Orange secret room located at [-4274.4 -475.5 2281.2] you will reach the Font of Malevolence where there will be a few things to pay attention to as you enter:

The centre of the coloured platforms and the water surrounding the room WILL kill you! So avoid those at ALL times ❤️

Around the room there will be friendly fogs called "Mythic Fog" or as I like to call them, Misty ❤️ They will move every 2 minutes but if you stay in their aura they will both heal the league and prevent them from being pulled into the middle by any of the GMs or the Avatar. You can see if you are in it's aura by the red "Anchored" message above your buffs. Whilst in the Ballroom you want to ALWAYS* be in Mistys aura to prevent yourself from dying a most painful death. 

*The exception to this is regarding the Avatar of Achlys fight, where the tank will want to keep the Avatar both facing away from the league and around 50-75 feet away from Misty/league, as his nuke will ONE SHOT anyone that isn't a Tanker/Brute/Kheldian/Arachnos with capped resist and max hp.

(If you are the Tank you can pull the Avatar to a nearby pillar to prevent yourself from being pulled into the middle since you don't want to bring him near Misty and the league)

Video from the perspective of the Tank/Lead

High Score!


Current champion of the Labyrinth - Excelsior

The Ballroom or Font now has a high score attached to it counting how many EB's you and your allies can kill within the 60 minute time frame! @Glacier Peak has made a page to keep track of what the high score is of each server if you want to go check it out at:

For dedicated runs to beat the current high scores of each server we currently have 1 for Excelsior:

Excelsior Tango Tuesdays - Led by Goddess Laucianna - Starting at 6:15pm EST

Indominable -  Mino Mondays - Led by Milrop - Starting at 8pm EST




Extra bits of the Labyrinth





Phantom Gladiator
Kill 25 Gladiators. (Easiest done in Font of Malevolence (Orange Secret Room))

Lab Rat
Located at the start of The Endless Colonnade.


Conqueror of the Labyrinth badge_i28_accolade_labyrinth.png.d962562e6f30316042f57e3f672b0f27.png.bfc6fcbe014a1f7fbeeca768023267c7.png
Grants: 'Core Attunement' Accolade_LabyrinthCore.png.87f4cd2d075d0d99c78117611c11b7d7.png - Self: Teleport between the Labyrinth of Fog's lobby and the Core of the Labyrinth. (Only available from those locations)

Collect the following badges in order to unlock this accolade:

Slayer of the Minotaur
Kill the Minotaur.

Malevolent Intoxication
Defeat 5 Malevolent Fogs.

Hidden In Fog
Exploration badge located at the start of any of the secret rooms.

Greek Philosopher
Within the core of the Labyrinth you need to click the following 6 plaques:

[464.1 -205.0 2717.8]
[584.7 -113.3 2800.5]
[543.1 7.0 2856.0]
[289.9 -101.3 2402.0]
[227.5 -84.0 2669.2]
[395.0 -245.3 2748.7]

Unique Costume and permanent buff Temporary_LabyrinthMoteBlack.png.06fbf91ca4b54dd6b8d7ab049a94ea57.png.df8a0cb05be9b3b10d44e86a1a6c767f.png

Labyrinth comes with it's own unique Prestige costume anyone can unlock for their toon ❤️ To get it you need the 7 Mote buffs located at the following locations within the Labyrinth:

Green: Mote of Greed - [-1178.3 -220.8 1350.5]
Red: Mote of Violence - [-906.6 -236.2 -487.1]
Yellow: Mote of Cowardice - [-2666.7 -353.5 2428.7]
Purple: Mote of Jealousy - [1956.2 402.9 582.5]
Blue: Mote of Despair - [2312.9 -508.2 -2379.8]
Orange: Mote of Fury - [-3562.8 -330.5 2038.9] (Best to get here starting from the core due to how pathing works, if that is not an option use the method below until you end up on the Orange coloured floor)
White: Mote of Apathy - This one is located at the end of The Endless Colonnade, the easiest way to get there since it is the following:

Teleport to the lobby - Go in the Red portal - Take the first left and enter the door at  [-150.1 -244.1 1722.4] - Repeat until you end up in The Endless Colonnade  and using the Inspirations you will see a path on the floor to follow to get to the White Mote (If the line fades, cancel the inspiration buff and pop another to get the line back)

Once you have all 7 Mote buffs on you it's time to head to the Core of the Labyrinth and head to [179.9 -84.5 2663.3] - Once there enter the portal and the costume is now yours! This will also give you the benefits of ALL the motes whenever you visit just 1 in the future! ❤️



The three vanity pets
Mini-Taur in the Fog
Defeat the five variants of the Minotaur
 - Archery
 - Shield
 - Staff
 - Dual Blades
- Titan Weapon


Benefactor in the Fog
Must defeat 1,000 total Gladiators on a single character (Easiest done in the final boss fight)

Avatar of Achlys
Kill the Avatar of Achlys within the Orange secret room located at [-4274.4 -475.5 2281.2] once the Mino is down.

The Labyrinth is full of secrets to discover! These do not affect how a league should be run so unless you want to be spoiled, don't click the section below!


The Seven Secret Areas!
Each colour of the Labyrinth has it's own secret room to discover! (Massive thanks to @Final Overlord for the work done here)

White - The Endless Colonnade - 
Yellow - Jack's Realm - [369.2 -462.6 1256.1]
Purple - Forbidden Server - [-1333.5 80.4 -1014.5]
Blue - ESCAPE IMPOSSIBLE Boat - [-23.6 -154.3 -3007.0]
Red - You against the world - [440.6 -152.6 -1242.8]
Green - Indescribable: Tram ride - [ -1776.4 -253.1 1119.1]
Orange - Font of Malevolence - [-4274.4 -475.5 2281.2]

Macro images:
If you want any of the new images to use as macros below is a list of all of them thanks to @Glacier Peak ❤️


Red Mote of Violence: Temporary_LabyrinthMoteRed
Yellow Mote of Cowardice:  Temporary_LabyrinthMoteYellow
Blue Mote of Despair: Temporary_LabyrinthMoteBlue
Green Mote of Greed: Temporary_LabyrinthMoteGreen
Violet Mote of Jealousy: Temporary_LabyrinthMoteViolet
Orange Mote of Fury: Temporary_LabyrinthMoteOrange
White Mote of Apathy: Temporary_LabyrinthMoteWhite


Conqueror of the Labyrinth: badge_i28_accolade_labyrinth
Greek Philosopher: badge_i28_history_labyrinth
Malevolent Intoxication: badge_i28_defeat_labyrinthaether
Slayer of the Minotaur: badge_i28_defeat_labyrinthminotaur
Hidden in the Fog: badge_i28_tourism_labyrinth
Phantom Gladiator: badge_i28_defeats_fog_gladiators
Lab Rat: badge_i28_tourism_labyrinth
Draught of the Fog: Inspiration_Labyrinth


And the numbered Level Shift images:


I just want to close this off with a massive thank you to @Cobalt Arachne (And their brother for the music) for all the work he has put into this passion project! It is such a great addition to the game and helps make City of Heroes Homecoming a great game to play!

Also a massive thanks to @Glacier Peak for all the helpful information!





Summer Blockbuster - 20 Minutes


Summer Blockbuster is a short 4 person Trial that can be done from level 15+, it is hidden away under the "Holiday" tab of LFG as it is meant to just be for summer, but it seems that Summer never ends on City of Heroes! It is split into 2 sections, the Heist which has minimal combat, and the Gladiators which is all combat. These are not always in the same order as sometimes you will get the Heist first, sometimes you will get the Gladiators first 🙂

Pre Trial Hints
Not too much to prep for here, having a good tank for the Gladiators can help a bit but overall as long as people can follow instructions you should have this in the bag!

Phase 1 - Heist
For the Heist Mission, each player will have to select a cardboard cutout of the role they want to be for the Heist, they do range slightly in difficulty so it might be worth letting the newer people pick the easier roles, the difficulties are from easiest to hardest (In my opinion):

Grifter - Just talking so click the right buttons and easy.
Hitter - A bit of hitting along side talking, still easy.
Thief - A stage where you avoid lasers, can be a bit tricker.
Hacker - Have to do it sneaky (You do get a power for this)

Once you have all selected a role and entered the door a cutscene will play out and then the first act will begin where each role will need to do the following:

Hitter: You need to click all 4 generators to destroy them, after that go kill the guards near the Hacker.
Hacker: You need to click on the 3 computer terminals to compromise them, you must do this before combat by using the power "Hacker's Stealth"
Grifter: You need to speak to Sylvia Rexson and use the follow chat options: Flirt - Crass - Crass.
Thief: You need to search through the desk and cabinets in the security office for four items.

Once you have all done that or the timer runs out, you will be teleported back to the warehouse where you kill 20 guards and the a boss. After they are dead another cutscene will play and each role will now need to do the following:

Hitter: You must speak to the Disheveled Drifter and teach him how to cheat, just pick every top option.
Hacker: You must again click on 3 computer terminals to disable them, you must do this before combat by using the power 'Hacker's Stealth'.
Grifter: You must speak with Mr. DuBios and choose the bottom choice each time for quick completion.
Thief: You must click a vent in the wall to start,  then navigate a hallway full of Laser Traps to reach the vault and click its control panel

Then once again if you have finished all your jobs or the timer runs out you will teleport back to the warehouse, kill 20 more mobs, then kill TWO bosses! After they are dead the Heist is complete!

Phase 2 - Gladiators
The Gladiator Arena is a series of boss fights with a wave clear in-between, on random one of you will get a temp power that must be used ASAP to build favour, the order of bosses is always the same and goes:

Cornutus the Minotaur: For the first boss you need to kill him and not his adds, so focus all your attacks on him

Wave Clear: Huddle up together and clear as many mobs as you can, there is no limit here but it's done on a timer.

Frank Hunnerd Yard McCain: For the second boss you need to kill him and his final dog at the same time, so make sure to balance the the health bars of Frank Hunnerd Yard McCain and Killer. (He will spawn with 3 weaker dogs that you need to kill to summon Killer)

Wave Clear: Huddle up together and clear as many mobs as you can, there is no limit here but it's done on a timer.

For the third boss there is no badge, however try to kill both of the first two mobs at the same time to make the fight easier 🙂

The God Champion: For the Final boss you need to focus on him and ignore the adds until he goes down, so focus all your attacks on The God Champion!

Once they are all dead you have finished the Gladiator Arena!

If all went well you should have a hefty amount of new badges! It is important to note you don't need to do each role perfectly yourself for the heist section, as long as someone on your team does that role perfectly you get the badge for it! Oh and make sure to pick Overwhelming Force for the reward as it sells for the most! ❤️

Abandoned Sewer Trial - 25 Minutes - Coming soon



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Pre Trial Hints

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Phase 1 - Hunt


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Phase 2 - Descent

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Phase 3 - Hydra

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Prisoners of Eden - 15 Minutes - Coming soon



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Pre Trial Hints

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Phase 1 - Hunt

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Phase 2 - Traverse

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Phase 3 - Titan

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Cathedral of Pain - 10 Minutes - Coming soon



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Pre Trial Hints

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Phase 1 - Pillars

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Phase 2 - Rularuu

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Incarnate Trials - Coming soon



Magisterium - WORK IN PROGRESS
Dilemma Diabolique



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Pre Trial Hints

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Phase 1 - Spines

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Phase 2 - Sentinel

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Phase 3 - Inside Mot

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Phase 4 - Diabolique

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Minds of Mayhem - WORK IN PROGRESS



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Pre Trial Hints

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Phase 1 - First Floor

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Phase 2 - First AV

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Phase 3 - Crystals

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Phase 4 - Second AV

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Phase 5 - Bombs

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Phase 6 - Final Boss

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Behavioural Adjustment Facility



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Pre Trial Hints

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Phase 1 - Initial Clear

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Phase 2 - Camping

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Phase 3/4 - Split

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Trick or Treat - Halloween



Trick or Treat (ToT for short) is essentially a great farm for XP and if you are wanting to swap alts every half an hour it's a great farm for Aether too! This is super easy to run and is incredibly rewarding though I would suggest bringing a pet class so your pet can hurt mobs whilst you sort out league issues (Or bring a HVAS from the RWZ who will last the entire event unless either of you die)

GMs (Jack In Irons or Eochai) will also spawn around the map if you have people wanting extra reward merits (Each one is worth 6 Reward Merits)

I would highly suggest running this in Kallisti Wharf 
due to less lag and not competing with mission teams 💛


Pre event hints

The big issue I find with leading a ToT is team leads for the other teams, as you want to have a 50 always leading the other teams otherwise some people are de-leveled and weaker (Not good). My advice from this is either have people you know be the other team leads as they will be more reliable then randoms, or making sure to message the other level 50 team leads to remind them to promote another 50 before they leave (There is an option for this in the pop menu).



Two main roles here and both will require the Incandescence Destiny Incarnate (Even tier 1) They are the Anchors and the Scouts. Anchors stay at the main ToT doors and incan people back once the GM is down (Easy job and I suggest the leader be one of these) The other job is the Scouts, who will scout the map looking for different GM spawns and then incanning the league to the GM, killing both the GM and the mobs that are around it and then letting the Anchor know they're dead to teleport the league back.


Main event - Trick or Treating

For 95% of people their job will be clicking the doors around the meeting point listed below, there are 4 sets of double doors and each side of a double door counts as a separate "door", each individual door has a 1 minute cooldown on clicking it and an overall 10 second cooldown between all doors, so it would look something like this: Click first door - Wait 10 seconds as you kill - Click second door etc.

Anchor Point (Where I am on the map below): [5501.0 69.6 4153.2]

If you have any Scouts they won't be click doors by flying between the following Red Dots searching for GMs (This is for Kallisti Wharf)



Eventually you will see a message in the alerts channel saying:

"WARNING: Supernatural activity detected in Kallisti Wharf."

Once you see that message that means the small banner event will be spawning soon in the zone. Very simple to do, you split up the teams to go to each of the 4 banners (Blue - Green - Red - Purple) and once mobs spawn you will kill enough within the aura of the banner until you are able to attack it. Once you can attack it you want to incan the league to 1 banner and work your way destroying them in the most convenient order (Their spawn points are random so not set optimal route).

After all 4 banners are down the "Greater Mystic Aspect" will spawn somewhere on the map and the only way to locate them is to look at your navigation bar and move in a direction that lowers the distance to it, once you find it incan the league there - Kill it with ease - And go back to the normal Trick or Treat



Trick or Treat is a nice and easy XP farm that anyone can run during the Halloween event! So enjoy it while you can! 💛

 Nemesis Wedding - Spring Fling



Nemesis Wedding event is a CRAZY amount of XP and when you know what you are doing it's super easy to run back and forth, I do advise you have a solid tank to hold the agro of some of the Heroes/Villains since some of them have nasty cones. Apart from that it is easy to run if you ask your team to target through you and you following the following priority listing 💛

You will need to of done the Blue and Red wedding versions first before being able to select the Nemesis option, but those are incredibly easy to do so if you need to run them quickly before hand it will take around 5 minutes.


Pre event hints

I would suggest swapping to Rogue/Red side for this as that is how the tactics is set up mainly, however I will include in brackets which Hero/Villain would replace them at that part if you are Vig/Blue side.

Having a reliable person on tank that is able to position the enemies well is the only main key thing you want, saying that I will explain the positing the tank wants to do during the explanation of the event, I would also advise you use the following targeting bind to help with the priority listing:

/bind Tab "targetcustomnext enemy alive$$targetcustomnext enemy alive Statesman$$targetcustomnext enemy alive Recluse$$targetcustomnext enemy alive Scorpion$$targetcustomnext enemy alive Synapse$$targetcustomnext enemy alive Positron"



Two main roles for this event, Tank and Lead, you can do both if you are playing a Tank but you will want both of those to make this smooth and easy.

Tank - Try to hold as many of the Heros/Villains as you can, with focus towards keeping Lord Recluse facing away from the team, and trying to not gather too close to Ghost Widow (Sister Psyche/Manticore if you are leading on Blue side)

Lead - You want people targeting through you so it's good to know the order in which to kill and if any of the enemies have special mechanics that are listed below in the main event.


Main event - Wedding Crashing

Gather everyone to the right of the pool if you are facing the NPCs and get any pets/lores out and apply buffs/destinies. When the lead is ready you can go speak to Positron and start the Nemesis event, I would highly advise teleporting back to the team once you start it otherwise it's going to hurt!

Once the event has started, the Tank will want to stand between the party and the enemies to grab as many as they can for aggro, whilst the Lead will want to start focusing the priority list, ideally killing both Positron and Synapse before the Villains spawn, then Black Scorpion and Recluse, before killing the rest of the heroes first ideally (Kill the villains first if you are Vig/Blue).

If Ghost Widow (Sister Psyche/Manticore if you are Vig/Blue) starts to get low try to kill the enemies away from them so they "hopefully" don't die too soon. Apart from that, that is the event done for a TON of xp! Below is a list of the enemies that might have something worthy to be aware of so you can focus them if you need to:

Positron - A lot of Debuffs, always kill first if possible
Synapse - Does a nasty -end attack which can lead to wipes
Black Scorpion - Taunts the team, not a threat but makes it impossible for the Tank to grab aggro of others if taunted
Recluse - SUPER nasty cone attack, make sure to face away from team
Numina - Heals for the team, if you are low on damage kill her after Recluse
Statesman - Annoying T9 that will make him nigh un-killable, best to wait for it to expire then burst him down
Ghost Widow - Powerful hold which can prevent the Tank from getting agro (Plus @Widower is a big ol meanie)

The reason we leave Ghost Widow to last is because she tends to stay at range and has a heal around her as part of her attacks, making her more likely to survive. If you are Vig/Blue then we leave Manticore and Sister Psyche till last as they are both ranged and not very intimidating, plus it's romantic for the Bride and Groom to die after all their friends 🙂



Congratulations! You now know how to run a super amazing XP farm that can be done with a solid team of 6 if needed allowing you to boost 2 toons up at crazy speeds, or to help with incarnates and veteran levels! I would also suggest running the weaker Blue/Red side version daily for the enhancement and a super easy couple of mil 💛


Edited by Laucianna
Added a section for the Nemesis Wedding event
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❤️ Kheldian Guide ❤️

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Friendly reminder that no matter what anyone or anything is saying, you ARE loved AND valued in life no matter what.


Not bad, but I would've like to have seen a "42" in there some where. Maybe something about Dolphins or an intergalactic highway (Kheldian-types need roads?). Then again, at least you didn't ask a Vogon to read poetry.


But seriously, thank you for assembling the popup menu! 

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2 minutes ago, Glacier Peak said:

Not bad, but I would've like to have seen a "42" in there some where. Maybe something about Dolphins or an intergalactic highway (Kheldian-types need roads?). Then again, at least you didn't ask a Vogon to read poetry.


But seriously, thank you for assembling the popup menu! 

Guide is far from finished so plenty of time to add more references 😜

❤️ Kheldian Guide ❤️

🎖️ Friday Fashion Contest 🎖️

🗒️Character Wiki🗒️
Friendly reminder that no matter what anyone or anything is saying, you ARE loved AND valued in life no matter what.



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OG Server: Pinnacle  <||>  Current Primary Server: Torchbearer  ||  Also found on the others if desired  <||> Generally Inactive

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  • 2 weeks later
Posted (edited)


I was going to type up a guide, but you beat me to it!


For completions sake, after the 9/14/24 beta update there's a new mini-raid in the Labyrinth of Fog.


Font of Malevolence Door:  [-4274.4 -475.5 2281.2]


Upon entering, it is a circular room with pillars and a central dais. EBs will spawn as NON-THREATENING initially on a multi-color paneled platform in the center. There is auto-damage water on the far outside of the circle, but lots of safe space and pillars to break line of sight and move around during battles. There is also a periodically moving +regen AOE buff called Mythic Fog that rotates around the outer ring of the circle. This will also ANCHOR you, see below.


After enough EBs are killed (amount is TBD). Steam will erupt from the center of the room dealing more very high auto-damage. Eventually, the "Avatar of Achyls" (a GM) will spawn. Similar to the Minotaur, EBs around need to be killed first before you can fully kill him. There is also a "Lair Action" where bold red wording will appear in a prompt to break line of sight with the center of the room during this fight. If you do not, it will suck you into the center steam bath and auto-hit kill you. Though I didn't fully test it, I assume being ANCHORED prevents "the suck". 


LEVEL SHIFTS ARE ACTIVE, but EB kills here do not affect level shifts.


After killing him, you are awarded the vanity pet Mini Avatar of Achyls.

Avatar of Achlys.png

Font of Mal 2.png

Edited by Final Overlord
Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Final Overlord said:


I was going to type up a guide, but you beat me to it!


For completions sake, after the 9/14/24 beta update there's a new mini-raid in the Labyrinth of Fog.


Font of Malevolence Door:  [-4274.4 -475.5 2281.2]


Upon entering, it is a circular room with pillars and a central dais. EBs will spawn as NON-THREATENING initially on a multi-color paneled platform in the center. There is auto-damage water on the far outside of the circle, but lots of safe space and pillars to break line of sight and move around during battles. There is also a periodically moving +regen AOE buff called Mythic Fog that rotates around the outer ring of the circle. This will also ANCHOR you, see below.


After enough EBs are killed (amount is TBD). Steam will erupt from the center of the room dealing more very high auto-damage. Eventually, the "Avatar of Achyls" (a GM) will spawn. Similar to the Minotaur, EBs around need to be killed first before you can fully kill him. There is also a "Lair Action" where bold red wording will appear in a prompt to break line of sight with the center of the room during this fight. If you do not, it will suck you into the center steam bath and auto-hit kill you. Though I didn't fully test it, I assume being ANCHORED prevents "the suck". 


LEVEL SHIFTS ARE ACTIVE, but EB kills here do not affect level shifts.


After killing him, you are awarded the vanity pet Mini Avatar of Achyls.

Avatar of Achlys.png

Font of Mal 2.png

This isn't in the game yet is it? Or have I been a silly goose and missed the patch 😄 Also you are a god send in finding all these secret locations!

Edited by Laucianna

❤️ Kheldian Guide ❤️

🎖️ Friday Fashion Contest 🎖️

🗒️Character Wiki🗒️
Friendly reminder that no matter what anyone or anything is saying, you ARE loved AND valued in life no matter what.

Posted (edited)
On 9/15/2024 at 3:24 AM, Laucianna said:

This isn't in the game yet is it? Or have I been a silly goose and missed the patch 😄 Also you are a god send in finding all these secret locations!

Correct, it's in the beta patch from yesterday. There also appears to be a cooldown timer on spawning the Avatar of Achyls. It's at least >2 hours and 2 mino respawn/kills.


I re-ran this today. Somewhere between 2 and 12 hours is the downtime timer for the Avatar. So in addition to this information:

On 9/14/2024 at 7:28 PM, Final Overlord said:


I was going to type up a guide, but you beat me to it!


For completions sake, after the 9/14/24 beta update there's a new mini-raid in the Labyrinth of Fog.


Font of Malevolence Door:  [-4274.4 -475.5 2281.2]


Upon entering, it is a circular room with pillars and a central dais. EBs will spawn as NON-THREATENING initially on a multi-color paneled platform in the center. There is auto-damage water on the far outside of the circle, but lots of safe space and pillars to break line of sight and move around during battles. There is also a periodically moving +regen AOE buff called Mythic Fog that rotates around the outer ring of the circle. This will also ANCHOR you, see below.


After enough EBs are killed (amount is TBD). Steam will erupt from the center of the room dealing more very high auto-damage. Eventually, the "Avatar of Achyls" (a GM) will spawn. Similar to the Minotaur, EBs around need to be killed first before you can fully kill him. There is also a "Lair Action" where bold red wording will appear in a prompt to break line of sight with the center of the room during this fight. If you do not, it will suck you into the center steam bath and auto-hit kill you. Though I didn't fully test it, I assume being ANCHORED prevents "the suck". 


LEVEL SHIFTS ARE ACTIVE, but EB kills here do not affect level shifts.


After killing him, you are awarded the vanity pet Mini Avatar of Achyls.

Here are the mechanics.


1. If you enter the Font of Malevolence and there's a BIG steam stack (see comparison below for big vs. small), the Avatar of Achyls can be summoned by defeating 5 spawns worth of EBs. If it is a smaller steam stack he cannot be summoned because he has been defeated too recently. You will get the following on-screen prompts if he is able to be summoned:

- 1 group of EBs defeated: The Polluted Fog Begins to Stir

- 2 groups of EBs defeated: The Polluted Fog Grows Thick

- 3 groups of EBs defeated: The Polluted Fog Begins to Pool

- 4 groups of EBs defeated: The Polluted Fog Swells in Strength

- 5 groups of EBs defeated: An Unholy Monstrosity Emerges From the Font of Malevolence!


2. There are two arena-wide mechanics in the fight to be aware of, both of which are avoidable by either staying in the radius of a Mythic Fog and have the Anchored condition, or by breaking line of sight by hiding behind a pillar.

- Malevolence Begins to Build in the Avatar!

                 - When this alert pops up, the Avatar will teleport any creature (enemy EBs included) next to it and perform a Void Judgement style attack.

- The Font of Malevolence Surges! Break Line of Sight With The Center! (warning #1)

                 - When this alert pops up, a giant skull will appear in the center steam stack and give about 5 seconds of warning. 

                 - This seems to only activate once the Avatar is below 50% health, but it will re-trigger multiple times once the Avatar is <50% regardless of health

- The Font Pulls All Exposed To Their Doom! (warning #2)

                 - This is when the forced movement towards the center starts. It will CONTINUE until the final on-screen prompt, so do not leave anchor or enter LoS.

- The Font of Malevolence's Pull Abates. (grey text)

                 - This is when the forced movement actually stops. Again, don't leave early.



3. Of note, EBs do continually spawn during this fight. A few notes that will probably be helpful for live runs:

- The Avatar doesn't have crazy regeneration. So entirely leaving the Font to regroup, buff, and re-enter isn't a bad strategy if things get ugly.

- Rularuu EBs can spawn that may bubble your taunter, so multiple melee capable of controlling aggro would be a good idea.

- The Mythic Fog CAN be destroyed by enemy damage, ridding the league of its AOE regeneration and Anchoring ability. It is not very strong, so it can go down quickly. However, it will respawn every 120 seconds in a new location. If it hasn't been killed, it will just change location every 120 seconds. The location will always be in the outer ring outside of the columns.

- There is irresistible, auto-hit damage in the water (farthest outside) and in the very center in the steam. Those areas must be avoided.

- General strategy would seem to be for melee/taunters to fight just INSIDE the columns in the inner circle while DPS and support to stay within the Mythic Fog radius just OUTSIDE the columns. This would maximize Mythic Fog and control adds the best.


4. Other news:

- If the Minotaur is alive, there will be a box in front of the door to the Font of Malevolence. It will give you a dialogue box if you click on it to indicate that it is the right place. Once the Minotaur dies, the box will disappear. Once the Minotaur respawns, if you're in the Font of Malevolence you'll be TP'd back to the lobby.

- There currently doesn't seem to be a way out other than using the zone temporary powers to TP to the core, lobby, or another player. This is likely to prevent players from popping out of the fight to save themselves, heal, then re-enter, but I can see potential to still cheese this and TP to the lobby or core and then Follow Through Fog back into the fray for a savvy player. This may also come into play if the Font is being "farmed" for the full hour in-between Minotaur spawns so that players can take a quick break and return, or new players join in.

- Auction House is accessible inside the Font of Malevolence (currently). Do with that what you will.

- There are a LOT of Gladiator in the Fog spawns in the EB waves. This will greatly ease the ability to get the Mini Benefactor Pet, as well as multiple hunting badges (Fake Nem, Master Illusionist, etc.). It is not uncommon to get 2 or even 3 spawns of EBs leading to 20+ at a time, so this really should be an area handled by either 2 excellent teams or at least 3 general public teams.

- I put a picture of Uncle Touchy AKA the Avatar of Achyls. A Mythic Font is the glowing orb between he and I.





Font big Steam.png

Font small steam.png

Edited by Final Overlord
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Screwed around a bit more in the Lab today.

Looks like you the timer is longer than an hour for the Avatar.

I checked by defeating the Mino, heading to the Font of Malevolence and defeating the Avatar.

Then wasted time for an hour for next Mino

Defeated Mino and headed back to the Font.

For that run, did not see the fog build or anything.  Got dinner, came back, saw the Mino had respawned.

Defeated Mino, headed to Font, and after defeating three groups, Avatar spawned.

First defeat was at 3pm and second was at 4:52pm.   So, less than two hours, but more than one?


EB Spawns in the font respawn ~25 seconds after last mob is defeated.  (Not counting summoned, such as Decoy Phantoms or Gears)


Currently the Font Gladiators in the Fog don't give much XP or inf.  Not sure why, but I did  report that

On 9/15/2024 at 4:43 PM, Final Overlord said:

Correct, it's in the beta patch from yesterday. There also appears to be a cooldown timer on spawning the Avatar of Achyls. It's at least >2 hours and 2 mino respawn/kills.


I re-ran this today. Somewhere between 2 and 12 hours is the downtime timer for the Avatar. So in addition to this information:

Here are the mechanics.


1. If you enter the Font of Malevolence and there's a BIG steam stack (reaching up higher than the columns), the Avatar of Achyls can be summoned by defeating 5 spawns worth of EBs. If it is a smaller steam stack such as in both my and @lemming's screenshots, he cannot be summoned because he has been defeated too recently. You will get the following on-screen prompts if he is able to be summoned:

- 1 group of EBs defeated: The Polluted Fog Begins to Stir

- 2 groups of EBs defeated: The Polluted Fog Grows Thick

- 3 groups of EBs defeated: The Polluted Fog Begins to Pool

- 4 groups of EBs defeated: The Polluted Fog Swells in Strength

- 5 groups of EBs defeated: A Giant Monster Emerges From The Fog!


2. There are two arena-wide mechanics in the fight to be aware of, both of which are avoidable by either staying in the radius of a Mythic Fog and have the Anchored condition, or by breaking line of sight by hiding behind a pillar.

- Malevolence Begins to Build (?in the Avatar?)!

                 - When this alert pops up, the Avatar will teleport any creature (enemy EBs included) next to it and perform a Void Judgement style attack.

- The Malevolent Font (?beings to swell?)!

                 - When this alert pops up, a giant skull will appear in the center steam stack and suck players into the center doing auto-hit damage.


3. Of note, EBs do continually spawn during this fight. A few notes that will probably be helpful for live runs:

- Rularuu EBs can spawn that may bubble your taunter, so multiple melee capable of controlling aggro would be a good idea.

- The Mythic Fog CAN be destroyed by enemy damage, ridding the league of its AOE regeneration and Anchoring ability. It is not very strong, so it can go down quickly. However, it will respawn every 120 seconds in a new location. If it hasn't been killed, it will just change location every 120 seconds. The location will always be in the outer ring outside of the columns.

- There is irresistible, auto-hit damage in the water (farthest outside) and in the very center in the steam. Those areas must be avoided.

- General strategy would seem to be for melee/taunters to fight just INSIDE the columns in the inner circle while DPS and support to stay within the Mythic Fog radius just OUTSIDE the columns. This would maximize Mythic Fog and control adds the best.


4. Other news:

- If the Minotaur is alive, there will be a box in front of the door to the Font of Malevolence. It will give you a dialogue box if you click on it to indicate that it is the right place. Once the Minotaur dies, the box will disappear. Once the Minotaur respawns, if you're in the Font of Malevolence you'll be TP'd back to the lobby.

- There currently doesn't seem to be a way out other than using the zone temporary powers to TP to the core, lobby, or another player. This is likely to prevent players from popping out of the fight to save themselves, heal, then re-enter, but I can see potential to still cheese this and TP to the lobby or core and then Follow Through Fog back into the fray for a savvy player. This may also come into play if the Font is being "farmed" for the full hour in-between Minotaur spawns so that players can take a quick break and return, or new players join in.

- Auction House is accessible inside the Font of Malevolence (currently). Do with that what you will.

- There are a LOT of Gladiator in the Fog spawns in the EB waves. This will greatly ease the ability to get the Mini Benefactor Pet, as well as multiple hunting badges (Fake Nem, Master Illusionist, etc.). It is not uncommon to get 2 or even 3 spawns of EBs leading to 20+ at a time, so this really should be an area handled by either 2 excellent teams or at least 3 general public teams.

- I put a picture of Uncle Touchy AKA the Avatar of Achyls. A Mythic Font is the glowing orb between he and I.




Avatar of Achyls.png

Have I mentioned how much of a god send you are for information! 💛 Once it goes live I will update the guide with a lot of this! Also totally using that name for him now 😄 "Uncle Touchy"!

❤️ Kheldian Guide ❤️

🎖️ Friday Fashion Contest 🎖️

🗒️Character Wiki🗒️
Friendly reminder that no matter what anyone or anything is saying, you ARE loved AND valued in life no matter what.

16 hours ago, Laucianna said:

Have I mentioned how much of a god send you are for information! 💛 Once it goes live I will update the guide with a lot of this! Also totally using that name for him now 😄 "Uncle Touchy"!

I've edited my previous post a tiny bit after fully messing with the mechanics and getting the correct dialogue quotes.

  • Like 1
On 8/25/2024 at 8:40 PM, Laucianna said:

your teammate might be a older person who only gets an hour or two to play a day

Hey, some of us resemble that remark!!!  


Thanks for posting the info Lauci!

  • Haha 1


Mostly on Torch and Ex

46 minutes ago, COH Radgen said:

Hey, some of us resemble that remark!!!  


Thanks for posting the info Lauci!

No worries hun! ❤️ Still far from done but I am getting through it bit by bit!

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Friendly reminder that no matter what anyone or anything is saying, you ARE loved AND valued in life no matter what.


So, I have the /loc for the "Murder room", but thus far, I've only ever used Follow through the fog, or been incan'd there. When I use the /loc from inside the arena where the mino was clobbered, the way point directs me to a path - but I get the message that I can't enter. 

Is there something simple that I need to do? Is there some pre-requisite to get there? 


Just a bit ago, we clobbered the mino, but nobody knew how to get to the murder room. Seems like it has to be somewhat simple as it usually only takes about 90 seconds to get there after the mino is downed. 

3 hours ago, Ukase said:

So, I have the /loc for the "Murder room", but thus far, I've only ever used Follow through the fog, or been incan'd there. When I use the /loc from inside the arena where the mino was clobbered, the way point directs me to a path - but I get the message that I can't enter. 

Is there something simple that I need to do? Is there some pre-requisite to get there? 


Just a bit ago, we clobbered the mino, but nobody knew how to get to the murder room. Seems like it has to be somewhat simple as it usually only takes about 90 seconds to get there after the mino is downed. 

So the room is blocked off with a crate whilst the Mino is alive to make it EXTRA hidden 😄 The route I go once the Mino is down is: Core - Orange portal - Continue to click the door you came out of (I think 6 times) until you end up in the Orange Council caves - Follow the thumbtack and bam you are there!

  • Thanks 1

❤️ Kheldian Guide ❤️

🎖️ Friday Fashion Contest 🎖️

🗒️Character Wiki🗒️
Friendly reminder that no matter what anyone or anything is saying, you ARE loved AND valued in life no matter what.

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