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Halloween Elite Bosses.


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21 minutes ago, Ultimo said:

The bots were above him.  I don't know just how far, they were above ME as well.  My usual tactic with this character is to use Air Superiority to knock him down, while the bots blast from a distance away.


So you went straight to the EB with your henches on Follow, dragging them into the PBAoEs, paid no attention to your buff bar icons, or your henches' buff bar icons, or the Dark Servant text above the inky blob, or the enemy's animations or graphics, and proceeded to spam a melee attack.


For 15 minutes, according to you.


That EB didn't beat you.  You beat yourself.  Again.  Hopkins 2.0.  And it's the game's fault.  Again.  Because why shouldn't it be?  You did absolutely everything wrong that could be done wrong, the game's clearly to blame for that because it failed to adapt to you.  It's had 20 years to learn how to let you win and hasn't done it yet, what else can be done other than nerfing everything?


47 minutes ago, Ultimo said:

What if it was a Tanker?  He HAS to be in melee range. I guess he's just not expected to ever hit him or damage him?


Not if all you do is stand there spamming Air Superiority.


1 hour ago, Ultimo said:

What about the Crone Matriarch, with her oneshot ranged attacks, or the flying Spectral Werewolf?  There's more than the Vampire needing looked at.


The crone's never one-shot, or three-shot, or even six-shot any of my characters.  She's a one-trick pony that can only defeat you if you let her drain your endurance bar.  The werewolf's no stronger than the crone, the floating framerate destroyer flies away more often than it fights and the vampire's a pushover once you drop the pet.  The mummy's the only one that's dangerous, and it's only dangerous if you're trying to facetank it with an unprepared character.  Its only ranged powers are debuffs.  Don't stand there spamming a shitty low damage attack and letting it hit you and it can't even hurt you.


I know that's your standard approach to fighting everything from level 4 minions to AVs, but not handing your ass to the enemy on a silver platter tends to be more effective.  Try it.

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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1 hour ago, Luminara said:


So you went straight to the EB with your henches on Follow, dragging them into the PBAoEs, paid no attention to your buff bar icons, or your henches' buff bar icons, or the Dark Servant text above the inky blob, or the enemy's animations or graphics, and proceeded to spam a melee attack.


For 15 minutes, according to you.


That EB didn't beat you.  You beat yourself.  Again.  Hopkins 2.0.  And it's the game's fault.  Again.  Because why shouldn't it be?  You did absolutely everything wrong that could be done wrong, the game's clearly to blame for that because it failed to adapt to you.  It's had 20 years to learn how to let you win and hasn't done it yet, what else can be done other than nerfing everything?



Not if all you do is stand there spamming Air Superiority.



The crone's never one-shot, or three-shot, or even six-shot any of my characters.  She's a one-trick pony that can only defeat you if you let her drain your endurance bar.  The werewolf's no stronger than the crone, the floating framerate destroyer flies away more often than it fights and the vampire's a pushover once you drop the pet.  The mummy's the only one that's dangerous, and it's only dangerous if you're trying to facetank it with an unprepared character.  Its only ranged powers are debuffs.  Don't stand there spamming a shitty low damage attack and letting it hit you and it can't even hurt you.


I know that's your standard approach to fighting everything from level 4 minions to AVs, but not handing your ass to the enemy on a silver platter tends to be more effective.  Try it.

You seem to have some kind of obsession, you keep arguing about other threads.  Let me give you a different example.

I have a Brute, he's L39, Super Strength and Willpower.  He knocked on a door and got the EB Vampire.  So, how is HE supposed to fight the thing?  The Vampire took him out in 2 hits, and the Brute did almost nothing with the one hit he did land.  The first hit did about 2/3 of the Brute's health, and the second finished him off.  A Dominator or Blaster or any other character would have been defeated just as fast, except that instead of 1/3 health, they'd have 1 health.  It's functionally the same thing.  Call it what you want.


I think the thing you're missing is that you're not the only one playing this game.  It's great for you if you're able to cakewalk through everything like it's not there, but not everyone can do that.  There's an awful lot of players at lower level trying to enjoy this content, and when one of these EBs pops up, it's just OVER.  There's no way to fight back, and often no way to escape.  To me, that bespeaks a problem.  If you're in a group, FINE.  If you're not, they shouldn't appear.  Either that, or they need to be toned down.  Clearly, you wouldn't like the latter, so that leaves the former.  All I'm saying is that something should be done.


To reiterate, I see three options.


1. Tone them down.  I don't know what would be involved with this, but they're currently just too strong for lower levels or squishy types.

2. Make it so they only spawn for groups.

3. Make it so they only spawn for characters at max level.

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Went ahead and tried out some ToT in bricks with my level 32 Robot/Traps MM.   I haven't slotted any enhancements, but did eat a few inspirations.


Setup a few things at the door such as acid & poison and started knocking.

The times with just minions and LTs, the robots tore thru them.

A Vampire Boss was a problem and killed a battle drone, but we just resummoned.

Got a Artisanal Mummy and it was a much tougher fight.   I think about six battle drones. two protector bots were whacked before we took his Decaf soymilk nonfat mocha latte with sugar-free hazelnut syrup and got 10% of a level from it.

Took almost five minutes for the fight against him.


I was actually surprised I beat him.  He even did an uppercut on me once and it was 200 toxic and 300 smashing of my 600 hp.   So scary, but apparently my base def was enough that he did miss a lot of his attacks.  128 misses vs 32 hits.  Only five of those hits were on me.


I think if I had enhancements, etc... wouldn't have been as close.  Not sure if I want to take the time for another test.   I know with most of my chars that can't take on the EBs, I tend to hang out where I can run them to a drone.

Edited by lemming
Looked up time it took
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30 minutes ago, lemming said:

Went ahead and tried out some ToT in bricks with my level 32 Robot/Traps MM.   I haven't slotted any enhancements, but did eat a few inspirations.


Setup a few things at the door such as acid & poison and started knocking.

The times with just minions and LTs, the robots tore thru them.

A Vampire Boss was a problem and killed a battle drone, but we just resummoned.

Got a Artisanal Mummy and it was a much tougher fight.   I think about six battle drones. two protector bots were whacked before we took his Decaf soymilk nonfat mocha latte with sugar-free hazelnut syrup and got 10% of a level from it.

Took almost five minutes for the fight against him.


I was actually surprised I beat him.  He even did an uppercut on me once and it was 200 toxic and 300 smashing of my 600 hp.   So scary, but apparently my base def was enough that he did miss a lot of his attacks.  128 misses vs 32 hits.  Only five of those hits were on me.


I think if I had enhancements, etc... wouldn't have been as close.  Not sure if I want to take the time for another test.   I know with most of my chars that can't take on the EBs, I tend to hang out where I can run them to a drone.

Honestly, the mummies have been the easiest to handle (and they look pretty nifty too).  The Vampire has been the biggest problem, and the Werewolf after that.  The Crone I haven't seen often, and I've more or less just started running away from them all the time (kind of defeats the purpose of them being there, but that's kind of my point).  The Mummy was most easily handled with some range, since he seems to lack any ranged powers of his own.

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7 minutes ago, Ultimo said:

You seem to have some kind of obsession, you keep arguing about other threads.

I referenced other threads once.  In order to "keep arguing about other threads", I would have to bring them up more than once.


27 minutes ago, Ultimo said:

I have a Brute, he's L39, Super Strength and Willpower.  He knocked on a door and got the EB Vampire.  So, how is HE supposed to fight the thing?  The Vampire took him out in 2 hits, and the Brute did almost nothing with the one hit he did land.  The first hit did about 2/3 of the Brute's health, and the second finished him off.


Heightened Senses with 3x Defense SOs and Rise to the Challenge's base 3.75% -ToHit would have reduced the EB's hit chances by ~19%, even if you had no other Defense power, like Combat Jumping, Stealth or Weave, giving it a net 31% chance to hit with any of its attacks.


Mind over Body would have reduced the damage you would've taken from his melee attacks by ~32% with 3x Resistance SOs.


High Pain Tolerance bumped you to ~1600 HP at level 39 (presuming HPT was not slotted with a Heal SO), and Fast Healing and Rise to the Challenge slotted with 3x +0 Heal SOs, plus a single SO in Health, gave you 543% Regeneration, reducing the time between HP pulses to 2.21s, and that's assuming the vamp was the only enemy inside Rise to the Challenge's PBAoE.


And all of that is assuming you skipped Strength of Will, which, if slotted with three Resistance SOs, would've made the hits into tickles.


At level 39, all of those powers were available and you had the slots to enhance them.  So if that EB beat you in two hits, it's because you either didn't take your damage mitigation powers, didn't slot your damage mitigation powers or weren't running your damage mitigation powers.  I know that because I play Willpower on a brute, a scrapper and a sentinel.  I earned all five of the EB badges on all of those Willpower characters, solo.  I used the Hallowe'en EBs to level my KM/Willpower scrapper from 42 to 50 and wasn't defeated a single time.  I know exactly what Willpower is capable of, and it's weaknesses.  The Ancient Vampire isn't something that could instagib a Willpower character.


I also play Super Strength.  There's a power in Super Strength that buffs you ToHit by 20%, it's called "Rage".  With Rage active, you could've backed up, Hurled at the Dark Servant, move forward and Foot Stomped, backed up and Hurled and gone to town on the EB.


Once again, you defeated yourself.  You built a concept character with half the best powers skipped or replaced by pool powers, underslotted what you did take and went running face-first at the EB, ignored the pet and ended up killing yourself through your own actions.


1 hour ago, Ultimo said:

A Dominator or Blaster or any other character would have been defeated just as fast, except that instead of 1/3 health, they'd have 1 health.  It's functionally the same thing.  Call it what you want.


The dominator or blaster or anyone playing with any sense would move away if they were on a squishy character and use their primary and secondary powers to deal with the situation.  So I'm going to call that bullshit, just like your 11k damage in one hit from Hopkins claim, and your two-shotted-on-a-Willpower-brute claim.


I have all of the badges on all of my dominators, my defender, my corruptor, both of my controllers, my Bots/Rad mastermind... yeah, it's not that hard to keep any of these alive by following their design.  You know, stuff like staying at range, using controls, pressing keys to move around, not facetanking.


1 hour ago, Ultimo said:

I think the thing you're missing is that you're not the only one playing this game.  It's great for you if you're able to cakewalk through everything like it's not there, but not everyone can do that.  There's an awful lot of players at lower level trying to enjoy this content, and when one of these EBs pops up, it's just OVER.  There's no way to fight back, and often no way to escape.


And strangely, the forums aren't flooded with an awful lot of players complaining about EBs one-shotting them, or not being able to fight back, or not being able to escape.  But that might be because that awful lot of players have the sense to move instead of taking an ass beating... to take their primary and secondary powers... to put slots in them... to put enhancements in those slots... to turn on their damage mitigation toggles... to use attacks that actually deal damage... to use inspirations when they're in trouble... to pay attention to what's happening and react instead of spamming Air Superiority...


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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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1 hour ago, Luminara said:

I referenced other threads once.  In order to "keep arguing about other threads", I would have to bring them up more than once.


You brought up several other threads in THAT thread too.


1 hour ago, Luminara said:

Heightened Senses with 3x Defense SOs and Rise to the Challenge's base 3.75% -ToHit would have reduced the EB's hit chances by ~19%, even if you had no other Defense power, like Combat Jumping, Stealth or Weave, giving it a net 31% chance to hit with any of its attacks.


Mind over Body would have reduced the damage you would've taken from his melee attacks by ~32% with 3x Resistance SOs.


High Pain Tolerance bumped you to ~1600 HP at level 39 (presuming HPT was not slotted with a Heal SO), and Fast Healing and Rise to the Challenge slotted with 3x +0 Heal SOs, plus a single SO in Health, gave you 543% Regeneration, reducing the time between HP pulses to 2.21s, and that's assuming the vamp was the only enemy inside Rise to the Challenge's PBAoE.


And all of that is assuming you skipped Strength of Will, which, if slotted with three Resistance SOs, would've made the hits into tickles.


At level 39, all of those powers were available and you had the slots to enhance them.  So if that EB beat you in two hits, it's because you either didn't take your damage mitigation powers, didn't slot your damage mitigation powers or weren't running your damage mitigation powers.  I know that because I play Willpower on a brute, a scrapper and a sentinel.  I earned all five of the EB badges on all of those Willpower characters, solo.  I used the Hallowe'en EBs to level my KM/Willpower scrapper from 42 to 50 and wasn't defeated a single time.  I know exactly what Willpower is capable of, and it's weaknesses.  The Ancient Vampire isn't something that could instagib a Willpower character.


I also play Super Strength.  There's a power in Super Strength that buffs you ToHit by 20%, it's called "Rage".  With Rage active, you could've backed up, Hurled at the Dark Servant, move forward and Foot Stomped, backed up and Hurled and gone to town on the EB.

You can post all the numbers you like, I'm never going to believe you over my own eyes.  The character is based on the Hulk, so he has all the defenses available and also has Rage.  I tend to build defensively, so everything would have been slotted, most likely fully so by that level.  And he was taken down in 2 hits.


1 hour ago, Luminara said:

Once again, you defeated yourself.  You built a concept character with half the best powers skipped or replaced by pool powers, underslotted what you did take and went running face-first at the EB, ignored the pet and ended up killing yourself through your own actions.

You're making assumptions again.  As I just said, the character had ALL the powers you mentioned.


1 hour ago, Luminara said:

The dominator or blaster or anyone playing with any sense would move away if they were on a squishy character and use their primary and secondary powers to deal with the situation.  So I'm going to call that bullshit, just like your 11k damage in one hit from Hopkins claim, and your two-shotted-on-a-Willpower-brute claim.


I have all of the badges on all of my dominators, my defender, my corruptor, both of my controllers, my Bots/Rad mastermind... yeah, it's not that hard to keep any of these alive by following their design.  You know, stuff like staying at range, using controls, pressing keys to move around, not facetanking.


You clearly missed the part where I mentioned that I DID try to move away, and was held, then dead.  There was no chance to do anything.  Again, because YOU were able to walk through this stuff with ease doesn't mean everyone can.

Staying at range isn't possible if you can't move.  Using controls isn't possible if you are held or terrorized, and won't work anyway, as these enemies are IMMUNE.  I wasn't TRYING to facetank anything, I had no opportunity to do anything at all.


1 hour ago, Luminara said:

And strangely, the forums aren't flooded with an awful lot of players complaining about EBs one-shotting them, or not being able to fight back, or not being able to escape.  But that might be because that awful lot of players have the sense to move instead of taking an ass beating... to take their primary and secondary powers... to put slots in them... to put enhancements in those slots... to turn on their damage mitigation toggles... to use attacks that actually deal damage... to use inspirations when they're in trouble... to pay attention to what's happening and react instead of spamming Air Superiority...

It might be because not everyone comes to the forums to post.  As I mentioned, I talked about it in chat and many people seemed to agree.  The comment, "they need a balance pass," was made by SOMEONE ELSE, not me, in the chat.  I said the same here, but only because it had been said there.

I'm sure there are some players who, like you, have no trouble with these EBs.  I'm equally sure there are many who DO.  I've heard from them in the chat in the game.  I suppose you'll tell me I didn't see that either, that the chat is a lie too, or something.


Frankly, I weary of your antagonistic, unproductive posts.  If you don't like what I post to discuss, don't read my threads.  If your goal is to get a rise out of me, that won't happen anymore.  I'm done responding to you.

Enjoy the game.

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5 minutes ago, Ultimo said:

You clearly missed the part where I mentioned that I DID try to move away, and was held, then dead. 

How was your Willpower character held by the Ancient Vampire? City of Data says the Ancient Vampire has a Mag 3 Hold and a Mag 3 Sleep. And Indomitable Will gives Mag 10.38 protection against both.

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1 minute ago, Rudra said:

How was your Willpower character held by the Ancient Vampire? City of Data says the Ancient Vampire has a Mag 3 Hold and a Mag 3 Sleep. And Indomitable Will gives Mag 10.38 protection against both.

The willpower guy wasn't, that's the Brute.  It was the Dominator and the Masterminds that suffered that fate.  The Masterminds (I have three) fared all right, because the bots took the brunt of the attacks until they could break free, but the Dominator was screwed.  I expect my other Squishy types would fare equally badly.  I have a Storm Defender who MIGHT do ok, if these guys are affected by Hurricane.  However, I don't know if the Defender would have the dps to defeat them.

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2 minutes ago, merrypessimist said:

The problem in all these posts Ultimo, remains you. 

Some relevant parts:


It’s the oldest rule on Wikipedia, and it does work: ASSUME GOOD WILL. 

What that means is that when someone makes a suggestion, assume that they do play the game, they enjoy it for the most part, and they want to help make it a better experience for everyone.  Keep those things in mind when you write a reply, or ask clarifying questions if a suggestion or parts of it are unclear to you.


You have the right to respond CONSTRUCTIVELY to an idea.

If you don’t like it, no problem.  Just say “I don’t like it”.  You don't have to say why if you don’t want to.  If you have a reason why you don’t like it, please tell us why.  Focus your response on the idea, not the person. 


And yes, there are times where Assume Good Faith fails.  If you suspect anyone who is in this camp after several attempts to ask questions to direct the conversation towards a productive discussion (e.g.: trolling, baiting, abusive posts, etc.) you don’t need to reply any further.  In fact, the less people who respond to such posts, the faster it fades in the forum as active and recent discussion will overtake it.  You can vote with silence, so to speak.  (This also works for “dead horses”.  Silence will make the thread fall in visibility.)


Keep in mind...


However, if you think an OP isn’t an idea worth discussing in the first place, you don’t need to reply.  If you wrote the OP, please remember that it's not your job to moderate your topic: if replies are off on a tangent, talk on topic.


-> I'll be doing this last thing from here on out.  Talk about the topic, or not at all, I'm not going to respond further to personal comments.

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9 hours ago, Ultimo said:

I opened a door, got an EB Vampire.  He held me BEFORE he was even out the door, then oneshotted me. 

This is a problem not limited to the Halloween EBs. You also see it in the Rikti zone raids and Nemesis invasions, where mobs teleporting in can attack you while being completely immune to being attacked — in the case of the Rikti and Nemesis, you get "Invalid Target" floaters and the attack fails to go off, while with the Halloween spawns your attack goes off, but you get the "Unaffected" floater over your target(s). In all of these cases, the salient point is that, while you can target them, you are unable to attack/damage them, while the converse is not true; they are able to attack and damage you the moment they appear, while you have to wait to be able to damage them.

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23 minutes ago, srmalloy said:

This is a problem not limited to the Halloween EBs. You also see it in the Rikti zone raids and Nemesis invasions, where mobs teleporting in can attack you while being completely immune to being attacked — in the case of the Rikti and Nemesis, you get "Invalid Target" floaters and the attack fails to go off, while with the Halloween spawns your attack goes off, but you get the "Unaffected" floater over your target(s). In all of these cases, the salient point is that, while you can target them, you are unable to attack/damage them, while the converse is not true; they are able to attack and damage you the moment they appear, while you have to wait to be able to damage them.

I've only seen that happen when there is a league present to tax the server. And if there is a league in the vicinity, then I would advise moving well away from it to avoid that problem.

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4 hours ago, Ultimo said:

I have a Brute, he's L39, Super Strength and Willpower.  He knocked on a door and got the EB Vampire.  So, how is HE supposed to fight the thing?  The Vampire took him out in 2 hits, and the Brute did almost nothing with the one hit he did land.  The first hit did about 2/3 of the Brute's health, and the second finished him off.  A Dominator or Blaster or any other character would have been defeated just as fast, except that instead of 1/3 health, they'd have 1 health.  It's functionally the same thing.  Call it what you want.

And it depends a lot on the character. I have an Elec/Elec/Elec Sentinel that I just took out on a round of the doors on an office building in NW Kallisti Wharf, and got three EB Vampires to verify what I remembered from last year; the only thing that makes the EBs different from the other mobs is that they're a sack of HP that takes longer to drop. They come out the door, and as soon as I see Lightning Field doing damage, they get their End taken away from them, and then it's just spanking them while I watch to see if any of them try to run. The Ancient Vampires spent virtually all of their time shaking from the shocks, and at 0 End the rest of their abilities are neutered.

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6 hours ago, Ultimo said:

-> I'll be doing this last thing from here on out.  Talk about the topic, or not at all, I'm not going to respond further to personal comments.

The Halloween ToT Elite Bosses are fine and do not need changed.


16 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

No from me. 

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12 hours ago, Ultimo said:

I tend to build defensively, so everything would have been slotted, most likely fully so by that level.

Would have been.  Most likely.  That's an ugly string of hypotheticals for an accurate, honest report of real events.  Are you sure you haven't "misremembered" something?


12 hours ago, Ultimo said:

As I just said, the character had ALL the powers you mentioned.


They're more effective if they're turned on.


12 hours ago, Ultimo said:

You clearly missed the part where I mentioned that I DID try to move away, and was held, then dead.  There was no chance to do anything.


I gave you 24 hours to own up.  Now we'll do it the other way.


Ancient Vampire's first action after spawning is always summoning Dark Servant.  Always.  Not Dominate, not Mesmerize, not Siphon Life, not Life Drain, not Smite, not Shadow Punch, not Chill of the Night, not Dull Pain, not Gloom.  When it's finished with the spawn animation, it immediately begins to summon Dark Servant, every time.


When any Hallowe'en enemies are spawned, they have a power which imposes Only Affect Self for 3s.  That's 3s during which they're incapable of acting against you.  Ancient Vampire is forced to spend 3.432s summoning Dark Servant as soon as Only Affect Self ends.  So that's 6.432s before the Ancient Vampire can use any other power.


You had 6.5 seconds to react to the EB being spawned.  In 6.5 seconds, a player character can run 184.28', with Swift unslotted and no other movement powers active, not even Sprint.  Even if you had waited until the EB started summoning Dark Servant before you ran, you would've been 97.3' away before he could've activated another power.  The range on Ancient Vampire's Dominate, for the record, is 80'.


In that same 6.5s, you could use every inspiration in your tray, manually, not with binds or keys, clicking with the mouse.  Domination's activation time is 1.32s, so you could've used that and still had 5s to spare.  You could've dropped a location AoE so it would affect the EB as soon as the 3s grace period ended.  You could've let your pet take the aggro.


So your claim that your dominator was instantly incapacitated without any time for you to respond is just another example of you "possibly misremembering" what actually happened.  Like that 15 minute long epic struggle to stay alive with your mastermind, during which the vamp never activated Chill of the Night until the end.  Like your brute with all of Willpower's damage mitigation powers taken and slotted, thus having a minimum of 1599 HP and 31.95 Smashing Resistance, being two-shot by an EB that can't deal 1600 HP damage to that character at level 39 without using at least four attacks.


As usual, you've "misremembered" right past what the game engine allows and into the fantasy "facts" of your imagination.


13 hours ago, Ultimo said:

Staying at range isn't possible if you can't move.


You had 6.5s to move.


13 hours ago, Ultimo said:

Using controls isn't possible if you are held or terrorized


You had Domination.  It has an activation time of 1.32s and can be activated even when mezzed.


13 hours ago, Ultimo said:

and won't work anyway, as these enemies are IMMUNE.






Rumor is that controls, like damage mitigation toggles, work if you use them.


13 hours ago, Ultimo said:

I had no opportunity to do anything at all.


Apparently you had the opportunity to make another "Game unfair!  Nerf everything!" post.


13 hours ago, Ultimo said:

It might be because not everyone comes to the forums to post.  As I mentioned, I talked about it in chat and many people seemed to agree.  The comment, "they need a balance pass," was made by SOMEONE ELSE, not me, in the chat.  I said the same here, but only because it had been said there.


You started this thread for the same reason you've started every other thread about how unfair the game is, how unbalanced enemies are, how tragically your character was manhandled by the mean, overpowered enemies, blah blah blah.  You think everything is unbalanced and find (or contrive, or just invent) reasons to post about it.


13 hours ago, Ultimo said:

I suppose you'll tell me I didn't see that either, that the chat is a lie too, or something.


What anyone else may or may not have said is irrelevant.  You are the one who came to the forums and started this thread.  You are the one who made the wild claims that don't hold water.  You are the one holding the snake oil.



14 hours ago, Ultimo said:

Frankly, I weary of your antagonistic, unproductive posts.


I suppose I wouldn't consider it to be productive, either, if someone caught me withholding information or "misremembering" facts until pressed, or deliberately setting up situations to "prove" that the game is broken when it isn't, with the expectation that people will swallow what I'm saying without a second thought or a single question.

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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18 hours ago, Ultimo said:

 [ A long litany of various woes suffered by various Toons. ]


First, something you may not realise.  Everyone chiming in here, no matter how harsh the delivery, is trying to help.  They're reading your tales and trying to figure out what went wrong, considering that some of the tales may be incomplete or inaccurate.


They're also telling you about the tools the various ATs have to reactively deal with the various threats from the Halloween EBs.


BTW, last year, I duoed some of the Trick-or-Treating on a Toon (often a squishy) and my 2nd Account Spines/Fiery Aura Brute, with the Brute set to use its dual auras and Burn to help cook down the Halloween mobs, including the EBs (yes, 2 Toons will encounter Halloween EBs).


None of my Toons had as rough a time as yours did.  Even when the attention of the EBs was on them.


You talk about getting Held.  Let me give an extreme example that shows this can be dealt with.


Ghost Widow has a Mag100 Hold.  She delivers that Hold on the last mission of the Statesman Ms. Liberty Task Force.  Good Players like the leaders from "Everlasting TFs" can take whole Teams through these TFs.  Despite no Tanker being able to withstand a Mag100 Hold.  How do they do that?  With the Tanker carrying a preplanned loadout of Inspirations, including a lot of Large [Team] Breakfrees.


I'm constantly tweaking the Inspiration loadout on various Toons.  Including bringing some Breakfrees when appropriate, even on Melee Toons.  As well, I learn the tools and the play rhythms of an AT with particular Powersets and build.


Why isn't your Dominator getting into Perma-Dom?  It's the major tool of a Dominator and it's why Dominator build support it?  And some Breakfrees to handle Mez when it does happen?

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13 minutes ago, Jacke said:

Why isn't your Dominator getting into Perma-Dom?  It's the major tool of a Dominator and it's why Dominator build support it? 

Not everyone builds for perma-Dom. I know I don't. Do you need Perma-Dom to handle the Ancient Vampire though? (I haven't done any ToT'ing with any of my Doms to know, let alone solo ToT'ing.)

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Tried the Defender, he didn't do too badly, really.


Got a couple of generic vampires and zombies, then the EB Vampire.  He came out of the door, and the first thing he did was cast Gloom (I think that's what it is, notably he did NOT summon anything).  After that, Hurricane knocked him down, and I maneuvered to keep him in it while the Lightning Storm attacked him.  He did eventually summon the Dark Servant, but did so while flying through the air... no animation required for that I guess.  Might have been lag.

Anyway, with Hurricane on him, he was hard pressed to hit the Defender.  When he finally did, he only needed to hit him once, as it dropped him to around 1/3 health.  DOT did around 84 damage per pulse, over several pulses.  Meanwhile, the Defender had done almost no damage to him.  Blasting him with everything I had, he took maybe 1% of his health.  The fight lasted perhaps 5 minutes before I had to run away.


At least I had a chance to fight back this time.  Without Hurricane, it would have been over immediately.

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     Well the Elite Bosses aren't a problem for any of my characters; I just tested a fight against a few.  Here you go, I recorded one on my MM to have a fair comparison:



     Ultimo... why do you even play CoH?  I want to know honestly, why do you play a game where all you do is ask for the game to be nerfed and enemies to be made easier, just to accommodate the absolute lowest level of player skill and knowledge... ad infinitum?  I can't really say anything that hasn't already been said in this thread and your other threads.  You make the weakest builds possible for your characters, then play as poorly as possible (stubbornly refusing all advice), and then complain on the forums when you don't win.  In a team scenario this wouldn't preclude you from winning, so you also only solo; You are the architect of your own demise.  If you want to be a solo player you have to be willing to learn and improve, and if you don't want to learn and improve then you need to team up with others.

Edited by Shin Magmus
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I think that treating everyone fairly is great, and that discrimination is badwrong!

I do not believe the false notion that "your ignorance is just as good as my knowledge."

The Definitive Empathy Rework

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8 hours ago, Rudra said:

Do you need Perma-Dom to handle the Ancient Vampire though?


No.  They only have 4 points of status protection on top of the standard 6 for EBs.  Four stacks of a mag 3 single-target Hold/Stun/Sleep/Confuse is enough to lock them down, just like controllers.

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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On 10/3/2024 at 10:27 PM, Ultimo said:

The first one I met was the Ancient Vampire Lord, when playing my Bots/Electric Affinity Mastermind.  With judicious healing, I was able to keep the bots up  before he cast some area effect thing that started melting them.  They lasted about 10 seconds, and I had to run away.  I had been fighting him continuously for around 15 minutes by that point, and did NO DAMAGE AT ALL.

I suspect this was a bug, perhaps because my bots started attacking before he was even out the door?  Yes, he's supposed to be unaffected until he's out, but perhaps that state carried over because the bots attacked him and I didn't?

     Also, for the record it is impossible for a Bots MM to have to fight any single target of this power level for 15 minutes unless you specifically didn't take a bunch of important powers.  Bots -Regen was moved to the personal attacks, each of which inflict a stacking -200% Regen: totaling -600% if you take them all.  For reference, the best Support powerset debuffs are typically only -500% (Traps is double this), so that's a lot.  Even just spamming one of those attacks would halt the EB's passive Regen, turning the fight into a winnable battle of attrition where he can't heal.  You also should have access to Shock and Discharge, increasing your total -Regen to a staggering -725%.  On that note, Elec Affinity is widely known to be S-Tier on MMs as you can make your pets practically immortal just by spamming the main 2 defensive powers (Heal and Absorb) while keeping everything in Faraday Cage range.  MM's are notoriously weak to KB and reliant on Clarion Destiny to fix it (at lv50), but Elec Affinity MMs can use the awesome might of Faraday Cage to completely remove that weakness as early as level 16: nice!


     Basically you had the ideal AT to solo tanky single target enemies, and 2 mostly ideal powersets to do that, and yet you still lost.  Since this defies explanation, can you post your build?

Edited by Shin Magmus
Even more helpful friendly advice...
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I think that treating everyone fairly is great, and that discrimination is badwrong!

I do not believe the false notion that "your ignorance is just as good as my knowledge."

The Definitive Empathy Rework

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On 10/3/2024 at 5:18 PM, Vanden said:


You can, every Halloween costume is available from vendors in Vault Reserves for Prismatic Aether.

Exactly this.

Aspiring show writer through AE arcs and then eventually a script 😛


AE Arcs: Odd Stories-Arc ID: 57289| An anthology series focusing on some of your crazier stories that you'd save for either a drunken night at Pocket D or a mindwipe from your personal psychic.|The Pariahs: Magus Gray-Arc ID: 58682| Magus Gray enlists your help in getting to the bottom of who was behind the murder of the Winter Court.|



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  • Game Master

A couple of points:


If you start forum discussions and proposals you should expect at least some push back and criticism.  And if you respond to defend your position, which is your right, you should expect them to defend their position, which is their right.  If a particular poster really bugs you, you can mechanically ignore them, personally ignore them by not responding, report them, or you can respond and keep the argument going.


To Ultimo's critics:  Just because you can do something with your characters doesn't mean everyone can.  Ultimo is not the only one who has complained about the strength of the Halloween EBs in game or on the forums.  It's fine, great even, to explain the game and builds to try and help Ultimo, or whoever, better cope with the EB Monsters.  But let's try to do that with respect and kindness and not condescension.  Please?



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12 hours ago, Jacke said:


Why isn't your Dominator getting into Perma-Dom?  It's the major tool of a Dominator and it's why Dominator build support it?  And some Breakfrees to handle Mez when it does happen?


I have exactly 0 doms with permadom. it's not needed in the least. It's a "nice to have if you want it."

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I don't want the EBs removed or changed. For ATs and builds that can't handle them there is a definite window where you can target them and see what is coming and run away if need be. What comes out the door should not catch anyone flat footed. Running away is ALWAYS an option.



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Discount Heroes SG:

Frostbiter - Ice/Ice Blaster

Throneblade - Broadsword/Dark Armor Brute

Silver Mantra - Martial Arts/Electric Armor Scrapper

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