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Swap Ammo (Dual Pistols)


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Overall I've found cold to be the best ammo choice for the slows/hold. The other ammo choices don't really seem to add a whole lot except in some rare occasions.


Hoping they add more ammo types in the future.

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Basically you have three options:

Chemical Munitions: -Damage and a damage type that most targets have minimal resistance to

Cryo Munitions: Extra range and a slow for a more snipery feel

Incendiary Munitions: Extra Damage (20-25%)


So, basically you have four choices,

Use the standard munitions for KB/KD, -Def, -Res effects that are good for most fights.

Use chemical munitions to increase survivability for yourself and your team.

Use cryo munitions to stay out of the fray and keep your targets from spreading too much.

Use incendiary munitions if you have a teammate that is dropping debuff bombs like a boss and you are just there for the damage.


Incendiary is more useful for blasters while cryo is more useful for sentinels, I would say. To be honest, I really like the effects of standard munitions... In fact, I would actually argue that they should end effect suppression to make Swap Ammo more appealing, because as is, it is actually pretty skippable.


Pistols according to Mids(Pine's) [Pine's currently has an error where it shows a resist debuff for Pistols and Dual Wield - removed for this post]:

Standard: 9.65 DPS -7% Defense

Toxic: 9.65 DPS -5.6% Damage

Cryo: 9.65 DPS -12% Recharge -12% Speed

Incindiary: 11.78 DPS


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Is it just me or does swapping any ammo negate the knockback of standard ammo? I noticed that Dual Wield Executioner Shot knocks back more often on standard. Or maybe it's the enhancements I have?


Side note. I tend to prefer standard ammo on most mobs primarily because of the knock back. If they're down, they can't attack me and it gives me some breathing room to wait for recharge. I tend to use cryo when creeps overwhelm me. I don't feel chem doing that much -def, since most creeps are dead in 2-4 shots with or without chem ammo.

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Is it just me or does swapping any ammo negate the knockback of standard ammo? I noticed that Dual Wield Executioner Shot knocks back more often on standard. Or maybe it's the enhancements I have?


Side note. I tend to prefer standard ammo on most mobs primarily because of the knock back. If they're down, they can't attack me and it gives me some breathing room to wait for recharge. I tend to use cryo when creeps overwhelm me. I don't feel chem doing that much -def, since most creeps are dead in 2-4 shots with or without chem ammo.


I have a defense set, so I don't feel the need to knockback. 


I tend to use Fire Ammo for more damage.


Though, I've noticed when I swap ammo, some of the KB/KD seems to remain.

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I think Suppressive Fire and Hail of Bullets may keep their KB/KD.

Archetype Concept Compilation -- Powerset Concept Compilations: Assault Melee


The Great Archetype Concept Battle: Final Round


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Is it just me or does swapping any ammo negate the knockback of standard ammo? I noticed that Dual Wield Executioner Shot knocks back more often on standard. Or maybe it's the enhancements I have?


That seems to be correct.  I six-slotted Sudden Acceleration (with the KB>KD proc) into Hail of Bullets and I couldn't figure out why nothing was falling down (I usually run/ran Cryo).  I died, and so went back to default, and suddenly they all started hitting the ground.  Looking at the Detailed Powers list that actually makes sense now, it calls that KB level out.


I've actually slotted for Knockdown in Martial Combat (I'm mostly doing DP as a Blaster) as well (Overwhelming Force proc in Burst of Speed, etc.) so I spend a lot of time knocking the mobs to the ground with both Primary and Secondary.


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Basically you have three options:

Chemical Munitions: -Damage and a damage type that most targets have minimal resistance to

Cryo Munitions: Extra range and a slow for a more snipery feel

Incendiary Munitions: Extra Damage (20-25%)


Standard: 9.65 DPS -7% Defense

Toxic: 9.65 DPS -5.6% Damage

Cryo: 9.65 DPS -12% Recharge -12% Speed

Incindiary: 11.78 DPS


Would anyone have any numbers on the duration of the effects? I can only guess Cryo's because of the cold aura effect.


I ask because I'm trying a new tactic that hopes to maximise the swapping of ammo:

Empty Clips/Hail/Rain with Cryo to slow them down

Follow up with Pistols/Dual Wield with Chem weaken def

Then pick them off one by one with Standard/Incendiary


It works for the first few creeps that I pick off, but then I assume I have to repeat the Cryo and Chem after the first few kills. Just wanted an idea how long I have before I have to re-Cryo and re-Chem them. =)

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Six-Six, my guess would be 8s, but I have no data on that. I am currently running my DP/Nin Sentinel without Swap Ammo. I may try a respec to test it when I have time... But it is finals week, so I have a lot of grading to do.

Archetype Concept Compilation -- Powerset Concept Compilations: Assault Melee


The Great Archetype Concept Battle: Final Round


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Would anyone have any numbers on the duration of the effects? I can only guess Cryo's because of the cold aura effect.


It varies by power.  Look at EACH of the powers for details.  You can do this by creating a new Sentinel and using the Show Info option when picking your powers during character creation.


Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.

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I’m running a DP/Bio at 35 right now. With Bio in Damage stance and Running Assault, you get 38% bonus damage. Offensive Opportunity and red Insps are nice additions. I almost always use Incendiary Ammo. Hail of Bullets is a monster, which will be even better with Musculature Alpha. On teams I just follow the Tank/Brute into each group and unload. If you get into trouble just change stance, pop your heal, and keep shooting. I can guarantee there will come a time when you will prevent a team wipe at some point.

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Just tossing in a nice bind set for ammo swaps. Works best with full-size keyboards, putting some otherwise dead/useless keys to work:



/bind PAUSE "powexecname Chemical Ammunition"

/bind SCROLL "powexecname Incendiary Ammunition"

/bind SYSRQ "powexecname Cryo Ammunition"


/bind INSERT "powexectoggleoff Cryo Ammunition$$powexectoggleoff Incendiary Ammunition$$powexectoggleoff Chemical Ammunition"

UPDATED: v4.15 Technical Guide (post 27p7)... 154 pages of comprehensive and validated info on on the nuts and bolts!
ALSO:  GABS Bindfile  ·  WindowScaler  ·  Teleport Guide  ·  and City of Zeroes  all at  www.Shenanigunner.com

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