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I recently was debating making a new Corruptor or Dom, but I think, if I'm gonna do ranged something... why not shoot for the top? Make a Blaster. BUT....


I can't think of a good name! This is always the part that leaves me staring at that screen forever.


Concept is, water blast / devices. She's a plumber gal who goes around fixing the city's plumbing problems, whether it's in the sew0rz or where ever. And.. *GASP* those problems are usually caused by bad guys! SOooo.... she flushes 'em with caltrops and whirlpool lol. And, if they refuse to go down the drain, Trip Mine to encourage them.

She could emerge from every mission with the battle cry "AH, the sweet smell of success!" (sarcasm)


Anyway... I can't think of a NAME.  >:(


I messed around on Pine's a bit, and Water / Devices looks really really good to me, I don't know if anyone else has tried it, maybe they could chime in and let me know how it is?


We have a "Mr. Plumber" here in Kansas City.  How about a "Mrs. Plumber" in Paragon City?  ;D


(edit)  Check this out for some more ideas: https://www.plumbingsupply.com/plumbing_dictionary.html


I'm liking "Back Flush"  :o


And FSWT: "Female sweat connection"  ;D




Energy/Energy Blaster (50+3) on Everlasting

Energy/Temporal Blaster (50+3) on Excelsior

Energy/Willpower Sentinel (50+3) on Indomitable

Energy/Energy Sentinel (50+1) on Torchbearer


So far, all I got is "Pipes O'Reilly" and "Honey Dipper". Or maybe just "PVC" but then what could that stand for? Plumbing, Ventilation and... Construction... boring.


I am not good at this lol.


A name is important. When you do come up with just the perfect name, it makes you smile just seeing that toon in your list.

So far, all I got is "Pipes O'Reilly" and "Honey Dipper". Or maybe just "PVC" but then what could that stand for? Plumbing, Ventilation and... Construction... boring.




I agree, names are key. I was thinking the other day about how I needed to update my glasses prescription because my astigmatism was giving me bad night vision. Suddenly I had an image of a Batman-like vigilante who, among other things, uses high tech for stealth and the ability to see in the dark. Night Vision is now one of my favorite alts.


I suppose you could get silly and call her something like Flapper Blapper.


A renegade plumber? Harry (Harriett?) Tuttle! Paperwork is his(her) weakness:


How about Mario...nette?


Of course, Victoria Plum is named after the fruit...


... Which gives you a nice purple colour-scheme to play with, too!


Similarly, Mirabelle: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirabelle_plum

...which is a different colour. That one is AKA Cherry Plum, which is another cool name.


I know what you mean about having fun names in your character list, for me The Poseidon Avenger recently joined Roger Beepover.

Boycott American.


Loyal Flush is good.


Scuba-naut.  Or something scuba


Sewernaut would be another.


To extend PVC, Power Valve Cali?


How much femininity do you want in the name?

Are you a Wolf, a Sheep, or a Hound?

They called me crazy? They called me insane? THEY CALLED ME LOONEY!! and boy, were they right.

Thank you for all these great ideas guys. I tried "Flush", yeah just plain old "Flush".... not expecting that to be unused, and BAM, got it. I can't believe that wasn't already taken.


Thank you for all these great ideas guys. I tried "Flush", yeah just plain old "Flush".... not expecting that to be unused, and BAM, got it. I can't believe that wasn't already taken.


I rolled up a Pain/Dark Defender and a Dark/Pain Controller to try out a support alt, and was surprised to discover that both "Melancholy" and "Melancholia" were available at the time.  I have them both now, on Indomitable.  I'm leaning toward the controller, so I might re-use one or the other with a different alt, eventually.



Energy/Energy Blaster (50+3) on Everlasting

Energy/Temporal Blaster (50+3) on Excelsior

Energy/Willpower Sentinel (50+3) on Indomitable

Energy/Energy Sentinel (50+1) on Torchbearer


Great.. now I want to make "Tidy Bowl"


+1 Inf for you.


I'm smacking my head for not thinking of this immediately.



Energy/Energy Blaster (50+3) on Everlasting

Energy/Temporal Blaster (50+3) on Excelsior

Energy/Willpower Sentinel (50+3) on Indomitable

Energy/Energy Sentinel (50+1) on Torchbearer


Super Maria? or Mariano?

TINKERERS and LEOTARDED personal supergroups on Reunion; open bases! codes TB-9014 and LT-1051

TinkerBell (MAIN) super reflexes / martial arts tanker & badge hunter; Sarabraxus, energy / energy blaster; Sarathustra, fire / therm corruptor

Scotch Bonnie / Caroline Reaper, fire/ss brutes & fire farmers; Granny Fix It / Green Granny / Great Granny, empathy/psi defenders; plus a few others.

@Xarah formerly on Champion, Triumph, Victory, now @chuckv2 / @chuckv3 / @chuckv4 on Reunion

  • 2 weeks later

"PSI" or some variation thereof, for "Pretty, Strong, and In-charge!"  Or how about good old "Waste Management" - "Here to clear the clogs of villainy from the pipes of justice!"  If you want to adopt a subtle reptilian theme/symbolism, how about "Pipe Snake".  Would "Plunge-Her" be too provocative?  Maybe "Roto-Root-Out-Evil" or something?


Great.. now I want to make "Tidy Bowl"


+1 Inf for you.


I'm smacking my head for not thinking of this immediately.


Well, I didn't use it :)


Go for it! :)


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