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Guide for farming?

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So this is one of those things that did not exist when I stopped playing live: farming. I can make decent influence by playing the AH and just grinding, but it's pretty apparent from comments I hear elsewhere that farming is the far superior method of accumulating influence. Given any decent build requires 600-800 million to fully slot, I may have to bite the bullet and make a farmer. So is there a guide posted somewhere? Not necessarily for specific builds (though a cheaper starter build would be helpful) but more of, where do you go, how do you set it up, etc.? I assume it's through AE, which I have never used. So yeah, pretty clueless on the farming thing. Any tips?

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I am not aware of any specific farming guides, but others may have some. I feel like a CoH subreddit might be a good place to look for that as well.


I'm skeptical of the claim that farming is a superior way to make influence compared to working the market. I'm sure the very top farmers could likely compete, but I doubt the average farmer can. Fourth of July week I made and spent around a billion just on the market, but that's not a typical week for me since I had extra time off and the servers likely had more players.


That being said, Spines/Fire Brute is the current top choice for farming on AE fire farm maps. With their high fire resists and some added recharge and defense, they can clear them pretty quick. There may be better options, but that is probably the quickest and easiest start.


Really anything with fast charging AoE can run a farm. I can farm the Council mission with my Archery Blaster, and my Elec/SD Scrapper can do most farms well, but bosses really slow it down. Neither is as efficient as a Spines/Fire Brute though.

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There may be a couple of threads down in Guides section.

Not sure if there are guilds for building AE farms in the Mission Architect section. But you can probably find some farms listed there, maybe run through a couple to get an idea of what they are about.


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Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.

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I highly recommend M3z's videos for a quick introduction on leveling yourself a Spines/Fire, as well as farming with that spines/fire.


Leveling the Spines/Fire -


PLing/Farming with the Spines/Fire -

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I'm working on writing a guide for farming right now.


Not a guide on "Make this build, do this.", a more in-depth guide on the concepts of farming and how to make your own build for what you want to farm.


... it is, however, a pretty noteworthy undertaking because there's a lot of information to cover, so it may be a couple of days before its up.


*edit* I lied. It's up: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php/topic,7106.0.html

Always happy to answer questions in game, typically hanging around Help.
Global is @Zolgar, and tends to be tagged in Help.

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I highly recommend M3z's videos for a quick introduction on leveling yourself a Spines/Fire, as well as farming with that spines/fire.


Leveling the Spines/Fire -


PLing/Farming with the Spines/Fire -


This is a good start. The map to farm has changed but doing a search on fire gets you what you need. I know there are other maps, but the difficulty can vary. I was doing a different one until I hit level 30 and bosses were added, and I mean a lot. I have seen one which uses EBs.


Not sure how 600-800 mill is for a decent build. I would consider a build just using uncommons as being decent and there's zero chance that hit 600 million.

Top 10 Most Fun 50s.

1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute.  10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. 


"Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."

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You have many options.


The OG? Fire/kin.


The FoM? Spines/fire brute.


The Avant-guard neo-retro anti-farm? Marketeering.


Also, a decent build wouldn't use rares, purps, oranges... And would be far less than 600mill. 600mill is a decked out build.


As for maps, there are tons of options. Old school? PI maps from contacts. Middle school? Maybe AE. K-14? Pick a repeatable map, pick a fast recharging high damage set, that you can skillfully keep alive and go to town.


The reason there isn't a go to farm guide is, there isn't a go to farm method. Moreso, it's experience with the game that allows one to perceive an angle that would yield high info per map.


In the end, if you want around 25-35mill per hour return, any method works, such as repeating the same tf's every day. For example, the market crash guarantees a purp every refresh, and about 7mill INF. It takes about 40 minutes. Do that once a day, and you have 35mill there. Then do a speed ITF. Then a speed....etc.


You just equalled most farming methods.

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35 mil an hour is slow. But farming is not for everyone as it is quite repetitive. If you can focus and with the right build you should be able to get 100 mil per hour and easily more depending on drops.


35mill an hour isn't slow, I would politely argue, simply because a spines/fire brute with heavy io investment running a broken AE game mode on a broken map/mobs can hit 100mill, respectfully. All other methods average about 35 an hour. That's just evidence that AE needs further adjustment, because flooding the market with that much info from one source leads to...


Live levels of 200mill per purp.



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Uhh we were farming in Issue 1 - you may just not have been aware of it hehe. Sure the farms have changed, but for the most part they are all basically the same - lots of baddies and lots of damage. Dumpster farms, Family Farms, BM Farms, Infernal City farms, Council City Map, AE farms, etc etc... Granted dumpsters are no more.... family was nerfed... but the others are still very much around.


So this is one of those things that did not exist when I stopped playing live: farming. I can make decent influence by playing the AH and just grinding, but it's pretty apparent from comments I hear elsewhere that farming is the far superior method of accumulating influence. Given any decent build requires 600-800 million to fully slot, I may have to bite the bullet and make a farmer. So is there a guide posted somewhere? Not necessarily for specific builds (though a cheaper starter build would be helpful) but more of, where do you go, how do you set it up, etc.? I assume it's through AE, which I have never used. So yeah, pretty clueless on the farming thing. Any tips?

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Not sure how 600-800 mill is for a decent build. I would consider a build just using uncommons as being decent and there's zero chance that hit 600 million.


The scrap i just made with 3 superior winter sets, 3 purple sets, both superior ATO sets, 3 pvp resist IOs, 4 lotg 7.5% and every expensive unique didn't cost that much at buy it now pricing. Farming's a fine way to make money but it's hardly the easiest. Go look at the various market guides if you want easiest. I have a claws/fire brute who can do sub 6 minute 4/8/bosses runs of fire farms and I don't even bother as it's not nearly as easy as converting. I'd much rather log him in, convert a couple trays of IOs, collect the previous pile of cash and then go play my lowbies (who are already IOd as they level with as much expensive junk as they need thanks to him).


And as to SwitchFade's notion of live purple costs being where we're headed with all the farming - remember that everything is practically hardcapped by the merit cost. We've still not even reached the price point where buying purples is the best use of merits.

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The scrap i just made with 3 superior winter sets, 3 purple sets, both superior ATO sets, 3 pvp resist IOs, 4 lotg 7.5% and every expensive unique didn't cost that much at buy it now pricing. Farming's a fine way to make money but it's hardly the easiest. Go look at the various market guides if you want easiest. I have a claws/fire brute who can do sub 6 minute 4/8/bosses runs of fire farms and I don't even bother as it's not nearly as easy as converting. I'd much rather log him in, convert a couple trays of IOs, collect the previous pile of cash and then go play my lowbies (who are already IOd as they level with as much expensive junk as they need thanks to him).


And as to SwitchFade's notion of live purple costs being where we're headed with all the farming - remember that everything is practically hardcapped by the merit cost. We've still not even reached the price point where buying purples is the best use of merits.


Um most winter sets are 22 mil each so right there it is 396.  Purples are around 15+ for the good ones so even 5 slotted just for the recharge bonus that is another 225 for 621 million.  So yea, you did spend that much.  Sure you may have earned some with merits or drops, but had you sold them all and didn't buy anything you would have ended up with well over 600 million.

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Live levels of 200mill per purp.




With how easy it is to obtain merits, and the fact that you can get a purple recipe for 100 merits, you will not see the standard price of a purple IO much of any higher than the current market value of 100 merits.


Presently speaking, one merit is worth approximately 300k, so 100 is worth 30mil. The only way we will see purples hit 200 million is if a single merit becomes worth 2 million inf, which would basically mean converters selling for 700k each, which I don't think will happen.

Always happy to answer questions in game, typically hanging around Help.
Global is @Zolgar, and tends to be tagged in Help.

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35 mil an hour is slow. But farming is not for everyone as it is quite repetitive. If you can focus and with the right build you should be able to get 100 mil per hour and easily more depending on drops.


35mill an hour isn't slow, I would politely argue, simply because a spines/fire brute with heavy io investment running a broken AE game mode on a broken map/mobs can hit 100mill, respectfully. All other methods average about 35 an hour. That's just evidence that AE needs further adjustment, because flooding the market with that much info from one source leads to...


Live levels of 200mill per purp.




So a snail isn't slow simply because a cheetah that is built to run faster can go faster?  Sorry but it is still slow. And no, thanks to the drop rate increases and ability to use merits to get what you want, prices are unlikely to hit 200 mil each for purples.

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OK so i should clarify. I sent him 50 million for temp powers at 1 then in the teens 500 million. After I finished buying everything at 50 he had 215 million left. I only used merits for boosters and catalysts. But I crafted and converted every uncommon drop in a garbage set up to the 30s, crafted/sold/converted resist/defense/pvp drops at any level, sold decent recipes, sold salvage, vendored everything else. And I bought things as I leveled and slots became available. So all tolled it's impossible to say exactly how much I spent, but assuming you're not deleting everything or keeping your inventory full because omgfarmsmorenao the amount you need from your farmer for an alt shouldn't be 6-800 million unless you're just refusing to let the alt make some of its own money for some reason.

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  • 1 year later

I farming to be for some time and help others build there farmers to. I made a discord where farmers can share and help others grow

Are you a Farmer or want to a farm? Here at the Sir Nightfall Farming Club can help. Base on farming and helping others grow at any level of game play. Here is some of the great info that can be found on this discord.

  1. Farming
  • Notes (inf/exp per player on map)
  • S/L maps
  • Fire Maps
  1. Builds
  • Fire
  • S/L
  • Other
  1. Badges
  • Hunting
  • TF’s
  • SF’s
  1. Other Important info
  • Enhancements
  • Accolade
  • Leveling
  • Making money
  • Mobs
  • Incarnates
  • Macro help

Most Imported is that we help each other grow and learn from each other as we play. If sounds good to you then pm nikmend#1737 for an invite or hit join to the best farming club on discord




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I hope this is helpful.  I found Homecoming around June of this year (I was crazy excited to play COV again) but, I was curious about Fire Farms since I kept seeing the missions in the AE list.  With some research I found these two resources and my fire farmer was born.   The article does a good job of explaining the concept and caps.  The video does a great job of showing how a low level fire farmer can get started and power level themselves to 50 plus earn money for their sets.  At 13 my Rad/Fire farmer started farming.  He is now vet level 300+.  I've since built 2 additional fire farmers, 2 smash and lethal farmers, and 1 hover farmer (this one failed badly).  I have completed builds that range from 150 million to 500+ million.  Most are effective.  Some have faster clear times, some are more durable and need less micro management.  I often rebuild searching for the perfect balance.  The build is half the fun 😄 - If you play Reunion look me up (red side) - Core Temp.




Edited by TOddSkinRash
Changed the Reddit page to be a link only as it was making my post way too long!!!!
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