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Selfish controller suggestions


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So I mainly play solo, and am looking to expand my horizons beyond the scrappers/stalkers/brutes/MMs/dominators I usually play.  I love the idea of containment, and have messed around with taking arcane bolt from sorcery, but found its cast time and heavily magical appearance, (even when set to minimal FX), to clash with some concepts.  I was thinking about rolling a grav/FF controller, and making heavy use of powers like lift, propel, and force bolt, against immobilized or held targets, in order to maximize my damage and also as a form of keeping enemies from attacking me.  What are your thoughts?  Thanks in advance!

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Perhaps try /Storm as a secondary.


Gravity/Storm, Fire/Storm, and Plant/Storm all offer significant opportunities for soloing. Each plays a bit differently. Fire probably takes longest to blossom. Gravity will make you want to invest in procs very early (-kb to kd procs make a huge difference because Gravity can't cancel knockback with its aoe immobilize) but all three are solid choices.


Force Field wouldn't be my first choice for a soloist. Gravity/FF strictly speaking wouldn't be a bad combo (at least Gravity offers decent single target damage). Force Bolt is an extremely low damage power that I would probably not both with on a Gravity Control character since you'll get tons of knockback/down/up already in Propel and Lift, both of which do much better damage.








Edited by oedipus_tex
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44 minutes ago, oedipus_tex said:

Perhaps try /Storm as a secondary.


Gravity/Storm, Fire/Storm, and Plant/Storm all offer significant opportunities for soloing. Each plays a bit differently. Fire probably takes longest to blossom. Gravity will make you want to invest in procs very early (-kb to kd procs make a huge difference because Gravity can't cancel knockback with its aoe immobilize) but all three are solid choices.


Force Field wouldn't be my first choice for a soloist. Gravity/FF strictly speaking wouldn't be a bad combo (at least Gravity offers decent single target damage). Force Bolt is an extremely low damage power that I would probably not both with on a Gravity Control character since you'll get tons of knockback/down/up already in Propel and Lift, both of which do much better damage.


That's definitely some food for thought.  I never quite "got" /storm, though - Could you maybe sell me on it a little?  Thanks again!

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15 minutes ago, biostem said:

That's definitely some food for thought.  I never quite "got" /storm, though - Could you maybe sell me on it a little?  Thanks again!


Storm is primarily a debuff and direct damage set (pretty much the only direct damage set among the Buff set group, if you exclude Trick Arrow). It has 3 key powers. Two of them only arrive at high levels and radically transform the set.

  • Lvl 16: Freezing Rain, a -Resist and knockdown patch that has the unusual characteristic that the resist debuff lasts 30 seconds after enemies leave the patch. This is widely regarded as one of the best powers in the game.
  • Lvl 35: Tornado, an unbuffable pet that does autohit knockback and damage per tick. The knockback can be converted to knockdown with an IO or with some powers available to Controllers
  • Lvl 38: Lightning Storm, an unmoving, unbuffable psuedo pet that shoots lightning attacks. These attacks have a minor AoE blast area that rewards bunching foes up together (hence synergy with Gravity/Wormhole)


With enough Recharge you can have multiple Tornadoes, Lightning Storms, and FRains going at once. This has lots of synergy with Control sets, which typically are also thirsty for Recharge. Storm also allows you to slot Force Feedback procs, which are virtually guaranteed in to fire in Tornado and Lightning Storm, providing +100% Recharge for 5 seconds. 



Edited by oedipus_tex
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3 minutes ago, biostem said:

TYVM oedipus_tex!  I'll definitely have to do some thinking, based upon what you've said.  Any suggestions for how to play the set early on?  Thanks yet again!



Gravity is probably easiest early on because it deals significant damage with Lift/Propel. A nice thing about Grav/Storm is Storm adds plenty of knockdown (if you slot kb to kd IOs) which fills in where Gravity is lacking in control powers.


For Plant, just running in with Seeds of Confusion at early levels may be enough.


For Fire, the breakthrough may take longer. 


For all three sets, expect significant solo performance improvements at levels 32 (the pet) 35 and 38 when Tornado and Lit Storm unlock. Its helps to have a kb to kd IO ready to slot in them.

Edited by oedipus_tex
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Just now, Coyote said:

Another option that may fit thematically well with Gravity would be Traps. It solos well, also. And Gravity using Wormhole to pull mobs into prepared Killing Fields (tm) is a thing of beauty.



I had completely forgotten about Traps, and you are correct. 

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Yep, traps is one of the best solo sets going.  Both illusion and gravity I'd consider especially strong to go with traps.  If you still want the force field type theme, traps is also a good substitute for it since it also has a force field.


Have a 50 illusion/traps myself and it is a solo machine.

Edited by Riverdusk
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I would like to second the motion for Ill/Traps. Only controller I know that can not only solo GM's, but it ALSO has the sick aoe needed to solo fire farms. Trip mine plus containment, poison trap plus containment, toss in some contained Caltrops or an ice storm and you are looking at damage numbers close to a spines/fire brute.

I'd run a safe fire farm like... outdoor map instead of caves or rainbow, though... The uncontrolled multispawn can kill you right quick, since each of your phantom army, your phantasm, decoy, and each trap can technically aggro an entire spawn. When they die, those spawns are on YOU while your PA still deals with their own spawns, and you can only flash 13, and then another spawn aggroes and turns you into a briquette.

Edited by Frostweaver
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So I rolled up a grav/traps and grav/storm controller last night, and got them up to about 12-15.  I'm leaning toward the /storm one, as the animations and powers feel like they gel better with grav.  While I've played traps on other characters, I kind of preferred them on my masterminds, where the minions could distract the enemy and allow me to setup my kill zone in peace.  I'm going to continue to experiment with builds and power combinations, however.  Thanks and keep the advice coming!

Edited by biostem
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5 hours ago, 5099y_74c05 said:


The KB to KD proc can help with nonAV/GM entities but AVs will run. Someone started a topic asking on how to solve this problem on an Ill/Storm not to long ago.


Yup. But I think it's an AI issue... I beat Col Burkholder (with Nossie helping, but he wasn't a full AV), but he didn't run fully, just moved a bit. Nosferatu, however, broke completely... after running, he ran past me about 6 times, got attacked fully by me and the decoys... and didn't stop to throw a single attack. Maestro, Vandal, and Requiem also didn't run like little girls. So it's a serious problem with some AVs, but others will fight and die.

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I greatly enjoy soloing on my Fire/Dark and Grav/Time controllers.


Fire/Dark has strong AoE control with Fire Cages, two AoE stuns, and Bonfire (if you slot in a KB to KD Proc). It also has a large AoE Defense buff, a large endurance recovery power, good damage for a controller, four pets (3 Fire imps and the Dark pet), a protection toggle, Tar Patch...Its full of good stuff. 


Gravity/Time is a combination with strong control, plenty of damage, and extremely strong self-buffs. Its pet is one of the best outside of the mastermind list, and on the whole it almost plays like a tank corrupter from all the time spent blasting. 

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Hurricane (from Storm Summoning) + Wormhole (from Gravity Control) + a corner = Slaughter

That being said, you can do basically the same thing with Hurricane and TP Foe with any primary... and with Illusion Control as a primary you have five pets + two "pets" from Storm Summoning means that you have can summon enemies into a corner and keep them from escaping while your army destroys them... and with Superior Invisibility, all other enemies will ignore you!

Edited by Zepp
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Archetype Concept Compilation -- Powerset Concept Compilations: Assault Melee


The Great Archetype Concept Battle: Final Round


Archetype Proposal Amalgamation

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Pointing out Plant has a regen power which plays nice with /storm not having a self heal.


If you ever want something more team based, Earth/storm is a beast.

Edited by Without_Pause
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Top 10 Most Fun 50s.

1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute.  10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. 


"Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."

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I would like to give a little advise on the Storm front if ok?


Durin Controller(Global: Kid Durin Danark) is my toon on Reunion hit me up if you need help?


I have a Grav/Storm troller build and it is amazing. I have been playing Grav/Storm for years and by far the best toon I have.



Fun build to play never gets old

You can solo 8 and 4+ missions no problem

As stated Wormhole Plus Hurricane in a corner is just all kinds of sick and throw in a 2 x tornadoes with Knockdown is savage!!

Can get you Resistance up to nearly 70% on Smash/Lethal fire up to about 55% and the rest just behind / Plus 30%+ Def all!!! Savage

Singularity is amazing at holds and if you slap this pet right on top of a AV/GM you will see and hear fireworks!! SAVAGE

two holds plus Pet can hold ANYTHING!!!

Propel is amazing to watch and people love guessing what they will see next!

you can spawn 6 pets overtime with Grav/Storm!

Double Tornado is a beautiful sight!




Grav/Storm - people hate due to knockback -  but there is a secret that can change the whole build and help with this(Apart from Hurricane ofc)

Hurricane in a group at times can mess things up but can be avoided if your a good player.

Propel has long animation but worth it!

End Drain is savage(Incarnate Ageless the way to go)


Overall The perfect Storm! GRAV/STORM work as a unit! a combined unit and the best troller I have played.


Edited by Clintros1977
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Grav/Storm is one of my favorite combos these days too, which is interesting because back on live i thought it was a merely 'okay.' Changes to Gravity and the addition of the kb to kd procs have really shifted things.


My single favorite thing these days is using Wormhole (with kb to kds) to teleport enemy groups directly on top of Singularity (also with kb to kd). They all land on top of Sing and bounce in place a la Bonfire, except Sing can also hold aggro. Hilarious. 

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On 8/22/2019 at 8:32 AM, Kid Durin Danark said:

Overall The perfect Storm! GRAV/STORM work as a unit! a combined unit and the best troller I have played.


Any chance you could post a build? I've been tempted to try the combo for the last week.

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On 8/17/2019 at 4:20 PM, biostem said:

So I rolled up a grav/traps and grav/storm controller last night, and got them up to about 12-15.  I'm leaning toward the /storm one, as the animations and powers feel like they gel better with grav.  While I've played traps on other characters, I kind of preferred them on my masterminds, where the minions could distract the enemy and allow me to setup my kill zone in peace.  I'm going to continue to experiment with builds and power combinations, however.  Thanks and keep the advice coming!

I love Grav/Storm for the propel objects being blown around alone. That alone is enough for me to endorse this combination.

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1 hour ago, Kid Durin Danark said:

Give me a shout in game if you want to know more about Grav/Storm and what to look out for


I thought it would  be obvious: Hurricane-propelled Forklifts. If you haven't maxed out your Smashing resistance, they'll take your head right off. 😛

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