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A Question from The Homecoming Team


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I'm completely happy with what we already have.


However if the team were to continue to expand on the game, I'd love to see:


  • More balancing and tweaking like what was recently done with dominator assault sets.
  • New powers, pools, and power proliferation.
  • A new section of the LFG tool, where team leaders can advertise their group and have people apply to it, to complement the current option of individually flagging yourself as "looking for X". The game really shines for me in a group, but playing at really slow times can make it rough to find a team in a timely manner.
  • Adding some incentive to play in a group in underpopulated areas. (some xp bonus or optional power buff in Praetoria + Red side? Maybe patrol xp builds super fast or something?)
  • Improvements in the mission flow from contacts, especially on hero side. Repeating radio missions forever is a little repetitive, but it's difficult to justify all the unrelated faffing about (defeat x of this, talk to Bob-the-other-contact, etc) of trying to fish for variety and story arcs when running a team. Maybe give the merit rewards from story arc completion to everyone in the team, too. Would be nice if missions scaled upwards to match you if you outlevelled them, too. Tough to do some of the longer ones in 5 levels, if using double xp and high difficulty settings.
  • The incarnate system expanded further, and appropriate challenges like new Dark Astoria developed for our overpowered characters.
  • Additional general content such as missions, task forces, zones, enemy types, etc, where feasible.
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Just knowing that we can continue to make Paragon City our home is good enough for me, but if I could change one thing in the game I would kill Enhancement Diversification. I miss being able to six-slot my powers with the same enhancements with no penalty. Ditto on all the other suggestions posted already! 😀

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- More content, particularly in the low (5-10) and mid (10-20) level ranges.
- New radio missions, including a few uniques (missions or maps that can only be accessed via the radio missions).
- Anything, really, that rewards those who don't rush to the endgame.

- Removal of the P2W vendor.
- a veteran rewards programs.

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Unofficial Homecoming Wiki - Paragon Wiki updated for Homecoming!  Your contributions are welcome!
(Not the owner/operator - just a fan who wants to spread the word.)

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New content would be good. Also, more options for the powersets (i.e. bane spider powers in with blasters, melee, etc.). Newer costumes. The current ones are good but I'd like to see more of the raised patterns (i.e. Labeaux, Barbarian, etc.). Bring back the Dark Astoria storyline! I noticed that it's not there anymore and I was really interested in it. More content for Praetoria. Earlier levels for switching between Praetoria and Primal. I think that's it. I'll let you know if I think of anything else.

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Two things, the 1st one being by far my top concern:


1. Open source whatever you do. I do not like the idea of proprietary features. We must never again go back to the condition that we are unable to play COH if we want to. Having the code open source ensures that somewhere, someone will run a server for me to play on.


2. I'd like to see renovations of the "Hazard Zones" that nobody uses anymore like Boomtown and PP.  I'd like to see these zones either get a face-lift or at least have some story arcs like the Hollows or Faultline where you learn the story of the zone as you do your arcs.



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I assume that a legit licensed project means that people could start receiving compensation for the time and energy they are currently donating to the project.


In that case, I would expect that costs to maintain CoH would increase and that would necessitate something like a subscription or micro transactions. Neither of those are desirable to me. If I had to choose, I'd would be less put out by a monthly sub ($10 tops).


With a paid dev staff, I would expect to see:


New content. This could be continuations of unfinished stories; new TFs and Trials; maybe even new story arcs. One thing you could do is take some of the AE stories that are hall of fame / dev's choice and make them available through regular contacts. Bear in mind of course that you will never be able to release enough content to satisfy everyone. And also that some of the people clamoring for new content are trying to deflect attention away from AE because they don't want it to get nerfed again. (My 2 INF says AE is in a good spot at the moment. It's feeding the economy so we don't IO sets going for 2 billion INF...)


New Power Sets. I'm not a huge fan of power proliferation, but some ATs have gotten a lot of love during the in-between years, and others are nearly identical to how they were on Live. Maybe give some of those neglected ATs a little love?. Also, Wind Control and maybe a Defender epic like Physical Mastery, because I have a guy that would love to be using Knockout Blow instead of Total Focus, for theme reasons.


Graphical Updates. I'm not talking a whole new look, but would it kill anyone if Granite Form finally had a Crystal option? Also, new costume patterns, hair styles, etc. Fixing costume pieces that have color channel issues. Etc. 


Continued Transparency. I love how the team communicates openly. Don't change that.


For what it's worth, I'm pretty happy with where Homecoming is right now, but I recognize that folks can only be asked to donate so much of their time. If more money needs to flow into the business, then I would just ask that the staff try to keep it current culture and practices alive.


Money often makes things weird. So... Tread carefully.


Always Forward, Never Backward.





Edited by SuperChris
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I am happy just having the game back, so knowing that it will continue to be here is enough.  Things I would *like* to see:

* additional 'shapeshift' travel powers, like turning into an owl or something.

* additional non human lower body options like a pillar of flame, ghost tendrils, etc.

* maybe use of the Mu floating body as an emote or travel power, maybe a toggle of hover.

* someone mentioned buffs to old sets that have been power crept like archery.

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Honestly? The things I want to see are that which the team approaches with every bit of enthusiasm as they have so far. Yeah, I'd love to see the whole incarnate story picked up where it was left off, but I also want to see it done from an angle the team, and community, can come to agree upon. You guys rock! You've done great things! The balancing, the changes to the mechanics, have all been really excellent. If you take the story places? I just wanna see it done with the same passion, is all. New content would be excellent, and it doesn't -have- to be off of the path of Praetoria's interference, though it presents wonderful angles to work with.


I'd return the question back, as much as that's a cheap deferral. What does the team feel right now? What are some angles you guys are feeling, at the moment? Maybe a straw poll of suggestions would be great to work with. Some mundane mechanical things, like putting head lights on the other Arachnos helmets is cool too. My two cents on this, anyway. Please keep up the great work!

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Personally, I'd like to see the incarnate system left alone. I think it's at a point where it doesn't overwhelm standard mechanics completely but also grants characters a noticeable power boost for their efforts. 

Honestly I'd like the game to just move on from the Incarnate story. I actually don't want to see any more of the Battalion arc. I find it kind of boring and unless the HC devs have notes or something to follow from the Paragon devs, I don't think continuing where they left off is necessarily a good idea, because while I think the HC devs are great, without knowing exactly what Paragon was going for, there's really no way for them to get it right. But, who knows? Maybe they do have notes and whatnot for all of that.

Still, I think it would be better to move in a different direction. Nix the Coming Storm, come up with new, fresh ideas and content.

I would like to see an expansion of difficulty settings, though. Maybe an "incarnate" difficulty flag along with the standard +'s? I think that would provide a suitable challenge without requiring endgame content to be specifically designed around incarnate powers.


I'd also like to see the katana bug fixed, and old, lackluster powersets updated.

I guess pipedream wishes would be further removal or complete removal of all crash mechanics from abilities like Rage, and maybe for characters to have actual fingers instead of mitten hands.

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New level 1 - 49 content cause not all of us want to powerlevel to incarnate; Kalisti Wharf as it was going to be (even though that traffic tornado is fun); holiday events like trick or treating; new uses for underused zones like Boomtown, Perez Park, The Hollows, Dance Party; more badges cause there can never be enough; and last but not least... SECURITY. Losing the game was devastating the first time, to have it yanked away again.... I just want to know I wouldn't have to start over or lose my heroes again or worry about a C&D destroying the community we've built for good. 

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My wish list:

  • Some customization of pets--especially MM pets, but others would be great too
  • A copyediting sweep of all game text, and ideally a continuation of same going forward
  • Recipe storage
  • Inter-alt storage for individual players (I've emailed myself more recipes and salvage than I care to think about.)
  • If not that, the ability to send more than one item per email
  • A sweep of costumes, and then possibly of environments, to bring everything up to the detail level the later costume additions already have

But really, just keep doing what you've been doing and I'll be happy enough. It's good to be home.

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I would like to see something akin to Toontown Rewritten (If links are not allowed, please feel free to remove this whole parenthetical-- https://www.toontownrewritten.com/ ). They add QoL improvements, even fixing the game engine (which I know you guys have done a LOT of). They also add in brand new content every now and again to keep the game feeling like it's alive and well. And to them it is!

Though, if we're the "only" legit server cluster, I could see the need to have an unmodified (maybe just the QoL fixes) server. In case people want the things that came before the SCoRE/HC changes. If this is our chance to go legit, then we should try and be a little more accommodating to those that want to experience the game.


Also, being way more open about balance would be amazing. I've said it a lot to the people I talk to, but taking a page out of Adventure Quest's early development (not sure how they work now), they had balance as an open discussion on the forums. Everyone could find out the numbers and equations that lead to damage numbers, and could make suggestions for additions or balance in an open discussion forum. It kept everyone in the know about how everything worked, if they cared, and allowed for the balance team to focus on game breaking fixes, instead of the small fixes.
I'm also a little biased to AQ, as I worked on their forum as a moderator during those days. (Under a different username.)


But, if nothing else, I like the way HC is going currently. You guys are doing your best, and that's all we can ask for right now. I think in the future, being more open with balance and game changes will make for a happier community, or maybe a little less toxic towards you guys when changes are made. Good luck with whichever way this goes.

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I would like to see

New / more available power sets (wind control as seen in pines, or making them like nature blast using wind and leafs to deal damage) and the availability for tank to get Energy Aura would be nice. 

Completing the Incarnate like Genesis. 

Able to change colour and customise power sets further like granite armour and henchmen to be more unique. 

More and Harder content and the ability to make missions harder instead of just +4. 

Updated graphics and textures models for powers, maps and costume's.


To have weekends with dev's or some days for the dev's to join us in missions and have a good time with us.

Edited by mdude134
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I'd like to see an expansion in the difficulty settings. I second the "Incarnate difficulty" setting. I also would like to see new content, but I'm in agreement with Johua on dropping the Battalion storyline. I think the game needs to return to its Hero vs Villain roots.



Edited by Moka
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  1. Driveable vehicles.
  2. Option to be a regular civilian, I want to just chill.
  3. Less criminal activity, let's be honest, everyone's had plenty of time to clean the streets, Leo and his gang have had even more time, get it together.
  4. More food emotes.
  5.  Transparency, too much shit is behind the curtains for a group running illegal affairs.
  6. New staff, some of these people shouldn't be here after the stunts they've pulled.
  7. copyrighted content that doesn't belong to us.
  8. Spoiler



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