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Everything posted by MTeague

  1. Nice to have? Sure. QoL? Sure. "Need"... I can't get behind the use of that word here.
  2. If any changes are to be made, best if it were player-configurable warning default = no message warn me if I bid more than X for salvage warn me if I bid more than Y for a recipe warn me if I bid more than Z for an enhancement Where YOU type in X, Y, and Z. and warnings ONLY happen if you fill them in. I personally would leave them blank. But that should be less invasive than warnings vs "recent prices".
  3. I tend to buy the pvp ones attuned, because I'm usually already in hte "Attuned" section when I browse to buy them. And also because I tend to slot them early. Sometimes lvl 10 or so. And especially if I'm choosing to slot an entire set, like my tanker who has 5/6 pieces of Shield Wall slotted, well, he's only lvl 32. I want those pieces to level up with him. I've been told that PvP pieces "act as attuned" but I think that only really means "if you exemplar below them, you keep your set bonus" I do not think it means, a lvl 15 Defense/Endurance/Recharge piece will actually SCALE UP WITH YOU. If I'm wrong about that, okay, I'll change my buying habits. But I do not wait until 50 to slot things, and I take my sweet time levelling up, often disabling XP for quite awhile at various stages, so I do want to make sure pieces scale up with me along the way.
  4. Torchbearer has a green light on it. Not that I'm checking every couple of minutes or anything, no.... /twitch.
  5. Glad to see the community being understanding and supportive. Far better than the 12 pages of nerdrage posts you'd get on Blizzard forums anytime a WoW server went down.
  6. Seriously. There are a couple workarouds though. I've found that I can often reclaim 200+ "wasted" characters that it claimed where consumed but really weren't, by going through my entire bio, top to bottom, delete spaces between first and second word, replace with one space, delete spaces between second and third word, replace with one space, etc. It seems to lose characters especially if you go back and edit text in the middle of something you've already written. Alternately, use NotePad or TextPad, get what you want written, make sure its' 1023 or less, and copy/paste the whole thing in all at once. It's a hassle. Would be nice if the in-game editor was more reliable. But if it's not a nice easy fix, either method above can be made to work.
  7. If there's issues that somehow prevent the existing bio text field from being expanded, them I'm fine with the initial bio being limited to 1023 characters, and a "More" button being added for additional text to go to a new field. That way also, you don't have to worry that inspecting someone would suddenly pull up War and Peace. You'd get an initial bio, and maybe there'd be more to read if you were so inclined to click their "More..." button.
  8. Have heard rumors Utility Belt will include things like Bolas. That could be a nice device-y way to work in a Hold to a natural Control set, if the animation was over-the-top and wrapped yoru arms as well as your legs.
  9. welllllll..... I probably wouldnt' recommend Praetoria for your first character. It's doable of course, and if you're dead set on it, a Demon/Dark is a DARN good choice to do it with. But Nova Praetoria/Imperial City/Neutropolis are..... not heavily populated most nights, let's just say. Praetorian teams can happen, but they're the exception more than the rule. Still, if you enjoy it, go for it. And don't be shy about inviting others you see goldside. Teams form far faster if you invite vs wait to be invited.
  10. All servers are back up, I just logged in!
  11. Reunion and Everlasting are showing as up for me. The rest are still down though. Master: no, no, we have not even begun upon the path. Ed Gruberman, you Must learn patience. Ed: yeah yeah yeah, patience. how long will that take? Master: time has no meaning. to a true student, a year is as a day. Ed: a year??? i wanna beat people up right now!
  12. Hair physics for ALL hairs, male and female, would be nice. Even as an optional thing you could choose / block at the tailor, or in the Menu/Options/Graphics, etc. It does seem odd that if you have a "Low Ponytail" on a dude or the "Glam" hair on a female, and you do a huge Superjump, then during the downward arc your hair stays EXACTLY in place. It seems like AquaNet lives on in Paragon City 😉
  13. Not really opposed to the idea as such, but I'd definitely put it low on the priority queue. "make the trek to see the detective". It takes ... maybe a whole minute? two? perhaps five if it's in Independance Port, but I've never seen people run radio missions there. I don't really see it as a big deal, but, full disclosure, I do not use enterbasefrompasscode, and I do enjoy actuall travelling around the city, and seeing other people fly/run/jump/bamph around as well. So I am slightly biased here.
  14. well, yes and no. You're GOING to stand differently with a full on rifle and use two hands (unless your name is Salvatore....) vs you could easily one-hand a beam pistol (assuming the pistol didn't have large amounts of kickback). If there was some kind of kickback somehow, you'd still stand differently to put both hands on a pistol vs both hands on a rifle. And as much as possible, you want the beam to actually LOOK like it's coming from the tip of the rifle / pistol. If it started a very very short distance from the muzzle it could still be plausible, but the beam should never start a foot to the right/left of the pistol, etc. Edit but I guess the beam ITSELF... as long as the point of origin is plausible... yes, the kind of gun wouldn't matter.
  15. I think general rules should apply. If the existing sets have "1 ranged, 1 melee, 1 control, 1 armor, 1 utility", then any new set should more or less meet that same standard. I don't think it would matter if one set got their utility power earlier vs later". But no set should be overly lopsided in ways other sets aren't. There are alredy some variables. In addition to the Converse power thing for Brutes/Tanks, there's also "Psionic Mastery" for Controllers/Dominators, where Dominators get a "Link Minds" power, and controllers get "Mental Blast" instead. Presumably, /Psionic Assault already has Mental Blast, and Doms in general are not hurting for more blast options. However, again, within each AT, the masterys are about equal. All the Dom epics seem to balance vs other Dom choices, and all Controller epics seem to balance vs other Controller choices. I would not object if some tweaking were done to Corruptor or Defender sets, as long as for each AT, things were balanced. Honestly though, I'm not sure Corruptors/Defenders need much variance there. They primary/secondaries are mirrors to each other, so by the time you're high level, you have access to basically the same powers, have basically the same holes, and not-terribly-different needs of what to get out of your epic pools. But I'd be willing to look at specific proposals and give them a fair trial vs reject it out-of-hand.
  16. For Rush, "Closer to the Heart", for the longest damn time my brother was convinced "Philosophers and Plowmen" was "Philosophers and Flounder". Though, to be fair, Geddy Lee's voice, especially on their earlier albums, can take time to decode.
  17. Hm. Actually Peacebringer/Warshade might be good existing sets to draw from to build a thematic Assault Set. There's several blasts and punches in the humanform trees. Some single target, some Cones, some targetted AE. They might need to adjust scaling. and they might need to ask themselves "do we WANT do to that, does it start robbing the Khelds of uniqueness?" But if they didn't mind that, you could probably slap together nine powers of varying strength that do the right mix of melee/ranged/utility to form a decent Assault set.
  18. I can appreciate this as a personal challenge / thing to do, just to try it. I wouldn't feel right joining most groups and doing this without telling them. I'd only really do this with a SG team, or regular friends who knew I was doing it and invited me anyway. But that's me. I tend to get minorly annoyed at Defenders who ONLY use their support powers and never any blast powers, etc. For normal gameplay I consider that "doing it wrong". But I suppose if I knew up front they were doign this kind of pesonal challenge, I'd kind of waive my objections. Confuse is my favorite power in the game. I don't consider it cheating. If you're fine with being a team where everyone else defeats the mobs for you, that's really no different from mobs defeating mobs. HOWEVER. Keep in mind, you get Zero XP if a Confused mob defeats other mobs and no one on your team does any damage to it. So Confuse will only work as a team option for you, not a solo option. Immob's often do damage, but maybe some do not.
  19. lol. I *think* the original post was more "can I have a Tops-with-Skin costume AND have tattoes/bodypaint, etc" And a couple of the "Cybertech" options can kinda work for that. And of course the ladies get the option of the glowing tsoo tattoos, which is nice. But more options is generally good.
  20. Not sure where you get "easy to port over". Assault sets are a mix of melee and ranged, sometimes with a splash of control / utility. They won't just port the existing Water Blast / Sonic / Dual Pistols blast sets as-is, nor should they. Now, I'll agree, I'd like more Assault sets to exist. But any new set should fit or at least approximate the existing models.
  21. I willing to entertain claims that they're an actual problem, but there needs more documentation than a "Because they do" assertation. Details. What exactly were you wanting to buy? What led you to conclude that one individual controlled the price. Even naming no names, do you have a specific individual in mind? If not, how can you say it's one person controlling the price.
  22. Hm. That's an angle I hadn't considered. Certainly FirstWard/NightWard are a LOT more fun teaming. But on nights were I don't find people, OR, I'm just hating all human life to begin with (work does that to me some days....), AND, if I've already finsihed up the arcs.... I'd half planned to use Ouro to repeat some. Which I guess is not an option. Still, there's misc Repeatable Quest Dudes in the zones...Vickers, etc. And absolute worst case, there's AE, or just patience for another night when teaming is more workable.
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