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Everything posted by MTeague

  1. Slow Movment Set: Eternity of the Staff Meeting Slow/Acc Slow/Recharge Slow/End/Recharge Slow/End/Acc End/Recharge Proc: Chance for Sleep
  2. I would change Triage Beacon, to be Triage DRONE, and have it follow you. Other than that, I would not change anything.
  3. I don't often do crazy-high recharge builds. I know, I know, I'm a heretic. (My Dom's are an exception to this) But I have a workable attack chain without it, and powers like Freezing Rain / Tornado / Lightning Storm are coming back fast enough already, I'm content.
  4. Entropic Chaos, Panacea, Power Transfer. It's not exactly Aid Self, but they'll just happen as you use other powers, and if you8're a controller, hopefully you're locking things down in relatively short order.
  5. Another vote for Defennder here. I have a Storm/Sonic at lvl 38. He's fun solo, he's fun on teams. He drops enemy resistance like an anvil dropped from an airplane. Regarding KB-to-KD's Gale: 2 slotted, KB-to-KD and Acc. It's hilarious watching 16 nemesis or malta or carnies simultaneously flop down on their butts in place. And it buys a couple seconds where NONE of them are attacking at all, which teams will always put to good use. Tornado: 4 slotted, 3 procs and a KB-to-KD. it's Too Damn Awesome when it just stayed on a cluster of targets and continues to dot the heck out of them without hurling anyone aside. Hurricane: 4 slotted, 3 to-hit debuff pieces and KB-to-KD. This one I sometimes second-guess. (second guess the KB-to-KD, not the power selection). I still have to be mindful of the Repel effect when teaming, and it's not that often I see it knock things down. But it's still a GIANT to-hit debuff, which is like giving your team a giant Defense buff. Lightning Storm: I do NOT have one in this. I thought about it. But I want the six slot bonus of a set instead. Instead, I'm just careful where I summon the storm. If it's a TALL room or an outdoor map, I'll fly up a bit and summon Lighting Storm above the pack. the bolts zot almost directly downward resulting in VERY little horizontal motion from the target. Basically makes it a knockback. On an indoor map, I'll only summon lightning storm if I can place it so things get zapped back into a corner. At 38, he has basically no more END issues at all. Though he does have a few END procs. The 20's were rough on the endurance-curve. Don't delay getting your Panacea/Miracle/Perf Shifter. He's Storm/Sonic because he was Storm/Sonic back in the old days, and the name demands it ("Thundercrow".... also his name on live). If I had it to do over again though I might have gone with Storm/Electric/Electric. Especially now that there are sets like Synapse's Shock and Power Transfer with Acc/Dmg/EndMod. Used to be slotting for EndMod REQUIRED you to sacrifice damage output, but now...? Could be quite fun, esp with the Defenders higher sapping power.
  6. I would want to see a character dressed up as Jake or Elwood Blues surrounded by 20,000 Council, 5th Column, RIP, or Longbow.
  7. I have to admit, I rarely use Catalysts to attune anything. Given the quirk of the market where lvl enhancments of any level share the SAME inventory and pricing as their attuned counterparts, I've gotten into the habit of *craft EVERY recipe that drops for me* (I have tons of rare salvage from piles of brain storm ideas from superpacks), convert if not already valueable, post it for auction. then buy whatever I actually WANT as an already-attuned-piece. The Catalysts I tend to pile up until an alt dings fifty, and then that alt will withdraw 24-30 catalysts from petty cash to Purpleize ATO's and Winter-O's.
  8. Hilarious? Yes. A good idea? .......mayyyyyyybe not.
  9. There's plenty of good people to team with. 50% of my teaming is a Pick-Up-Groups / Random invites, it still usually goes well. I am a touch curious at what people have gotten judgemental over.
  10. LOL, that's great. 🙂 Personally, I'd probably hang onto the extra Argameddon's. Sooner or later you'll have another character to slot them into. But I feel your pain on the "Wait, quantity is still WHAT?" after clicking "Make Offer".
  11. ah yes, the trap of "Too Cool To Use".
  12. I like having ONE. Maybe two. I rarely keep many. As @ForeverLaxx says, when I know I'm going to die, I try to get some distance between the spawn point and the mob I'm fighting so I can wakie unmolested. Some of this is because, for immersion sake, i hate being "teleported to the hospital" and then the villians just stuck around after. Esp if it's a "rescue these guys from the devouring earth" or something, where they really ought to be Dead/Devoured before I return. I've been known to look at the screen and say "That never happened". and literally restart the mission, no matter how much of the map I'd already cleared, so I can do it "right" without dying along the way. The only real problem I've had with wakies is Praetoria, when what killed you is a laser-guided ambush and they WILL instantly re-aggro the second you rise up, no matter HOW far away they are. But you can sometimes get enough time for rez sickness to wear off if you ran a good bit before you fell. I like @tidge's idea of emailing them to myself. Definitely going to do that.
  13. For the record, I don't mean this guy: No, I mean the term "AH Flipper". What exactly do you file under that category? And what about it do you think is objectionable/not? And, I know, I know, I'm a dreamer and a lunatic, but let's try to keep this free of invective and vitriol. Category 1: Buy something on Auction House. Post the EXACT SAME THING to the Auction House, at a higher price. This I can understand people being angry at. "Now, I have to pay more. I could have bought it at the original price, but you wanted to be a middleman, and really what benefit does the community gain by you being such a middleman and taking an extra "cut" of the price it could have been?" However, an argument (rationalization?) can be made that now the same item is going through TWO auction house transactions, and therefore at least twice at much influence is being drained from the economy, which helps cut down on long-term-inflation. Unless someone is bragging about doing exactly this, it's next to impossible to know it happens, because of course you have no idea who bought what from whom, or who acquired what as a drop vs acquired by the auction house. Category 2: Buy crafted set IO's on Auction House. Convert them. Post the converted result to the Auction House. I don't object to the seller selling the converted result. They bought some basic ingredients, used some of their own resources to turn it into something else that is a more sought-after product. Not unlike buying a house/building that has been condemned, fixing it up, and selling the result. Now I do get, that even that can be touchy. in the real world, there can be concerns over not finding housing you can afford if the cheap places are all converted to something upscale. In CoH terms, maybe I really *WANTED* to use Serendipity or Reactive Armor sets, but I can't because they're all snapped up and converted to LotG or to Unbreakable Guard's. Or maybe I actually WANTED a full set of Gladiator's Net. But other people are buying them and converting them to Panacea's and Shield Walls and Gladiator's Armor and such. Category 3: Buy recipe's and salvage. Craft yellows, and some oranges. Convert them. Post the converted result to Auction House. In many ways identical to category 2. but some may consider this "different" on some level so I wanted to split this out. Others Categories??? I don't really object to any of the above. In part because I can use Converters to change most anything into most anything, and I'll get quite a few dropped recipies on any given night. I'm not thrilled with category 1 and I don't do it.... but every bit of influence consumed by auction house fees is a bit of influence taken out of the economy, and that helps fight inflation. I just personally like to feel like I have added value, and I can't quite bring myself to justify it to myself. I HAVE sometimes engaged in Category 2. I'll do Category 3 a couple times a week. If you consider this "bad", why? What would you say if not some random stranger, but a friend was doing it?
  14. Here's how I see it. It's been a month or so since the Double Influence was disabled / nerfed / removed / your-choice-of-verb-here. There is NO WAY that the devs are unaware of the amount of pushback from people who feel that this was a serious mistake / insult / whatever. The dev have also had an entire month to collect data, observe what has in fact happened. Did a bunch of people quit? Has there been a spike of inflation or deflation? Are certain things posted less often or more often? Has this set out to do what they intended, and has it had unforeseen consequences? If they feel they need to roll back this change, I suspect it's really not that hard for them to do so. If they feel the cold hard numbers mean it's had the desired effect and is in the long-term best interests of their vision for the game, they will keep it. But I do not believe continued rageposting, OR rageobjecting, is likely to sway them in either direction. Now, full disclosure, I am in the camp that considred it something that spiked inflation too much, and I'm glad it's gone. You're entirely free to disagree with me. You're entirely free to file me under one of your numerical categories if you wish. I do not feel a need to "discuss the problem" becuase, frankly, in my view the problem has already been fixed. But if you disagree, there are zero other players who you need to convince. You really need to convince the DEVS. And I bet angry posts aren't going to sway them any more than they have already been swayed (not at all) over the last month. Calm reasoned arguments, backed up by as much data as you can provide, are far likelier to have an impact more than posting about "City of Haters".
  15. I'm guessing Crey agents got to you and erased those memories. Or possibly Will Smith. 🙂
  16. Experimentally.... (I just added one) Go to your profile click Edit Profile Type whatever you want into "Member Title" click Save shazam, you have a title above your avatar
  17. To be fair, I would never assume a poster is a complete authority in any field. Case in point. Above your avatar, it says "Economics Professor". You may in fact be one. You may in fact be an undisputed authority in the field. But the fact that the label above your avatar says so, is a far cry from any kind of proof of that. I've said on numerous posts, that I've worked as a programmer for 24 years. And that's true. Unless I'm lying. And really, how would anyone else know? You may or may not have suspicous based on how I phrase certain things. But I would not in the slightest bit be offened if anyone say "yea right MTeague, keep blowing smoke". For all any other poster knows, I could be a very very clever labrador retriever who's learned to type. We **ARE** all "randoms" to one another, unless you know someone here in real life.
  18. Of course, from "Hats without Hair", my brain leapt to "Men Without Hats", and now Safety Dance is stuck in my head.
  19. I mean, some hairstyles do NOT make sense with hats. Especially the Road-Warrior-Style mohawk, or Mender Silos super-spiky hair, or the giant exposed brain. But I would like a "Hat Detail" option that let you choose what hairstyle, IF ANY, to have show up with the hat. this would allow for a bit more control, so you don't have to have part of a mohawk or exposed brain showing through a hat. Anything too crazy, you just don't allow for Hat Detail. You could start off with a fairly small list of choices.... short hair (like under the Fedora), long wild hair (like under the "Swabby" or "Pirate" hats), or long straight hair (like under the "Bandana" hat on females). I'd like "Low Ponytail" to be an option as well. That list could be expanded over time / with requests. Maybe the "Hat Detail" option would just be disabled / greyed out on hats that are to where it makes no sense (egyptian pharoah headdress), but enabled where it does make sense (baseball cap, fedora, duster, etc)
  20. It probaby wouldn't be that that hard to setup a Hollows run, but I admit, that's one I don't see advertised as much anymore. I blame Twinshot and her arc for that, as well as DFB. Still doable, but you might need to start up in LFG chat something like: "Returning player looking for Hollows group! Starting on David Wincott arc! C'mon, help a new hero out!" I suspect that would get at least a few bites from people who are nostalgic for old Hollows runs, even if it's not a common levelling choice nowadays.
  21. My experience has been that more people use the LFG chat channel to find teams than use the in-game LFG tool. It may be worth monitoring LFG chat and sending people a tell if they're announcing spots open for a group. (I'm on Excelsior, if it matters)
  22. Babylon 5, "A Late Delivery from Avalon", Garabaldi: “What are you so nervous about? We went up against the entire Earth Alliance and two carrier groups.” Zack: “Yeah, but this is the Post Office. We could get in real trouble for this.”
  23. OSHA was there. They're tied up in a straight jacket, still in convulsions, still screaming "It doesn't make sense! Why doesn't it make sense!!!"
  24. And give every Council a Sapper Rifle. Every minion, every lieutentant, every boss. And have them all self-rez like Freakshow Super Stunners. (this is not a real suggestion. if this were an actual suggestion, I would be found stabbed somwhere)
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