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Everything posted by MTeague

  1. I'm guessing a lot of it is that if you have to communicate what the projectile was to ALL observers, it becomes a lot more network traffic... particularly in outside zones. In a mission, it would matter less because you'd generally only have you and 7 others. But... say in Atlas Park? By the statue, propelling a hellion? Especially when the game came out and X many people still had Dial-Up.
  2. For the pet.... I wouldn't want this to feel like it's stealing tooo much of the Necromancy MM's thunder. What I WOULD like though, is some kind of "Field of Bone", that's like Carrion Creepers, but bone-themed vs plant themed. #8 I would absolutely call Bone Shield, in honor of the Diablo 2 Necromancer. #4.... I dunno. Conceptually, throwing dirt feels more like a melee distraction tactic, not like a staple of a controller.
  3. Well... Origin is your Origin... it's not necessarily the source of your powers TODAY, just the source of your powers when you got started. Still, I see no harm / anything unbalancing in allowing it to be changed. It wouldnt' be like allowing you a different AT or different primary/secondary powersets.
  4. I think the Endurance cost of the pet buffs rises with each affected pet. Which is still a more than fair tradeoff to buff them all in one cast. Just do make sure to use both buffs if you have access to them both. Each one gives the pets different skills. The first buff is NOT obsoleted when you get the second buff.
  5. Tip missions also often have other NPC heros / villains in them, which count toward Hero Slayer / Villain Disruptor badges, if I'm not mistaken. Either way, they're better written and more engaging (to me anyway) than "The Boomtown Security Chief asked for you by name. You should consider that a compliment. Go see what he wants."
  6. I may have matching hubris, but, I am in fact a dfferent person 🙂
  7. Fusionette, in RWZ misisons. HEY! EYES UP HERE, PAL! (though really, given her costume, one has to wonder a bit at just what she was expecting.....)
  8. I think the ones run by the GM's tend to be in Khalisti Wharf, so both Heroes and Villains can participate. Sadly that still excludes the Goldside characters who aren't ready to hit Primal Earth yes, but, well, you can't have everything. Pocket D exists, but it doesn't have a good wide open area free from dance club lighting that's straightforward to get to. Khalisti is at least available off both blue and redside mass transit. Most CC's I've seen run by players are still blueside, at Atlas.
  9. Of course, I also want GM to stop being interchangable between Giant Monster and Game Master.... unless perhaps they're actually one and the same.
  10. Bat'Zul would make very little sense considering he's buried under an island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Kraken, perhaps. Personally, I'd prefer a GM version of the Igneous, raging at people mucking about in the Cavern of Transcendance.
  11. The most powerful force in the universe! Most Excellent.
  12. It's been requested many times, not just for Void Skiff, but also Rocket Board, etc. I think the problem with being able to fight on it is actually the problem with animations. There are no animations to hurl fire while on your surfboard. Or to use Total Focus while on your skiff. etc. They couldn't just do it for ranged powers. EVERY POWER that you can use would need "this is how it looks on your vehicle" animation. That's a significant amount of work. Instead of doing that, the old NCSoft Devs just said "it detoggles everything and you can't attack". Could the HC devs do something quick and clunky and dirty and have you do the regular animations even if they look WRONG? Technically, yes. Will they? Your guess is as good as mine. But personally, I doubt it. They seem to pride themselves on having a professional polish to what they release, and I respect that. If you could fight on the skiffs, rockets boards, etc, I would actually want them removed from the game and just make into alternate animations to Fly. I do not think you should have an infinite usable travel power that you can use in combat without spending a power selection on it. But, that's me, and I am NOT a dev. and no, honestly, I never liked that you could buy several hours of advance time for a raptor pack etc... if it was up to me, I'd let you top off the existing 1 hr of power, but I wouldn't let you have more than 1 hr of travel for any temp-power jetback.... but hey. These are among the many many reasons why I am not a dev and will never be one. I'm fine with looking at my customers and saying "I don't care what you want, it doesn't go with my vision for the game".
  13. Well I know I'll be logging in every character I have tonight, just in case. Only 2 of them are 50's, the other 34+ are at a wide mix, some in 40's, 30's, 20's, and a few sitting at lvl 1.
  14. I must be the oddball using Dark Mastery (epic pool, not patron pool) for some Cones with -ToHit debuffs. Back door defense buff for the team, plus I like the look on the animations.
  15. Bad/Ugly: Electric Blast is often looked at as a lower-damage blast set. However, I personally never noticed it being that bad on my Elec/Elec blaster. I don't think Elec Blast gets any extra Damage Proc's. There's procs for Ranged Damage and Targetted AoE dmg of course, but it's not like Rad Blast where you can toss in the procs from Defense Debuff / Accurate Defense Debuff, etc. Electric Affinity can be "busy". As in, you could probably ALWAYS be cycling some powers to buff / debuff at any given moment. You'll have to find a balance you can work with for maintaining buffs while still hurling offensive power. Good: With the new EndMod/Dmg sets (Synapse's Shock, Power Transfer, etc), you have the option to boost the sapping effect AND boost the dmg effect, which is nice. Sapping probably will never matter for minions (they'll just die), but could be nice for some bosses. Faraday Cage is Status Protection, so much like a FF Bubbler or Sonic Bubbler, you'll be able to mostly shrug off mezzes once you're situated for battle. unlike them though, you're vulnerable on the move. Faraday Cage is Stationary, though it can be resummoned to your current location. but while you're moving from point A to point B, before you resummon, you could be mezzed. You should never ever run out of end, ever. You get a pet fairly early, and you can bounce your circuits off that pet when soloing to have the circuit bounce back and affect YOU. This means the vast majority of your powers are still helpful when soloing, as opposed to say, an Empath who can't Fort themselves or Clear Mind themselves, or a bubbler who can't use the ally-bubbles on themselves.
  16. It's also working keeping your own personal playstyle / preferences in mind. "FF isn't needed at endgame" Well, maybe. But if you personally DO NOT PLAY a bunch of lvl 50 content, if you have lots more fun in the 20-44 range, and very often exemplar down to that range, you may still find an FF defender very valued and welcome on teams... particularly if you like to hang out in First Ward / Night Ward, etc. Your own personal "endgame" need not be lvl 50 incarnate content, even if that is how the term is normally bandied about.
  17. Could be worse. As crazy as it sounds, The geographical center of Boston is in Roxbury. Due north of the center we find the South End. This is not to be confused with South Boston, which lies directly east from the South End. North of the South End is East Boston and southwest of East Boston is the North End Those are all actually true.
  18. I do think Sents could stand to have some boosts to damage and/or a reworked inherent. They should never get too close to blaster damage (unless managed by craptons of procs, or other AT-independant mechanics). Lesser damage is the price you pay for a scrapper-like-secondary tree. I don't think it's wrong for Sentinels to match Scrapper damage BEFORE critical hits are factored in. But Scrappers are critting machines, and Sentinels do lesser damage (by not having crits) in exchange for having vastly greater freedom to attack at range. That said, I don't know about anyone else, but I tend to snag the Presence Pool taunt on my Sentinels. I don't think I've given it more than 2 slots, but just having an AE taunt that's fairly reliable (yes, it can miss/needs to hit, but between tactics and set bonuses, it's pretty reliable), allows for some decent offtanking / oh-I-guess-I-am-the-tank-this-time options.
  19. I feel like Mass Hysteria should be a Beast Mastery MM.
  20. "Meddling Kid" as in the Scooby Doo, "And I would have gotten away with it, too...."
  21. My two favorite villains: Trifid (Plant/Psi/Psi Dominator): was an accountant, very much withdrawn, preferred numbers and cats to people. was partially consumed by a plant-being, possibly the last of it's kind, that had survived since before the dinosaurs. But she was a very potent latent telepath so instead of being truly consumed they... merged. She is fully aware of how human society works, language, technology, etc. She also has full memories of being a parasitical plant creature who's species watched the dinosaurs rise and who watched them fall. She has become essentially a psychic vampire, growing stronger with every foe she uses Drain Psyche or Mind Probe on, and those are how she also sucks memories and knowledge. No need to interrogate, just take it from them, neuron by neuron, or circuit by circuit. She does not plan to exterminate all human life, but she does plan to cull the human race by over 99%... leaving a few hundred thousand hunter-gatherers surviving in pockets around the globe strikes her as the best most merciful balance. Not a nice person. But from her point of view, correcting the ecological imbalance of humanity. Feril (Spines/Regen/Dark Stalker): He has no other name. His earliest memories are crawling through dumpsters, looking for food. As near as he can tell, his parents were horrifed by his appearance at birth (blue skin, leonine face, digitigrade legs, clawed feet) and threw him into the garbage at birth. Possibly sealing him in a plastic bag first, or injecting him with what should have been a lethal dose of morphine. Possibly not. But he did not die. His regeneration kept him alive and he grew as a wild thing. Learning enough language by observing and listening and hiding, but he has had no formal schooling, no home, no friends, just the street. He has learned that life is often cheap in the rogue isles, and he must take what he wants or be left wanting. Has some power over shadow. When he hides, he's not just being sneaky. He's literally NOT THERE to the best sensors available. Ceases to exist / phases into a Shadow Realm. Until he strikes. He's gradually shifting from Villain to Rogue, because he's mostly looking out for A#1, not really trying to rule the world. Also headcanon, he's got a bit of a crush on Amanda Vines after the Marshall Brass arc.
  22. Naw, that's easy, just go a massive political tirade and.... um.... well.... this might not be a good idea you understand.... But you'd probably get a GM to post in your thread. 🙂
  23. Hey, if Zer0 can use bladed swords guns in Borderlands 2, why not?
  24. Probably better if 1 Pistol and 1 Sword, so you could chain attacks together without redraw issues. And 1 hand on the blade would prevent direct use of the katana animations. But maybe Broadsword animations with selection of any 1 blade available to Dual Blades? And any 1 pistol available to dual pistols, .... though I don't think they have any nice quick cut/paste on pistols animations (that only shoot from one pistol) But I like "Street Assault" as an idea.
  25. While I'm not AGAINST more melee/ranged choices... .... honestly I'd like to see more Controller/Dominator primaries and Dominator secondaries added first. There's already a LOT more choices for the melee types and support types. Show a little love for the Controllers and Doms'.
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