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Everything posted by Caulderone

  1. Following up on this again, as my prior answer has proven to be wrong. Several posts above this one go into details.
  2. Ok, so this alters the conclusions for more than 1 PT:Heal. I'm trying to come up with a way to present this and edit into the first post. In auto powers (quick recovery, stamina, superior conditioning, physical perfection): 1 PT:Heal is better than a RT:Regen 4 PT:Heal is great 2 PT:Heal is better than 1PT:Heal and 1 RT:Regen until you have about +20% increased MaxHP, but 1 PT:Heal and 1 RT:Regen is better past that 3 PT:Heal doesn't work out well, the third one isn't doing much Does that look like a reasonable way to put that? Any alternate suggestions? Edit: See Bopper's post below. These suggestions are wrong.
  3. If what we are seeing is a lockout timer, it is very, very short in duration. Individual click powers like those should not be affected in any way.
  4. SR scaling starts at 60% HP, so you are at 45% HP with that set up in Mids. That's what the CurHP<60% - X means. I posted my SR/Fire in Redlynne's No Get Hitsu (v2) post a while back. I'll attach it here, too, for some alternate ideas about how to get lots of resists. At 40% HP, it sits at 76,59 S/L, 74.15 F/C, 71.9 E/N, and 59.4 T/P with one stack of SMotT. I went for solid resists across the board.
  5. I don't think it is. My 2 and 3 slotted PPM match up with your results. The 4 slotted is where the oddity occurs. That makes me think that there is indeed some kind of very, very short lockout to prevent AoE multi-heal that is causing this. With 4 auto-powers checking, they are likely rolling over a server tick and rolling past the lockout?
  6. Made a /Regen brute on beta. Picked all 4 powers that can take PT:Heal (qr, stam, pp, sc). I made a tab and added only Healing Received. Doing 2 minutes periods, adding and removing HR to start and stop the tab, using clearchat between, I did 4 runs. Run 1 = 29 Run 2 = 24 Run 3 = 23 Run 4 = 28 Expected at 12 PPM from 4 is 24. So, I'm seeing independent procs like I expected. At one point, I had 3 +75 green fly texts on screen at once, and 2 +75 many times. So, I'm not seeing a lockout of more than a fraction of a second if any. I'm going to run some more 2 minute trials after a re-log, and will update again with more tests. Edit1: Removed the PT:Heal from SC, leaving 3 slotted, so expected 9PPM. 2 minute runs. Run 1 = 12 Run 2 = 10 So, getting 5-6ppm results there. Very odd. Edit2: Removed the PT:Heal from PP, so 1 in QR and 1 in Stam. 6 PPM expected. Run 1 = 8 Run 2 = 10 Result of 4.5 PPM. Edit3: 1 PT:H in Stam, 1 PT:H in PP, 6 ppm expected Run 1 = 7 Run 2 = 7 Result of 3.5 PPM Edit4: 1 PT:Heal in SC ( to see if it was giving the bonus with 4 slotted), 3ppm expected Run 1 = 4 Run 2 = 6 Result with expected deviation of 3ppm, so SC didn't cause the spike in 4 proc numbers. Edit4: 1 PT:Heal in PP to check it. 3ppm expected Run 1 = 3 Run 2 = 7 Result within expected 3ppm, same as SC. Edit4: All 4 PT:H slotted again. 1 minute runs. Run 1 = 11 Run 2 = 8 Run 3 = 10 Within expected deviation of 12 PPM again.
  7. Interesting. You're likely correct about the AoE prevention mechanism. I bet that it generates a lockout timer of sorts, which is probably not independent per slotted proc. That definitely changes the math on more than one of them. Edit: I'm doing some testing on Beta right now and will add another post soon.
  8. I would lean towards the following based on my tastes and preferences: Musculature Radial - most of the damage boost, plus endmod to enhance QR, Stamina, and PP to reduce blue usage Void Radial or Mighty Radial - 50% dmg reduction or KU Degenerative - minus MaxHP Ageless Radial - to strip debuffs (-def, -end, -recov, -rech) Assault Core - dmg
  9. The copy I attached in the spoiler tag already had slots moved into ST and DO, couldn't you just use that?
  10. It doesn't have to. I'm attaching my Elec/Psi/Psi build plan. I haven't gotten around to making it, but the plan seems solid. Perma-Dom (edit: would be auto'd) and basically Perma-Mind Link before the FF+Rech in Jolting Chain, which is part of the standard attack chain.
  11. You can get around the slotting issues. I'll attach a copy of the build where I did some of it for you. What you have to do is place the lower level slot somewhere. I used boxing. Then, grab the lower level slot and move it over one of the high level slots in Dark Oblit. The slot levels swap places when you do this. Mids will "gray out" the slot in DO, but it is still there and works. I did this twice in DO. Then, I removed the slots from Boxing (both level 50), and I could now place those two into DO. I did the same thing for a 5th slot in Soul Tentacles, thinking you might want a 5th Pos.Blast for the recharge bonus.
  12. I used a melee attack and 2 Pulverizing Fisticuffs and 1 Smashing Haymaker. A ranged attack would be more challenging to get accuracy without using the PvP set or Winter IOs. You could get the same enhancement values with a quad and 2 triples, but the accuracy would shift into more of the other 3.
  13. The data folder does not exist until you install mods. So, yes, just drop that data folder into your CoH install folder.
  14. I'm in the leave it alone camp, but there is the data out there, albeit a bit old by now (August 2019) 60348 level 50 characters (as of Aug. 2019) 53580 of them had hasten (as of Aug. 2019) That is ~88.8% of the characters at level 50 as of the date the data was posted..
  15. I'll jump in and see if I can bridge the gap between the two of you, as it is one of explanation/showing the math. 1 +3 DMG SO = 38.295% Dmg 1 +3 DMG SO = 38.295% Dmg 1 +3 ACC SO = 38.295% Acc Total = 114.885% total enhancement value (split 38.295% Acc and 76.59% Dmg) 1 L20 Acc/Dmg/Rech = 12.8% Acc + 12.8% Dmg + 12.8% Rech (38.4% total enhancement value) 1 L20 Acc/Dmg/End/Rech = 11.2% Acc + 11.2% Dmg + 11.2% End + 11.2% Rech (44.8% total enhancement value) 1 L20 Dmg/End/Rech = 12.8% Dmg + 12.8% End + 12.8% Rech (38.4% total enhancement value) Total = 121.6% total enhancement value (split 24% Acc, 36.8% Dmg, 24% End, 36.8% Rech) The set IOs frankenslotted give more total enhancement value, but spread it out across acc/dmg/end/rech. Which is better? That depends on lots of factors and will be based largely on personal preference.
  16. Hyperstrike posted a solid starter here:
  17. Yeah, looks like it is using the AT Heal Other modifier. I added notes to that Bug thread linked a bit earlier. Apparently, my memory of Panacea being a flat 7.5% base HP heal was just utterly faulty. I added a Late Edit line to the original post: "I thought Panacea's heal was a flat 7.5%, but it apparently isn't. So, PT:Heal is actually better than it for HP recovery. Panacea is still likely more valuable because of the additional End return."
  18. @Boppernoted in the tank thread that maybe Panacea is using AT heal scale. I swear this used to be a flat 7.5%, but upon searching, I can find nothing to back up my memory. I found an old thread from July 2019 where someone said they were pretty sure Panacea's heal varied by AT. I made a defender on Test and the Panacea heal is 89.69. Looking on paragonwiki, the self heal scale for Tanker (187.407) and Dominator/Defender (101.735) is vastly different, so that isn't what is being used. Looking at the Heal Other scale, it is 96.381 (tank), 117.799 (dom), and 133.862 (defender). That could be what the Panacea heal is using. The stalker heal other scale is the same as the tanker, so that then looks to verify that Panacea's self heal is using the Heal Other AT scale. Edit: I found another old thread that pointed out that Panacea's Heal will heal the "target" of a heal it is put into, and was designed to do so. That would explain why it uses Heal Other scale. And, it means my memory of Panacea being a flat 7.5% heal must just be faulty.
  19. The 2 builds I did on Beta (tank,dom) only had the single Panacea and PT procs slotted, literally nothing else. No powers were taken that should modify healing, and no set bonuses were present. Ah, my apologies then. Thanks for the note.
  20. I'm not sure which Dev we should ping about these oddities. (edit: removed unnecessary ping) seemed to have done the most work on the new IO Sets, so I'm guessing they are working with IOs the most? Panacea seems to be all wacky, at the least.
  21. I'm adding these results to Macskull's thread in Bug forum here:
  22. Actually, I'm getting even weirder results than this. Tank (L50, highest base HP) = 64.58 HP heal (3.45%) Dominator (L50, lowest base HP) = 78.93 HP heal (~7.7%) edit: Defender (L50) = 89.69, as noted in my post below, this looks to be using the AT Heal Other modifier. So, this means my results conflict with the original point three.
  23. Ok, something very odd is going on. Made a Tank (most base HP) on Beta with Panacea. As you noted, healing for 64.58. Made a Dominator (least base HP) on Beta with Panacea. Healing for 78.93.
  24. Do you have any available, unselected power picks? Have you already chosen an APP?
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