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Everything posted by Caulderone

  1. According to this post, they do already work that way. I went looking, and each of the matching Hami-Os, Synthetic HOs, TitanOs and HydraOs appear to be bucketed in the market, too.
  2. QS, BB, and SB are at ~69% (+4) and ~83.8% (+3) outside of build up. Burst is at ~77% (+4) and ~92.7% (+3), so probably good enough. BL and AS look fine as is. So, while BU will be up a lot, it would probably be good for your ST dps if you had a bit more accuracy. That is the only complaint I can find. Else, it looks solid.
  3. They indicated that they would be doing shoulders, but there was still work to be done before getting there. It may take a while, though. No timeframe was indicated. You can look through the Page 5 costume threads on the Beta board for the details that are available.
  4. You've received excellent advice and hopefully it is all helpful. In case you haven't seen it, here is the paragonwiki article on Exemplar Effects on Enhancements: https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Exemplar_Effects_on_Enhancements I'm posting this to make sure you take into account Rule # 2: The Maximum Bonus Cap. While the above +3 to +5 bonus on 2 slots on Hasten is solid advice, it does have consequences when exemplaring. When you drop below level 45, each IOs enhancement value is capped at 41.5%, so the boosts do you no good at all. I would still say doing the 2 slots at +3 to +5 is worth it, because your downtime on Hasten below 45 is still going to be reasonably short, but it bears consideration.
  5. I found an interesting "glitch". This exists in the version without the unofficial update and in the current bleeding edge both. For Defender, Sentinel, and Dominator (but not Blaster or Corruptor), if you try to drag Voltaic Sentinel or Hasten over the other to switch their places, you get an "Unhandled exception has occured" popup. So far, I have only been able to reproduce it with Voltaic Sentinal and Hasten, but nothing else I've tried causes it.
  6. Yeah, it is a bug or glitch. The set is level 21 minimum. None of them should be slottable before level 18. The attuned proc allows slotting at 17 instead of 18. The attuned pure EndMod at 7 is even weirder.
  7. Does this already work with TitanOs and HydraOs for other things, and I just didn't know it, or is this a new thing being tried?
  8. There is a link to the Game Account setup Rathulfr is talking about on the Home page of the Forum. Under Announcements and Information, under Getting Started, is the section called Game Account Creation and Management. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/gameaccount/
  9. Recharge begins after animation ends. With a 7 second recharge, you can't immediately SC again after TB. 3 second gap.
  10. My rough napkin math says the ST tank katana chain (GD-GC-SD-GC) would be doing about 180 DPS. The regular mobs would be much easier (you being harder to kill), but the AVs would be an even longer slog.
  11. That was supposedly fixed in January's Page 4 update (Jan. 23): Tanker Melee > Psionic Melee > Greater Psi Blade: Should no longer do AoE insight damage.
  12. The DC changes were abandoned. Only SM got the update.
  13. For me, I would want lots of Recharge in TB to have it up more often. That means slotting it up, at least some. I would like to have TB every spawn, so I'd say 25-30 second recharge (or better).
  14. Cloak of Darkness gives the same 5% defense as Weave. I would not recommend skipping it. If you just wanted a TAoE, instead of going for Fireball, take Soul Mastery and you can get Dark Obliteration. It will save you a power pick, and match thematically with your primary.
  15. Doh! I am a big idiot for this. I had Phalanx Fighting and Grant Cover all mixed up in my head for some reason. Phalanx Fighting is what I described. Grant Cover gives you Defense Debuff Resistance and -Recharge Resistance, and gives the defense bonuses to others only. The bonuses for IOs slotted in Grant Cover apply to you only. Those do not pass along to the allies. GC is a great one slot wonder, too.
  16. Caulderone


    Padding out /SR or /Ninja or /EA with S/L/E resists (the 3 most common damage types) seems like a good plan to me.
  17. Maybe they would if this happened? I don't think this is "necessary", but I can't say I would mind it. Rest is useful at low levels, then becomes forgotten, mostly. This would give it some useful utility, especially after a build swap.
  18. You get 5% (unenhanceable) Defense to Melee/Ranged/AoE for having the power. You get 3% (enhanceable) Defense to Melee/Ranged/AoE for each Ally within 8' of you, up to 3 times. Generally, it is best to plan on just having the 5% defense. Having teammates within 8 of you is unreliable in most cases. Edit: Great 1 slot wonder. Slot a LotG, Kismet, or either of the +Resist IOs.
  19. Ok, I recreated the build in Mids (with the Unofficial update applied) from Faultline's pastebin. Here it is: The numbers on defense come out to exactly what is shown in game. So, I suspect this is a case of using an out-of-date version of Mids. Here are the posts stickied in the Tools & Utilities sub-forum to get the up to date version and the unofficial update (if you want it).
  20. There is a sticky in the Bug Reports forum for Typos. I'd report it there.
  21. More than likely a copy/paste error when they were creating this power from the Radiation Emission power Accelerate Metabolism.
  22. If you could post the build from Mids, we could all try to double check it to see what is going on. As above, what version of Mids would help, too.
  23. The January tanker update changed the Leadership values (up to Controller level). This isn't a simple database change. Like the damage scalar change, this requires code work in the program itself.
  24. I can't say I have any great ideas except to uninstall, download a fresh copy from the other sticky, reinstall, then re-add this update. That sounds a lot like something got deleted that is needed, though I have no idea how/why.
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